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animal protein consumption of the population

Entering the era of free trade and trends

Indonesia is still very low,

decentralization, agricultural development

less than 4 g / capita / day. Meanwhile,

faces numerous challenges, namely compliance

the income elasticity of demand

sufficiency of food, increased

relatively high livestock products

the welfare of farmers, as well as the provision


(Soedjana et al. 1994). Therefore,

employment through development

the increase in population, improvement of


business and agri-powered system

population, the decline in prices,

competitiveness. The use of agricultural

products will

lifestyle changes coupled

more diverse, not only for consumption

direct and exports but also as
industrial raw materials and animal feed.
Meanwhile, diversification
byproducts (by-product) that is often
considered as waste (waste product)
has encouraged the development of business
agribusiness integrative and often
called pattern friendly agriculture
environmental or zero waste.
Demand for food from cattle today
tends to increase, let alone the average

with the development of trade and

global communications, automatically
encouraging demand for livestock products.
This condition is an opportunity
excellent for developing the industry
livestock, in tune with anticipation
the possibility of 'Livestock Revolution'
2020, as predicted
Delgado et al. (1999).
To meet the needs of the product
farms continues to increase, Indonesia
it still has to import
feed in large quantities, either

raw materials and products. Currently

local resources through the development

import corn, soy, and fish meal

technological innovation proper.

for the purposes of feed mills still

Agribusiness beef cattle to produce

very large, ie 2.0-2.5 million tons / year.

going to turn out to have an opportunity

Similarly, drugs,

enormous the challenge

vaccines, feed additives, and supporting


and opportunities mentioned above.

the other is still widespread

imported. Many livestock products
imported milk powder with a value
Rp5 trillion / year, refined skin, and meat
and cows were in 1996
has reached a value of about Rp2.0-2,5
trillion (Apfindo 2000).
Imports of meat and cattle that
tends to increase among others
because the gap in demand and production in
in the higher country. If the tendency
This continues, Indonesia
will be importing countries of cows
world. On the other hand, supply
from within the country allegedly diminishing,
because it has been and is happening depletion

It is based on the fact that:

(1) more than 99% of cattle producers
in the country are farm people;
(2) the demand for meat tend
continue to increase; and (3) the availability
local resources sufficient.
This paper addresses the development of
beef cattle farms in Indonesia, as well as
livestock biotechnology development
and efforts to encourage the utilization
the provision of feeder cattle. Peeling
is expected to: (1) giving direction in
utilization of local resources
optimal; (2) focus on development goals
cows on a competitive basis;
and (3) to set goals in order

cows especially since imports of meat and

feeder cattle farmers producing more


cattle stalled in 1998. By

either through economic benefits

Therefore, the recovery performance of the

industrial sector

as well as other benefits.

animal origin food it was time

prioritized on the optimization and


Contract system Sumba. The impact of policy


This is gradually

Government intervention in the development

creates a cow with a relative measure

cattle breeding has started

the larger, white and humped,

the days of the Dutch East Indies


known as Peranakan

2002), which is characterized by income

Ongole cattle to the island of Sumba from
India, in 1906. In Sumba, cow
quarantined once bred,
which was then known as the cow
Sumba Ongole (SO). Next on
1915, 1919 and 1929, the breeds of cattle
This spread to several parts of Indonesia
western, especially Java. In
official, government interference in
field farm started in
1912, by the issuance Ordonasi
No. 432 1912.
The next development is the application of
Ongolisasi policy in
1930, which later confirmed the
1936 with the release of rules that:
(1) Java cows should be mated females
the SO and cattle stud ram Java

Ongole (PO). The purpose of this policy

not to create beef cattle
quality, but rather the direction for
meet the need for power towing
wagon transporting cane highly
needed in the sugar industry. Policy
This systematically been able to eliminate
Java cows whose size relative
small, but is thought to have level
excellent productivity.
In the days of Japan practically no
policy which means, unless depletion
livestock for consumption purposes soldier
Japan domiciled in Indonesia.
At the beginning of independence, namely in
1947 began construction 'Animal Park' which
is part of a plan KemakPemanfaatan
local resources and technological innovation ...
the prosperity Indonesia or known

should be castrated with a very famous

'Kasimo Plan'. At the beginning of the era of


namely bordizoo pliers, and (2) implementation

New, namely in 1967, set

the pattern of spread of cattle through

Law No. 6/1967 on

Basic Provisions Ranch

and Animal Health, which until then
This is still valid.
Furthermore, in the early 1970s,
the government took measures to implement
'Transmigration' livestock. Toward
east, mainly to South Sulawesi,
Bali cattle moved in sufficient quantities

