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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and

Program Resource


Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide

Danielle White
Kaplan University
HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention
February 14, 2016

Table of Contents





Information to Remember........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises....................................................................
Journal Writing.........................................................................................





Information to Remember........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................
Journal Writing......................................................................................




Information to Remember........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................
Journal Writing......................................................................................







Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.............................................................................10,11,12






Information to Remember......................................................................
Journal Writing.............................................................................13,14,15




1 :




Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing........................................................................17,18,19,20




Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................






Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing..................................................................................












Information to Remember......................................................................



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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Stress is the inability to cope with perceived threats to the bodys physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual well-being, which results in a series of physiological responses and
adaptations, (Seaward, 2015). This definition of stress is important to know and understand because
not everything is stressful to everyone. People see stressors differently and deal with them differently.
While some people may be stressed out and anxious about taking finals, others may not think of it as
a big deal and go on without any physiological response or adaptation.
Key Learning Point: Not all stress is considered to be harmful to the body. Eustress is stress placed on the
body when something exciting happens, such as graduation, falling in love, going to prom, or having
a baby. These are all changes the body experiences and adapts to, but produce positive outcomes
rather than negative ones. Neustress is a type of stress that is not considered good or bad. It occurs
when you hear of a natural disaster in a faraway country or when someone you went to high school
with has a baby. It can be either a good situation or a bad, but it does not cause your body to respond
or adapt. Bad stress is called distress. There are two types of distress, acute and chronic. Acute
distress is a quick acting stress which does not last long, such as being stuck in traffic. Chronic
distress is long-lived stress, such as living paycheck to paycheck and not having quite enough money
to make ends meet. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The wellness paradigm shows us that total wellness, or homeostasis, of the body is
the integration, balance, and harmony of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
(Seaward, 2015). A disease free body is not just indicative that you are physically well. When even
just one of the four aspects of the human, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is
compromised it can cause disease or illness. The term psychophysiology was coined in order to
explain the conjunction of the body and mind.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The circle, otherwise known as a mandala, is an international symbol for unity. In
terms of full- body wellness, or a state of homeostasis, the circle encompasses
four aspects of the human body- physical, mental, emotional., and spiritual
wellness. In order to be in a state of homeostasis the four aspects of human
wellness should all be equal. When they are not, the body may experience disease
and distress (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: How Stressed Are You? Directions
are found on pages 11 and 12 of the Mindfulness workbook. List the situation on
the left. Use a rating scale of 1 through 10 for the start, midway, and end. You will
use this Journal Assignment as a way of mapping your stress throughout the
course. Keep it handy and refer back to it often.
Getting school work done by the deadline
Having a clean/ organized house
Completing regular duties on top of special tasks at work
Travelling into the city
Making sure we have enough money to pay bills on time
My husband pestering me about school and money
My grandmothers health and its impact on my mom




Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and
well-being. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Psychophysiology is a term used to describe that the stress response is both
psychological and physiological. Hormones are secreted to different parts of the body through the
blood stream by the endocrine system to deliver messages in times of fight or flight scenarios and
other stressful and non-stressful situations. These hormones are mostly released to the brain, heart,
and skeletal muscles (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Psychoneuroimmunology is a new term coined by scientists from different
disciplines who have discovered there is a direct correlation between stress, disease, and the brain.
When the body produces and sends out hormones to different organs in stressful situations, the body
reacts which compromises its well-being. When the body experiences prolonged bouts of stress it
can lead to chronic illnesses (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The body is hardwired to be in physical survival mode. Through the use of the
sympathetic preganglionic neuron, the posterior hypothalamus links to the adrenal medulla to send an
immediate response to stress. Then epinephrine and norepinephrine are released into the bloodstream
for a secondary response which could last up to two hours. Another form of back-up is also released.
Vasopressin is synthesized in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. The purpose of
vasopressin is to make sure that the muscles being used in fight or flight response have adequate
amounts of oxygen to keep going (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The Self- Assessment Exercise in Unit 2 covered neuroplasticity, which is the
ability the brain has to produce new brain cells in order to adapt to stressors put
on the body. This was a new development determined in a 1998 study. The stress
that is put on our bodies not only effects our brains and causes the growth of new

brain cells, it also has an effect on our nervous and immune systems. Some of
these effects come in the form of diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, irritable
bowel syndrome, heart disease, and the common cold (Seaward, 2015)
(Leukocytes)(Neuroscience)(What are the, 2013).

