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Faculty of Education in Albacete

Subject: Education and Society
Lecturer: Antonio Cebrin Martnez and M del Carmen Snchez Prez
Academic year: 2015/2016


Students: Mara Lizn, Andrea Martnez,

MDolores Ortega, Paola Garca,
Beniamin Letoswky
Grade of Primary Education in Albacete
2nd level group B


In the elementary education one teacher is the responsible for the most of the areas,
but the primary teacher unity for each class group is essential, above all in the first cycle,
since children are more disoriented. In addition, it is important that students have a tutor,
that is:

Responsible for coordinating all teachers. This tutor, becomes in this way teacher of
several areas.

It suits the offerings to the needs of the students and thus make some certain

It is responsible for addressing students at certain times of their schooling.

It is the mediator of the Center.

It is in charge of the relationships between school, parents and environment. It is

necessary in the educational action that the tutor or guardian knows the environment
and the socio-cultural reality of its students to help them integrate different experiences
that these have in the different spheres of family, school, social and so that integration
promotes personal development.
It is of enormous importance to highlight that the tutor is part of an educational team.

The development of the curricular project of the Centre for the stage of primary as well as
for the infant stage, is an excellent opportunity for the common work of teachers of the
Centre and it will make it easier to coordinate the work of the guardians of the Center.
The functions and tasks general is entrusted to the tutor have three different types of
receivers: mainly students but also the teachers and the families.
2.1 Tutors functions
-Facilitate the integration of students.
-Contribute to the personalization of the processes of teaching and learning.
-Carry out a global monitoring of the learning processes of students to detect the
difficulties and special needs to carry out educational responses appropriate necessary
-To coordinate information from students and its evaluation process.

-Encouraging participatory attitudes in addition to the self-esteem.

-Coordinate with the other teachers the information of students.
-Establish relations smooth with parents to improve the educational process and involve
them in it.
-Be the stream throughout the public entities to assist students with marginalized
educational contexts.
-Have individual interviews with students when they need it.
-Organize activities of "reception" at beginning of course, especially for pupils who come
to the Center for the first time.
-Talk at beginning of course with the students about their rights, obligations and the rules
of the center.
-Arrange with the educational team a plan of tutorial action for the entire course, trying to
clarify what is the grade and way of involvement of teachers and what aspects that priority
will assist the tutor.
Prepare, coordinate and moderate the assessment sessions.
-Collaborating with the other tutors, above all with the same course cycle.
-Having interviews with fathers and mothers, when they so request or the tutor/to deems
-Have meetings with fathers and mothers throughout the course. The most appropriate
times can be at the beginning and at the end of the course, but also, in the middle of the
course. These meetings will serve to exchange information and discuss with them how
their son or daughter are.
It is necessary that the guardian or tutor plan specifically tutorials activities that will
develop along the course.
In addition to the proper functioning of your tutoring you need:

-Collect systematically information, opinions and proposals of the teaching staff.

-To know the situation of each student and student in the group, in the Centre and in their
family and social environment, and intervene to support their school and social integration.
-To know the internal dynamics of the Group and intervene, if necessary, to reconstruct
such a dynamic
4.2. Teaching social skills
Also the tutors can develop social skills in their pupils improving co-existence
between them.
Competences or social skills are ways of making relationship with others.
The tutors have to know what skills should has a child to establish good social
relationships with peers and adults:
- knowing how to listen (not interrupt, paying attention, express understanding, asking
- sharing things
- participate and cooperate in group activities
- ability to praise and approve what others do and knowing how to receive praise
- knowing how to participate in a conversation
Social behaviour of the children can be evaluated by direct observation and
information which parents are providing.
Educational intervention in the group class based on achieving a pleasant, active
and joyful atmosphere, to do successful school work and help solve different conflict
To do this, I present some strategies that improve the dynamics of the class:
- Establish clear operating rules of the class, give all the children positive way to
understand them
- Create an atmosphere of trust by explaining the reason for things and accepting
suggestions from children. Inform them of the responsibility in the exercises of the rights
and duties that fall to them as a members.