expanding employment opportunities in rural

GATT held for 5 years (19751980) and according to data from the
Directorate General
The farm has grown and spread
in 14 provinces in 51 districts,
involving 70 180 customers by the number

large, westward aimed at development

package of 89 603 head of cattle, as well as


'White cows' (PO), while

more than 10 billion loan. This program

Madura cow was sent to Borneo

has increased the average gain

South and Central Kalimantan. On

body weight (UN) from 0.2 kg to 0.4

those years also marked with

kg / head / day. In general the program of GATT

the growth of commercial dairy farm

has been accepted by society, but the problem

ranch system, among other farms

that arises is the difficulty farmers

Tapos in Bogor, Shepherd Sriwijaya

to get the cows

in South Sumatra, Bina Mulya Livestock

quality continuously.

and United Livestock in South Sulawesi,

In the 1980s it ia

as well as some large farms in Lampung,

began crossing policy

South Kalimantan and Nusa

beef cattle by including various

East. However, almost all

race (breed) cattle, both derived from

The large farms are currently living

the tropics (Brahman) as well as from

name, only some of which still survive

subtropical regions (Simental, Limousine,

such as PT United Livestock.

Santa Gertrudis, Charolais, Angus,

In 1974/1975, the government began

Hereford, Shorthorn). Not less than 10

implement programs Panca Usaha

the nation's beef cattle, both in the form of


Livestock (GATT), with the aim

to increase farmers' income,
increase the production of meat, and

live and frozen semen, have been imported

with unclear objectives (Hardjosubroto

2002). This policy is continued

meat declined.

the IB program nationally,

However, there is a clear indication that

introduction of embryo transfer technology


176 Kusuma Diwyanto

which then in 1994 formed

opportunities in the domestic meat market is


Cattle Embryos hall in Cipelang,

large and tends to increase.

Bogor. Policies and programs

The current average consumption of beef

done with the assumption that: (1) cow

Indonesia's population is still very small (<

small size so that the local Indonesia

2 kg / capita / year), far below the average

uneconomical to develop and

meat consumption in developing countries (5

should be replaced with cow size

kg / capita / year) and developed countries (25

large, and (2) the application of modern


kg / capita / day) (Delgado et al. 1999),


such as IB and widely TE can

compared to the average consumption

was developed to encourage the development

in Australia which is approaching

beef cattle in Indonesia.

40 kg / capita / year. If in 20 years

In the early 1990's and continuing

front there is an additional demand of about 1

until now, Indonesia began a

kg / capita / year would require additional

imports of cattle from Australia to

beef supply as much as 1 million head /

fattened. This phenomenon shows

year (Diwyanto et al. 2001).

the existence of a significant gap

Crises that have occurred since mid-1997

between production and demand for meat in

has resulted in imported cattle

domestic. This can occur because

stopped (decrease) due to less competitive.

several possibilities, among others: (1)

This situation has resulted

demand for meat increased more rapidly

depletion of livestock in the country, including

compared to an increase of production;

an increase in cattle slaughter

(2) the demand for meat increases

productive female (Diwyanto et al. 2002).

while production remained; or (3) request

Meanwhile, due to limited capital

conversely increased production

and the ability to market the meat,

many butchers who cut a cow-sized

genetics, breeding, reproduction, immunology,

small. Some specific market segment

and computing (Pang 1990). Field

also many who order meat

This is very complex, cumbersome, costly, and


young cattle (veal). These things are

directly or indirectly has encouraged
the impact on the depletion of livestock
cattle population decline significantly.
Nowadays many cattle enclave
which experienced a population decline. Java
East, for example, had a deficit of about
200 thousand head of cattle each year; Java
Experiencing a population decline
beef big enough so that the implementation of
IB program can not meet
target; NTB has banned (reduce)
livestock expenses between islands because
the population is reduced; and Sulawesi
South also experienced a reduction
very large cattle population (Diwyanto
et al. 2001).
To be able to know and understand
the availability and development of technology
to encourage farm
beef cattle, need to see progress
livestock biotechnology. Biotechnology
an integrity of the various
disciplines, such as biology, chemistry,

quite a long time to master.

