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Go to:
Select five chapters and read.
Write a brief summary for each chapter you chose of about one page (could be bullet
points), containing:
The author's main point(s)
Your reflection on those point(s)
How you would teach this (if you chose to do so and were given the
opportunity) to your target group.
Any questions you still have or are prompted to ask after encountering this
Be prepared to present your five chapters in a discussion Wednesday.

Chapter 18
Are Ets and UFOs real
One of the Authors main points are to realize aliens outside the country are included but not
outside of earth our home planet. The author reinforces that we need to really pay attention and
dwell on biblical points. The examples comes from

The Christian should constantly examine

ideas in light of Scripture and take every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2
Corinthians 10:5).
Evolutionary views earth as just another planet but in reality we have just the right conditions for
human life. The evolutionary theory does not focuses on how unique earth is. All the other
planets were designed differently therefore there is only one earth which it can be logical to say
if the earth is unique based on life no other planet is then is unique enough to support life.
The Bible teaches a story of redemption through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve represents we as
the human race we were made from the image of God. A person may think as the author put that
aliens never sinned. In which they would not be covered by the redemption of Jesus and also be
not from God as well.
Reflection- Overall I really liked the authors point with saying this belief in aliens is
unbiblical because many Christians including myself dwell on what could be out there

rather than the truths provided in the Bible. The concept of aliens being not in the
image of Christ is spot on. I really like the idea of that Christ blood does not cover
aliens because they are not from the image of Christ. How the author emphasizes the
importance of Earth is done very well as well. We can also see the entire argument for
aliens existing is an unknown argument because of there has been no discovery of
something as intelligent of the human race on any planet. Which calls for faith, but this
would not be seen ultimately as a faith from Christ.
Overall my target audience for teaching this would be actually at the ages of 18 and up
because personally I know a man that believes in aliens but this argument promotes
good logic backed by the absolute truths of the Bible. I would present this with an idea
of wonder in uniqueness of the human race rather than overemphasize how big the
universe is how evolution often does. When you over emphasize creation you
sometimes can lose track of the wonder and love the creator had.
Chapter 14
Can Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Explain Flood Geology?
The common theory is plate tectonics have constantly been moving slowly for years.
Beneath the mantle is the core. The study of moving plates is seen as plate tectonics.
The asthenosphere is hot and also weak because of the presence of water within its
constituent minerals which I see as a foreshadowing of the effects water would have
through the biblical concept of the flood

Extension occurs where the seafloor is being pulled apart or split along rift
zones. These rift zones are commonly related to volcanoes.
The idea that the continents had drifted apart was first suggested by a
creationist, Antonio Snider. The verse used was HE OBSERVED
VAPPORIZED. The water is catapulted high above the earth and then falls

back to the surface as intense global rain (and the floodgates of heaven were
opened is a biblical example
Overall the conclusion is plate tectonics enforces the theory of the flood.
Overall when reading the headline I was excited but I found out the concept
was presented clearly but hard to grasp. It is also interesting when reading
this plate techtonics was not seen as a biblical concept implied as Genesis 19 says but rather was noticed because Darwins book was released in the
same year. It is very interesting that science seems to be a part of the Bible
sometimes as much as faith is.

When teaching this would definitely be taught the collegiate level. I would
teach this defining simple terms rather than showing a complete picture,
because if I have showed a picture I would lose interest if too many terms
were listed so I would teach this conceptually.
Chapter 16 where does the ice age fit?

The secular belief suggest the Ice age happen four times a couple million years ago
instead of a thousand. This theory was later changed to 30 or 40 ice ages happened.

The biblical belief is the flood would have caused volcanoes to erupt and earth quakes,
causing extreme climate changes. Fountains of the great deep bursting forth

during the Flood. This shows volcanoes was not a cause of the flood but was
during the flood as well. The warm water from the earth crust being mixed
with the cool currents. The water becoming warm would be due crystal
movement releasing hot water.
Due to these extreme effects of the flood shows this ice age is capable
through a flood and this the only time in which

The idea of a woolly mammoth is explained as a creature linked to the ice age
which inhabited the ice age and died.

This was interesting because the Bible seems to provide heavy evidence of
the ice age through understanding the flood. This idea of the flood happening
even helps support the belief of the ice age more. The times this happen is
only one as explained though.
The target audience would be to elementary because having a biblical
foundation should be expressed at a very early age. Plus the wolly mammoth
is a fun animal for a young kid to visualize, but explain the truth.
Ch.3 Could God have used Evolution
Many Christians today claim that millions of years of earth history fit with the
Bible and that God could have used evolutionary processes to create. The
author makes a point that when we say God used evolution to create the story
evolution becomes more of the focus then the authoritative story in the Bible.
With the Bible losing the authority it seems to give the idea as the author put
that readers of the Bible can pick and choose what is real and what is not,
which leaves the authority to the reader and creates an emphasis on having
imagination of what could be rather than what it actually is.

The second point is based on 1 Corinthians 15 21-22. The verse is For since
by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. This verse puts the
emphasis on Adams first sin. This leads to the idea if we compromise on the
earth being millions of years we have to believe the idea that sin happened
before Adam. Death was a result of Adams sin as all humans and animals
originally only ate plants. Meaning that the sin of Adam even affected death to
animals as well as humans. Man killed other men as shown in Caine and
Able and animals killed other animals.
The god of an old earth is one who uses death as part of creating. Death,
therefore, cant be the penalty for sin and cant be described as the last
enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26).
I agree with this because the belief of God using evolution weakens the
personal story of creation and as evolution is shows the emphasis of things
created but makes the human race seem insignificant instead of the
significance of God choosing us.
The target audience for teaching creation would be elementary but since this
is teaching a belief in which God is still involved but not Biblical. My target

audience would be High school age. The way to teach this is use the Bible as
the original writer did.
Chapter 20
Was the earth created in six literal days.
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all
that is in them, and rested the seventh day (Exodus 20:11

A point he makes is the six days may be different than they are suspected
weekly system now. A point also made was the Sabbath was considered an
ordinary day as well as the six other days.
To search the Old Testament and New Testament was also a point. We are
not limited to the New Testament when we try to find out if Jesus stated He
created in six days; we can also search the Old Testament. After all, Jesus is
the Second Person of the Trinity and therefore has always existed. An
example of hearing both sides of the new testament and Old testament is All
things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and
in Him all things consist (Colossians 1:1617). New testament example.
An old testament example would be By the word of the Lord the heavens

were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. For He
spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast (Psalm 33:6-9).
A point also made is Jesus words occurred instantly. Like turning the water
into wine or saying let there be light.
When reading this I was a disappointed that the idea of days being different
than now was address but not specifically talked about. I believed when
reading this that the earth was created in six literal days as directly addressed.
My target audience would be elementary because the science involved is less
prominent if I based it on the source. Therefore this uses the Bible as the only
argument making it easier to understand, but I wish the days being different
than today days would have been addressed.

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