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First of to all lets us give thanks for always kept in Allah SWT who has given grace and
also health so that we can assemble this simple place yng aims weeks to discuss about
the environment.

Then shalawat never bored greeting we had given to the lord of nature spirits that great
prophet Muhammad.

Environment is one thing that is very important for the survival of mankind and should
for us to take good care. Our country is a country that has tremendous natural wealth.
Indonesian forest long ago have become the lungs of the world and became one of the
foundations of the environmental balance in the entire world. When developed countries
smoke because their industries, then our country clean up the pollution with green
forests that exist in many areas.

However, now we have to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we
have is being lost due to illegal logging and forest fires. If the deforestation continues, it
is not impossible if we are going to lose the forest and eventually global warming will
continue to increase.

When the forest we have started getting damaged, I believe that one day we no longer
could feel the fresh air and the cool breeze at noon time. Our country will turn into a
very hot country and tortured. Weather changes are present in this country can not be
predicted and the arrival of the dry season would be more quickly and last longer. Are
we willing to lose if the Indonesian forests and turn into like that? Of course not.
For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our environment.
Thanks for attention, I desist Wassalamualaikum

Artinya dalam bahasa Indonesiaa :


Pertama-tama marilah kita senantisa selalu bersyukur atas kehadirat Allah SWT yang
telah memberikan rahmat dan juga kesehatannya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul
ditempat yang sederhana ini yng bertujuan utuk membahas tentang lingkungan hidup.

Kemudian shalwa berangkaikan salam tidak pernah bosannya kita hadiahkan kepada
roh junjungan alam yakni nabi besar Muhammad SAW.

Lingkungan adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup umat
manusia dan sudah seharusnya bagi kita untuk merawatnya dengan baik. Negara kita
ini merupakan negara yang memiliki kekayaan alam luar biasa. Hutan Indonesia sejak
dahulu sudah menjadi paru-paru dunia dan menjadi salah satu fondasi keseimbangan
lingkungan yang ada di seluruh dunia. Ketika negara-negara maju mengeluarkan asap
karena industri yang dimilikinya, maka negara kita membersihkan polusi tersebut
dengan hutan-hutan hijau yang ada di banyak wilayah.

Kendati demikian, sekarang ini kita harus mengambil sebuah tindakan untuk
menyelamatkan hutan kita. Paru-paru dunia yang kita miliki ini sedang menuju
kehancuran karena adanya penebangan liar dan juga kebakaran hutan. Apabila
kerusakan hutan tersebut terus berlanjut, bukan tidak mungkin jika kita akan kehilangan
hutan dan pada akhirnya pemanasan global akan terus meningkat.

Ketika hutan kita sudah mulai semakin rusak, saya percaya bahwa suatu saat kita tidak
lagi bisa merasakan udara segar dan sejuknya angin di waktu siang hari. Negara kita
akan berubah menjadi negara yang panas dan sangat menyiksa. Perubahan cuaca
yang hadir di negara ini tidak dapat diprediksi dan kedatangan musim kemarau
akanlebih cepat dan berlangsung lebih lama. Apakah kita rela apabila Indonesia
kehilangannya hutannya dan berubah menjadi seperti itu? Tentu saja tidak.

Untuk itu marilah senantiasa kita selalu menjaga lingkungan kita terutama menjaga
lingkungan kita. terima kasih atas perhatiannya, saya akhiri Wassalamualaikum

The Example of Speech Text about Education

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable the judge in this competition
The honorable ladies and gentlemen
And my beloved friends
First we have to give thanks to Allah who has gave us health and mercy, so we can attend this
Ladies and gentlemen,
As we know, in global era, Indonesian education has made some improvements. We can
see them in many sector, example facilities and curriculum. Education is learning and teaching
process, process that give us knowledge to know the unknown. Learning and teaching not only in
school, but we also can do it in our family, our religion teachers, our friends, and learning from
the past.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Indonesian education has made some improvements, even Indonesian government has
made Wajar 9 tahun and SMP Terbuka programs. Wajar 9 tahun is Indonesian government
program that give us chance to study for 9 years, from elementary school for six years and from
junior high school for 3 years. And SMP Terbuka is Indonesian government program that give us
chance to study in Junior high school for free without charge. SMP Terbuka students are not
lucky enough to study in RSBI school like us. Although they are given inadequate facilities and
fewer time to study in school, but they spirit to study cant be underestimate, because they know
that education can change their destiny and fate to make them better.
Ladies and gentlemen,
They have their own dream, so they do anything for education. So from this point forward,
we have to keep our spirit to learn more and say Alhamdulillah because we lucky enough to
study in this RSBI school.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I apologize if I have any mistakes and thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning all
The honorable the judges, the honorable my teachers, the honorable my seniors and my beloved
friends . We must give thanks to our god, because of gods blessing we can stand here until today
. First of all , I would like to introduce my self. My name is ., I sit in ..,.
My beloved teachers and friends ,
Today I will deliver a speech about smoking entitled Smoking is a bad habit in our lives.
My friends,
As we know smoking is one part of the daily activities of the majority of Indonesian society.
most smokers know the dangers of smoking but they never tried to stop smoking. Because that,
we as the younger generation must be convinced that smoking is bad habits in life. Smoking is a
bad habit because of three factors, among others:
1. Contain poison substances
2. causing diseases such as cancer.
3. expensive.
The honorable my teacher and friends,
The first factor of smoking is bad habit is contain poison substance. we should not consume
cigarettes because it is not good for health. Im sure you know there are many substances in
cigarette smoke is dangerous. For the example, nicotine substance.. That substance is very
dangerous and can cause various diseases. not only dangerous for smoker, it is also dangerous for
us if we near the smoker. so if there is a smoker near you. Say to him or her for stubbed him/ her
cigarette for a moment with good polite.
My friend,
Next, I will talk about the second factor. That is, smoking cause various diseases like cancer,
disorders of pregnancy, fetal disorders, and etc. One of the factor of many Indonesian people
who died were smoking. The majority is a student!! Many students who died because of smoking
and drugs. It was very disappointed.! one of the young generation died with the wrong way. !
smoking habit also produces behavioral effects that are bad for the smokers. And so many the
negative effect of smoking.
My beloved teacher and friends ,
Last, cigarette is expensive. Did you know?? Cigaratte price is 7-10 thousand rupiah or more
than it for one pack. Can you imagine a student or a smoker spent his money to buy a pack of
cigarettes every day and calculated every week, every month and every year.? If one day for buy
a pack of cigarette is 8 thousands , So in one week he spent 56 thousands, in amonth he spent
240thousands and in year he spent 2.880.000 . it just one pack for a day. If 2 ,3, or 4 packs a
day??? How many?? So many money , for smoking. This is cause a family got economic crisis
and a student can not use his pocket money for school.

