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Preliminary Physics Module 1: The World

The wave model can be used to explain how current technologies transfer

Describe the energy transformations required in one of the

following: mobile phone:

Sound waves -> electrical signals, transformed by built in microphone

These signals are digitised (turned into 1s and 0s) and are transmitted as
radio waves to a base station
The base station is connects the signals to switching centres by cables
The switching centres then connect the signals to other switching centres or
base stations
If, Mobile-Distant fixed telephone signals are converted to light
If, Mobile-Fixed telephone signals are converted to electrical impulses
If, Mobile-Mobile signals are converted to electrical then radio waves
All are then transferred to sound waves

1.2 Describe waves as a transfer of energy disturbance that may occur in

one, two or three dimensions, depending on the nature of the wave and the

A wave transfers energy from one place to another and is a vibration or

Waves may occur in one dimension (a single beam of light), two dimensions (a
circular wavefront in a pond) or three dimensions (the light from a star)

1.3 Identify that mechanical waves require a medium for propagation while
electromagnetic waves do not:

Mechanical waves, such as sound and water waves, require a medium to

travel through
Mechanical waves can be transverse (the particles vibrate perpendicularly to
the direction of energy transfer) or longitudinal (the particles vibrate parallel
to the direction of energy transfer)
Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, are transverse and do
not require a medium to go through as they are self-propagating because as
the electrons are accelerated with atoms they generate changing electric
fields, which in turn generate changing magnetic fields, which generate
electric fields allowing the waves to move

1.4 Define and apply the following terms to the wave model: medium,
displacement, period, amplitude, compression, rarefaction, crest,
trough, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, frequency, wavelength,
and velocity:

Medium the substance in which the material is moving through

Displacement the distance travelled by one particle in a wave from its
resting position

Amplitude the maximum size of particle displacement from the resting

Period the time it takes for a single wave to pass a fixed point, period (T) and
frequency are related by the relationship: T =
Compression areas of maximum (high) pressure in longitudinal waves
Rarefaction areas of minimum (low) pressure in longitudinal waves
Crest The maximum positive displacement (on a transverse wave)
Trough The maximum negative displacement (on a transverse wave)
Transverse waves the particles vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of
energy transfer (if it travels through particles)
Longitudinal waves the particles vibrate parallel to the direction of energy
Frequency the number of waves that pass a fixed place per second,
measured in Hertz (Hz)
Wavelength the distance between two adjacent crests and troughs (or
compressions and rarefactions), measured in metres (m)
Velocity the speed of the wave, measured in m/s, is calculated using the
formula: V =f , where V is velocity (m/s), f is frequency (Hz) and is
wavelength (m)

1.5 Describe the relationship between particle motion and the direction of
energy propagation in transverse and longitudinal waves:

Transverse waves the particles vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of

energy transfer (if it travels through particles)
Longitudinal waves the particles vibrate parallel to the direction of energy

1.6 Quantify the relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength

for a wave:

The velocity of a wave, measured in m/s, is calculated using the formula:

V =f , where V is velocity (m/s), f is frequency (Hz) and is wavelength

Features of a wave model can be used to account for the properties of sound
2.1 Identify that sound waves are vibrations or oscillations of particles in a

As an object vibrates it sets up a series of compressions and rarefactions that

move through a medium as sound waves and are detected by our ears
Sound waves are vibrations in a medium that result in pressure variations
within that medium

2.2 Relate compressions and rarefactions of sound waves to the crests and
troughs of transverse waves used to represent them:

When representing a sound wave as a transverse wave, compressions are the

equivalents of crests and rarefactions are the equivalents of troughs

2.3 Explain qualitatively that pitch is related to frequency and volume to

amplitude of sound waves:

The higher the pitch, the higher the frequency and the lower the pitch, the
lower the frequency
The louder the sound the bigger the amplitude and the softer the sound the
smaller the amplitude

2.4 Explain an echo as a reflection of a sound wave:

An echo forms when a sound wave reflects off of a (preferably smooth and
hard) surface and rebounds back to its original source
There needs to be a time difference between the reflected sound and the
original sound so that you can hear the echo, this time difference is a
minimum of 0.1 seconds (that means you must be at least 17 meters from the
surface to hear it)
Echolocation is used by dolphins and bats to detect where they are going,
similarly SONAR is also used by submarines

2.5 Describe the principle of superposition and compare the resulting waves
to the original waves in sound:

If two or more waves of the same type pass through the same medium at the
same time, the displacement of any point is the sum of the individual
displacements of each wave (adding the amplitudes)
This interference may reinforce the sound (in a sound wave) or possibly
produce no sound at all if the second wave is out of phase by 180

Recent technological developments have allowed greater use of the

electromagnetic spectrum
3.1 Describe electromagnetic waves in terms of their speed in space and
lack of requirement of a medium for propagation:

Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, are transverse and do
not require a medium to go through as they are self-propagating because as
the electrons are accelerated within atoms they generate changing electric
fields, which in turn generate changing magnetic fields, which generate
electric fields allowing the waves to move
The speed of electromagnetic waves in space (or in a vacuum) is:
3 x 108ms-1, they are slower in denser mediums such as water and glass

3.2 Identify the electromagnetic wavebands filtered out by the atmosphere,

especially UV, X-Rays and Gamma Rays:

