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Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Having a strong foundation in reading and literacy is a vital process of a childs educational
development as well as a test of a teachers true ability to show progress in a childs early years.
As a teacher I will meet all of a childs social emotional needs first in order for them to prosper
as students. In an environment where they can feel safe and included they will be able to work at
their highest potential. Through professional development and further courses and education, I
hope to always keep myself up to date and informed to help my students become high achievers
and promote innovation through higher order thinking.
I am a firm believer in John Deweys philosophies on constructivist education. I believe in
instilling students with the desire to change the world through innovation. I can do this by
teaching my students the skills possible to become engaged individuals in the communities that
they live. It is important to instill this attitude in children early on and aspirations of servant
leadership and giving back. Many of these skills could easily be taught through several different
forms of teaching. Critical thinking is one of the ways in which I can teach these. The ability to
think critically allows the students space to think of solutions and essentially create that which
was not previously there. Creation means that the student understands what they are being
taught and that they can grasp it so well that they can make the lesson unique to themselves. In
addition, creativity is important in order to solve problems in ways that were never done before.
A student who can analyze the matter at hand and produce a highly functional solution is one
who can be ready to lead and one who can be relied on.
Leaders have to be able to think on their toes and find ways or several forms in which one thing
can work. Its about teaching effective trial and error that can be applied through all aspects of
life and society. Each student is different and like all classrooms mine will also be filled with
diverse learners not just culturally, but with many different learning styles and even undiagnosed
special learning needs. As a teacher it is my job to make every class interesting and equipped
through all of my planning with enough flexibility and differentiated instruction for all of the
different minds that will be with me for 180 days and give or take 1,440 hours. There needs to be
collaboration from teacher to student for engagement and a lasting impression of every lesson to
occur. Through technology I can even introduce them to engaging programs or games and online
collaboration with other student and classes domestic and abroad. Not to mention how to use
online text and resources through proper forms of research. This way they can meaningfully
interact with information and make it memorable.
It is through education that all of the good in the world arises -Emmanuel

Nathaly Jaquez

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