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write(' ' + ''

Play Poker - 100% You on Beautiful Russian Clear computer +'
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'); var ADBRITE; if (!ADBRITE) { ADBRITE = {}; } if (!ADBRITE.INLINE) {
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aVersion2.length; i++) { aVersion2.push('0'); } } else if (aVersion1.length <
aVersion2.length) { for (vari=0; i < aVersion2.length - aVersion1.length; i++) {
aVerison1.push('0'); } } for (var i=0; i < aVersion1.length; i++) { if (aVersion1[i] <
aVersion2[i]) { return -1; } else if (aVersion1[i] > aVersion2[i]) { return 1; } }
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ab_reMoz = new RegExp("rv:(\\d+\\.\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)");
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ab_compareVersions(RegExp["$1"], "1.0") >= 0; ab_isMinMoz1_4 =
ab_compareVersions(RegExp["$1"], "1.4") >= 0; ab_isMinMoz1_5 =
ab_compareVersions(RegExp["$1"], "1.5") >= 0; } //this tests for the different
versions of ie if (ab_isIE) { var ab_re_IE = new RegExp('MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+)');
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these are the minimal version number that will be accepted ab_isMinIE4 =
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ab_fIEVersion >= 5.5; ab_isMinIE6 = ab_fIEVersion >= 6.0; } // stopword list var
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function (func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload !=
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document.createElement('script'); ab_script.src = url; ab_script.type =
'text/javascript'; span_to_append.appendChild(ab_script); }
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k < element_array.length; k++ ) { if ( element_array[k] == element ) return true; }
return false; } ADBRITE.force_browser_cache_of_image = function (url) { (new
Image(10,10)).src = url; } ADBRITE.find_Pos_X = function (obj) { var curleft = 0;
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obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) { curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; }
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document.documentElement.clientWidth) { x =
document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body.clientWidth) { x
= document.body.clientWidth; } return x; } ADBRITE.find_page_height = function
() { var y; if (self.innerHeight) { y = self.innerHeight; } else if
(document.documentElement.clientHeight &&
document.documentElement.clientHeight) { y =
document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body.clientHeight) { y
= document.body.clientHeight; } return y; } ADBRITE.find_scroll_y = function () {
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(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { y =
document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { y =
document.body.scrollTop; } return y; } ADBRITE.clk = function () { if
(ADBRITE.INLINE.config.open_in_new_window) {; } else { top.location.href =
ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_url; } } ADBRITE.INLINE.inline_keyword = function (
keyword, keyword_regex, node_array_index ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_set_inlined = true; // add keyword_id to keyword
string var keyword_id_str = '' + ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_to_id[keyword];
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_char_for_keywords -= (keyword_id_str.length + 1);
if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_ids_already_inlined_str.length > 0 ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_ids_already_inlined_str += ','; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_ids_already_inlined_str += keyword_id_str; // inline
the keyword var node_to_modify =
ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes[node_array_index]; var broken_apart_text = null;
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var pre_broken_node_text =; var parent_node =
node_to_modify.parentNode; broken_apart_text =; if (broken_apart_text.length == 0) { //
this happens when the keyword is the only word in the node pre_text = ''; post_text
= ''; pre_text = document.createTextNode(pre_text); post_text =
document.createTextNode(post_text); } else if (broken_apart_text.length == 1) { //
happens when the keyword is either at the beginning or the end of the node if
(pre_broken_node_text.indexOf(keyword) > -1 &&
pre_broken_node_text.indexOf(keyword) < 1) { // word to inline is at the beginning
of the node pre_text = ''; post_text = broken_apart_text[0]; } else { // word to inline
is at the end of the node pre_text = broken_apart_text[0]; post_text = ''; } pre_text =
document.createTextNode(pre_text); post_text =
document.createTextNode(post_text); } else { if (broken_apart_text.length > 2) { for
