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Teacher 2

Date: 2/3/16

Class Per: 2

Lesson Objective: 8B. Categorize organisms using a hierarchical classification

system based on similarities and differences shared among groups (Warm-Up); 8C.
Characteristics of kingdoms
Observations by Mrs. Tricia N. Aguas (Science Instructional Practice

Do Now projected on screen.
Students work in groups to write the
hierarchy of classification from most
diverse to least diverse


Goes around to pick up group

Ok, Im going to ask Javier to list the
hierarchy in the correct order.

Working on the Do Now

Javier names the taxa out loud.

Thank you Javier. Alright we have 2
more slides to go for our notes
Have you ever heard someone
comment, Im not an animal. Is that
accurate? .

Students have various reactions and

talk all at the same time.

How many kingdoms are there?

Students call out, 2 4 18 21


That is correct there are 6.

Ok. Were all talking. Were working
against each other. Lets settle
Went over notes from the PowerPoint
on the Animal kingdom.
Are they prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

A few students call out, Eukaryotic.

Do animals have cell walls?
Lets start an activity comparing the
Lets look at the first one does not
have a nucleus What word do we
use to describe a cell that has no

Santos calls out, Pro-, No.

Correct. Pro-, No nucleus.
So what kingdom is this first one?

Santos: Its Archaebacteria.

Santos gives reason for his

Santos, explain why you say that.
Students begin the activity.

That is correct.
Teacher goes from group to group to
assist students.



I see a phone out. Please put it up

or Ill have to take it and you can get
it back at the end of the class period
or the end of the day.

Students closest to the door are

actively discussing the answers and
how they determined each one.

Talk it over at your table. Isaacs

table is doing a great job!
Figure out what kingdom is being

Miss, can you check this?

They use cilia, flagella

What other characteristics will

define this as a protist? Look at how
they move.
Walked to a group, Isaac, what are

(Student) I hear you over there. A

lot of that energy should go to your
Moves to back middle table to help.

Isaac with help from people in their

group answer, They eat away at
dead materials.
Loud talking from one particular

Student at front table close to the

door raises hand, Ms. Harlan, we
need help.



How can I help you? Number 4

(Except yeast, fungi and animals
share which 2 characteristics?) So
look at both and figure out what they

Students continue their discussion

have in common.


(Re-directs middle back table) Asks

scaffolding questions to direct them
to the correct answer.
Goes back to table closest to the
door. Looks at clock and says, I
believe if we stay on task, we can
finish this today.
Moves to front middle table to help.

Eduardo at other table is talking and


Moves to back table near prep room

to help.
Eduardo your behavior is a cover up
for your not understanding. Id rather
you ask questions so I can help you.
Moves to the middle back table and
asks Eduardo to stop.



Moves toward front table close to the

door. Brianna, what are you doing?

Brianna on laptop, Doing my work.

Brianna closes laptop.

The laptop needs to be in the case.

Theres a difference between saying
and doing something.

Im doing that.

Addresses the whole class, As you

go through this activity, you can see
there are similarities among
kingdoms, but there are also unique
characteristics. You need to study
the identifiable characteristics of
each one.
What makes the plant kingdom

Different students call out,

Autotrophs. Photosynthesis.
Some students call out, Eukaryotic,

What makes animals unique?


Cell walls!
What do they not have on the

outside of their cells?

You are required to turn in your
work whether you are finished or
not. I would like to see how much
you know at this point.
Tomorrow we are doing a lab to
classify sharks.


Collects papers and asks for a

volunteer to collect notebook.

Brianna, referring to current

assignment asks, May we finish this
at home?

Yes you may.

Looks at Jennifers paper then says,
Jennifer take this home to finish
because we dont have time
tomorrow to work on it.

Bell rings and students are dismissed.

Reflection Questions/ Comments/ Suggestions: (Post-observation


What aspects of your lesson did you find successful?

- Students were engaged in the Do Now and worked cooperatively.
- Used vocabulary like diverse and specific
- 90% of the class was on task despite resource teacher not being in the
classroom today

What TLAC strategies did you see yourself using in the lesson?
- Cold call (unbundle/ unpack with questions), wait time, precise praise, be
seen looking, targeted questioning

What other TLAC strategies could you have also implemented?

- Pastores Perch, Stretch It

GLOW: A student came after class to confirm that humans are animals because of
what she learned from the activity in class.

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