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Quiz 10

1. Marx argues that the primordial state or state of nature:

a. is the time before communism takes hold
b. involves the war of all against all
c. clarifies nothing about political inequality
d. shows the origin of inequality
2. What is the bourgeoisie?
a. the class that owns the means of production
b. the people who makes six-figure salaries
c. the laborer who is alienated by her work
d. the manager at Giant Eagle
3. Marx says that true human nature is:
a. greed and competition
b. perfect unity and equality
c. reason and enlightenment
d. free production
4. If you have to pick Marx's biggest influence:
a. Hegel
b. Descartes
c. Aquinas
d. Rousseau
5. T/F: Marxism is a sociology, an economic theory, a
philosophy, and a call for revolution.

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