- Encourage partnership behaviours respecting existing subgroups. Reject the activities

which discriminate on ethnic, gender, social status, etc.
- Organize complementary activities both outside and inside the classroom, favouring
communication and relationship among students.
- Promote cooperation for preventing and avoiding the segregation of students with
integration difficulties
- Develop the appropriate work habits: cleaning and hygiene, communication and
relationship, personal autonomy, organizational and work.
- Distribute the students in rotation for everyone to get to know.
- More flexible grouping of students in order to favour coexistence between children of
different capacity, different social conditions, in short, to facilitate the treatment of

4.2.1 Attitudes which must to manifest a tutor Professor or tutor teacher.

The relationship teacher pupil, it is a basic dynamic element in the educational
intervention. Some attitudes lecturer could be:
- Communicate trust, confidence, optimism in children. Not speak or act quickly
- Accept the students for example maintaining a cordial treatment and avoiding
- Keep a standards of continuity or consistency in their behaviour and control of the class.
- Be tolerant, without forgetting the proper discipline. In situations of indiscipline the
lecturer has to stay calm and at the same time energetic, with enough self-control to
properly assess the behaviour, and not show overly lenient or excessively harsh.
- Use positive support assessing successes no matter how small.
- Establish appropriate and realistic levels in both academic achievement, social behaviour
and adapt to the real possibilities of students.
- Avoid threats.
- Assign children tasks appropriate and interesting to facilitate their success.
- Coordinate and be open to working with all involved in the educational process.
- Adapt to new situations which arise in education: participate in innovation projects,
permanent education.
- Give the class an atmosphere of freedom in order to active enthusiasm, sincerity and



One of the main functions in mentoring is to ensure the connection of family and
school education, promoting the participation of parents in the education of children in
coordination with the school.
The principal means and moments for teachers to achieve parental cooperation in
their children's education and improve it are personal interviews and collective meetings.
5.1 Personal interviews.
It's an exchange of information about a pupil or student in particular that takes
place with parents. It is an essential instrument for the beginning of the schooling of the
child, at the end of each course and also to treat conflictive situations. It must be taken
into account: the time of schedule, the space, the presence of the child, notify with
enough time parents and mothers.
5.1.1 Attitudes of the tutor during the interview.
The tutor has to show to the family:

Attitude of listening.

Neutral attitude.

Transmit the most positive image of the child.

Clarify the differentiation of roles between parents and teachers.

5.2 Meetings information.

It is used to transmit information of general order (methodology organization of the
Center, schedule, activities...) and it is not focused on a student in particular.
It must be taken into account the following:
Meetings should be convened in a proper time for parents and mothers.
We must prepare the space to develop the meeting.
Prepare the content of the meeting.
Decide who is going to speak, in what order, what will be the areas of intervention of

5.3 Participation of parents in educational activities.

You can adopt different forms and levels. We can distinguish

between sporadic participation and systematic participation. The first is in

which they take place in certain special moments and systematic participation is
more stable, and forms part of the methodology of work with the children, regular
and organized assistance for parents in the classroom

Some examples of collaboration:

Some professionals use the parents jobs of children to ask them to coming

to class to tell what their jobs are, what tools are used, which benefits they get... With this
type of collaboration, they are helping to connect the non-formal world with the school,
respect different jobs

School activities

The outputs of the Centre, excursions, visits, etc., tend to be a good reason

for collaboration for some parents. It is convenient to go with a suitable number of adults

to ensure safety, as well as the activity developed in a relaxed atmosphere and take full
advantage of the experience.


A special place must be booked to more leisure activities, where children,

parents and educators have option to participate in a relaxed atmosphere. It could be

traditional festivals (Christmas, Carnival...) or proms, welcome new students


1. In elementary education one teacher is the responsible for the most of areas T

2. The tutor is the responsible of assessment sessions T

3. The attitudes and behaviours of teachers may influence more directly and effectively in
the formation of a positive self-esteem in the student or students. T
4. Social skills dont include: ability to listen, participate and cooperate in group
activities, ability to praise and receiving the praise. F
5. One example of school activity (in participations of parents in educational activities)
could be when teachers ask parents to go to class to talk about their jobs. F


1. The tutor is:

a) Responsible for coordinating all teachers
b) The mediator of the center
c) Both are correct

2. The most appropriate time for parents and tutor meetings is:
a) At the begging and in the middle of the course
b) At the end of the course.
c) Both are correct.

3. Tutorial and guiding action:

a) Does not occur outside of the areas of the curriculum, but fully integrated and
incorporated in them.
b) Occur outside the areas of the curriculum.
c) Can be occur outside and indoors, but all of them have to be different.

4. What is the attitude of Tutor?

a) Strict discipline

b) Giving the freedom

c) Support successes
d) Using threats

5. When parents collaborate with the school in special moments, we talk about:
a) Sporadic participation
b) Systematic participation
c) Special participation

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