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Ores and Extracting Metals

Most metals are not found in the ground on their own – they are found as _____________. Usually

the metal is combined with _____________ (like the main ore of copper, _____________


Only very unreactive metals (like ________________ and ____________) are found on their own –

say these metals are found _________________.

Metals which are not found native therefore need to be ____________________ from their ore.

Because copper is less ___________________ than carbon, we can extract copper from copper oxide

by burning it with carbon (this is called __________________). This is a displacement reaction -

the oxygen combines with the more reactive carbon, leaving the copper on its own.

Copper which has been obtained from its ore by smelting is not very ________________. This is a

problem, as pure copper is needed for use in ____________________ _______________. Copper

can be purified using ________________________: this uses an _________________ made of

impure copper (“_________________” or “blister” copper) which dissolves in a solution of copper

sulphate and plates the ______________________ with pure copper.


smelting native pure boulder reactive ores

gold copper oxide electrical wiring cathode extracted
electrolysis anode oxygen silver

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