Journal Writing:
How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
At this moment one person in my life comes to mind when talking about
stress. My cousin has been addicted to heroin for about 9 years now. While she
was clean for quite a few years, she relapses at the face of stressful situations.
When she relapses she brings our entire family down with her. On top of my
cousin being an addict, my grandmother has been bed ridden due to the removal
of and treatment for a brain tumor. This has caused my mother and aunt to put
their entire lives on hold and take care of her. My mother and aunt share this
responsibility by trading off the duty of sitting with and caring for my
grandmother every other day. By adding my cousins recent derailment to this it
has created a very stressful situation for everyone. I get stressed about this
situation because I am nine hours away from my family in a different state and
cannot offer my help when they need it. I also worry about my mother and aunts
health because we have a high rate of breast cancer in our family and the stress
that these situations are putting on them isnt good for their health.
How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?
I dont stress too much about what happens while I am at work because I
hold a low position as an associate compared to a supervisor or manager.
However, I do stress about being able to get enough hours to makes ends meet
and pay the bills that we have since my husband is not working due to being in PA
school. When Im at work I sometimes stress about the little amount of work that
my colleagues are doing in comparison to myself. I feel that I work hard and make
sure that I get everything done but when I am off and the supervisor of my
department is working, she doesnt get anything done and leaves all of the work
for me or other colleagues to get done when we come in. Whenever I get to work
and my supervisor is there I see her having irrelevant conversations with other
workers instead of getting work done.
How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
I have little stress and anxiety about the world. I dont follow politics like
most people so the political debates and upcoming election does not get me
excited. I do care, though, about what people around me are doing to save the
planet for future generations. Preserving our forests and undeveloped areas is
very important to me and I dont want to see them become desolate.
How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?

My husband and I try to eat as healthy as we can on the budget that we are
on. I dont get stressed or anxious about it, but I would like to be able to buy
organic rather than your big box brands. We are able to buy some products
organic but not everything, which makes me feel like I am wasting money on the
products that we do buy organic because we are still poisoning our bodies with
the preservatives from the products we cant afford to buy organic. I sometimes
feel guilty when I eat something I know is not good for me and find myself
skipping meals for the next day or so, which is not healthy.
How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?
As a 22 year-old I get plenty of sleep. However, it is what happens when I am
sleeping that stresses me. I have been having trouble with my back for a few
years now and have yet to make it to an appointment with a chiropractor. When I
wake up in the mornings my back feels stiff and achy. This limits what I do
throughout the day because I am afraid of hurting it further.
How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your
I need to be more physically active, end of story. However, between working,
house work, and school I feel as though I do not have time to exercise. Im
estimating that I probably walk five miles a day while working my retail job and I
am always on my feet, bending over, and lifting items so at times I think this is
adequate. I would really like to start practicing yoga at home though.
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and
well-being. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Sigmond Freud compared the human psyche to an egg. The shell of the egg is the
ego whose purpose is to protect the psyche from both internal and external influences by the use of
defense mechanisms. The ego is constantly seeking pleasure and warding off pain- the defense
mechanisms that the ego uses do just that (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Kubler-Ross coined the process of loss as the Stages of Grieving. These stages were
first seen among those who learned they were dying of cancer, however they are suitable for all types
of loss, both physical, mental, and spiritual. The stages of grieving are denial, anger, bargaining,
depression, and acceptance (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The body responds to aggressive threats similarly to how it responds to fear;
however, the outcomes are different. During aggression your blood surfaces to the skin on your face
and during fear the blood flushes from your face. Aggression is discovered to be the cause of many
ailments such as migraines and coronary heart disease (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The Tibetans believe that stress is a result of desires with attachments. It is okay
to have desires such as for world peace or peace within oneself, but desires with
attachments or expectations are the cause of stress. Many theorists have come up
with ideas of how the body deals with stress. The majority of the theories involve
having an optimistic outlook on life and dealing stressful situations with such
optimism. With todays technological advances it is unfortunate, yet inevitable,
that our brains experience information overload. While there are many means of
communication thanks to this technology, our communication skills as whole
could use some enhancement. Proper body language and gestures such as eye