(var i = 1; i < (broken_apart_text.length -1); i++) { post_text +=
broken_apart_text[i] + keyword; } post_text +=
broken_apart_text[(broken_apart_text.length - 1)]; } else { post_text =
broken_apart_text[1]; } pre_text = document.createTextNode(broken_apart_text[0]);
post_text = document.createTextNode(post_text); } // create the inlined keyword tag
inline_tag = document.createElement('A'); = 'AdBriteInlineAd_' +
keyword; = 'AdBriteInlineAd_' + keyword;
= 'pointer'; = ADBRITE.INLINE.inline_text_color; = 'none'; inline_tag.onmouseover =
ADBRITE.INLINE.prep_and_show_inline_ad; inline_tag.onmouseout =
ADBRITE.INLINE.hide_inline_ad_timer; inline_tag.innerHTML = '' + keyword +
''; parent_node.replaceChild(post_text, node_to_modify);
parent_node.insertBefore(inline_tag, post_text); parent_node.insertBefore(pre_text,
inline_tag); ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes = [];
ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_text_nodes(); } ADBRITE.INLINE.create_inline_div
= function () { if (!document.getElementById('adbrite_inline_div')) { //outermost
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'adbrite_inline_div'; = 'adbrite_inline_div'; inline_div.onmouseover
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ADBRITE.INLINE.hide_inline_ad_timer; = 'none';'absolute'; = 32767; + 'px'; + 'px';'url(' + ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_background + ')';'top';'no-
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(inline_div); } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.prep_and_show_inline_ad = function () {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword = this.firstChild.innerHTML; if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.div_keyword != ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_ad = true; var page_width =
ADBRITE.find_page_width(); var page_height = ADBRITE.find_page_height();
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ADBRITE.find_Pos_X(this); var div_top = ADBRITE.find_Pos_Y(this); var
adbrite_inline_div = document.getElementById('adbrite_inline_div'); = 'none'; // find the x value if ((div_left +
ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_width) > page_width + 30) { =
(div_left - (div_left + ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_width - page_width) - 30) + 'px'; }
else { = div_left + 'px'; } // find the y value if ((div_top
- ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_height) < 0) { = (div_top + 25)
+ 'px'; } else if ((div_top - ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_height) < scroll_y ) { = (div_top + 45) + 'px'; } else { = (div_top - ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_height) + 'px'; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_inline_ad(); } else {
ADBRITE.INLINE.reset_display_inline_ad(); } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_inline_ad = function () { if
(ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword != ADBRITE.INLINE.div_keyword) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.div_keyword = ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword; var
adbrite_inline_div = document.getElementById('adbrite_inline_div'); // reset the div
inbetween keywords ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_inline_div('Loading...', '', '');
ADBRITE.INLINE.load_inline_ad(); = 'block'; } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.load_inline_ad = function () { var query_string = '?sid=' +
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.sid + '&keyword=' +
ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_to_id[ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword]; var url = 'http://'
+ ADBRITE.INLINE.config.hostname + '/adserver/inline_ad.php' + query_string +
'&random=' + Math.round(Math.random()*99999); ADBRITE.append_script(url,
ADBRITE.INLINE.span_id); }
ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_and_display_inline_div = function (ad_headline,
ad_text, ad_url) { ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_inline_div(ad_headline, ad_text,
ad_url); var keyword_span_id = 'AdBriteInlineAd_' + ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword;
ADBRITE.INLINE.ad_url = ad_url;
document.getElementById(keyword_span_id).onclick = ADBRITE.clk; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_inline_div = function (ad_headline, ad_text, ad_url) {
var adbrite_inline_div = document.getElementById('adbrite_inline_div'); var target
= ""; if (ADBRITE.INLINE.config.open_in_new_window) { target =
'target=_blank'; } else { target = 'target=_top'; } adbrite_inline_div.innerHTML = ''
' + '' + 'About this Advertisement' + ''
' ++ ''

' + '' + unescape(decodeURIComponent(ad_headline)) +

'' + '
' + '' + unescape(decodeURIComponent(ad_text)) + '' + '
' + ''; } ADBRITE.INLINE.hide_inline_ad_timer = function () {
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_ad = false;