Equipment and human resources
who cultivate this area is very special.
Coverage of biotechnology breeding
include: (1) reproductive technologies, such as
IB, TE, embryo cryopreservation, fertilization in
vitro (IVM / IVF / IVC = in vitro maturation /
in vitro fertilization / in vitro culture),
sperm and embryo sexing and
cloning and splitting; (2) genetic engineering
such as genome maps, Marker Assisted
Selection (MAS), transgenic, identification
Genetic and molecular conservation; (3)
enrichment feed, such as manipulation
feed the rumen microbes and engineering;
and (4) biotechnology-related
the veterinary field (Cunningham
1999). In this paper will
described is partially or things
which is important and related to prospects
development of feeder cattle in Indonesia.
IB technology has been applied very
expanded and began 60 years
ago. Naturally, a stud only
able to serve 20-30 females, but

IB technology with its ability

males in some areas centers

increased thousands of times. IB technology can

cattle production (Java). In some countries

used to assist the implementation of

advanced such as Australia, America and


selection programs in beef cattle, because

will increase the selection intensity (i).
Utilization of local resources and technological
innovation ... 177

IB application in beef cattle is limited

the elite group for the purpose of
produce seed (breeding).

However, this will be offset by

Completion of IB activities in Indonesia

increasing the generation interval (L) as

which is currently and will be carried out

zuriat required test or progeny testing

must be done especially in the aspect

which takes a long time. By

election stud, avoid

Therefore we need other efforts to ratio

depression due to inbreeding and halhal

i / L maximum so that the selection response (R)

the other relating to the implementation

continues to increase every year. In the run

IB itself, such as the quality of sperm,

the length, can also affect the IB application

the quality of recipients, the accuracy of estrus


diversity so that response

Selection experiencing pelandaian (plateau).
Meanwhile, if it is not supported by
good recording, opportunities will occur
inbreeding (inbreeding) is very large.
Application IB in Indonesia has been very
widespread, especially in dairy cows (> 90%)
and beef cattle. Intensive IB in
dairy cattle started in 1972
by the Research Institute of Animal Husbandry,
Bogor (Sitorus 1973). Meanwhile, IB
in beef cattle in Indonesia today
may be among the largest in the world.
This is partly because of the scarcity

and skills inseminator.

When this has been done research in
Livestock Research Institute (Balitnak) use
certain cryoprotectant
so that the liquid cement manufacturing
no longer need to be stored in the tank
liquid nitrogen, but enough in the refrigerator
(temperature 5 C). This technique is able to
store semen in a relatively long time
(5-7 days) with quality remains good
for females inseminated at estrus.
In principle, the cement is made like an animal
that hibernation during the season

cold and will be active again after

adequate feed (Diwyanto et al. 1999).

located on the female reproductive tract.

If now we look at

The success of the IB to produce

TE technology it can be seen that

a calf varies, but for some

TE success of the first reported

the region has managed well

in rabbits in 1891 in the UK and on

(Setiadi et al. 1997; Siregar et al. 1997).

sheep in 1934 (Warwick et al.

One key to success is the IB

1934); in cattle, buffalo and pigs on

intensively reared beef manner

1951 (Willet et al. 1951; Kvasnickii

stabled. This will facilitate

1951), and in horses in 1974 (Oguri

in detecting oestrus and implement

and Tsunami 1974). Embryo transfer in

IB. However, in general the success

Initially used in trade

IB is still lower than

178 Kusuma Diwyanto

with natural mating.

livestock, especially at that time protected,

IB success to improve

such as the export of cattle embryos

genetic quality of cattle (productivity) to

stored in the reproductive organs of the rabbit

there is currently no complete report.

Europe to South Africa. The current trade

Similarly, the performance of

the embryo is already very widespread, through

the performance of reproductive cows practical

IB results

sales of frozen embryos are stored

has not been evaluated. Therefore,

IB implementation should be adapted to
objectives and the final target to be addressed,
and considering the interaction of genetic and
environment. If IB is aimed at
going on farm produce
cow-calf operation then use
males that are large (eg
Simental and Limousin) can only be done
in areas that availability

in liquid nitrogen.
TE technology has been very widely applied
in the last two decades
(Cunningham 1999), among others, by
Multiple Ovulation and implementation
Embryo Transfer (MOET), such as in Europe,
America, Japan, Australia, and countries
Other advanced. The aim is to
produce children (embryos) are much
in a single cycle. The current production
embryo can reach 30 embryos / collection,

but on average only 5 embryo / collection

in addition to cost more

eligible to be transferred or frozen.