Smoking is not positive activity for us, young generation. So guys. From now, let we say Go
Studying Stop Smoking! . And be the best student for our country and school. I think thats all,
thank you for your attention.

Good Morning Ladies And Gentlements. Thank for the chance that has been given to me. My
name is Tascia.. Im representative .. The honorable . mr.. . . And all the young
generation that present here.
Ladies and Gentlements,
Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of illicit drugs in our country,
Indonesia. They were mostly victims of a cruel environment, a broken-home family, of
ignorance, of curiosity or particularly of the illegal drugs mafia. It is estimated that around 4
million people in Indonesia illicit drug users about one in every 50 Indonesians. In the capital
city of Jakarta, it is estimated that three out of ten young people are users. A study by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) office in Indonesia showed that around four per cent of
illicit drug users in the country are children under 17 years old. Two out of ten users are involved
in illicit trafficking. Some teenagers start being involved in producing and trafficking drugs
between the ages of 13 and 15. Chairman of the National Narcotics Coordinating Board said that
the countrys illicit drug users include around 7,000 junior high school students, over 10,000
senior high school students and about 800 elementary school students.
Ladies and Gentlements
People usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Drug users among students
are particularly worrying. It was reported that a number of traffickers operate around schools by
cheating, forcing or giving free illicit drugs to students. Once the students are addicted, they then
go to the traffickers to buy the illicit drugs. If they do not have money, they steal it from their
family members or others. Narkoba is the Indonesian term for narcotics, psychotropic and
addictive substances. Psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu are
considered favorites among the middle and upper class users. However, for an increasing number
of young people, the drug of choice is low-grade heroin, known as putaw, which is cheap,
plentiful, but potentially deadly. These drugs are readily available in all major urban areas,
including schools, Karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discotheques, nightclubs, and they even spread
into remote villages. Therefore it is not surprising that drug users continue to increase from year
to year.

Ladies And Gentlements

The facts above showed us how familiar Narkoba issues In our young generation. First we
should know whats the meaning of drugs addiction? Drug addiction is a complex brain disease.
It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that
persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive,
in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on
behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after
long periods of abstinence. The Definition confirm us how serious the consequences of using
Ladies and Gentlements
Drug abuse has also contributed to the increase of HIV/AIDS patients, through the usage of
unsterile injections. According to a report based on an illicit drug and injection safety study of 20
Asian countries conducted by the Center for Harm Reduction in Australias Burnet Institute, drug
injecting is spreading to all the countries [of Asia] and its popularity is increasing. Our Country,
Indonesia have up to 1 million drug injectors, and 19% of them were infected HIV/AIDS. How
Dangerous the drugs abuse for us.
Ladies and Gentlements especially,The young Generation
This is an extremely serious issue for us. Its a threat that could kill an entire generation. One
generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and immediately. In short,
we must be ready to go to war against illicit drugs and the war must start from home.
then, what can we do as the young generation? Prevention is better than cure. AVOID the Drugs,
dont ever think to try just bcoz you curios. because once you try, you will be trapped and later
become addicted, and the addiction will finally turn you into criminals or take your lives. We
have so many example around us, what happened to the users. Some bcome crazy, Some was
going to the jail, And The others were died. All of them loose their future. I believe we dont
want such things happened to ourselves.
The Young Generation,
Now its time for us to say NO to drugs. Its time for us to arrange our future. Its time for us to
face the world with our ability. Its time for us to prove that we can do something for our country,
With The spirit of Indonesian Awakening Day.
Thank you.

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