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ASSURE Lesson Plan #2 (Weeks 4-6)

Music and Culture

Taylor Skluzacek
Grades 11-12
Introduction to Music
50 min
Analyze Learners

1. 47 students
2. 20 boys ad 27 girls
3. between the ages of 16-18
o 0 SPED students
o None of the students in this class have a physical disability that would limit
4. Students are typically tired during this class because it is at the very end of the day
but they still work hard and listen. We have been discussing how music and culture
relate to each other. This chapter will show the styles of music from culture to culture
differ from one another.
5. Learning Styles
o Visual 33%
o Auditory (Aural) 33%
o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 33%
State Objectives
Students will research at least 5 different cultures and how their styles of music differ from
and relate to one another. They will then write a 3-5 page paper and create some kind of
presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Pamphlet, ect.-I want them to have fun with this and be
creative) to present to the class. They will be graded on neatness, organization,
creativeness, and overall composure while presenting to the class.
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
1. What are the methods? Direct instruction and modeling
2. What are the media?
Used a YouTube video for discussion and then students used Microsoft Word to write their
papers. They will then use some kind of app to create a presentation.
3. What are the materials?
Textbook-Intro to Music and Laptops-Microsoft Word and some type of app for presentation
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
1. Preview the materials: What you need to preview?
Preview the chapter: Cultures and Music
2. Prepare the materials: What things need to prepare before the lesson?

Students will bring their own school laptops and textbooks to do research with, type
papers, and make presentation.
3. Prepare the environment: Students can work anywhere in the classroom as long as they
are not too loud and are respectful towards other students. Lighting and temp. are
4. Prepare the learners: How you engage students in learning during the warm-up section?
Students will watch the video: Music Cultures the World - after watching we will discuss the
things that they learned, already knew, or something that came as a surprise to them.
Require Learner Participation
Video Warm Up (10min)
Video Discussion (5min)
Students get the rest of the class period to work on their paper and presentation. They will
also get another class period to work on/finish their paper and presentation.
Evaluate & Revise
1. Student Performance
See Rubrics Below
2. Media Effectiveness
YouTube Video worked and was useful to the topic
The students Laptops were useful and could be used to make their PowerPoint
3. Instructor Performance
I will give a 15 point/question quiz to the students on the Cultures that were
presented by the students. If 80% of the students score a B or higher, then I will
consider this successful and effective. If that does not happen I will find out where
people are struggling and reteach or else I will ask for a student feedback on the

Paper Rubric
Paper is 3-5 pages in
Paper is neat and
Has at least 5 different

Paper is within the

3-5 page range.

Paper is only 2-3

pages in length.

Paper is under
2 pages

Paper is easy to
read and well

Paper is somewhat
hard to read and not
very organized.

Has 5 different
cultures and
explains them in

Only has 2-4

different cultures
and doesnt explain
them as well

Paper is hard
to read and
there is no
Under 2

Presentation Rubric

Length is at least
2min. long
Presentation is
easy to follow.
Student knew what
he/she was talking
about and was
confident in

Between 1-2min.

Under 1min.

Presentation is
somewhat hard to
Student somewhat
knew what he/she
was talking about
and wasnt very

Presentation is
really hard to
Student didnt
know what
he/she was
talking about

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