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Flavonoid compound was detected in bittermelon plant and it has efficacy as

antidiarrhea. Morever, bittermelon plant is used as antioxsidant, antibacterial, and
antiimflamation. The purpose of this research used to total flavonoid compound assay
inside bittermelon plant (Momordica chatantia), and indentified a kind of flavonoid
compound. Total flavonoid assay and flavonoid compound identification had been
peformed using spectrofotometry ultraviolet visible and infra red. The extraction used
maceration method with n-heksana, etil acetat, and ethanol solvent. On extract
monitoring used Thin Layer Chromatography showed that the extracts cointined
flavonoid with the yellow spot on the TLC after sprayed by AlCl 3 5%. The result of
flavonoid compound assay to extract of n-heksana, etil acetat, and ethanol were 0.11%;
2.04%, and 0.34%. And indentification used shift reagent showed that in etil acetat
extract cointined 5, 7, 3, 4 tetrahydroxi flavonol and it followed by spectrofotometer
infra red showed a functional group were OH, C=C, C=O, C-H aromatic, dan C-O were
known of flavonoid group compound.
Keyword : Bittermelon extract leaf , Flavonoids, Shift reagent, Infra red


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