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Money Management:

Making the Transition to Independence

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 Recognize your money attitude.
 Consider your Needs and Wants.
 Understand your spending habits.
 Commit to an action plan.
Money Attitudes
 What are your personal values?
 What are some of the things that are
important to you?
 What helps you lead a happy and
fulfilled life?
 What motivates you?
Needs and Wants
 We all have limited finances.
 We all need to make decisions on what to
buy now, wait to buy later, and what you
don’t need.
 What is the difference between
Needs and Wants?
Spending Habits
 Creating a Savings Habit
is hard but not impossible.
 The first step to a Savings
Habit is to know your
Spending Habits.
Next Step
 The most important step is
to create a spending plan.
 A Spending Diary will
help you give you a sense
of where your money is
Spending Diary
 Start by writing down
everything for a week.
 Complete your diary by
writing down everything
for the month.
 Review where your
money is going.
 Recognize your money attitude.
 Consider your Needs and Wants.
 Understand your spending habits.
 Commit to an action plan.

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