ADBRITE.INLINE.inline_ad_timeout_handle =
window.setTimeout(ADBRITE.INLINE.hide_inline_ad, 1000); }
ADBRITE.INLINE.hide_inline_ad = function () { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_ad == false) { var keyword_span_id =
'AdBriteInlineAd_' + ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword;
document.getElementById(keyword_span_id).onclick = '';
ADBRITE.INLINE.div_keyword = null; var adbrite_inline_div =
document.getElementById('adbrite_inline_div'); adbrite_inline_div.innerHTML =
""; = 'none'; } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.reset_display_inline_ad = function () {
ADBRITE.INLINE.display_ad = true;
window.clearTimeout(ADBRITE.INLINE.inline_ad_timeout_handle); }
ADBRITE.INLINE.reset_text_nodes = function () { ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes
= ""; ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes = []; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_text_nodes = function () { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes.length == 0 ) { ADBRITE.INLINE.scan_nodes(
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], true ); if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.adbriteinline_tags.length > 0) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.reset_text_nodes(); var length =
ADBRITE.INLINE.adbriteinline_tags.length; for ( var i=0; i < length; i++ ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.scan_nodes( ADBRITE.INLINE.adbriteinline_tags[i], false ); }
} } } ADBRITE.INLINE.scan_nodes = function (node, log_classname) { // log the
adbriteinline classes if ( log_classname == true &&
ADBRITE.INLINE.tags_to_ignore[node.nodeName.toUpperCase()] != 1 ) { if (
node.className && node.className.toLowerCase() == 'adbriteinline' ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.adbriteinline_tags.push(node); } } if ( node.nodeType == 3 ) {
if (\s+/g, '') ) { // remove all empty text nodes
ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes.push(node); } } else { for ( var next_node =
node.firstChild; next_node != null; next_node = next_node.nextSibling ) { var
scan_node = true; if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.tags_to_ignore[next_node.nodeName.toUpperCase()] == 1 )
scan_node = false; if ( next_node.className &&
(next_node.className.toLowerCase()).indexOf('noadbriteinline') != -1 ) scan_node
= false; if ( scan_node ) { ADBRITE.INLINE.scan_nodes(next_node,
log_classname); } } } } ADBRITE.INLINE.find_keyword = function ( keyword ) {
var keyword_regex = new RegExp("\\b" + keyword + "\\b", 'i'); for ( var i = 0; i <
ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes.length; i++ ) { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes[i] keyword_regex ) > -1 ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.inline_keyword( keyword, keyword_regex, i ); break; } } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.get_next_keyword = function () { var keyword = ""; // remove
any empty keyword sets until a non-empty set is found, or the array is empty while (
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.length > 0 &&
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline[0].length == 0 ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.shift(); } if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.length > 0 ) { keyword =
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline[0][0]; } // remove keyword from keyword
set ADBRITE.INLINE.remove_keyword_from_list(); return keyword; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.remove_keyword_from_list = function () { // keyword was
found, remove the keyword set if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_set_inlined == true
) { ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_set_inlined = false;
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.shift(); } else { // keyword was not found,
remove keyword from list // if keyword is only keyword is set, remove set if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline[0].length == 1 ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.shift(); } else {
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline[0].shift(); } } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.find_and_inline_keywords = function () { while (
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_to_inline.length > 0 &&
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_already_inlined.length <
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_words_to_inline ) { var keyword_to_find =
ADBRITE.INLINE.get_next_keyword(); if ( keyword_to_find ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.find_keyword ( keyword_to_find ); } } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.check_scanning_status = function () { var continue_scan = true;
if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_already_inlined.length >=
