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Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Activity1: The Eensy Weensy Spider activity.

Subject: Music
Learning outcomes:
- Students will recognize the different instruments.
- Identify the different voice levels.
Thi s acti vity will be about the e ensy weensy spider song. Students will bri ng homemade
i nstruments such as drum, triangle, tambourine and castanets. Te acher will ask e ach
stude nt to describe he r/his i nstrument then she will sing the e ensy weensy spider song
wi th the students and ask them to pl ay the i nstrument follow the song rhythm. More over
afte r the students finish singing and pl aying the i nstrument the te acher will ask students
to de scribe e ach other's i nstrument sound.
I choose this activity because I want the students to acknowledge the different
i nstruments and recognize i ts sound and how to pl ay i t. Moreover the students will l earn
the di fferent sounds l evels.
I wi l l do this activity because I think i t's good for the students to l earn about the
i nstruments and the sounds moreover the students will develop different skills such as
l anguage, cognitive, physical, e motional and soci al.
Language: Students will develop their l anguage because they wi ll l earn variety of new
vocabularies such as the n ames of the i nstruments they made.
Cognitive skills: Students wi ll develop their knowledge about the i nstruments and how to
pl ay i t moreover they will re cognize the different l evels of the sounds.
Social skills: Students will develop their social skills by pl aying the i nstruments and
coope rating and sharing with their peers.
Physical skills: Students will develop their kinesthetic skills while pl aying the i nstruments.
Emotional skills: Students will be able to e xpress their feelings by playing the i nstrumen ts
and the y will feel happy to be able to show their skills to their pe ers.

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Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Table 4: Opportunities for developing aspects of preschool music:

Act ivit y N am e :

Act ivit y Type :

The Ee nsy We e nsy Spide r .

e . g. C o mp osing ; No tat ing ; Si nging

a n d P laying i nst rumen ts;
L i s ten ing t o m u sic

Ke y e le m e nt s of m usic
e xplor e d:


e . g. d u rati on; d yn amics; p i tch ;

t i m b re;
s t r u ctur e


S inging and Play ing Ins trum ents:

S o n gs , S . S. ( 2015, Ma y 11). The

Ee ns y W e e nsy Spi de r | Supe r
Si m pl e Songs | Se same Stree t
N urs e ry R hyme We ek. R etri eve d
F e b 17, 2016, f rom Youtube :
https :/ / www .youtube .com/ watch?
v=bne 3Ix_tJL8

Stude nts are s inging The Ee ns y

W e e ns y Spi der s ong and pl aying
the i r hom e made i nsturme nts .


Lis tening to Mus ic:

Students listen to ea ch o th er's

instrumen t a n d d escrib e its
so unds.

e .g. Wh o le C las s / G ro u p s / P airs / D ramatic P lay / C irc le Time

Pitch: Stude nts m aking dif fe re nt

s ounds l e ve l w hile s inging The
Ee ns y W e e nsy Spi de r song
m ore ove r the y li sten to e ach
othe r' s i nstrum ent tone .

Hom e m ade
i ns trum ents.

Tim bre: Stude nts l is te n to the

qual i ty of the s ong to be able to
pl ay the i ns truments i n right
rhythm .

Duration of Activity:

Are a / H all / O u ts id e

W ho le class circle time area

A p p ro x ima tely 1 0-15 min utes

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

Teacher will give the students instructio ns and ex p la na tion o f th e

a ctivity.

Stu d en ts will sit a n d listen to th e tea ch er.

Teacher will ask each student to intro duce th e in stru men t h er/sh e
b ro ught.

Stu d en ts will ta ke tu rn s to in tro d u ce th eir

in stru men ts in d ivid ua lly .

Teacher will play the Eensy weensy spider so n g fo r th e stu d en ts

a nd she will sing with it and ask the students to sin g a lo ng with
h er.

Stu d en ts will sin g th e Een sy ween sy sp id er

so n g with th e tea ch er.

Teacher will ask the students to play the instru men ts th ey b ro u ght
a nd fo llo w the so ng rhythm.

Stu d en ts will p la y th eir h o mema d e

in stru men ts wh ile sin g in g .

Teacher will ask the students to describe each o th er's in stru men ts
so und whence o f its pitch and timber.

Stu d en ts will d escrib e ea ch o th er's

in stru men t.

Teacher will praise the students fo r their go o d p la y a n d a sk th em

d ifferent questio ns about the instruments.