contact, posture, and handshakes are ways to enhance ones communication skills
in this technological world (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Five-Minute Mindful Breathing
and Bringing the Eight Attitudes of Mindfulness into Your Life. Directions are
found on pages 45 and 46 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this
Assignment, you will begin to understand the importance of making them a part
of your daily life. See what changes occur in relationships with yourself and
others around you. This should be a minimum of one full page.
While beginning this practice I became very anxious and lightheaded. I think
that the reasoning behind this experience was the position in which I was sitting
and the amount of caffeine in my system. Caffeine may also have something to do
with the fact that my mind was wondering during this practice. I had a lot of
trouble keeping focus on my breathing and not thinking about school and work.
These stressors have been a common occurrence for me as of late. When I would
try to refocus my attention on my breathing pattern it felt as though I could not
breath. I felt like I was hyperventilating, forcing air in and out of my body
I think, perhaps, that if I would have listened to the practice on the CD that
was provided with the reading that I may not have felt so anxious and
lightheaded. If I had something to listen to I would have been able to focus on the
voice of the narrator as well as my breathing and not gotten dizzy. I tried the
practice a second time, still sitting up but with my head in my hands. This gave
me a grounding affect that kept me from becoming anxious and lightheaded due
to my breathing. It felt as though it was some kind of comfort. It made me realize
that I touch and hold my face when I am nervous or put in awkward situations. It
is my security blanket. However, during the second practice I found myself
wandering into thoughts of my stressors, school and work. Will I get my
assignments done on time? Will I get enough hours at my job to be able to pay my
bills on time? I dont want to get behind on bills because they it becomes a bigger
burden. Am I going to get in trouble for having to many hours since I am really
only supposed to be part-time? Should I get a new job that offers full-time so I do
not have to worry about getting in trouble? I should ask my current employer to
become full-time, but I am afraid of confrontation and rejection. Stressors fill my
mind as I practice mindful breathing. I try to push them away as I draw breath
out but there are too many of them, they keep coming back.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook.
Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications, Inc.


Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are many different types of personalities which were coined by scientists.
These personalities allow people to see the world differently than others and have associated ailments
as a result of their outlook on life. These personalities are type A, codependent, helpless- hopeless,
hardy, survivor, and sensation seeker personality (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Values are ideals that we hold at utmost importance in our lives. They are often
learned ideals from parents or culture. Attitudes are beliefs shaped by our values. Behaviors are our
actions based on our attitudes which were shaped by our values (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are nearly 300 different models to follow to change behavior, however the
stages of change model is the one that I see over and over. There are six stages to this particular
model. These stages are pre-contemplation, contemplation, determination, action, maintenance, and
relapse. This model can be used in situations with drug addicts to just wanting to change a heal
behavior such as dieting (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Self- esteem is how you perceive yourself and how you perceive others perception
of you. The higher level of self-esteem you have, the less likely you are to let
stressful situations take over your life, and vice versa. Relationships, values, and a
purpose of life are the three pillars of spirituality. They are coined as such
because they are the three things that we are most likely to stress about. When


we are on the spiritual journey, we stress less about these three pillars. (Seaward,

