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ae Uv Cer cece I. Telkom University Telkom University NASKAH UJIAN JALUR PRESTASI UNGGULAN (JPU) TAHUN AKADEMIK 2014/2015 UNIVERSITAS TELKOM BANDUNG MATA UN + TPA & BAHASAINGGRIS. HARI/ TANGGAL + MINGGU, 27 APRIL 2014 waKTU 2, 10.00= 11.30 ‘SELEKSI MAHASISWA BARU TELKOM UNIVERSITY ‘SMB.TELKOMUNI zora-no-sekai, ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 rt PETUNIUK 11. Periksa dengan telit apakah ada cacat atau kekurangan pada naskah ujian anda, naskah ujian terdiri dan 10 halaman/50 soal. 2.__Jkaads pian Program Studi di Fakultas industri kreatif,erjakan tambahan soal nomor 46-47 dengan waktu 45 menit. Soal nomor 46 di Kerjakan di kertas Kosong yang ada di tengah halaman soal ini (sobek dan pisahkan dari buku soal dengan hatl-hati, jangan lupa tulskan Identitas anda berupa nama, nomor peserta, ‘nomor telepon). Sedangkan untuk soal nomor 47 kerjakan di lembar soal yang telah disediakan. 3. Kode naskab ini adalah 22 4. Lama ujlan adalah 90 menit Pada setiap soal hanya ada satu jawaban yang benar dan 5 pilihan jawaban : A, B, C, DE 6, Jawaban dikerjakan pada LIU menggunakan pensil 28 dengan cara menghitamkan pilihan Saudara 7.__Jika anda ingin memperbaikipiihan hapus plihan sebelurnya sampai bersih dan hitemkan jawaban yang anda anggap benar 8, Untuk keperluan coret-mencoret gunakan ruang kosong pada naskah ujian 9. Sistem penilaian yang digunakan adalah: Jawaban benar:nilal +3 b. Jawaban salah: nila -1 & Jawaban kosong nila 10, Selamat bekerja semoga sukses ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 (Tes Potensi Akademil Temukan lawan kota untuk kato-kata dibowah ini 1. Ambivalen A Taat Berpegang teguh Yakin Bercabang dua Konsekuen mone 2 Afiat Tuah Sehat Kuat Sokit ‘syukur mOOER 3. Moratorium ‘A. Pemakaman B. Pelaksanaan c Penundean D. Berlangsung E, Tidak berhenti Temukan podanan kata untuk kata-kata dibawah ini 4. Adinterim ‘A. Pengganti B. Sementara c Kampanye D. Periklanan E. Diantara ‘Adagium A. Keadilan B. Perkiraan c Misal D. Pepatah E. Pengandalan 6. Bangsa utama A. Bangsawan B, Adiwangsa C. Dinasti 1. Bangsa terbaik Negara maju +1- | smb.telkomuniversity. acid ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 ———— ee ‘Temukan Padanan hubungon kedua kata dibawah ini 7. Roda : Ban : Karet A mone Karbobidrat : Nast: Beras Kincir: Baling: Bambu Terminal : Andong : Darat Lauk pauk : Tahu : Kedelai Kertas : Hutan : Kayu 8 Kuda : Orang : Darat A none Kerbau : Petani : Sawah Burung : Pesawat : Udara Cepat : Lambat : Laut Gajah Laut Manusia : Kapal: Udara 9. Nakhoda : Kapal: Laut mone Pilot :Pesawat jerbang Kelasi: Berlayar: Mengambang. Pramugari: Pesawat : Udara Kelasi: Laut : Ar Pilot :Pesawat: Udara 10. Pilot :Pramugara : Penerbangan mone> Petinju: Pelatih : Olah ra Supir: Kenek : Mobil Dokter: Perawat : Kesehatan Dosen : Mahasiswa : Pendidikan Pilitah jawaban yang poling tepat untuk soal-soal berikut 12, biketahut hail kall dua buah bilangan adalah 15 dan jumiah kuadrat kedua bilangan tersebut adalah 30. Salah satu bilangan tersebut adalah A 8 cl wis ». 0 35 ES 20 12, Didalam sebuah perseg! panjang dengan panjang 8 cm dan lebar 6 cm dibuat sebuah lingkaran yang ‘enyinggung persegi panjang tersebut. Berapakah keling lingkaran tersebut? A 8 | 3 em 0.9 em 6x em E14 em 3m 13, Sebuah galon air betisi sebanyak 1/3 bagian. Jka ditambah sebanyak 16 liter air, galon tersebut ters! 5/6 bagian. Volume galon tersebut adalah A 8. ce 2a liter D. 26 liter aziter E28 iter 30 iter +2-| TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 14, Perbandingan jumiah karyawan pria dan wanita pada suatu perusahaan adalah 7 : 3, Perbandingan Jumiah karyawan yang menggunakan kacamata dan yang tidak menggunakan kacamata adalah 2 : 3. Jka jumlah karyawan yang menggunakan kacamata adalah 20 orang, maka jumlah karyawan pria adalah A. orang 5 orang 8. 30 orang. E. 40 orang c 32orang 415. Lengkapi bilangan di dalam kotak paling kanan: i) © Ad Da 83 £0 G2 16. Lengkapi bilangan di ingkaran paling kanan: iO] 4 7I7|_@) [42 7 A.98 D.49 “p67 £0 6.36 47. Lengkapi bilangan di segitiga paling kanan: ple] 2A safes) 36 ow B24 £16 c.22 38. Lengkapi bilangan di segitiga paling kanan : TAA CAA EEA +3-| TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 A Bil C6 19. Lengkapi bilangan di bawah int Als B17 cs 20. Lengkapi bilangan di antara 6 dan 2: AS 8.13 3 21. Lengkapl bilang’n di kotak paling kanan: 27 BL D.20 Ea 4 6) — fa] — vez] —> A.32dan 24 B.32dan 15 ©.27 dan 24 22. Tentukan huruf selanjutnya dari deret huruf ini D.28 dan 24 E.24dan 15 ¢—F—G—I~K—l-0-0- AS BOR cea! 23, Tentukan bilangan yang ada dalam tanda kurung: 15 (16) 4 a7 (19) 5 a (.) 