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Monday, February 1st

Unit 3 lesson 1: in my house :

Vocabulary :









Thursday, February 4th.

Garfield in the bedroom : He is in bed under the blanket (couverture). Then (puis),
he is on the bed. He is on his master's (matre) bed. His master is in bed. Garfield is
on a chest of drawers (commode), on a chair, on a pile of books, then on a TV set. At
the end, he is on his master ! Cannon ball (boulet de canon) !!!



next to


in front of


Friday, February 5th.

Where are they ? There is a camera (appareil photo) next to the computer in the
living-room. There is a backpack (sac dos) behind Jenny's desk. There are
sandwiches in the fridge in the kitchen. There aren't biscuits on the table : they are
in Jake's mouth !
Il y a :Pour parler de l'existence de quelque chose, on utilise there is. is

s'accorde avec le nom qui suit. Ex : There is one girl but there are four boys.
Exercice : complte par there is / there are.
1- In my bedroom, there are books.
2- In the living-room, there is a TV.
3- In the bathroom, there are a shower and a bath.
4- In the kitchen, there are chairs.
Monday, February 8th.
There is / are (suite) :
- forme interrogative : Is there a lion ? / Are there cats ?
- rponses courtes : Yes, there is / are. No, there isn't / aren't.
- forme ngative : There isn't a lion. / There aren't cats.
Exercice 2 :
1- Yes, there is.
3- No, there isn't.

2- No, there aren't / are not.

4- Yes, there are.

Thursday, February 11th.

Vocabulary :

armchair : fauteuil

room : pice

Exercice 1 :
1- There is a brown bed in Addison's room.
2- There are two suitcases and a ball under Addison's bed.
3- There are two grey windows in her bedroom.

Friday, February 12th.

The differences :
In picture A there is a poster but in picture B there is a shelf. In picture A there is a
pizza under the sofa and in picture B there is a pizza on the sofa. In picture A there
are DVDs and there aren't DVDs in picture B.
picture : photo / image / dessin
you're welcome : de rien
Demander le nombre d'objets :
How many spiders are there ? There are 12 spiders.
How many robots are there ? There is one robot.
Monday, February 15th.

Unit 3 Lesson 2 : rules for the show :

Can / must et mustn't :
- can indique une permission : ex : You can use your mobile phone.
- must indique une obligation : ex : You must be quiet.
- mustn't indique une interdiction : ex : You mustn't drink.
Ils sont toujours suivis d'un verbe l'infinitif.
Vocabulary :
drink : boire
stay : rester
smoke : fumer
litter : dchets
lead : laisse (d'un

eat : manger
take : prendre
talk : parler
bin : poubelle

use : utiliser

Exercice : complte avec can / must ou mustn't. Tu es dans une classe d'anglais.
1- You can / must speak in English.
2- You mustn't run and jump.
3- You must / can write on your notebook.
4- You can work in pairs.
5- You mustn't use your mobile phone.
6- The teacher can give (donner) homework (devoirs).
Monday, March 7th.
Attention : on ne prononce pas le premier t de mustn't.
Maya's mum :
Hannah is sick (malade) : she must stay in bed. Maya must wear a green t-shirt : that
is the rule (rgle). She must take an umbrella (parapluie) : it is raining (pleut).
Thursday, March 10th.
Maya's mum (suite) :
She must be back (revenir) before (avant) 8 pm. She mustn't switch off (teindre)
her phone. She must be careful (faire attention) : there are lots of people. Maya's
mum is worried (inquite) but she can relax !
Crazy (stupide) rules for a swimming-pool :
- You mustn't swim !
- You must swim with sharks (requins) !
- You can fight (se battre) !
- You can sleep !

Friday, March 11th.

Vocabulary :
dive : plonger
push : pousser
fight : se battre
flipper : palme
swimsuit : maillot de bain
pet : animal domestique
cheat : tricher

polite : poli(e)
rule : rgle

Bilan Unit 3 Lessons 1 and 2 :

- le vocabulaire : pices, meubles, ...
- must, mustn't et can
- les prpositions de lieu : in, on...
- there is, there are
- la prononciation du th .
Exercice n3 : complte avec can, can't, must ou mustn't.
Charlotte : Callum, what are the rules at the roller skating club ?
Callum : First, you must be very careful. You must pay attention to objects on the
road (route) and, of course, you mustn't push other skaters.
Charlotte : And, can I wear my new cap ?
Callum : No, you can't but you must wear a helmet (casque) to protect your head.

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