Stu d en ts will a n swer th e tea ch er's q u estio n s.

Ext e nsion Ide as:

Teacher can make the students hid in o ne o f th e p la ying a rea in divid u ally a n d p la y th eir in stru men t with o u t lettin g
the students see the instrument then after th e stu d en t fin ish p la yin g th e tea ch er will a sk th e stu d en ts a b o ut wh a t
in strument their peer played and make them d escrib e its so u n d .

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Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Activity2: Mary had a little lamb song activity.

Subject: Sci ence The me: Animals
Learning outcomes:
- Students will recognize the different animals.
- Identify the different voice levels.
Thi s acti vity will be about Mary had a l i ttle l amb song. Te acher wi ll make the animals
sti cks to use them while si nging Mary had a l i ttle l amb song. For e xample when the
te acher si ngs with the students the first part which i s " Mary had a l ittle l amb, l ittle l amb,
l i ttle l amb. Mary had a l ittle l amb whose fleece was white as snow." Te acher will raise the
l amp sti ck. Te acher and students will make different voice l evels de pending on the song.
I choose this activity because I want the student s to acknowledge the different animal s.
More over the students will l earn the different sounds l evels.
I wi l l do this activity because i t wi ll help the students to l earn about the ani mals moreover
the students will de velop different skills such as l anguage, cognitive, e motional and social.
Language: Students will develop their l anguage because they wi ll l earn variety of new
vocabularies such as the names of the animals.
Cognitive skills: Students wi ll develop their knowledge about the animals and know how
to make di fferent sounds l evels.
Social skills: Students will develop their social skills by si nging together and i nteracting
wi th e ach other.
Emotional skills: Students will feel happy to be able to si ng with their peers.

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Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Table 4: Opportunities for developing aspects of preschool music:

Act ivit y N am e :

Act ivit y Type :

Mar y had a lit t le lam b .

e . g. C o mp osing ; No tat ing ; Singing

a n d P laying i nst rumen ts;
L i s ten ing t o m u sic

Ke y e le m e nt s of m usic
e xplor e d:


e . g. d u rati on; d yn amics; p i tch ;

t i m b re;
s t r u ctur e

S o n gs , S . S. ( 2014, Aug 27). Mary Had
A Li ttl e Lamb | Animal Song | Supe r
Si m pl e Songs . R etrie ved Fe b 20, 2016,
f rom Youtube:
https :/ / www .youtube .com/ watch?v=Y
E7Pi Tw hTQk

S inging and Play ing

Ins trum ents :
Stude nts are s inging Mary had
a l i ttl e l amb s ong.

Lis tening to Mus ic:

Pitch: Stude nts m aking dif fe rent

s ounds l e ve l w hile s inging Mary
had a l i ttl e l amb s ong.

An i ma ls s ti cks

Tim bre: Stude nts l is te n to the

qual i ty of the s ong to be able to
f ol l ow the be at.

Stude nts l i sten to the te ache r' s

di f f e re nt voi ce l evel s and
i m i tate her.


e .g. Wh o le C las s / G ro u p s / P airs / D ramatic P lay / C irc le Time

Duration of Activity:

Are a / H all / O u ts id e

W ho le class Circle time area

A p p ro x ima tely 1 0-15 min utes

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

Teacher will ex p lain the activity to the studen ts a n d wh en to u se

the animals sticks.

Stu d en ts will listen to th e tea cher.

Teacher will start singing Mary had a little la mb so n g with th e

students and she will raise the lamp stick wh en th ey sin g th e first
p art.

Stu d en ts will sin g with th e tea ch er a n d ra ise

th e la mp stick wh en th ey sin g th e first p a rt.

"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb .

"Ma ry h a d a little la mb , little la mb , little

la mb .

Mary had a little lamb who se fleece was white a s sn o w. "

Ma ry h a d a little la mb wh o se fleece wa s wh ite

a s sn o w."

Teacher will co mplete the so ng with the stud en ts a n d ma ke

d ifferent vo ice levels depending o n the so ng p a rts a n d th e p ro cess
o f raising the sticks will keep go ing until they finish th e wh o le
so ng.

Stu d en ts will fo llo w th e tea ch er a n d co mp lete

th e so n g mo reo ver th ey will ma ke d ifferen t
vo ices levels wh ile sin g in g a nd th e p ro cess o f
ra isin g th e sticks will keep g o in g u n til th ey
fin ish th e wh o le so n g .

