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Scriber ALGEBRA 1 Syllabus 2015-16

Math teaches you how to think Microsoft anon. In this class you will PRACTICE
problem solving, since that it what we spend the rest of our lives doing when we leave
high school. They may not all be math problems but the steps we learn in this class will
help you to be a real world problem solver.
Science shows we learn 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 70% of what we
discuss, and 95% of what we teach others. Therefore, the bulk of your classwork will be
discussing the material with your classmates, including teaching your peers when they
get stuck. Since we will be spending 1.5 hours together each day, I will work to break up
class time into physical movement, community building, individual time, team time, and
instructional time. If you trust the process and work through challenges, you will
succeed in this class. Making mistakes in math is ok our major task will be to identify
and learn from our mistakes.

Supplies: Most of what you need we already have in the classroom. There is a
classroom set of calculators as well. If you want to have your own supplies, the following
are recommended:
Pencil and erasers Math is always done in pencil and erasers are needed regularly
Math notebook or binder tab You should have a place well organized for all your math
40% Exam
30% Individual Classwork/ Homework
20% Engagement
10% Participation/Teamwork
Classwork / Individual Work will consist of a combination of practice and reading.
Asking questions and offering ideas is just as important as having the answers during
group activities. If you master a concept before your peers, help others understand this
concept. Remember, we are all climbing this wall together.
Most grading will be credit / no credit. If you dont understand a problem, use any
resource available to you to help you figure it out. Focus on doing them correct and not
just trying to get them done. Both accuracy and completion will be rewarded. Avoid Late
work. Class attendance will help you accomplish work completion.

Exams are the bulk of your grade. Classwork/Homework (practice) is designed to help
you earn high marks on your exams. I understand everyone has different home lives
that affect their focus and energy they have for schoolwork. If you miss a day, or need
extra practice on a concept, set up a time with me with me where we can keep you
moving forward without creating gaps in your learning.
Exam corrections: If you receive lower than a 75% you have until the next test to do test
corrections to raise your grade to a 75%.

Attendance: You are responsible for learning the material covered during class when
you are absent (see the online calendar). If you are going to be gone on the day of a
test, you must schedule to take it ahead of time. If you miss the review day and new

Scriber ALGEBRA 1 Syllabus 2015-16

material is not covered, expect to take the test. Review days are an advantage for those
who attend.

Progressive Discipline: In the workforce, you will be exposed to something called

progressive discipline. This is a tool the workplace uses to provide a consistent approach
to promoting positive behavior. In the progressive discipline model, the inappropriate
behavior moves through a progression. In our classroom, the steps are as follows:
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: Written Warning (restitution and/or narrative response from student)
3rd Offense: 2nd Written Warning (conference with counselor and/or call home)
4th Offense: Final Written Warning (conference with parent/guardian and principal)
5th Offense: Suspension and/or removal from class
Depending on the nature of the offense, a verbal or 1st written warning may include a
call or email home. Some offenses may move directly to higher steps, such as assault or
harassment. Please refer to the student handbook for more details.

Student Signature:


Parents Signature:


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