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I will talk about in my family

My family is
big . I have
got two
brothers and
.three sisters
Ahlam is My old
sisters. she is 20
years old. She has
studied English
literature in the
university. She has
got short curly hair.
and she wearing
:About me
I’m 19 years old .I have got short
straight hair .I like working at computer
my mother always says you are
computer addicted , write Email and
read a lot of stories
Amnah is 6 years old . She student in
primary school. She has a short brown
curly hair .she’s slim. She likes playing
with her friend in the garden and she try to
read to read a short stories and tell me
.about it
Nada is 5 years
old. She has a
short straight
hair. She like
studying with
Amnah because
she loves school
Mohamd is 4
years old . Ha
has a black
straight hair .he
likes watching
. mbc3 in the TV
Rashed is three
years old . He is
youngest . He has
a curly black hair.
He is stubborn . He
likes eating a lot of
chips and
. chocolate

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