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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Holistic Health
Unit Author
First and Last Name

Melgi Escalona, Kimberly Trasporto and Alea Diaz

School Name

University of St. La Salle

School City

Bacolod City

Unit Overview
Unit Title

Holistic health
Unit Summary
Our unit summary is focus in giving facts, tips and realization on what Holistic Health really means.
Students, will be able to analyzed information on Holistic Health; not just to analyze but also apply
their learning through creating an output. They will be given a task in which they will be making
Brochures, Power Point Presentation and a video in line with this topic. These activity helps our
students to showcase their innovative skills in making those output being mention above. The
collaboration of the students is develop in this stage, wherein students will be working as a group.
The role of the Teacher is to Facilitate his or her students. Our goal to this unit that we wish to
achieve it to let their creativity comes in.
Subject Area
Health (Mapeh)
Grade Level
7th Grade Classes
Approximate Time Needed
5 weeks/5 days/60 minutes per day
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (taken from Deped K-12 Curriculum Guide)

k-12 1st Quarter H7GD

The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its management of health concerns, the
growth and development of adolescents and how to manage its challenges.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students must have:

Analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health.

2. Demonstrate/Dramatizes the given topic related to holistic health Dimensions.

3. They will be able to reflect or to make a Reaction Paper about the importance of being a
Holistically Healthy Person.

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Curriculum-Framing Questions
Does Holistic Health supports reaching higher levels of wellness as well as preventing

Does it positively affect or influence youre lifestyle?


Who influence you to attain holistic health?

Does it change the relationship between you and other people?

In what way did they help you to attain your goal/aim?

Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
project work

Storming about
the topic given
the Project
n/Analyze the
topic given


Students work on projects and complete


Brochure Rubric

Power Point Rubric

Students will be
evaluated by the
following criteria;

Ideas or Content


Language and



Video Rubric
Students will be check
through these criteria

After project work is


Feeding Program

Reaction Paper


Students will be
look over with
these standards;

Content or

Collaboration or
Nutritious Meals

Creativity and
Accuracy and

Assessment Summary

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

In order for the Students to go through with their outputs, students must be able to Brain Storm so
that each member of the group collaborates, quoted 2 or more brain is better than 1. We teachers
must follow the same perspective for them to be independent individual. This assessment can help
the teachers to evaluate the group performance by checking the participation of the students.
Second, They should meet the deadline of their projects. Discussion among the group has its positive
response to Process everything that they already discussed. Through this, the capacity level of their
mental aspect increases every time they analyze the infos. Students were already in the process of
collaborative work. Students are able to get peer feedback through peer conference forms on the
research assignment as well as writing a self- assessment. All of this feedback and reflection allow
the students opportunities to edit and rewrite work before submitting the final product. Through This
Projects (making Brochure, Video and PPT) enhances their creative and innovative style, challenging
their minds and practicing the so called Organized Work/Organization. This Projects will finished
through a Feeding Program.

Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Word Processing
Basic Internet Use
Micro soft Power Point
Micro Soft Publisher
Power Director
Instructional Procedures
Week #1 & #2
Gaining Background Knowledge about Holistic Health
Introduce the unit by posing the Essential Question to students, What are your health goals? Have
students answer this question in their journals, have them discuss this question as a group and then
show What is a Holistic Health Practitioner? What is Holistic healing? Presentation to gauge
students interest about holistic health. Allow students time to write and discuss the prompts in the
presentation. Start with a KWL chart on Holistic Health. Then discuss the components of health in a
think-pair-share activity. Use these terms to lead into the significance of the Holocaust during the
war. Have students do a thumbs up/thumbs down vote as to if they think that health would impact
their lifes path. Have them post their name on the chart paper as to yes, no or maybe this would
impact them. End the lesson with a ticket out activity where they do a note card response using the
reciprocal teaching strategies to assess what they have learned and what will require extra focus.
Students will then have individual activity about the components of health. During each of these
lessons students will be fully engaged in reading, writing, listening, and speaking by working in small
groups and examining important text and photos to assist them in absorbing the bigger picture of
these events in history.
Week #3
Research Power Point Presentations & Explore Unit and Content Questions
In order to gain a better understanding of about Holistic Health, students will form a group and begin
working on a power point presentation about a particular concept, person, or idea from this time
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Essentials Course

