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Subject: Social Studies

Lesson: Supply and Demand

Grade: 9

Date: Mon April 7th, 2014

Time: 50 mins (x3)

9.2.5 assess, critically, the relationship between consumerism and quality

of life in Canada and the United States by exploring and reflecting upon
the following questions and issues:
How does individual consumer behavior impact quality of life

Instructional Objectives:
Students will display their comprehension of the role that consumers play in the economy,
through the relationship between supply/demand/price.
9.S.4. demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving:
>participate in and predict outcomes of problem-solving and decision-making scenarios
9.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
>make reasoned comments relating to the topic of discussion

Key Questions:
1. What is supply?
2. What is demand?
3. Who are producers/consumers? What are their roles in the economy when it comes to
4. How does supply/demand relate to ones quality of life?
Supply/Demand/Price signs
Scenario worksheets
Guidelines/grading criteria for comic
Blank paper for comic
Create marking criteria for the comic
Photocopy scenario sheets
Pg. 210-211

I will still give the scenario sheets to my ESL students; however, once students get started on
their own work I will talk through some scenarios with them to ensure they have at least a basic
understanding of how supply/demand works. I will not be grading their scenario sheets.
I will use Google Translate to explain the comic assignment to them. They seem to be good at
drawing so I think this is a good task for them.
Lesson Procedure:
Ask students if they know what consumers, producers, supply, and demand mean
Go over the definitions of these and have students write them down on their definition
sheet that they were given previously.
We will go over the changes that occur when supply/demand/price shift beginning from
equilibrium using supply, demand, and price signs to demonstrate the answers to
some scenarios
Ex. Demand increases Supply decreases Price increases.
Students will then go through a sheet with multiple small scenarios and they will have to
determine how supply/demand/price are effected (either independently or very quietly
with neighbor)
We will go over the answers as a class. I will draw names for that student to write their
answer on the board for a question until we get through all of them (might be in class #2)
Students will then have the rest of this class and the next class (or part of, depending how
far we get) to create a one-panel comic to show the relationship between and how supply
and demand work together to shape mixed and market economies. I will have some
examples for them to look at.
Students will hand in their comic for marks, and I will ask for a couple to be shared in
order to solidify how the relationship between supply/demand/price are interdependent of
each other and how they can have an effect on ones q.o.l.
I will then briefly explain that in the next class we will be touching on why governments
get involved in market economies.

Students will be formatively assessed based on their responses to how supply and demand relate
to and are affected by one another. They will also be assessed on their scenario sheets and their
comic with how it solidifies this relationship (or maybe their scenario sheets will be homework
and we will take them up together the next day).

Lesson Reflection:

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