Earths atmosphere filters out most of the electromagnetic waves except for
visible light and radio waves; UV, X-Rays and Gamma rays are filtered out and
these are harmful to humans

3.3 Identify methods for detection of various wavebands in the

electromagnetic spectrum:

3.4 Explain that the relationship between the intensity of electromagnetic

radiation and distance from a source is an example of the inverse
square law

For example, the calculation for the intensity of the light from the sun on a
planet that was 10 units distance from the source (sun) and it is known that a
planet 4 units distance from the source (sun) has an intensity of the light from
the sun 1200lx (lux), is:
1200 x 42=19200

3.5 Outline how the modulation of amplitude or frequency of visible light,

microwaves and/or radio waves can be used to transmit information:

Modulation is the adding of information (superimposing) to a carrier wave by

superimposing signals (waves) that vary either the frequency or amplitude of
the carrier wave
Amplitude modulation (AM) superimposes a signal wave onto a carrier wave
that alters the amplitude
AM is used to broadcast on AM radio (and also modulate visible light which can
be used to send and receive sound waves)
Frequency modulation (FM) superimposes a signal wave onto a carrier wave
that alters the frequency
FM is used to broadcast on FM radio (and also modulate microwaves to
transmit mobile phone signals)


Discuss problems produced by the limited range of the electromagnetic

spectrum available for communication purposes:

Distance - waves become weaker as the distance they travel over increases
(attenuation), this makes boosters/repeater stations required
Congestion as more and more people access a limited range of the
spectrum, they become more congested and interference may occur (new
digital technology uses up smaller wavebands)

Many communication technologies use applications of reflection and

refraction of electromagnetic waves

Describe and apply the law of reflection and explain the effect of
reflection from a plane surface on waves:


The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of
reflection (measured using the normal perpendicular to the point of contact)
All surfaces obey this law

Describe ways in which applications of reflection of light, radio waves

and microwaves have assisted in information transfer:

Visible light convex mirrors used on cars allow drivers to see around blind
corners, car headlights in the shape of parabolic mirrors reflect the light rays
(from the bulbs) in a set of parallel rays
Radio waves can be reflected off the ionosphere around the curvature of the
earth and can be used in radio and television (these are the smaller
wavelength radio waves sky waves)
Microwaves used in satellite television signals


Describe one application of reflection for each of the following: plane

surfaces, concave surfaces, convex surfaces, radio waves being
reflected by the ionosphere:


Explain that refraction is related to the velocities of a wave in different

media and outline how this may result in the bending of a wavefront:


It is calculated by the formula:


sin i v 1 1 n2
= = =
sinr v 2 2 n1

Identify the conditions necessary for total internal reflection with

reference to the critical angle:


The refractive index of a medium is a measure of the comparison of the

velocity of light in a medium relative to a vacuum.

Define Snells Law:


Refraction is the bending of a wave when travelling through a substance of a

different density (or refractive index)
Less dense -> more dense (bends towards the normal)
More dense -> less dense (bends away from the normal)
Refraction occurs because when a wave travels from a less dense substance
to a more dense substance and parts of the wave are on each side of the
interface (travelling at different speeds), in order for the wave to continue as
one wave the wave bends towards the normal

Define refractive index in terms of changes in the velocity of a wave in

passing from one medium to another:


Plane surfaces mirrors

Concave surfaces satellite dish
Convex surfaces blind corner traffic mirrors
Radio waves being reflection by the ionosphere radio and television

The critical angle is the angle of incidence required for the refracted angle to
equal 90
When the wave is refracted to an angle greater than 90, total internal
reflection will occur if the wave is also entering a medium with lower
refractive index (the wave will not escape from the more dense medium to
the less dense medium)

Outline how total internal reflection is used in optical fibres:

Optical fibres are thin cylindrical strands of high purity glass, the fibre
consists of two concentric layers of glass with the centre having the higher
refractive index and the cladding having the lower refractive index, the light
waves sent through the fibre doesnt escape due to total internal reflection

Electromagnetic waves have potential for future communication

technologies and data storage technologies

Identify types of communication data that are stored or transmitted in

digital form:

Digital transmission is trending in communication technologies

Optical fibre communication systems are examples of digital technologies
Other examples include: CDs, DVDs, GPS and the Internet
Digital transmission allows for enhanced security and preservation of a signal
(protection against corruption)
The CD rotates at high speed so that the data is read at the same time
regardless of the laser detectors position, a beam is emitted and direction
onto the disc, as the disc rotates the beam encounters a series of pits and
landings which generate binary code (1-pit, 0-landing) which is retrieved from
the disc

Note Below:
For concave mirrors if the object is:
- inside the focal length of the mirror, the image will be virtual, upright and
- at the focal point (halfway between mirror and centre of curvature) the
image will be unseen
- between the focal length and the centre of curvature, the image will be
real, inverted and enlarged
- beyond the centre of curvature (centre of circle), the image will be real,
inverted and diminished
To calculate the height of an image reflected by a concave mirror:
- Draw a ray from the top of the object, parallel to the principal axis until it
reaches the surface the mirror is on, then draw the line through the focal
point (and back to point of intersection with second ray)
- Draw a ray from the focal point through the top of the object until it hits
the surface the mirror is on, then draw this line backwards parallel to the
principal axis (middle of mirror) until it meets the first ray
- The height of the image is the point of intersection to the principal axis

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