economical. The success of embryo transfer

Therefore, an ox (donor) is

Fresh can reach 55-65%, while

theoretically can produce 20-50 embryos /

50-60% of frozen embryos (Hasler 1995).


year (under normal circumstances a cow

only able to produce a child
per year).
TE applications are usually done at
dairy cattle to improve the genetic quality,
namely by increasing the intensity
Selection (i) the parent strains. However, there
losses incurred, ie the interval
generation (L) parent will also increase.
For the purpose of propagation livestock
quality, MOET technology will greatly
is effective because of improved animal
(diploid), not just upgrading
(haploid) as the IB technology.
Therefore, the TE technology can be seen
as an attempt to replace livestock
existing with the new population (breed
replacement). In 1997, TE applications
in the world has reached about 460 thousand
embryos (Thibier 1998) and in India app
TE on dairy buffaloes reached about
1,000 embryos (Cunningham 1999).
Collection and embryo transfer today
can already be done by nonoperasi,
so it will facilitate implementation

This will improve the quality

Genetic cattle to 10% (Lohius1995),
far above conventional methods
which is only about 2-5%. However, as
technology like IB, TE applications in
breeding programs will result in
diversity in a population decline
closed so that the selection response
in time they will undergo
pelandaian significant.
TE applications in Indonesia has begun
in the early 1980s. Success
TE technology in Indonesia is very diverse
and its impact on development
and an increase in productivity of livestock
very minimal. Program to develop
and utilize technology
TE has not focused properly, whereas
This technology is one
a very important vehicle for improving
productivity of livestock, especially
dairy cows.
One program developed
in collaboration with the University Balitnak

of Wisconsin, USA, is an effort

The above has several drawbacks,

forming a hybrid dairy cows (Triwulanningsih

among other genetic quality of eggs used

et al. 2002). This approach is based

is not known with certainty. In

the fact that the upgrading program

Additionally, the manufacture of hybrid cattle

local beef with IB in the country

creates dependency on supplies

less successful developing well

egg from abroad. This technique actually

(Rutledge 1995), so we need a

can be used to develop

breakthrough with technology

pure cattle (elite group), for example

IVM / IVF / IVC and TE. On research

pure Simental cow, to support

The use of cattle semen from some

breeding programs and IB, or provide

nations, such as FH, Brahman or

stud in the cow-calf operation

Bali and egg cells of dairy cattle in the country

to produce calves. If

Utilization of local resources and technological

innovation ... 179

cooperation with institutions abroad

of Wisconsin were fertilized and

cultured in vitro. Then the blastocyst
frozen good and brought
back to Indonesia and further
transferred to the recipient in Indonesia. Be
This cross calves results
will become cash cows that can adapt
with both the environment
tropics, but have fertility
and able to produce milk
which is much higher than local cows Indonesia
because it has a cow F1
Hybrid vigor is high.
However, such approaches

can be fostered, not impossible to be able to

produced embryos with genetic quality
good at a relatively
very cheap, at around $ 5-10.
ET technology is a tool
to improve livestock productivity.
Therefore, the application needs to consider
aspects of the ease and efficiency
economy. In the short term,
This technology is only suitable for
in order to create groups
elite for breeding purposes, not for
the purpose of mass production. Development
TE technology widely today precisely
less useful because of preconditions

necessary is not yet possible.

cumulus cells derived from egg to

In 1952 for the first time

metaphase II stage has also been successful.

reported the success of splitting technology

Also the success of the births of eight tails

the frog and the 1980s

calf cloned tissue epithelial cells

in sheep (Willadsen 1986; Cunningham

reproductive adult female cows (Campbell

1999). This time the embryo cleavage

et al. 1996; Wilmut et al. 1997; Kato et

Physical been able to produce twins

al.1998; Wakayama et al.1998). Success

identical in sheep, cattle, pigs, and horses

This technology will provide opportunities

(Brem 1995). Although theoretically division

greatly to the progress of science and animal


can be done several times,

to date the success rate
is still very low.
Embryo cleavage techniques in future
the front has a great prospect
well, especially in cattle that have
high economic value (dairy cows).
However, it should be improved
that the success rate is better
as well as the application easier and cheaper.
The current technological developments
embryo in Indonesia is still very
limited, both in terms of number of activities
and the success rate.
In 1996 it has been reported
the successful cloning of a sheep originating
from somatic cells of the mammary gland
Further cloning in mice

