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February 2, 2016

Bryantsville United Methodist Church

Community Ash
Wednesday Service

Current Sermon Series:

Wilderness Survival

Join with our brothers and

sisters from Garrard County for
a time of reflection and the
imposition of the ashes. The
service is February 10th @
7pm at Lancaster Nazarene

Wednesday Night
Bible Study
Join us at 7pm on Wednesday
nights as we walk through the
story of Joseph in Genesis.
Everyone is welcome at any

Pastors Contact
Pastor D. Merricks
Office: (859) 548-2159
Cell Phone: (859) 304-3021
Parsonage: (859) 548-3069
Office Hours vary.

As we prepare to enter the season of Lent, we will look at how

Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the devil and how his
responses empower us to deal with our own temptations.

Soup-er Potluck this Sunday!

Lets celebrate our First Sunday Dinner and the Super Bowl by
having a Soup-er Potluck! Bring a soup or soup side and stay for
good fellowship after church this Sunday.

February 2, 2016

February Birthdays

Finding Our Rhythms

February 9 - Deidre Riley

When our family returned from our holiday travels, I anticipated

life returning to normal fairly quickly. The boys would go to school,
Phoebe would go to daycare, Corrie to work, and I to my oce to
prepare for church.

February 29 - Carolyn Cordle

Did we forget a birthday?
Please let us know!

Weekly Schedule
Sunday School for Adults and
Children - 10am
Sunday Worship - 11am
Ladies Group - 2nd and 4th
Wedgesday Night Bible Study 7pm at the church

Nursery Rotation
February 7 - Tara Edwards
February 14 - Sandy Vaughn
February 21 - Charma Mathias
February 28 - Corrie Merricks
March 6 - Tara Edwards

Open House at the

Sunday, February 21st from
Come by for a visit and light

That didnt really happen.

First, Ezra was sick. Then, Phoebe was sick. I travelled to Georgia
one weekend. Then it snowed and snowed and snowed. (Yes, I know
last year was worse, but Ive not seen that much snow since I was a
kid!) Then I got sick. And now January is over.
The normal routine I was looking for did not come in January and
the result is that I may be more tired now than I was after
Christmas. While some people may cringe at routine and prefer
each day to be full of surprises, I believe we all need rhythm in our
lives. A rhythm is not so much a rigid schedule as it is a pattern or
way of life that allows us to thrive from day to day. For instance,
some people function best first thing in the morning; therefore, they
should do their most important work at that time of the day. For
others, that may be afternoon or even late at night. Whatever the
case, we all have a rhythm that helps us do what we do.
God knows rhythms, too. Genesis 1 tells us that God created
everything in six days, but rested on the seventh. I do not believe
the almighty God was tired on Day 7, but I do believe God is
teaching humanity to live a rhythmic life. We need to work when it
is time to work, play when it is time to play, and rest when it is time
to rest.
It is now February and I hoping to find my rhythm again. I know
kids will continue to get sick and the weather may not cooperate,
but if I can keep the beat, I know I will find my work days less
frantic, my rest days more relaxing, and my life more at ease.

Just for Fun:

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