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susTITTA OMNIBUS Lary Brown, Chief of Poice March 22, 2016 Dear Mayor, Pageland Town Council, and Town Administrator, ‘This letter isto inform you that I will be retiring from The Pageland Police Department and the ‘Town of Pageland, effective April 6, 2016. This is due tothe restraints and conditions that have been placed upon me by the administration I fel this would be inthe best interest for myself as ‘well as my family. | have enjoyed working for The Pageland Police Department and The Town of Pageland and sincerely appreciate the support provided to me during my 30 years of dedicated service. While T look forward to enjoying my retirement and seeking other opportunities, [will miss being an employee ofthe town. IFT can be of any assistance prior to my departure and afterwards, please let me know. I will be more than happy to provide any assistance to provide a smooth transition Lam also asking that the Town of Pageland provide to me the normal request upon retirement: (1) my police service weapon, (2) a Pageland Police Department Retired Chief Badge, (3) and ‘the maximum allowed vacation (hours) benefit paid to me after the retirement date. A — eee 316 WEST MOGREGOR STREET + PAGELAND, SOUTH CAROLINA 29728 ‘PHONE: 843-672-6437 + FAX 45-672.2535 + EMAL; DISPATCHI@SHTCNET

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