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Student-Teacher: Khadija Mohammed

Date: 20th March 2016

Course: EPC 1401

Grade Level: KG2

Subject: English
Strand: Ay patterns
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): KRRT1, Read words in text.
Resources (what materials/equipment
will you and the students use? Be
Papers, play-doh, pencils, white board, and

Preparation (what do you need to make or

check before class?)
Teacher will orginaize the reasources by
preparing the amount of papers, and play-doh
that will be used for each student.

Time: 15 min Whole Time: 10 Whole

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small

group activities)
Teacher will sing ABCD song with the students as a starter, in order to refresh their
mind. Teacher will write down the SH letters on the board and ask the students
questions such as: what letters do you see? students will say: S and H. Teacher will
tell students that the sound of those two letters are SHH, and then she will ask the
Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

Time:5 mins Whole

Key vocabulary
SH, shark, shoes, shake, and shout

Teacher will call out random words such as cat, charge etc.. and ask the students if they
heard shh sound in the words. Students will raise up their hands to answer the
question and if they answer correctly the teacher will reward the students by giving
them stickers.

Teacher will write on the board words that begin with SH such as: Shark, shoes, shake,
and shout. The teacher will read the words out loud and students are supposed to
repeat after her. Teacher will ask the students to stand up in order to sing the words, fo
example: SH for shark, SH for shoes, SH for shake, SH for shout (including some
moves). Once they are done the teacher will divide the students into groups in order to
begin with the activity. Students are suppose to create words with the play-doh such as
shoes and shout that will placed for them on the tables, and once they are done they
will call the teacher to check their work. Teacher will show the students a demo to guide
them on proceeding with the activity first in order to give them a clue about what they
are suppose to do. Teacher will hand out papers for the students who finish early in
order to ensure that they are doing something. Those papers will conatin words, and
students are suppose to fill in the blanks, for example: : _ _ ark, _ _ out etc..

Teacher will point out her finger on the words that starts with SH which is written on the board
and students should say what word it is. Teacher will make the moves of the song SH for
shark but without siniging it and students are suppose to answer which word is for which
move to ensure that students understand the concept.

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