Journal Writing:
Unit Four Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Identifying Emotions in the
Body. Directions are found on pages 74 through 77 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, practice taking a moment to mindfully tune
in to your body and discover any physical sensations associated with strong
emotions. This should be a minimum of three full pages.
FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness, panic,
tenseness, uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
Panic is the word that stands out to me the most. I panic a lot. It happens when I
am in the car and I see a cop behind me with his lights on or when I have a close
call with another driver. It happens when I am lying in bed and realize that I
forgot to do something at work. It happens when I realize that I missed the
deadline for a bill. When I am in panic mode I get a boost of sensation in my head,
arms, and legs. It feels as though all of the blood in my body has rushed to every
appendage that I have. My head pounds, my limbs throb, and my gut sinks. After
the immediate reaction is over my legs are left shaking from the amount of
energy that was rushed into them. I am frazzled for the next ten minutes or so
until I can take my mind off of the situation that caused the panic.
CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic,
foggy, or unaware.
The word here that holds the most reaction to me is chaotic. I deal with chaos in
the retail sales field. On high volume days when we have a lot of customers in the
store and calling the store I feel like my world is in total chaos. It is hard to put an
explanation of how I feel when dealing with chaos down on paper. I think the use
of capital letters would help to illustrate, but Ill refrain. I guess the best way to
describe it would be to say that ten people are in my head screaming different
ideas at each other, all at the same time, all contradicting one another. I feel like I
am being torn in a million pieces and that I cannot help the first person fast
enough to satisfy the next. Approval is important to me and when someone is
unsatisfied with the assistance that I have delivered it upsets me which adds to
the chaos of it all.
ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy,
frustration, irritation, grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.
Aggravation is the word that stands out to me the most here. I do not get
aggravated often, but when I do I am tense. This tends to be an issue with myself
and rarely involves others. If I am having a bad hair day or feel like I am not good
enough, physically or mentally, I usually get physical and slam something, kick


something, throw something, etc. Destruction usually helps me to alleviate this

emotion, which is why I am thankful it does not happen often. Another instance in
which this occurs is if I have lost my patience with someone and become
aggravated. If someone does not understand or contradicts an explanation that I
am giving after they have asked for my assistance in finding an answer I get very
aggravated. I feel my face heat up and my blood boil, I have every swear word
known to man on the tip of my tongue ready to lose my patience. In most
situations I will walk away after coming up with a snarky remark but there are
cases where I have exploded and have gone all out. I feel remorseful afterwards
because it is usually someone close to me who I am arguing with.
SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom,
hopelessness, insecurity, loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.


Is longing an okay word to use? With the recent move away from my family and
friends I have been longing familiarity. I have been longing to be a part of the
activities that are going on at home. I feel sad. Sometimes all it takes is to see one
Facebook post of friends and family having a great time for me to start to cry. I
feel empty inside. Almost like I am missing something and cant quite figure out
what. I have lay on the couch for hours, mute, thinking of ways I can escape to go
home to see my family. But I have responsibilities and cannot just leave my
SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse,
There are many things that I regret. I regret not taking the time when I had it to
work on homework, I regret not eating dinner, I regret not staying at the
University and finishing my initial degree plan, I regret things that I said that may
offend people, I regret talking behind people who I care about backs. This feeling
is similar to panic. When you think about it, it makes your gut sink and your head
spin. You are wondering what you can do to make the situation better, to
remediate the relationship you may have ruined, how to get the years wasted
LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness,
infatuation, kindness, liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
Warmth. This word means a lot to me. Warmth is home. Warmth is when you have
everything you need and want at that very moment in time. You are in a
comfortable atmosphere and you are comfortable to be yourself. You are
surrounded by the ones you love. You are not thinking about the fact that you
couldnt pay all of the bills this week. You are surrounded by so many warm
thoughts and feelings that nothing else matters. It almost seems like meditations.
Let the negative energy spew out with every exhale and inhale all of the love and
laughter that is in the air.
JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment, enthusiasm,
excitement, exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.


