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Monday, February 15, 2016

Church Leadership
Our ministers and lay leaders are available
to answer any questions you may have to
help you connect with the ministries of
First Baptist Church.
Church Office:
785/843.0020, ext. 201
Rev. Matt Sturtevant
Senior Pastor, x.202
Rev. Cheryl Harader
Associate Pastor of Adult Spiritual
Formation, x.204

Preparing for Worship

February 21, 2016


Worship services at 8:30 and

10:45 a.m.
Second Sunday in lent


Rev. Matthew Sturtevant

Scripture: Luke 9.37-43

Beginning THIS Wednesday

Lenten Lunch & Evening Study

Jenny Purvis
Office Manager, x.203

On Wednesdays, February 17 and 24, at 11:30 a.m. and at 6:40 p.m., we will
be exploring the spiritual practices/exercises of Silence and Solitude. We will be base
our time on these scriptures: Psalm 62:5-7, 1 Kings 19:11-15, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke
6:12, Matthew 14:13. In addition to the scriptures, we will discuss the role of silence
and solitude in our daily lives as we follow Jesus.
We will be meeting in Rm. 154, the classroom at the far north end of the long
hallway, behind the Roger Williams Room.

Evelyn Falen

Lenten Worship Series:

Rev. Melissa Lumpkin

Adjunct for Childrens Spiritual Formation, x.205

Mark Robinson
Chancel Choir Director
Christy Miller
8:30 Worship Instrumentalist
Holly Grassy
Bookkeeper, (785) 917-9622
John Pauls
Buddy Langford

What Would it Look Like if I Really Tried to Live like Jesus?

Feb 21: What would it look like if I Confronted Evil like Jesus? (Luke 9.37-43)
Feb 28: What would it look like if I Owned like Jesus? (Luke 9.57)
March 6: What would it look like if I Prayed like Jesus? (Luke 11.1-13)
March 13: What would it look like if I Forgave like Jesus? (Luke 15)
March 20: Palm/Passion Sunday What would it look like if I Died like Jesus?
Join us as we take a serious look at what it means to live in the example of Christ.
This Lenten season, let us explore the Christs call to pick up our cross and follow

Sanctuary of the Cinema

Next showing:
Sunday, February 21, 6:00 p.m.

The Dark Matter of Love

Not Rated
121 min.
Dir. Daniel Geller and
Dayna Goldfine
When three children leave
Russia to spend their first
year as adoptees in Wisconsin, their new parents learn
that the reality of bonding
with children whove grown
up in institutions is more
difficult than they ever imagined.

Sanctuary of the Cinema is a free film course that

applies a Christian interpretive lens to a variety of
films for the purposes of spiritual enrichment, cultural engagement, communal experience, and personal growth and development.
Childcare is provided. Please take this opportunity to enjoy a fantastic film without any interruptions from your childrenand free of charge, no
All features begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Judson
Room at First Baptist Church. Film screenings followed by group discussion. Food and drink are permitted, and occasionally provided. Feel free to
bring a friend, a snack to share, and lots of
thoughts to share after the credits roll.

Upcoming Ordination Service

for Kyle Gardner
Pastor Gardner was a former youth pastor at First Baptist Lawrence. A service of blessing is being planned and
all are welcome to attend:
Where: Prairie Baptist Church, 7416 Roe Ave., Prairie
Village, Ks
When: Sunday, Feb. 21
Time: 10:15 a.m.
(A reception will follow the service)

Something New for Parents of Youth!

The Shelter of Each Other
(by Mary Pipher, PhD)
offers insights into parenting in todays world.
We will be basing a
parent study on this
This Sunday the topic
will be Media and Advertising, and on February 28 we will consider
(Because of Spring Break
and Easter, we will not
meet in March.)
In April, we will discuss the following topics:
April 3: Community (including church community);
April 17 and 24: we will share specific ideas, some from
the book and some that the participants will share with
each other.
The discussions, the learnings, the practical applications
that this study will offer makes this something you will
want to add to your parenting experience.
We will be meeting from 5 6:15 p.m., during the first
part of the youth group time.
~Pastor Cheryl

Twenty-seven ladies had a

relaxing time Jan. 29-Feb. 1 at the
Womens Retreat in Excelsior
Springs. Here are some scenes
from Lake Doniphan. The amenities were great and they had
the entire lodge to themselves!
(Not pictured: the beautiful
stone fireplace!) Plans are in
the works for an in-town
womens retreat this fall.
More info on
the way!

