Anda di halaman 1dari 16




1 Turkey
2 Korea
3 India
4 Russia
5 Netherland
6 Japan
7 Germany
8 Finland
9 africa
10 Brittan

Traditional clothing has a long history. Coresponding with

the birth of human civilazation, clothing has been used to
express identity wether geographic, social, merital or religiose. In our modern world, globization has resultued in a
commen dress where jeens, tshirt and sneekers are foundi n every corner of the globe. On the other hand, many
traditional garments are still worn on festivals and other special ocassions. This issue of Culture will examine
traditional coustumes from countiries found within the student body of Istanbul International Community School.

Tu r k e y
Fez known in Turkish fes is a felt head dress
made from red felt in the shape of truncated
cone. It usually has a black tassel attached
at the top it which hangs down from the side.

The fez owes its popularity
to the Ottoman Empire. In
the early 1800s the Ottoman
Empire was trying to modernize and sultan Mahmud II
had his military wear western style uniforms and the
f e z . A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e s u l tan banned the wearing of
the turban and he coerced
the population to wear the
fez. This replaced the many
headdresses worn by the society that indicated rank, religion and occupation. This
made everybody in the society equal.

Tu r k e y

It was a symbol of ottoman

modernity and many in the
west saw it as a part of the
o r i e n t a l i d e n t i t y. H o w ever the fall of the empire,
Atatrk banned the wearing of the fez in turkey in

Interesting fact: It was in vogue in the united state

in the turn of the century worn by men as a part of
the luxury smoking outfits.

K o r e a
The hanbok is a traditional Korean dress made from
vibrant colors and worn by both men and women.a
women hanbok consists of a blouse shirt or a jacket known as the jeogori as well as a rap around skirt
called chima, a male hanbok consists of jeogori and
a baggy pants called baji.

The hanbok has been worn since
ancient times. The earliest of
this style of dress can be found
in the nomadic cultures of Mongolia and is thought to symboli z e N o r t h A s i a s n o m a d i c o r igins. The hanbok became the
clothing of rulers and aristocrats through out Korean history
and underwent many changed as
a foreign influence on clothing.

In 1996 the south Korean government created

h a n b o k d a y t o e n c o u r age south Korean citizen to
wear this traditional costume. This is a result of
globilzation in the populatiob of western clothes today the hanbok is only used
on festive occations like
w e d i n g s , l u n e r n e w y e a r, a n cestral ceremenoy in the
birth of a child.

I n d i a
S a r i m e a n s t h e s t r i p o f c l o t h . Wo m e n
wear the sari in south Asia. It is 4.5
to 8 meters and 60cm-1.20 meters
garment that is wrapped around the
waist and over one shoulder leaving
the midriff open. There is 80 ways to
wear a sari. The sari contains a lot
of vibrant colors.

It was for upper class Indians to separate

t h e m s e l v e s f r o m t h e l o w e r, u n e d u c a t e d
classes. Also represents feminisim because the dress shows the body shape of

I n d i a
The sari costume is first seen
in the Indus valley civilization around 1800bc- 1800bc
in the India. The combination
of Antariya and the uttariya
made the sari garment. The
different type of wrapping the
sari represents different areas of India or there status.
Red saris are used for weedi n g s a n d t h e t r a d i t i o n a l g a r ment for brides in the Indian
c u l t u r e . Wo m e n m o s t l y w e a r
saris made of silk, cotton, ikkat, block print, embroidery
and tie-dye textiles. Now a
day there is made from polyester and georgette.


R u s s i a
The kokoshnik is a traditional Russian headpiece
worn by women under the
sarafan. The kokoshnik
was popular in the 16th
t o 1 9 t h c e n t u r y. T h e
kokoshnik is tall, nimbus
or a crest shaped headdress, tied at the back of
the head with a ribbon
i n t o a b o w. T h e c r e s t c a n
have patterns or jewelry
on top. The forehead area
is ornamented with jewelry netting as well.

In star wars saga one of the costumes was
based on the Russian national costume, which
contained the kokshnik.

R u s s i a
The kokoshnik was found in
1 0 t h t o 1 2 t h c e n t u r y i n Ve liky Novgorod. The Russians
were inspired by the Italian
renaissance style. The middle
class and the wealthy peasant
wore the kokoshnik. In that
age of time both married and
unmarried women wore the
headpiece. After the Russian
revolution, the headdress expanded to Europe. In 2000s
kokoshniks are worn at anytime but mainly in special

The meaning of kokoshnik

defines a huge variety of
headdresses worn in Russia such as the cylindrical
h a t s o f Ve l i k y N o v g o r o d ,
two-pointed nimbus kika of
V l a d i m i r, t r i a n g u l a r k i k a o f
Kostroma, small pearl hats
of Kargopol, and scarlet
k o k o s h n i k s o f M o s c o w.

A klomp is a traditional feet clog in the

Netherlands. 3 million pairs are made each
year for tourist around Netherlands.

The klomp footwear was found from

1230 and 1280. The Netherlands wooden
shows are important part of the heritage
of Netherlands. Dutch people, farmers,
market gardeners and gardeners still
wear them for everyday use.

The traditional klomp
is made from entirely
wood. It was officially a safety shoe to survive walking on sharp
objects and concentrated acid. On the klomp
there is a red painting
that makes the clog look
like leather shows, it is
a traditional motif.

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