Excitement is what I feel when something great is about to happen. I am about to

get married, I am about to go on vacation, I am about to meet my new puppy. My


body is tingling, kind of like the tingling that happens during panic, but without
the aftershock. My mind is racing, similar to when I am surrounded by chaos, but
the sounds in my head are exciting one and I am going at a fast enough speed to
keep up this time. Shivers run through my body as I try to contain myself. I have
butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of the excitement to come.
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and
well-being. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The circumstances that we find ourselves in are not actually what is stressful, it is
how we perceive these circumstances that makes them stressful. Cognitive distortion is the word used
to describe how we make more out of a situation than is needed, or otherwise, we make a mountain
out of a molehill (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are four major theories as to what makes humans laugh. The first theory is
superiority, which involves laughing at other peoples misfortunes, which feeds the ego. The second
theory is the incongruity theory which makes jokes out of two things that come together but make no
sense, so we laugh. The third theory is the release/ relief theory which is the physical relief of built up


sexual or hostile tension. The fourth theory is the divinity theory where it is believed that humor is a
gift from God (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Time management is a coping skill that helps us to avoid stressors by not allowing
them to all happen at once. If you organize and manage your time wisely you minimize the amount of
stress you have to deal with at one time. Time management is part of a skill called social orchestration
(Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Five Journal Writing Assignment
Choose from either formal practice: Walking Meditation or Mindful Self-Inquiry for Stress and
Anxiety. Directions are found on either pages 58 through 60 or 119 through 121 of the Mindfulness
workbook. Upon completion of either practice, take a moment to reflect on whatever came up for you
mentally, emotionally, and physically. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
Take some time to write about whatever came up for you mentally, emotionally and physically when
doing this practice for the first time.


I am going to be completely honest. As I am doing this journal exercise it is 3:07 AM and I

have been stressing about finishing this final on time. This was a great way to rejuvenate my mind and
prepare myself for the rest of the journey ahead. There were many thoughts coming in and going out.
Some saying that I will never finish this assignment on time and others telling me to keep moving
forward. In with the good, out with the bad. I was in a completely relaxed state, on the verge of falling
asleep, yet fully awake. It was so peaceful to take a few moments to weed out the negative energy. All
of the stressors of the day made their way through my mind as I went through my inventory of
thoughts. Did I finish all of my tasks at work? Did I represent my company well? Did I positively
influence our customer service score? And then non-work related fear and anxieties ran through my
mind. Were back to thinking about school work. Am I going to finish in time? Am I going to pass this
class? Will I be able to graduate on time this May? How will I be able to hide the fact that I may fail
from my husband? Will I be able to juggle two classes and a capstone project all in one term? Will I
be able to afford it? What am I going to do when I graduate? Will I be able to find a job in my field?
There is so much negative energy flowing through my mind. It has to have something to do with the
time of morning. And the fact that there is so much riding on this assignment and my ability to stay
awake and keep working. Then there is peace. Being able to expel all of that negative energy that is
weighing me down. I feel so calm. It would be great if this calmness could last the rest of the early
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Burlington,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA:
New Harbinger Publications, Inc.


Use the APA Format and Style Guide found in doc sharing for proper citation of other references.


(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,

Meditation, and Mental Imagery
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique used to promote the rest and digest response
in the body. The pressure put on the thoracic cavity from breathing through the chest initiates the
fight or flight response in the sympathetic system. However, when you breathe through your
diaphragm and alleviate the pressure from the thoracic cavity you are initiating the rest and digest
response, putting less stress on the body and helping you to relax. Diaphragmatic breathing is done
unconsciously when sleeping as well (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are two types of meditation that were adopted from the East. These include
exclusive and inclusive meditation. Exclusive meditation involves concentrating on a mantra or
image and nothing else in order to increase self-awareness. Inclusive meditation can be done
anywhere and does not exclude any thoughts, you are free to let your mind wander aimlessly without
emotional evaluation, judgment, or analysis (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Mental imagery is used in many different settings and situations, It can be used as a
relaxation technique, a method of behavior change, or to help a cancer patient cope with the
symptoms of chemotherapy. However, it is not widely accepted yet in Western medicine as an
alternative form of treatment (Seaward, 2015).