Sunday Youth Group Schedule:

Feb. 21 ABY
5:00 Games
5:30 Chupper
6:10 Lumos
6:30 Small Groups
7:25 Benedicon
7:30 Dismissal
Looking Ahead:
This Sat.9th St. Missionary Food & Clothes Closet
Feb. 28Fundraiser Breakfast
March 6Mentor Night

Sr. High:
Feb. 17 Wednesday Night Bible Study
Youth Parent book study:
Feb. 215:00 p.m.
Rm. 154 Topic Media & Adversing

Remember in Prayer
International Ministries Missionaries: Jeanine & Walt White, serving as IM global consultants.
Regional Minister: ABC of Metro New York, Rev. Isaac Castaneda, serving in New York City.
Local congregation: Centenary United Methodist Church
You are invited to send prayer requests to:
(E-mail coordinator) Betty Colbert,
(Telephone Prayer Chain) Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302,
Annie Merriam, 841-1384, or Judy Stuart, 856-1782.
Help needed: If you, or someone you know could
transport Jack Leipzig to dialysis treatments
(temporary) 2 days a week, please contact his daughterin-law Cheryl Leipzig, at 816-588-1828. They are happy
to provide gas money.
If you, or someone you know is a caregiver, Mike Leipzig
is hiring an aid to provide his care during these shifts:
8:3010:30 p.m.
11:00 p.m.7:00 a.m.
You can reach Mike at 843-0941
Thank you!
Dear friends of FBC, Lawrence,
It was so great to see you all on February 7. You always
bring joy into my heart with your warm welcome.
Thank you so very much for having me as your Martha
Stearns Marshall preacher. It was an honor. As you may
know, I am eager to hear your responses to my sermon.
It is very important for me to know what I can do to
continue to grow in effectiveness. Please feel free to
send your thoughts to or
8140 Jefferson St., Kansas City, MO 4114.

Childrens Corner
Lenten Coloring Sheets

The Spiritual Formation

Ministry has purchased
Lenten Coloring Sheets
for children. These color
sheets have a scripture
reading with an emphasis on a theme
(welcome, peace) and a
very cool design to color. These sheets will be available in the 3rd through 5th
grade Sunday School classroom, and incorporated into
the Pre-K/K classroom during worship time. Stop by
and pick one up!

First Baptist Church

1330 Kasold Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
785/843-0021 (fax)

Life of the Church

Monday, Feb. 15
8:00 p.m.rebroadcast of FBC worship
(public access channel 99)
Wednesday, Feb. 17
11:30 a.m.Lenten Lunch Study
12 p.m.-2 p.m.Food Pantry open
5:00 p.m.Childrens Discipleship class
6:00 p.m.Wed. Meal
6:30 p.m.Sacred Music Academy
6:40 p.m.Lenten Evening Study
Thursday, Feb. 18
6:30 p.m.Intergenerational Bell Choir
7:30 p.m.Chancel Choir rehearsal
Sunday, Feb. 21
8:30 a.m.Worship Service
9:30 a.m.Sunday school
10:45 a.m.Worship service
5:00-7:30 p.m.ABY/Chupper
5:00 p.m.Youth Parent book study,
6:00 p.m.Sanctuary of the Cinema
Looking Ahead:
Feb. 28ABY Breakfast
March 21-25Holy Week services at
Plymouth Congregational Church
The Leaflet newsletter is a weekly production of First
Baptist Church. If you would like to receive the newsletter by E-mail, along with other weekly announcements, please contact the church office:
You may receive a hard copy in the mail by request:
843-0020. Copies are available for pick up each Sunday.

Sunday, Feb. 28 6:00 p.m.

You are invited to attend a community Taize
service, hosted by First Baptist Church,
1330 Kasold Dr.

Sunday Morning Volunteers

Feb. 21
Nursery 10:45 a.m.Amy Munsterman
Extended Care 10:45 a.m.Carolyn
Sunday Driver, Feb. 14Ginger Boring
(785) 542-1204

Wed. Meal Menu

Feb. 17 6:00 p.m.

Save the Date!

American Baptist Youth
Get to Greenlake Fundraiser
February 28
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Join us for a hearty biscuits &
gravy breakfast in the Roger Williams

By the of Feb. 7, 2016

Weekly Receipts:
YTD Receipts:
Weekly Receipts:
Cumulative Giving:
If you would like more detailed financial information, please
contact our bookkeeper at, 917-9622.
Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to
make our many ministries possible.

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