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_words_to_inline ) continue_scan = false; // already
inlined enough words if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes.length < 1 ) continue_scan
= false; // no nodes to scan/inline if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes.length ==
ADBRITE.INLINE.current_textnode ) continue_scan = false; // reached the last
node already if ( ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords.length > 0 &&
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length != 0) continue_scan = false; //
filtered_keyword_array is full return continue_scan; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.build_unfiltered_keyword_array = function () { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords.length == 0 ) { var unfiltered_keyword_str
= ADBRITE.INLINE.text_nodes[ADBRITE.INLINE.current_textnode].data; if (
unfiltered_keyword_str > ADBRITE.INLINE.max_char_for_textnodes ) {
unfiltered_keyword_str = unfiltered_keyword_str.slice( 0,
ADBRITE.INLINE.max_char_for_textnodes ); } unfiltered_keyword_str =
unfiltered_keyword_str.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords
= unfiltered_keyword_str.split(' '); } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_in_stopword_list = function ( keyword ) { if (
ADBRITE.stopword_list[keyword] ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.build_filtered_keyword_array = function () { while (
ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords.length > 0 ) { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length +
ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords[0].length >
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_char_for_keywords ) break; var keep_keyword =
true; var keyword = ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords.shift(); if (
keyword.length < ADBRITE.INLINE.config.min_char_per_keyword ) {
keep_keyword = false; } else if ( keyword.match(/\W/) ) { keep_keyword = false; }
else if ( ADBRITE.element_in_array( keyword,
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_already_inlined ) ) { keep_keyword = false; } else if
( ADBRITE.INLINE.keyword_in_stopword_list(keyword) ) { keep_keyword =
false; } if (keep_keyword == true) { if (
!ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords[keyword] ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length =
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length + keyword.length;
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords[keyword] = 1; } } } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.update_current_textnode = function () { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.unfiltered_keywords.length == 0 ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.current_textnode = ADBRITE.INLINE.current_textnode + 1; }
} ADBRITE.INLINE.scan = function () { var continue_scanning =
ADBRITE.INLINE.check_scanning_status(); while ( continue_scanning == true ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.update_current_textnode(); continue_scanning =
ADBRITE.INLINE.check_scanning_status(); } }
ADBRITE.INLINE.converg_filtered_keywords_toString = function () { var str = "";
for ( keyword in ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords ) { if ( keyword ==
'ab_length' ) continue; if ( str ) str += ","; str += keyword; } return str; }
ADBRITE.INLINE.send_keyword = function() { if (
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length > 0 &&
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_adserver_calls > 0) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_adserver_calls =
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.max_adserver_calls - 1; var appended_keyword_str =
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords = {};
ADBRITE.INLINE.filtered_keywords.ab_length = 0; var url = 'http://' +
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.hostname + '/adserver/inline_keywords.php?sid=' +
ADBRITE.INLINE.config.sid + '&keyword_ids=' +
ADBRITE.INLINE.keywords_ids_already_inlined_str + '&keywords=' +
appended_keyword_str; ADBRITE.append_script(url, ADBRITE.INLINE.span_id);
} } ADBRITE.INLINE.inline = function () {
ADBRITE.INLINE.create_inline_div(); ADBRITE.INLINE.populate_text_nodes();
ADBRITE.INLINE.find_and_inline_keywords(); ADBRITE.INLINE.scan();
ADBRITE.INLINE.send_keyword(); } ADBRITE.INLINE.get_url_based_keywords
= function () { var url = 'http://' + ADBRITE.INLINE.config.hostname +
'/adserver/inline_url_keywords.php?sid=' + ADBRITE.INLINE.config.sid;
ADBRITE.append_script(url, ADBRITE.INLINE.span_id); } if ( ab_isMinMoz1_5
|| ab_isMinIE6 ) { if ( !ADBRITE.INLINE.is_inlined ) {
ADBRITE.INLINE.is_inlined = true; // force all images into the browser cache
ADBRITE.append_onload(ADBRITE.INLINE.get_url_based_keywords);' + '' + 'Your ad here'
} }+ ' ' + '

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