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Name: Tyler Hsieh

District: University of California

School: UCLA
Subject: Choral Music
Grade: 6th Grade
Date: 16 Feburary 2016
Lesson Plan Number: 1
National Standards for Music Education
INTERPRET: Develop personal interpretations that consider creators intent
MU:Pr5.1.7a: - identify and apply collaboratively developed criteria (such as demonstrating
correct interpretation of notation, technical skill of performer, originality, emotional impact, and
interest) to rehearse, refine, and determine when the music is ready to perform.
ANALYZE: Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for
MU:Pr4.2.7a Explain and demonstrate the structure of contrasting pieces of music selected for
performance and how elements of music are used.
California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards
1.0 Artistic Perception Students read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other
aural information using the terminology of music.
Students will be able to do call and response.
Students will be able to sing different textures, with a combination of held notes, articulated
notes, and three part harmony (two harmony, one solo)
Students will be able to understand syncopation
Equipment and Supplies:

Copies of Cantate Domino


Chalkboard & Chalk

Let us all begin by setting up our bodies for success (3-4 minutes)
Arms across bodies
Touch toes with fingers
Elbows over shoulders
Body Twists
2. Let us now set up our voices for success (3 minutes)
Bubble from C5, 5-4-3-2-1, descend chromatically to G4

no from C5, 5-4-3-2-1, descend chromatically to G4

no from C4 1-2-3-4-5, ascend chromatically to G5
Demonstrate the syncopation pattern that happens in Cantate Domino with no singing
quarter, eighth, eighth tied to a half note (4 minutes).
Have students sing quarter, eighth eighth
Have students sing quarter, eighth eighth, half note
Have students sing quarter, eighth eighth tied to half note
Explain that this is called syncopation, and that this adds groove into the music
4. Explain that Cantate Domino is full of syncopation.
Cantate domino itself is a syncopated pattern in the music. Split the students in
half according to voice assignments. Have the students sing Cantate Domino, as the
parts are the same at the beginning. This will allow the students to understand the pattern
with unity.
5. Assign the solo part to the strongest singer. Have the two voices sing Cantate Domino
separately, with the lower voice coming in right after the upper voice by an 8th note. The
students will h
ave heard harmony, and call and response.
Rehearse these ideas in the context of the piece (5 minutes).

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