Self-Assessment Exercise:
Diaphragmatic breathing is a relaxation technique in which you use your belly to
breathe rather than your chest. By doing this you are allowing yourself to take
part in a parasympathetic activity. The parasympathetic system in the body is in
charge of the rest and digest function. By taking part in the activity you are
alleviating the stress from the sympathetic thoracic breathing that your
unconsciously do throughout the day thanks to Western culture (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Six Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Is Your Body-Mind Happy? Directions are found
on pages 151 through 153 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment,
practice identifying unkind messages you send to yourself and turn it around with positive
affirmations. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
Mindful of how you interact with yourself?
When I think about the way I talk to myself, one negative thing comes to mind. Sometimes I
talk badly to myself about my body image. When I am stressed out about anything, which is usually
all of the time, my face breaks out and I cannot help but pick at the blemishes. This leads to my face
looking a lot worse off than if I would have let these blemishes alone. I have to cake on make-up to
mask these sore blemishes which leads to them looking worse and not healing. I am not comfortable
with what I look like without make-up and I am hard on myself about it because it is my fault that I
have this scaring on my face.
I am usually able to talk positively to myself when I have pessimistic feelings which convince
me that something may not be my fault or that the situation was unavoidable. However this technique
does not work when it comes to my blemishes, as I know that they are solely my fault.


Seeds of suffering?
I water the seeds of my own suffering. The reason that I get stressed is because I tend to
procrastinate or pick up too many responsibilities that, in reality, I cant juggle. Because of this, I
break out from the stress of upcoming deadlines, not enough sleep, trying to stretch the hours of the
day, etc. Sometimes I deal with this stress by trying to relax and take a walk or a hike, however this
prolongs the procrastination and leads to more stress. There are also so uncontrollable factors that
come up that lead to this stress.
Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?


Through high school and college I had one friend that was always there. In high school we
would get together any chance we got such as at sporting events, group projects, going for dinner, etc.
We decided to room together when we went to college and everything was great in the first year and a
half. The second half of our sophomore year her sister moved in with us as she was starting to attend
the same college. Her sister was conceited and did not like my husband (fianc at the time). We had
no idea why she did not like us, but she wouldnt so much as talk to us. The tension between us go to
her sister (my best friend). Ever since that semester at school my friend and I have lost touch. She was
still the maid of honor in my wedding because it was decided before the tension began, but it was a
rocky road. Today I do not talk to this friend. We didnt get into a fight, we just mutually do not keep
in touch. She has changed over the years and seems to try to keep up with the Joness. When I ask
her to get together to catch up she comes up with a million excuses as to why she cant. I find out that
she then went to a party where a lot of well-to- do people with either money or connections within our
county were. To me it seems as though these relationships are more meaningful to her than our years
of friendship.
In her defense, it takes a lot to make a good life for yourself where were from. These
relationships that she holds over our friendship could be crucial to her future. It will make life easier
for her to befriend these people are their relationships with people of power around us could help her
tremendously down the road. I understand how it feels to have what you want in life. If someone has
something that you like, it would be nice to be able to go out and get it, money is no problem. There is
a feeling of pride when you are able to get what you want. However, there is an even greater feeling
of pride in getting what you want by working hard, making your own money, building your own
bridges without burning others, and being happy about your relationships.
Reflection on writing?


It feels good to think about things such as those relationships which have been rid of, and how
your relationship with yourself is. I never seem to think of how I talk to myself and am quite pleased
that body image is the only qualm I have with myself. I believe that I am otherwise a very optimistic
person. Reflecting on relationships that have been so influential in my life upset me because I think
about the time spent with those people and how much fun we had while we were together. However, I
know that sometime bridges need to be burned in order to better yourself. Keeping up with the
Joness is a lifestyle that a lot of people get sucked into whether they are born into it or are
introduced to it through relationships. It is an unhealthy, greedy way to live. Rather than showing off
everything the you have bought with all of the money you have, you should focus on how good your
relationships with yourself and your loved ones are. You should focus on how your time and energy
can be spent to service people in need. You should focus on how to better your health and teach those
around you how to become healthier. I am not saying that you shouldnt buy nice things for yourself,
because it is a rewarding feeling, but you should not spend your money on those things for the sole
purpose of impressing someone or to just like someone else.

Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Burlington,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications, Inc.


Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: It only takes up to two weeks of a sedentary lifestyle to lose 10% of the
cardiovascular gains which were present before the sedentary lifestyle began. If inactivity prolongs
for a month, up to 40% of gains can be lost. Conversely, it can take between six and eight weeks of
exercise to begin to see gains (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Physical activity and exercise have a plethora of benefits that you cant afford to
miss out on. Some include decreased cholesterol, better quality sleep, decrease in muscle tension, and
decreased body fat. If you have any of these ailments you have a predisposed risk of diseases such as
coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even death (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The quality of nutrients in our food has decreased by 33% in the past 20 years due to
food traveling longer and farther to reach its final destination. A decrease in certain nutrients can
compromise the immune system making it susceptible to disease. It can also cause free radicals to
float freely through the body destroying cell membranes and DNA (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
In this practice I chose to perform sitting meditation. Upon completion of this
practice I felt renewed. I sat on the floor of my living room, legs crossed, back
straight. I read the paragraphs in the stress reduction workbook and let my mind
wander to where it instructed. I focused on my breathing and shifted my
awareness to my body and then back. This practice was so relaxing and freeing
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).


Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Hatha yoga is a great alternative to alleviate lower back pain in those who have
found no relief. It uses balance and flexibility to stretch out lower back muscle by bending ways that
your body does not usually bend while performing daily duties. It can also help relieve the pain for
people suffering with carpel tunnel syndrome (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Hatha yoga is noted to maintain homeostasis of the mind, body, and soul. Over the
years it has been proven to reduce stress and provide longevity to those who practice regularly. The
effects of yoga on menopause, breast cancer, and academic test anxiety have all been studied and
show positive results in coping and alleviating pain and stress (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Tai Chi chuan is a type of martial arts which teaches you to be calm and composed
when facing your stressor or opponent. It is also known as being called moving meditation due to its
harmony and unification of the mind, body, and soul (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercises:
The exercise for this unit consisted of working with a partner to create a stress
reduction and wellness program for a company using knowledge gained from this
course. Our program setting was a cabinet factory in rural Pennsylvania where
the majority of the workers had a high school diploma or equivalent, while some
did not finish high school and some went on to college. The program involved
posters, flyers, and brochures which contained tips for stress reduction and living
a healthy lifestyle. The program also involved incorporating stress reduction tips
into morning stretch routines and the addition of a healthy alternative vending
machine in the break room. Massage therapists were also scheduled to see
employees at the place of work once a month to provide seated massages. A yoga/
meditation studio would also be available on site for employees to utilize


(Seaward, 2015)(Product info)(Sifferlin, 2012)(Contact us)(Corporate chair)(Hall,

2007)(Juniata County)(Juniata County, 2016)(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Journal Writing:
Unit Eight Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Creating Connection. Directions are found on
pages 161 through 163 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, practice
developing these qualities in building stronger and healthier relationships.
This should be a minimum of one full page.
OPENNESS: I am looking at my husband, someone who I care about very deeply. I am looking at
him with a new perspective. People around us call him smart, a redneck, handsome, loving,
compassionate, brave, adventurous. To me he is a great partner.
EMPATHY: When I look at my husband I feel safe, needed, wanted, and loved. If I were him looking
at me, he feels needed, loved, wanted, safe, but not in the same sense. I feel safe with him because he
is strong and able to protect me in times of danger. He feels safe with me because I am the only one
he has loved. He feels that his heart and emotions are safe with me from being hurt.
COMPASSION: My husband recently lost his grandfather, the one who taught him and his family
everything they know about the outdoors, fishing, hunting, Boy Scouts of America. I know he is
hurting to have lost someone that held so much meaning and had so much wisdom about all of the
things that he loved. He is stressed out from school because it requires long days in a classroom and
then more long hours at night studying what he just learned. I want to comfort him because I know
how stressed he is. I want to be able to tell him that I know how he feels, but in reality, we all cope
differently and we could be feeling completely different emotions for the same set of situations,