in the future. Splitting

and cloning will also be useful
in helping the program
conservation in vitro (cryogenic
preservation). However, efforts to bring
This technology has economic benefits
still needs to be studied, in addition to the
Another related to ethics and
180 Kusuma Diwyanto
Biotechnology farms today
many experts are engaged technology
sexing, both in embryos and sperm.
Sexing embryos can be done with
extracting one cell / blastomeres from
morula using Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR). The morula
then cultured return to be

blastocyst. By using the method

one chain of DNA that encodes one

This truth may reach 99%

certain proteins and bring certain properties

as reported by Kirkpatrick

of the individual. Several genes that simple

and Monson (1993) where it has been in-sexing

have a direct influence on

40 in vitro embryos biopsied and cultured

phenotype of livestock, such as genes that


back then 18 embryos

biopsied transferred to the recipient and 12
Tails has successfully bunting.
Other researchers have done separation
containing spermatozoa
chromosomes X and Y by means of
centrifugation, electrophoresis, and
the use of antigen. However, it has not been
effective since the sperm that has been
undergo such a process capabilities
to fertilize the egg into
decreased (Diwyanto et al. 1999). While
that when sexing done with
flow cytometry will produce 92%
8% female and male (Stern et al. 2001).
Susilawati et al. (1997) have done
separation of spermatozoa in cattle with
using sephadex G-200 and
the birth of a female calf gain 82.5%
of 40 head calf born.
Differences in individual phenotypes reflected
by differences in the genes contained in
the individual. A gene is a

coat color, ear type, shape

horns, and the quality of the meat. Selection
by utilizing the technology MAS
to determine the position of a gene
located close to genes that influence
production properties (Quantitative
Trait Loci = QTL) has started many developed
(Muladno 1994). However,
for milk production phenotypes to date
This is still very difficult to identify
Significant single gene plays a role
in it, as is widely expected
interacting genes influence
(Sumantri et al. 2001).
Currently researchers from Puslitbangnak
Researchers from Australia and LIPI being
conduct research of gene identifier
can detect genes that are resistant to
gigantica Fasciola infections and worms
Haemonchus contortus in sheep's tail
thin. Such as research on chicken, analysis
also requires a reference family; for example

for gene resistant to worms

Rp3-5 million, the cost of feed (including

the liver needs to be studied back cross with


care) around Rp4,000 / day, and the distance

Merino sensitive and sheep

Java / Sumatra that are resistant. Result
This study is expected to be applied
to improve the genetic quality
cow which is currently facing the problem
Similar quite serious.
Transgenic animal technology at the time
This is still considered fairly controversial.
In mammals generally performed gene transfer
with other DNA direct injection
into the nucleus at the current stage
embryonic. Gene transfer performed on
livestock since the first success

lambing 15-18 months (500 days), to

produce calves whose value around
Rp1-1.5 million cost approximately
2.5 million. Calculations partially
They may be one cause
The main reason why today almost
no company is interested
produce feeder (cow-calf operation).
Some problems and other obstacles
which appeared in the producing regions going
among others are: (1) difficult for farmers
obtaining adequate credit; (2)
reduced acreage and meadows Pangonan

1985, and subsequently more than 50

high incidence of theft of livestock; (3) the lack


different genes have been included in

adequate policy support,

cattle embryos. Because too many stages

especially in the face of the trend of


which must be passed then success

very low, generally only 1%.
Utilization of local resources and technological
innovation ... 181

and the implementation of regional autonomy;

and (4) still occur segmentation in
management and utilization of resources


power, for example, agriculture / plantation


that is monoculture.

Business in cow-calf operation

If partial cow-calf business

did not provide financial benefits

operation is not profitable

adequate, even inclined

Financially, the question arises why

losers. When an heifers price

farm people and some employers

still survive. Some

a source of feed with cultivation

concrete examples may be used

intercropping and systems tanamanternak

as a reference to strategize

which is a translation of

development of cow-calf operation in


crop-livestock system (CLS). CLS pattern

among others: (1) in Madura Island

narrow and barren, cow Madura
still survive and thrive,
despite the relatively small size; (2) on
Bali cattle in NTT, apparently within one
century, the population is 10 times higher than
SO cattle; (3) on the island of Bali, Bali cattle
still developing well, even
obtain a higher price than the
Other cows in Greater Jakarta market;
(4) dairy farms in the province, especially in
Gunung Kidul, can persist despite
food availability is very limited;
(5) several farmers in East Java
and Central Java still enjoys maintain
beef cattle for the purpose of cow-calf
operation; (6) farmers in Wonosobo
hereditary keeping cattle kereman;
and (7) a few companies
plantations in Sumatra (Riau) is
keen to develop cattle for the purpose of
breeding (Diwyanto et al. 2001).
Farmers in Java and Bali has leveraged
agricultural resources as

