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Ashley Carpenter
Sara Price
Policy Paper
14 January 2016

Although the U.N. has not been successful with negotiations between Israel and
Palestine, France believes the solution to this issue should be peaceful and encourages the
consideration of negotiations that will support the two-state solution.
The Israel and Palestine issue began after World War II when the Jews needed a Jewish
state to settle to, the Palestinian land became the core part of the issue being what the Israelis
were fighting to gain and the Palestinians fighting to keep. This issue has caused over five
million Palestinians to leave Israel and live in refugee camps that lack the basic human needs. In
the video Refugees for a second time: The Palestinians forced to flee Syria the narrator Laura
Mackenzie states that there are more than 500,000 refugees in Lebanon living in areas that are
already struggling with poverty, extreme overcrowding, lack of rights, and a history of violence.
In the video Palestinian refugee Nisreen Abu Shullih mentions that the Palestinian refugees
camps also lack a supply of drinking water along with that they also have electricity problems,
educational problems, and lack of job opportunities. This is one of the main reasons this conflict
has become an issue that needs an immediate solution. In the document The story of Rafat,
Palestinian from a refugee camp in Occupied Palestine the Palestinian refugee explains how his
suffering is long, painful, and continuous he also writes about how he was beaten by Israeli
soldiers and he states I would be very reasonable if I say that I might be arrested, beaten,
interrogated, or even killed if the soldier mood is not that good due to an argument with his
girlfriend that day. This document shows how serious the violence and danger in Israel is

currently and how people are living in fear, this is definitely a main reason why this issue should
be solved and come to a conclusion as soon as possible. Overall, this issue has continued for a
very long time and caused many problems that need to be resolved in the near future.
Looking at Frances current perspective on the Israel/Palestine issue I believe that France
should keep suggesting and working on negotiations between both parties. France values finding
a peaceful resolution with the outcome being a two-state solution. Considering past negotiations
have not worked, France believes that incorporating more countries into the peace talks would
create a more reasonable resolution. In the article France's Proposed Solution To Israel-Palestine
Conflict Sidelines U.S. the author Jessica Schulberg states that the resulting so-called Middle
East Quartet -- made up of the U.S., the U.N., the European Union and Russia -- remains
dominated by Washington and has done little to bring peace to the region. This shows that
efforts to create peace have not been reached, leading to Frances idea of incorporating more
countries to the peace talks, including Saudi Arabia, Norway, China, Ireland and the Arab League
also stated in the article, this would propose more support for both states as the goal is for them
to live together in peace and security. In the article France wants bigger role in IsraeliPalestinian peace efforts written by William Booth it quotes On his two-day trip to Cairo,
Ramallah and Jerusalem, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius sought to sell the idea of
French-led initiative to reboot the peace process with backing from an international support
group formed by the European Union, Arab nations and U.N. Security Council members,
including the United States. Adding the idea of an international support group would supply a
strong system to insure safety between the two countries giving a more thoughtful response to
the Israel and Palestine issue. Overall, France believes that a peaceful solution to this problem

would be the best way to go and would benefit both the Israelis and Palestinians as they become
a community and live together in peace and security.

Works Cited
Booth, William. "France Wants Bigger Role in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts." Washington
Post. The Washington Post, 21 June 2015. Web. 18 Jan. 2016.

Refugees for a Second Time: The Palestinians Forced to Flee Syria. Dir. Laura Mackenzie. Perf.
Nisreen Abu Shullih and Laura Mackenzie. Youtube. Truthloader, 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 18
Jan. 2016. <>.
Schulberg, Jessica. "Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Comments France's Proposed Solution To
Israel-Palestine Conflict Sidelines U.S." Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 14 Oct.
2015. Web. 18 Jan. 2016. <>.
"The Story of Rafat, Palestinian from a Refugee Camp in Occupied Palestine." N.p., n.d. Web.

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