period. Before starting, they will view a student sample power point presentation so they can get an
idea of what is expected in their own presentations. Each team of two will select one key topic that
they wish to include in their research. A rubric will be handed out and discussed so that everyone is
clear as to what the expectations of the assignment will be. Students will fill out the first part of their
writing self-assessment before starting their research. Key elements in the assignment include
having at least 5-10 slides with a title page slide, clip art or photos, and a sources bibliography slide.
Students will have access to reference material books in the library as well as a pre-identified list of
websites they may use to gather information on their topics. Students will have four days to
research and complete their power points.
Students will share their presentations with another group and each will fill out a peer conference
form on the other groups presentation. Partners will then fill out and discuss a writing selfassessment and then make any corrections necessary before making a final power point presentation
to the class. Finally, the students will fill in the L on the KWL chart to list what was learned by the
whole group from the presentations.
Begin discussing the Unit Question: How does health impacts the society? And the Content
Questions: Who were the influential people helped you to stay healthy? And How determine are you
to be fit and healthy? Some of the research from the power points should begin answering these
questions to some extent. Students are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas on these
questions. Have students answer these questions in their journals or in a one whole piece of paper.
Week #4 &#5
8th Grade Read


The Untold Story of Milk

Grade Read Unlimited Energy Now

The CFQ questions and discussion lead into the novels that the classes will now begin reading, The
untold story of Milk for 8th grade and Unlimited Energy Now for 7th grade. These will take 2 weeks to
read. We will read it via book on CD to accommodate the struggling readers in the class.
Throughout the reading we will continue to discuss the CFQs. At least 4 times during the two week
period 8th grade students will get on the class BLOG and enter their responses to questions posted.
They will also have the opportunity to read their peers responses. Students will be provided with a
BLOG rubric so they are clear of the expectations for the assignment.
Week #6
Got the Facts on Milk?- The Milk Documentary , Chart
After completing the reading of The untold story of Milk students will then view the movie of Got the
Facts on Milk The Milk Documentary. While viewing the movie, students will fill in a chart with a
partner or triad examining the similarities of facts and benefits about milk in the book and in the
movie. Students will discuss their chart in the whole class about their conclusion of the movie.
Guest Speaker: A Veterinary who does public speaking is being asked to come and share their
knowledge about milks benefits and facts with students. Prior to the visit, students will prepare 3
questions to ask during the guest speakers visit.
Week #7
Holistic Health: Final Reflection
Revisit the KWL chart and the Agree/Disagree chart. Students will then answer the CFQs one last
time to see if they still felt the same way about each of the questions as they had earlier in the unit.
Essential Question: Does Holistic Health supports reaching higher levels of wellness as well as preventing
illness? Unit Questions: Does it positively affect or influence youre lifestyle?
Does it change the relationship between you and other people? Content Questions: Who influence

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

you to attain holistic health?

In what way did they help you to attain your goal/aim? After answering these questions in their
journals, students will break into small groups and discuss their responses and their overall feelings
about the unit.
Go over curriculum provided by

Provincial Livestock Breeding Center and Dairy Farm (La Granja) in

preparation for our field trip.

Week #9 March, March to wellness: Community Event
Plan and carry out this event. Students helps facilitate and prepare this event to guide and answer
questions of the 250 people anticipated to attend this event. Selected students will prepare
questions to ask the group of veterinaries speaker at the event. Selected students prepare a display
of our Provincial Livestock Breeding Center and Dairy Farm (La Granja) field trip to share with
event attendees.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction


e English

Create a list of websites to gather information from for the research projects.

Give students a handout to visually reinforce how the bibliography should


Preview key vocabulary as a group prior to starting projects.

Allow students to work with a partner.

Allow the students to see examples and rubrics and to ask questions before
starting the major tasks in the unit.

Visual and verbal reinforcement whenever possible.

Repeat and clarify directions and information whenever necessary.

Allow adequate wait time for questions.

We are an English only state so all of the accommodations that I would use for my
resource and/or Title I students listed above are also beneficial for my NES students.
NA-This class is specifically designed as an intervention class for learning disabled
resource and Title I students who struggle in these academic areas and are below
grade level.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Laser Disk




Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equip.

DVD Player



Internet Connection


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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)


Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software


Other Power Point

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Printed Materials



Special Paper, Food, Money, Laptop

Internet Resources

Other Resources

Psychology Expert

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks
of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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