Anda di halaman 1dari 2

a tea bag [1 teh kantong]

Sugar [Gula]

Hot water [Air panas]

Spoon [Sendok]

A cup [1 Gelas/cangkir










second, add two spoons of sugar into the glass [Kedua, tambahkan dua sendok gula ke dalam gelas.]

Third, put a tea baginto a glass [Ketiga, letakkan teh kantongnya ke dalam gelas.]

Next,pour thehotwaterinto the glass [Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas.]

Then, stir the tea until purely mixed [Kemudian, aduk tehnya sampai benar-benar tercampur.]

Your tea goes best with cookies and some snacks! [Teh Anda baik disajikan dengan kue dan beberapa
makanan ringan!]

Black coffee powder [Kopi bubuk hitam]

Milk powder [Susu bubuk]


Hot water [Air panas]

Spoon [Sendok]

Glasses [ Gelas/cangkir]


First, heat two cups of water [Pertama, panaskan dua cangkir air.]

Second, after the water is already hot and boiling, put a spoon of coffee powder into the first
glass [Kedua, setalah airnya cukup panas, dan mendidih, masukkan satu sendok kopi bubuk
kedalam gelas pertama.]

Then, stir until the coffee and the water is mixed [Lalu, aduk kopi dan airnya hingga bercampur.]

After that, add two tablespoons of milk powder into the second glass then stir it until mixed
[Setelah itu, tambah dua sendok susu bubuk kedalam gelas kedua lalu aduk hingga merata.]

Stir again until the coffee and milk are completely blended [Aduk kembali hingga kopi dan susu
benar-benar tercampur.]

Last, you can add a few tablespoon of sugar if you feel less sweet of coffee [Terakhir, anda dapat
menambahkan sedikit gula jika anda rasa kopinya kurang manis.]

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