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International LightWorkerS

Melchizedek Initiation
LightWorker Series

Channelling by Dr. Joshua David Stone

Manual by Joshua David Stone & Jens Seborg

Melchizedek Initiation (LightWorker Series)

This initiation is one of the many, channelled by Dr. Joshua David Stone,
shown on the picture to the right. They are from a numbered list of 303
initiations. We have sorted them differently, but we have kept the number
as well, but skipped the "The" in front of all names. Dr. Stone was giving
them free as true gifts from our eternal and infinite Spirit, coming directly
from the Absolute Source of Divine Light and Divine Love.
We will do simple manuals to them when we have time, mainly with
material from Wikipedia. And remember they are all free of any charge
and obligation. You are free to copy and pass on. If you translate, then
please pass a copy to:
LightWorker Ascended Masters Initiations 1 (AM Links prerequisites)
Buddha Initiation + Buddha Blessing Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 71+208) (LW Series)
Buddha & Kamamara Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 219) (LightWorker Series)
Djwhal Khul Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 77) (LightWorker Series)
El Morya Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 87) (LightWorker Series)
Hilarion Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 92) (LightWorker Series)
Jesus Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 70+138) (LightWorker Series)
Kuthumi Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 90) (LightWorker Series)
Lady Nada Initiation (Jens Seborg) (LightWorker Series)
Lady Portia Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 126) (LightWorker Series)
Maitreya Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 88) (LightWorker Series)
Melchizedek Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 127) (LightWorker Series)
Paul the Venetian Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 89) (LightWorker Series)
Quan Yin Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 122+227) (LightWorker Series)
Saint Germain Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 75) (LightWorker Series)
Sanat Kumara Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 94) (LightWorker Series)
Serapis Bey Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 91) (LightWorker Series)
LightWorker Ascended Masters Initiations 2 (other Ascended Masters)
Ahknaton Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 74) (LightWorker Series)
Baba Muktananda Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 79) (LightWorker Series)
Babaji Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 86) (LightWorker Series)
Babaji Cave Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 156) (LightWorker Series)
Hermes/Thoth Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 82) (LightWorker Series)
I AM and Integrated Ascended Master Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 199) (LW Series)
Krishna Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 72) (LightWorker Series)
Lao-Tzu Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 83) (LightWorker Series)
Mahatma Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 130) (LightWorker Series)
Mohammed Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 84) (LightWorker Series)
Pallas Athena Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 95) (LightWorker Series)
Paramahansa Yogananda Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 44) (LightWorker Series)
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek/God Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 35) (LW Series)
Sri Ramakrishna Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 76) (LightWorker Series)

Reciving the Initiation

Start with Gassho (prayer posture). Meditate on the light and love energies around you, above
you and inside of you. Ask the help of your higher self and others of your helpers such as the
mighty I AM Presence, the angels and archangels, masters and mahatma guides of meditation,
ascension and initiation. Accept receiving the initiation from your teacher. Sense the energies!
Enjoy! Expand! Relax...
If you receive more than one initiation, then please remember to take deep breaths in-between

Passing on the Initiation

To Pass the Initiations to others do the same process as above. Just intend to pass them and
read them out loud waiting for a few moments in-between initiations sensing the energies
running and the spiritual shifts. Trust in the Higher Wisdom and Power. Enjoy! Expand! Relax...

Melchizedek is the the name of our Universal Logos. This could be
likened to the spiritual president of our local universe. He is one
of the 4 Masters that gives you the Rods of Initiation. He is a
Wonderful Teacher and Beloved Master for all who seek the light
and love of God. Logos in Greek means "The Word". Thus,
Melchizedek is The Word. He is the ultimate guardian and
ultimate architect of our universe. Melchizedek was the
Messenger of God described in Hebrews as being "without father,
without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of
days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God."
In this sense all religions and spiritual teachings stem from this one source. Many take on his
name, but there is only one true Melchizedek who is the Universal Logos. There is an inner
plane spiritual government and Melchizedek is one of the premiere leaders in this government
since he is president of our universe.

Melchizedek, king of Salem

Melchizedek - - is a figure mentioned by both
Christian and Judaic traditions. In the Bible, Melchizedek is
called the King of Righteousness and The King of Salem, the
ancient name for Jerusalem. In Genesis Melchizedek is referred
to as Priest of the most High God. Dionysius calls Melchizedek
the hierarchy most beloved of God. Tertullian says that
Melchizedek is a celestial virtue of great grace who does for
heavenly angels and virtues what Christ does for man. In
certain esoteric groups Melchizedek is identified with the Holy
Spirit. Some churchmen believed Melchizedek was the Son of
God in human form and some Jews saw Melchizedek as the
Messiah. The name Melchizedek translates to King of
Rightness in Hebrew.
Melchizedek's name can be translated (from Hebrew) either as
Zedek is my king or as My king is righteous. The former, which
treats Zedek as a proper noun, is the translation favoured by
most biblical scholars, and refers to a Canaanite deity with that
name. In Genesis, Melchizedek is also referred to as king of
Salem, generally believed to be ancient Jerusalem, and priest of
El Elyon. Traditionally El-Elyon is translated as most high God,
and interpreted as a reference to Yahweh, who's name you did
not say. Other scholars believe that it refers to Zedek - regarding El Elyon as referring to the
most high god, and using Melchizedek's name as the indicator of who the deity was.
The king of Salem (Jerusalem) and priest of the Most High God, Melchizedek's appearance and
disappearance in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) are somewhat mysterious. In the Book of Genesis
Melchizedek brought bread and wine to Abraham after Abraham's victory over the four kings led
by Chedorlaomer, who had besieged Sodom and Gomorrah and had taken Abraham's nephew
Lot prisoner. Melchizedek is also described as blessing Abraham in the name of El Elyon, and in
return for these favours, Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe, from the spoils gained in the battle.

