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Katie Kwok

C&T 4124
Classroom Management and Disciplinary Response
In my current placement, I have been fortunate enough to learn
a lot about what is truly successful for students, as well as what
perpetuates unwanted and destructive behaviors. While I will not dwell
on the disturbing behavioral and classroom management practices I
have unfortunately witnessed, I have most definitely utilized these
strategies to clarify what I believe in and will practice in my future
classroom. Essentially, I believe a classroom that manages student
behavior is one that directly teaches into these behaviors or lagging
skills. Classrooms the explicitly teach social-emotional skill
development equip students with the foundational strategies they
need to learn effectively. A classroom that is centered around who the
student iswhat they bring to the table and what they still need help
learningis a classroom that will teach students how to be successful
and engage these students deeply and authentically.
That is why it is so important to me to establish that the students
own this space, that they do not merely exist, but are active,
autonomous agents within their learning space. I believe by facilitating
this type of experience, behavior and classroom management becomes
much more natural in that it is a part of the students discourse;
management of the classroom and ones behavior is a discussion that
can be addressed as an entire class in relationship with the established
rules and expectations. I saw an example of this type of classroom in
my current placement schools 5th grade. Within this space, students
were leaders, commanding transitions, teaching lessons to one
another, independently transitioning into each activity; this was a
routine/practice that elicited success for these particular kids. The
amount of practice and revision of these classroom management
scaffolds must have been immense and time consuming, however the
result of this focus on student needs and involvement in the
construction of their shared space, was important work; just as
important as learning multiplication and sensory imagery, classrooms
need explicit and direct practice in utilizing strategies and routines that
facilitate effective behavioral and classroom management.
I also think that an essential part of classroom management is
engaging curriculum and participation strategies. Misbehavior can also
be an indication of boredom, confusion, and disengagement with the
material one might be teaching. Rather than thinking, Whats wrong
with them, why cant they sit still, why cant they listen? I have begun
exploring my own moves and content choices as an educator, what am
I doing that is not relevant to this classroom, how can I make content
choices that address the interests and prior knowledge of my
classroom? Thoughtful pedagogical choices facilitate thoughtful
student engagement; if students are invested in their learning,

Katie Kwok
C&T 4124
behavioral challenges that might typically surface are channeled into
constructive application of individual and class wide interests and
strengths. I also believe in dynamic pairings/groupings of students, to
generate multiple participation scaffolds, as well as establish culture
that values deep evaluation of ideas, cooperation, and student
investment in each others ideas and perspectives. Group/partner work
is carefully orchestrated, so that students must rely on each other to
complete the activitywhich teaches into possible lagging skills. An
important part of behavior and classroom management is thoughtful
and dynamic pedagogy, which allows application of practiced skills and
strategies to be more fluid.
Some dilemmas I believe I will face, are in knowing when and
where to draw my line; what will I define as constructive and engaged
behavior and when does a behavior/attitude become distracting,
needing Plan A/B intervention? I have encountered these personal
questions in my current placement, as I have experimented with
different styles of instruction. I personally approach my relationships
with students and classroom instruction more casually; I enjoy
establishing comfortable rapports with students, so I am not perceived
as scary or unapproachable. However, I think my personal style of
interaction and professional conduct can be seen by students as
passive. In certain settings, I have seen students relax under my
classroom and behavior management style, and feel comfortable to
participate more freely; yet I have also experienced students not
knowing how to exist within the space I have created, feeling like there
were no rules or expectations, and thus exhibiting behavioral
challenges. I am still trying to work out a system, that is true to my
casual style, but provides students that need it, explicit expectations
that are firmly enforced. While I am still trying to figure out that happy
medium, between who I am and how I want to be perceived by my
students in the classroom, I do know I will continue to bring myself into
instruction since this is the most authentic way I can model behavioral
expectations, as well as life skills, for my students.
I still have a lot to learn; I, like my students, am still working on
my own lagging skills and unsolved problems. I continue to position
myself as a learner, what can I learn from my students, colleagues,
theorists that I can incorporate into the classroom? How can I help my
students create a space where they feel loved, respected, and valued?
What structures within our classroom, will help students to feel the
same toward themselves and others? I continue to reflect on my
practices, ask students and staff for feedback and try my best to
incorporate these needs into my lessons and classroom
systems/routines. I will keep observing professionals that I admire and
reflecting on their moves, as another practice I will continue to utilize
as I transition into my career as an educator. Seeing how different

Katie Kwok
C&T 4124
content, participation, and behavioral structures are utilized in a
classroom space is a very tangible way to see and later apply
successful classroom management. Part of being a learner, is never
presuming I know it all. I will forever be on the pursuit of finding
ways to genuinely understand and engage my students; each year
internalizing the lessons I have learned and then applying these
lessons in new, reflective ways. I want to continue to help students
understand themselves better, so they have the skills and strategies to
learn magnificently.

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