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Marie Josee Etienne

Facilitation Techniques in therapeutic Recreation

Activity 1

Modality: Sport (soccer)

Social Skills

Size group: 2 11
Populations: Autism

Age: 10 to 15

Equipment: Balls, The game needs T-shirt, ball, sneakers, safety pads, outdoor, and indoor
facility. The activity duration is 45 minutes each part,
Objective: a) Help people with autism focus on improving communication, social academic,
behavioral, and daily living skills through therapeutic recreation.
b) Teach fitness, motor skills, self-confidence, improve group integration, self-esteem,
enhance physical and mental resilience, and increase awareness, provide physical and visual
help, motivate body language, teach languages.
Description of the activity: Have the participants sit down on a carpet in a circle

Presentation by the professor

Every player present himself or herself to the group
Explanation of the game by the professor
Practice of the game by the players

Soccer is a game plays by two or eleven players on each side with a ball that may not touched
with the hands or arms during play except by the goalkeepers. There are some substitutes ingame replacements. The game is played for two half 45 minutes. It is played in most countries
worldwide. The object of the game is to score goals more goals than the opposition by kicking

into the opponents goal. The overall purpose of this activity is to s teach fitness, motor skills,
self-confidence, improve group integration, self-esteem, enhance physical and mental resilience,
and increase awareness, provide physical and visual help, motivate body language, teach
languages. Soccer is played in a rectangular pitch divided into two halves with at each end. If the
ball goes off the sides, then a throw-in is awarded; if it goes off the end, a corner or goal kick is
awarded depending on which side touched the ball last.
To play soccer, the ball may only be controlled by field players with the legs, chest or head.
Goalkeepers may control ball with their hand. The ball may be passed in any direction and
players must attempt to play the ball. The ball must be spherical and its circumference must be
granted from 27 to 28 inches. Soccer rules and regulations are maintain and update annually.
Implementation /Evaluate / adaptation: to verify the needs, the specialist will estimate the
number of hours the autism person take to perform the activity required, ask some questions to
the client about his or her feeling, encouraging the client to express his or her degree of joy,
frustration, feeling about, body language, etc. I will evaluate the overall participation of the
client in the soccer game: the level of involvement, interaction with others players, the attitude in
passing the ball, etc.
Implementation questions
1- What is your first impression about you when you play the ball?
2- Do you like the game?
3- Why do you like or dislike the game?
4- What is your degree of your joy after this game?
5- What do you say about your players? The goalkeeper?

some adjustments or modification can be made for autism person who cant perform the activity
efficiently and efficiency. I will change all equipment using in the precedent activity, method,
rules and procedures to enable independent and successful participation of the client. After
evaluation, this autism person will be done in a special setting such as, school, special education,
community integration, recreation agencies etc

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