By this act Abraham indicated that he recognized Melchizedek as a fellow-worshiper of the one
true God as well as a priest who ranked higher spiritually than himself. Melchizedek's existence
shows that there were people other than Abraham and his family who served the true God.
In Psalm 110, a messianic psalm written by David, Melchizedek is
seen as a type of Christ. This theme is repeated in the Book of
Hebrews, where both Melchizedek and Christ are considered kings of
righteousness and peace. By citing Melchizedek and his unique
priesthood as a type, the writer shows that Christ's new priesthood is
superior to the old Levitical order and the priesthood of Aaron.
Attempts have been made to identify Melchizedek as an angel, the
Holy Spirit, Christ, and others. All are the products of speculation,
not historical fact; and it is impossible to reconcile them with
theological arguments. Melchizedek was a real, historical king-priest
who served as a type for the greater King-Priest who was to come,
Jesus who himself represented Christ.

Melchizedek, the Ascended Master

Melchizedek is High Priest of the cosmic Order of Melchizedek, which
includes all who serve from divine guidance. Though he has lived on
earth, he was not born and did not die. Melchizedek gifts mankind with
freedom, forgiveness, creativity, the science of alchemy and
transmutation, and sacred ritual. Here he tends the Holy Grail and its
Flame of Life. Many Ascended Masters belong to both the 'White
Brotherhood' and the 'Order of Melchizedek'. Many of the 'Order of
Melchizedek' are currently in embodiment today to assist in the
development of humanity. The Order of Melchizedek includes all who
elect to serve as guided by the divine within them.
Lord Melchizedek is the overseeing consciousness of the Order of Melchizedek. The Melchizedek
energy strives to bring higher wisdom to humankind by influencing the arts and sciences,
education and technology. Melchizedek represents one of the triune of consciousness - that of
Wisdom - which make up the fundamental human life force.
The Master Melchizedek causes His vibratory impetus to be felt within
the hearts and minds of Humankind that they may partake in the
transformation resulting in the long recognized need for an even
balance between Physical and Spiritual realities. This Ascended Master
brings forth great power for change both in individuals and the planet
itself. Melchizedek encourages those of you who may feel reticent
regarding change, that faith be strengthened to meet the inevitable
challenges of higher patterning in one's lifestyle.
Materialism is gradually being replaced through the everyday
connectedness with Spiritual energies and it is this Master who offers
upliftment to all who are in attunement to the vigorous Spirit of the
Divine Source. Melchiezedek loves you and encourages you to develop
your own power to express Love.

Melchizedek carries the dispensation of the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek. This Golden
Chamber is a Universal Chamber of Healing and Light that you can call forth to increase your
Light Quotient in your 4 body systems.

Prayer for Dispensation

I call forth Melchizedek and under the Grace of God will you bring
forth the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek and anchor it in, through
and around my entire energy matrix.
SO IT IS DONE - 3 times.

Melchizedeks Aquarian Age Prayer

Adonai Melchizedek in the Light of Our Most Radiant One!
Initiate me in Your Sacred Order!
Anoint me with Your Holy Oil!
Let me be your Cherished Prophet!
Announcing Your Glory and Holiness to all!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Appendix - Dr. Joshua David Stone & the I AM University

The well known author of many books of spiritual nature Dr Joshua David Stone had a Ph.D. in
Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in
California. In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University", which is an
actual university that Dr Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the
Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth. The "I
AM University" is the fast path to becoming a fully realized
"Integrated Ascended Master" on Earth in this lifetime!
In 2005 Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world where he
continues to run the inner plane I AM University and
Spiritually supports the continued expansion of his work
through the platform and vehicle of the earthly/outer plane I
AM University! He is now in training with Lord Maitreya and
the Spiritual Hierarchy in preparation of serving as the future
head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Planet Earth when his
training to do so is complete.
Dr Stone will still be the leader of the I AM University on the spiritual plane, and on the earthly
plane his job is taken over by his helper Rev. Gloria Excelsias.
Gloria Excelsias is a Minister, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author,
who served as long-term personal assistant to Dr Joshua David Stone.
When Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world, he made Gloria Excelsias
the new President and Director of the Earthly plane I AM University
which she now runs in co-creation with and being overlighted by Spirit,
the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Dr Stone!
As part of this whole transition and process, Gloria has been guided by
Spirit, the Masters and Joshua to relocate the I AM University to
Salzburg - the Heart of Europe! Having been born in Austria, this
location has crystallized itself as the perfect place on Planet Earth to
serve as new home for the I AM University Headquarters that allows
Gloria best to run and expand the I AM University according to Spirit
and the Masters Plan.
Do you want to know more about Joshua David Stone, Gloria Excelsias and the I AM University,
then you can look at
Web Site:
I AM University , Dr Joshua David Stone & Gloria Excelsias
Postfach 13, 4866 Unterach am Attersee, Austria - Europe

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