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Classroom Behavior/Management Exploration

EDU 615
Sheila Smith

The Calgary Separate School Board has, up until four years ago, provided all students with a
student handbook. This handbook contained a calendar as well as important school information
which included the behavior expectations for students as well as the discipline that would follow
any form of infraction. These agendas are no longer copied for each student, the information is
now posted on each schools website for all concerned to access when necessary.
At the beginning of a new school year each teacher advisor( a homeroom teacher who has a
mix of students from grades 10,11,and 12 and has the same students from when they enter until
they graduate) has a discussion about expectations with his/her students. This is to ensure that
each student is aware of the expectations as well as the consequences should the rules not be
followed. It is suggested at this point that students have a similar discussion with parents and
show parents how to access the information online.
Behavioral expectations are listed as nine points under Code of Conduct.
1. Attendance: all students are required to attend school regularly and punctually.
2. Smoking: entire complex is a non-smoking facility.
3. Fightling/Bullying/Harassment/Hazing: Our school is an inclusive community where
respect for one another and diversity are celebrated. Any activity that subjects a student to
humiliation, intimidation, physical abuse or threats of abuse, social or other ostracism,
shame or disgrace is not tolerated.
4. Substance Abuse: Any use or possession of drugs or alcohol on school property is
forbidden. Attending school while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is also
5. Graffiti,Litter, Vandalism: All students must show respect for the building by not
littering or damaging school property in any way.
6. Cheating and Plagiarism: Students are expected to be honest with themselves, their
peers and their teachers.
7. Gambling/cards/dice: students are expected to refrain from these activities.
8. Use of information technology: Students are expected to utilize the computer network
and internet to support their learning. Each student is required to sign a District
Acceptable Use Policy for Internet Use prior to using information technology at the

9. Cell Phone Responsible Use Procedures: Students are required to turn off cell phones
during class time. Cell phones must be turned off in instructional areas. Students may not
leave class to use their cell phones.
When the code of conduct is not followed there is a list of progressive steps taken which
involve the student, teacher advisor (the person who knows the student best because students
stay with the same teacher advisor for all three years of high school and the teacher advisor also
has communication with parents), administration and parents. The first person of contact is the
teacher advisor who works with the student and parents to work through the issue. If the issue is
of greater significance academic and student services (counselors) become involved to try to
resolve the issue. The third step would be to involve the administration and options are
considered which may involve suspension of the student. Any behavior that presents a safety or
security concern, suspension may be considered prior to consultation with teacher advisors and
As a school community we have very few behavioral incidences and feel that the system in
place is effective. The core of the effectiveness is the relationships with student, parents and
teacher advisors. The teacher advisor meets with students and their parents at the end of their
grade nine year, the spring before entering into high school. The teacher advisor becomes the
students advocate all through high school until they graduate. It is this relationship and parent
involvement that create a positive environment with few behavioral issues. The area of the city
that the school is in is upper middle class and parent involvement is higher than in other parts of
the city. When students feel that there is open communication and support between school and
home it has a very positive effect on behavior.
Since the student handbook is no longer copied and the code of conduct is under student
information on the website, many parents may not be aware of the code of conduct. I think it
would be a good idea to send a handout home with students and have both parents and students
sign it saying they have read the code of conduct information on the website.
As a parent and teacher in the school I have many friends who are also parents of students in
the school. It is felt by all that the behavioral system is effective. Parents have access to so much
information online now that education is much more transparent than it used to be. Marks can be

accessed online, attendance can be accessed online and any issues that occur at school must be
logged by teacher/counselor /administrator so that parents can access this information as well.
Email has also created an effective and easy mode of communication so all parties feel involved
and up to date on what is occurring at school.

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