8 Am B29 c 26 =4-| ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 a UEnnEIEEEee 24, Lengkapi bilangan dl lingkaran paling kanan: 12/2 4 8/2 1 8]1 Da £6 25. Lengkapi bilangan di bawah ini: os) Coby ALB Daa B.S £18 C2 IN Mi Choose the best possible answer from the options A, B,C, D, and E below! 1 The maximum effect of the Internet is actually on the daly life of the individuals. Now;life has become drastically smooth and easy over the internet. Back then, seeking for a job required several visits to the offices ‘and companies and interviews. Today, all what is required is you detail 5 resume emailed to the company's analysis division. As the results, you can {quickly find out any possiblities fr getting the job instead of waiting and getting rejected in the end, Even in the minor daly life activities like traveling and planning is also related to the internet in some’ way or the vp. aher Ines can now be ued to Inde about he fight ings and delays which make it easier to plan for the departure time. Indeed, the Internet has made ourlifé so much easier. 26. What isthe main Idea of the passage above? It's mainly about the Internet the effect ofthe internet the advantages of the internet How internet has Influenced people's life Internet and people's life mooeP> 27. What is the benefit ofthe Internet, especially related to professional life? |A.. The Internet decides whether you are accepted or rejected in a company. B. The Internet brings you to your travelling destinations. +5-| smb.telkomuniversity.acid TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 C.. The Internet helps you to make office appointment quickly. D._ The Internet saves your time to do several activities The Internet shows you more effective ways to finish jobs. 28, Which ofthe following statement is TRUE? Even with internet, people have difficulties in finding obs. People can use Internet to do possibility analysis before deciding to pursue any jobs. ‘The Internet gives less accurate and updated date regarding flight schedule, for example ‘The Internet might trick people when they request information about their travelling destination. ‘The internet is not really helpful to people, especially with their job seeking and travelling plans. moom> 29. he word smooth (line 2) can be best replaced by. rot rough flat lossy efficient useful mooe> 30. he word inquire (ine 9) has similar meaning with decide choose ask seek mone 1 Forsome people, the need to achieve is low because they actually fear becoming successful. Research by Martina Horner and others shows that this fear of success occurs in both men and women. Why should someone display anxiety over getting shesd in life? Several factors seem to be involved. Horner implies that some individuals may fear that Success will bring social rejection. They fear losing their close fiends or having people reject them because “now he or she is better thar am.” Herb Goldberg suggests that guilt is another factor. People ‘may feel guilty because they somehow “do not deserve to be better than other people.” This reaction is sometimes observed in children who succeed better 10 than their parents did. 31, What does the tex tell you? It tells me about ‘esearch about fear. people and their fears fear of success. factors of success. effects why people fear success. 32. What are the main reasons for people to fear success? ‘They fear anxiety over losing control ‘They fear feelings of not guilty. “They fear of social rejection and guil. ‘They fear getting ahead in lif. They fear of losing close friends. mooe> mooe> 23, The word getting ahead (line 4) has similar meaning with AL progressing prospering achieving. winning hitting the star mooe -6-| ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 34, The word observed (line 9) can be best replaced by surveyed noted examined noticed monitored mone 35. Which ofthe following statements can best summarizes the text above? Some men and women have a low need to achieve because they fear that success will bring social rejection and guit. Some men and women fear that they will lose the freedom to act independently because of social rejection and guilt Some people may fear that success will mean the lost of close friends. Some people may fear that success isnot the right thing for them. The low need to achieve is sometimes caused by the fear that success will bring social rejection. P > roo 1. People who move to a foreign country go through an adjustment process that often resembles what newlyweds experience. The first two weeks are the “honeymoon stage,” characterized by a rosy fascination with all aspects of the foreign culture. The architecture, food, and people, all seem clever and charming 5 As in marriage, however, reality sets in over the next few months, during the disappointment stage. The husband must deal with stockings hanging in the ‘bathroom, and the wife with clothes on the floor. Similarly, the foreign visitor discovers that he must stand in three separate lines at the bank to get a check ‘aashed. In addition, the hot water comes on only once a day shocks them too. 10 Eventually, of course, the adjustment is made, and foreigners, like newlyweds, can relax and enjoy lfe within the new situation. 