Teacher will praise students and co llect the a n ima ls' sticks.

Stu d en ts will sit o n th eir p la ces.

Ext e nsion Ide as:

Teacher can give students instruments and ma ke th em p la y th em wh ile sin g ing Ma ry h a d a little la mb so n g.

v. 2 0 1 4 -0 5 -1 5

Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Activity3: Music shaker activity.

Subject: Music
Learning outcomes:
- Students will make their own music shaker using different materials.
- Identify the different voice levels.
- Recognize the music shaker sound.
Thi s acti vity will be about the music shaker and i t will be for the special needs students .
Te ache r wi ll provide the music shaker materials for the students and she will give the
stude nts the i nstructions and steps i n how to make the music shaker then she will ask
e ach student to make his/her own music shaker. When the students fi nish their music
shake rs they will pl ay i t to make a be at or rhythm.
I choose this activity because I want the students re cognize the sound of the music
shake rs. More over students will fe el happy to use their own music shaker they made by
the mselves.
I wi l l do this activity because i t wi ll develop the students' different skills such as cognitive,
physi cal, e motional and social.
Cognitive skills: Students wi ll develop their knowledge about how to re cycle the different
mate rials to make a music shaker then use the music shaker to make a be at.
Social skills: Students will develop their social skills by sharing the materials with their
pe e rs and cooperate with e ach other.
Physical skills: Students will develop their kinesthetic skills by making the music shaker.
Emotional skills: Students will feel happy to make and use their own music shaker .
I wi l l l et students work i n groups to make the music shakers be cause according to Vygotsky
chi l dren l earn better i n groups be cause they share, communicate and cooperate with their
pe e rs; al so this helps them to build strong relationship with e ach other. (Social
De ve lopment Theory (Vygotsky), 2014)
Social Development Theory (Vygotsky). (2014, June). Retrieved October 25, 2015, from

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Fa ti ma O baid H0 0 2 98 145

Table 4: Opportunities for developing aspects of preschool music:

Act ivit y N am e :

Act ivit y Type :

Music shake r .

e . g. C o mp osing ; No tat ing ; Si nging

a n d P laying i nst rumen ts;
L i s ten ing t o m u sic

Ke y e le m e nt s of m usic
e xplor e d:


e . g. d u rati on; d yn amics; p i tch ;

t i m b re;
s t r u ctur e


S inging and Play ing Ins trum ents:


- b o ttl es

Students will p la y a rh yth m

using the music sh a kers th ey

Students pl ay different l evels

of the mus i c shaker a nd ma ke
hi gh, medi um a nd low tons.

- b e a ds
- th rea d

Lis tening to Mus ic:

Students listen to th e tea ch er's

rhythm and fo llo w it.


e .g. Wh o le C las s / G ro u p s / P airs / D ramatic P lay / C irc le

Duration of Activity:

Time Are a / H all / O u ts id e

W ho le class circle time area

A p p ro x ima tely 2 0-25 min utes

What the teacher does:

What the children do:

Teacher will give the students instructio ns and step s o f h o w

to make the music shaker.

Stu d en ts will listen to th e tea ch er's in stru ctio n s.

Teacher will divide the students into gro ups a n d g ive th em

the materials and asks them to start making th eir o wn mu sic

Stu d en ts will sit in g ro u p s a n d sta rt ma kin g th eir

o wn mu sic sh a kers.

Teacher o bserves and helps students while th ey're ma king the

music shakers.

Stu d en ts will ma ke th e mu sic sh a ker a n d a sk fo r

th e tea ch er's h elp if th ey n eed ed it.

Teacher will ask students to return to the circle a rea a n d sit

to start making a beat o r rhythm using their mu sic sh a kers
they made.

Stu d en ts will sit in th e circle a n d g et rea d y to u se

th eir mu sic sh a kers to ma ke a b ea t o r rh yth m.

Teacher will start playing the rhythm using h er mu sic sh a ker

with the students.

Stu d en ts will fo llo w th e tea ch er a n d p la y th e sa me

rh yth m.

Teacher will praise the students and ask them a b o u t th eir

ex periences.

Stu d en ts will ta lk a b o u t th eir ex p erien ces.

Ext e nsion Ide as:

Teacher can make special needs students pla y th e rh yth m o f a n y so ng th ey kn ow a n d sin g.

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