can naturally develop due

relying on resource utilization
Local optimally, among others linkage
provision of food and feed (food-feed
system). Results of research and development
CLS models in Batumarta Sumatra
South showed that application
CLS for 3 years to improve the welfare
farmers indicated by
increasing revenue to
US $ 1.500 / family farmer / year at the time
(Ismail et al. 1989).
However it is ironic, because the West Java
which is the largest rice producers in
Indonesia apparently only have a cow
cut around 150,000 head, or <5% of
cattle population in East Java. In general
almost all districts in Java and
Bali there is a very strong correlation
the acreage of paddy and rice production
with a cattle population, except in Java
West. Rice straw is one
182 Kusuma Diwyanto
local resources potential
as the main source of fiber for feed

cattle and other ruminants. With

harvest area more than 2
million ha, West Java (Banten) is
can potentially provide a feed source
fiber to more than 2 million head of cattle
throughout the year from the straw alone
(Diwyanto and Haryanto 2002).
In 2020, is forecast to
a surge in demand for corn up
7-8 million tons / year for industrial use
the feed as a result of the development of
animal husbandry,

derived from the value of the organic manure

of cattle. If that is maintained
dairy cattle, the low input system
This pattern gives the advantage Rp11,000 /
head / day, because a cow with production
8-10 liters of milk / day only requires
feed costs 3-4 liters worth of sales
milk (Haryanto et al. 1999). Research
another in various places and agroecology
show that in general the integration
livestock with plants, be it plant

especially the poultry industry, in

food and plantations, providing

Indonesia. This amount will be satisfied if

the added value is high enough

from within the country, additional

(Diwyanto and Haryanto 2002).

corn harvest area up to one million

By looking at the potential and abundance

ha assuming productivity achieves

waste in Indonesia, development

5 ton / ha. Corn plant waste

beef cattle to produce beef

can be used to develop

going through a pattern of vertical integration

CLS million cow pattern. Therefore,

zero waste or CLS system in the fields, moor,

the development of the poultry industry is not

and plantations have

Direct may also encourage the industry

excellent prospects. In this case

cows in Indonesia.

the cost of feed derived from resources

Research integration of cattle-rice

Local can be reduced as low as possible,

cropping patterns IP-300 shows results

it can even be said the role of the cows more

quite interesting. Turns integration sapipadi

tend as a waste facility

able to increase revenue

as happened in the company pineapple

farmers. Approximately 40% of these results

in Lampung. At the same time, cattle

act as an engine producing compost

for plants, so that a child or going


is a bonus which is obtained by

means zero cost. This practice has been applied
on the farm people in Java
East, Central Java, and Yogyakarta, and
plantation company in Riau.
There are eight advantages that could
identified from the application of CLS (Devendra
1993), namely: (1) diversification of use
production resources, (2) reduce
the occurrence of risk, (3) efficient use
labor, (4) the efficient use
component production, (5) reduced
chemical energy dependence and energy
biology and other resource inputs
from the outside, (6) the ecological system
more sustainable and
do not cause pollution to protect
environment, (7) increase
output, and (8) develop
farm households.
By looking at some of the advantages of
empirical experience and a wide range of
Research believed that the cow-calf business

Apfindo. 2000. Hambatan dan Tantangan

Agribisnis Sapi Potong dalam Menuju
Swasembada Daging Tahun 2005. Asosiasi
Produsen Daging dan Feedlot
Brem. 1995. Splitting and sexing of bovine
embryo. In Biotechnology for Livestock
Production. FAO Animal Production
and Health Division. p. 71-78.
Campbell, K.H.S., J. McWhir, W.A. Ritchie,
and I. Wilnut. 1996. Sheep cloned by
nuclear transfer from a cultured cell
line. Nature 380: 64-66.
Cunningham, E.P. 1999. Recent developments
in biotechnology as they related
to animal genetic resources for food
and agriculture. Commision on Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Delgado, C., M. Rosegrant, H. Steinfeld,
S. Ehui, and C. Courbois. 1999. Livestock
to 2020. The Next Food Revolution.
International Food Policy Research
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