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Negeri 5 Menara

With duration of nearly 1 hour, 52 minutes , Negeri 5 Menara is a movie based on the novel by Ahmad fuadi and
directed by Afandi Abdul Rahman.
Negeri 5 Menara is one of indonesian movies to tell about pesantren. A traditional atmosphere and beautiful scene
of Maninjau lake in West Sumatera become a background of the story where Alif and his family lives. Alif is a
students in a junior high school and willing to go to Java for taking a higher educatoin in Bandung, West Java
and Alif dreams to study at ITB.
His mother has a different plan for him, she urged Alif to take islamic school Pondok Madani in Ponorogo, East
Java. His father said to him to take and try it first and after that Alif can decide whether the school is fit for him or
not. At Pondok Madani Alif try follow the ordinance and the lesson in Pondok Madani. Alif also meet new friends,
such as Baso from Gowa, Atang from Bandung, Raja from Medan, and Dulmajid from Madura. They have a dream
for conquer 5 tower in the world with the spirit Man Jadda Wa Jadda.
All the perfomance are excelent, especially for some actor new comer such as Alif ( Gazza Zubizaretta), Raja
Lubis ( Jiofani Lubis), Said Jufri (Ernest Samudra), Dulmajid (Aris Putra), Atang (Risky Ramdani),and Baso
Salahuddin ( Billy Sandy). And also Alif mothers ( Lulu Tobing), alif Fathers (David Chalik ).
However Negeri 5 Menara have weakness. The end of this movie very suddenly, the story from this movie short
and fast. When reading the book or Novel Negeri 5 Menara you can imagine some dialogue created by that six
students is very deep but in the movie it become a simple conversation.
This movie was very amazing and who has watch this will give motivation about spirit to realize ours idea.
Nurul Fadilah/21/XII IPA 1

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