36. What's the main idea of the passage above? It’s mainly about ‘The comparison between foreign visitors and newlyweds. ‘The contrast between foreign visitors and newlyweds. ‘The comparison and the contrast between foreign visitors and newiyweds. Discussion on foreign visitors and newlyweds. Opinion about foreign visitors and newlyweds. mone 37, The word rosy (line 3) can be best replaced by A. blushing B. optimistic good De pinkish £. rose-colored 38, The word Eventually line 10) has similar meaning with later i Intime Next D. Afterward Right then oe 39, What makes foreign visitors similar to newlyweds? Foreign visitors and newlyweds live in a new country. Foreign visitors are not always tied by marriage. Newlyweds face disappointment stage longer than foreign vistors, Foreign visitors and newlyweds experienced stages before acceptance. Foreign visitors and newlyweds are shocked and unable to accept the differences that they fac mone -7-| ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 eeeenenieiaeemeeneeeeeee 40. Based on the text, we can infer that, Foreign visitors will adapt more quickly to differences than newlyweds. Newlyweds wil adapt more quickly to differences than foreign vistors Foreign visitors and newiyweds rely on time to face differences. Foreign visitors and newlyweds take time to face differences. Foreign visitors and newlyweds always take a long time to accept differences. mone> 1 When you write, you speak to you audience as a unique individual. Point of view reveals the person you decide to be as you write. Like tone, point of view is closely tied to your purpose, audience, and subject. Imagine you want to convey to students in your composition class the way your college day starts 5 impressed you with making your life's choices. To capture that day's impact ‘on you, you might, for example, tell what happened from the point of view of 2 teenager: “Today Is the day | started my college day. | was seventeen. | started to make my own choices.” Or you might choose instead to recount the event speaking as the adult you are today: “The day | started to make my 10 own choices began when I started my days in college.” Your point of view will ‘obviously affect the essay’s content and organization, 41. What does the text tell you? It tells me about. composition class writing components, writing steps. point of view in writing. point of view of teenager and adult about making life's choices. 42. What is point of view? Itis the view of a teenager. Itis the view of an adult. Itis your purpose, audience, and subject. Itis the way a writer decide to show him/her self in his/her writing. tis the way a writer decide to write about him/her self in his/her writing. monePs mone> 43, Which of the following statement is TRUE? ‘A. Point of view is different from tone. * B. Point of view is the reason a writer speaks to his/her audience. Point of view shows both teenager's and adult's ways of speaking to audience, ._ Point of view only happens in writing E. Point of view shows choices ofa writer in his/her writing. 44, The word reveals (line 2) has similar meaning with A. bare tell C. coverup D. make public E. announce 45. The word capture (line 5) can be best replaced by \- arrest summarize portray take aie > rons ~8-| ‘TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 it 46, Perhatikan Bidang Gambar Berikut ini (Waktu 10 menit) Dengan menggunakan dan memanfaatkan garis-garks dan bidang- | Namar bidang yang telah disediakan, buatlah sebuah gambar atau ilustrasi ‘atau komposisi yang bercerita. Alat Kerja: Pensil HB atau 28 Waktu pengerjaan tes gambar: 10 menit, Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan penghapus dan penggaris untuk rmengerjakan tes menggambar ini, CCatatan: Kumpulkan bersama Lembar Jawab Ujian (UU) ~9-| TPA & Bahasa Inggris | KODE 22 47. Untuk soal gambar cerita: (Waktu 10 Menit) ‘Anjla adalah seekor kodok yang berada di tengah keramaian, sedang memperhatikan hiruk pikuk suasana sekeliling. Gambarkanlah pemandangan yang Anda lhat! (Lingkari salah satu) ‘a, Suatana Pasar b. Suasana Alun-Alun Kota & Suasana Kebon Binatang ‘Namez ‘No. Peserta Ulan: Kumpulkan bersama Lembar Jawab Ujian (UU) -10-|

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