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One finds love not by being loved, but by loving.

We can never know love if we try to draw others to ourselves; nor can
we find it by centering our love in them. For love is infinite; it is never
ours to create. We can only channel it from its source in Infinity to all
whom we meet.
The more we forget ourselves in giving to others, the better we can
understand what love really is. And the more we love as channels for
Gods love, the more we can understand that His is the one love in all
the universe.
I will love others as extensions of my own Self, and of the love I feel
from God.
O Infinite One, make me a channel for Thy love! Through me, reach
out to sow seeds of love in barren hearts everywhere.
From Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda
Crystal Clarity Publishers

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