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Question of Preventing an arms race in outer space

Draft Resolution 2.1

Sponsors: Maos Grand And Great Peoples Republic of China, Stalins Federation, The Third
World And USs BFF, Land of the Rising Sun, The Third Reich

Signatories: India, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ivory Coast, Canada, Land
of Ebola 2.0, Land of Liberty, Philippines, Denmark, France, Land of Ebola, Indonesia, Spain

The Disarmament and International Security Committee,

Perfectly understanding the claims and concerns countries have toward the arms race in outer

Noticing the failures of existing frameworks to arbitrate and regulate the use of space,

Deeply concerned by the apparent lack of dialogue between countries involved,

Keeping in mind the need to provide for the continuation of scientific advent in outer space,

Reaffirming the importance of peace to all countries in the council especially The Great Republic
of China,

Remembering that the United Nations has flown the Nation of Celestial Spaces flag in its
compounds in New York,

Defining Outer Space as any area above the Earths atmosphere,

1. Recognises the Nation of Celestial Space as the only sole legitimate and
Utmost valid claimant to the entirety of Outer Space which entails the enforcement of
regulations and legislation in Outer Space so as to limit the propensity for political
hegemony of things such as but not limited to,
a. Employing the full usage of currency in any planet
other than Earth which is defined by the golden Celeston, Ergs and Joules,
b. Understanding Humanity to be the only working
ethnic group in Outer Space,
c. Accepting Magnanmity to be the core founding
ideologies by which any decision can be made,
2. Yields to the following leadership that will dominate the decisions made in
outer space in specific areas that are defined and clearly outlined by the following, which
will review claims and oversee environmental protection or general municipal
governance of the areas in question,
a. Chang-E for the Moon of the Earth,
b. The delegate of Japan to personally govern the
planet of Pluto and all its dwarf moons,
c. A council to be set up for applications to run for
office in any of the planets in Space, the applications stated must consider,
Relevant experience in the
matter of governing non-human organisms,


Good qualifications in earthly

matters such as having to have passed Geography in Secondary school and

attained recognition at the IB, the IP or the SATs,
d. Given only exception to the Great Supreme Leader
Mao Ze Dong who may claim planets however he may wish,
e. Germany to have full and unfettered control over
the moon Europa,
3. Approves of the construction of the Death Star which will be willingly
funded by the ever benevolent Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation
which will have functioning capabilities of but not limited to the following,
a. Destroy planets that have poor governance and all
their surrounding moons,

By means of sending strong


By serving as a bridge

gamma-rays to the planets in question,

through which relevant officials can monitor the happenings in and around

By being equipped with the

highest technology possible including the ability to travel at the speed of

b. Manipulate the Force to find out which
governments are not fulfilling their jobs properly subject to the consultation of the
Jedi council and Master Yoda who will then meditate on the issue,
4. Punishes to an appropriate degree those who have committed heinous
crimes in Space such as leaving debris all over the orbit path of planets and thus raising
safety concerns, the punishments could include measures taken such as but not limited to,

a. Seppuku which is an honorable death that involves

the stabbing of ones own abdomen and then proceeding to wriggle it around, and
in so doing gouge out ones own guts before proceeding then to pass out and die,
b. Stripping of all titles and liabilities such in the case
of Jedi warriors, Chinese knights et cetera,
5. Establishes an education facility for the purposes of
a. Training Jedi warriors under the masterful guidance,
b. Bringing up engineers for the increased quality of
the engineering of future Death Stars,
6. Further declaring Jedi warriors as the only official protectors of Humanity,
and to safeguard the people they can do all in their capacity which may include powers to
such as but not limited to,
a. Use the Force in self defence,
b. Tele-kinesis as and when it might help,
c. Use their light sabres to lop off arms or any limbs as
they see fit,
7. Institutes all members of the Disarmament and International Security
Committee as Jedi Warriors, including all the chairs, with the exception of countries who
would actively abstain from being bestowed this privilege, who would then be welcome
to write notes to the Delegate of The Great Peoples Republic of China to excuse
themselves from this honor.

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