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Subscription-based creative software The new way of procuring software for future-ready businesses The software industry is increasingly moving to subscription-based solutions for businesses of all sizes Subscription-based software enables IT teams to gain more control over their costs, flexibility over thelr deployments, and the knowledge that they always have access to the most up-to-date and reliable software. ‘THE TOOLS YOU NEED, AS YOU NEED THEM ial ‘and secure version nual updates that ty wait for product 5 improv CG Continual Updates = pay for new versions — you! ant and ongoing bass. LOWER UP-FRONT COST v raditional boxed large up team. By you ca supporta growing ft uti Capital Operating Expense Expense @ Adobe Creative Cloud The benefits of subscription with the power of Adobe Adobe, the industry leader in creative software, is also leading the industry in delivering subscription-based creative software solutions, By leveraging Adobe Creative Cloud, your organization immediately gains access to more than 38 of Adobe's creative applications, with all features and updates available in the most recent version, and access to ongoing updates and improvements, Adobe Creative Cloud gives your IT team control and flexibility to distribute and manage software across your team efficiently and effectively. Bio ® INSTALL ON YOUR OWN MACHINES APPS available for download with ‘Adobe Creative Cloud With Adobe Creative Cloud, you de directly on your creative tears computer: work wherever and howe, BOQ Oooo ‘CONTROL WHEN & HOW UPDATES ARE DEPLOYED NEW FEATURES You have complete control over who gets which apps and when since release of @ Discover the power of Creative Cloud for businesses. adobecom/go/creativecloud ‘Adobe Creative Cloud without discs or serial numbers Adobe the Ad vader

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