LOVING-KINDNESS: I wish nothing but the best for my husband. I have watched him grow up
since he was fifteen. I have heard all of his hopes and dreams and heard them change as he grew. He
has great hope and dreams now of becoming a PA and travelling. I know he wants a family some day
and so his hopes and dreams will change again to be less selfish and be for the well-being of his
children rather than for himself. I hope that he lives a long and healthy life with little regret and little
SYMPATHETIC JOY: I have had great joy growing up with my husband since we were just
teenagers. I hold tight to the memories that we made when we were young and had no responsibilities
but to clean our bed rooms at our parents. He has brought a level of enthusiasm for the outdoors that I
have never known and has taught me so much that I am forever grateful for these experiences.
EQUANIMITY: I sometimes do not show my husband the respect that I should. Because we are in
each others company every day, sometimes his attention is not wanted or needed. I should learn to
treat his as I would my grandmother. I would never shrug her off because I am sick of her company.
Even if I am tired of her, I have enough respect for her that I would not want to humiliate myself or
her by treating her poorly, like I do not have time for her. I should learn that someday I may not be
able to see him and will wish I could spend just one more minute talking to him or looking at him.
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).


Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for


Management and Prevention to your

Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are many different stress coping techniques. Some of these include seeking
information about a stressful event, social orchestration where one changes the environment in which
stress once occurred, confiding in friends and family for support, hobbies, forgiveness, and dream
therapy. Prayer and meditation are also techniques that people can use to relieve stress (Seaward,
Key Learning Point: In order to create your own stress management program, you need to hone in on
your own secret powers. There is not set guideline to stress reduction, you have to do what works best
for you with the abilities that have. It is best to try as many methods as you can at first and evaluate
which ones worked best for your circumstances (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Avoiding any problems that you have will not suffice as a coping method, it will
only cause your stress to grow. However, leaving what stresses you to refresh your mind can help you
see a situation more clearly and allow you to work though it better than before. Once you see the
stressor with a clear perspective you can assess whether it is a mountain or a molehill and move
forward with healthy coping techniques (Seaward, 2015).


Additional Information
Primary Source
Live Somina. (2015, August 17). A meditation for kids to change the world [Video file]. Retrieved =
February 17, 2016 from
This video shows the importance of meditation, not just as a means to relieve stress, but as a way to
teach our children to be open minded. Teaching children the power of meditation at a young age can
reduce stress for younger generations and will teach them to be open minded to their peers.
Secondary Source
Setting up a stress management program: A checklist for success. (n.d.). Health Advocate. Retrieved
February 17, 2016 from
This webinar produced by Health Advocate is a great resource to have because it allows you to think
about stress reduction programs from the inside of the company out. Most often we can only see
things from one vantage point, our own. It is hard to see things in a difference perspective when
youve had the same view for years. Looking at a check list for corporations to use to initiate stress
management programs can help to determine where to start and how far to dig.


Contact Us. (n.d.). Healthy You Vending. Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Corporate Chair Massage Prices. (n.d.). Incorporate Massage. Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Hall, D. (2007). How Much does a Good Wellness Program Cost? Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Juniata County, Pennsylvania. (n.d.) Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Juniata County Top 50 Employers. (2016, January 21). Center for Workforce Information & Analysis.
Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Leukocytes. (n.d.). New health guide. Retrieved January 22, 2016 from
Neuroscience. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from
Product info. (n.d.). VistaPrint. Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Burlington,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Sifferlin, A. (2012, May 16). CDC: Higher Income and Education Levels Linked to Better Health.
Retrieved February 8, 2016 from
Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications, Inc.
What are the different areas of neuroscience? (2013). National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development. Retrieved January 22, 2016 from


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