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Christopher A. Johnston, PharmD, PhD
Office: 288 Castetter Hall (Lab: room 203)
Contact:; 277-1567
Office Hours: Monday 2-4PM, Castetter Hall 288

Course synopsis:
This BIOL 401 is an upper-division biology course that will focus primarily on
understanding the molecular mechanisms of action of drug classes used to treat
commonly encountered human diseases. The course will integrate concepts from cell
biology, organic chemistry, and physiology to provide a comprehensive appreciation for
how modern medicine interfaces with the human body. Topics will aim to include:
(1) Drug design and route to federal approval
(2) Fundamental concepts in pharmacology, toxicology, and pharmacokinetics
(3) Pharmacological basis for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases including
hypertension, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and dyslipidemia
(4) Pharmacological basis for the treatment of CNS disorders including major and
bipolar depression, anxiety, psychosis, pain, and seizures
(5) Pharmacological basis for the treatment of diabetes
(6) Pharmacological basis for the treatment of bacterial infections
(7) Pharmacological basis for the treatment of cancer
Goodman and Gilmans The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 12 th Edition
The textbook is not explicitly required, but is recommended. The book is comprehensive
and covers much more material than we can cover in one semester. However, it would
serve as great companion material to lecture slides and would be a lasting resource for
students who have intentions of attending a health professional school in the future.
Course format:
This BIOL 401 course will consist predominantly of formal lecture, emphasizing the most
important points from the assigned reading material. Throughout most lectures and at
the end of each block of material, we will discuss individual case studies in an effort to
apply the material to real-world clinical situations.
Course objectives:
The objectives of this BIOL 401 course are to introduce core concepts in pharmacology
and understand the mechanism of action of commonly prescribed drugs. Although not
targeted toward any specific major, course material will be presented in a manner that
should help prepare students within a pre-health professional program for future

courses in professional school. In addition to learning how drugs work, efforts will be
made to begin applying information to real-world scenarios through the presentation of
patient case studies and clinical and therapeutic aspects of each drug class discussed.
Assessment and grading:
Grades will be determined by a combination of exams (90%) and one small group
project (10%). Three (3) equally weighted (20%) midterm exams will be given
throughout the semester (see schedule below). The final exam will count for 30% of
your course grade and will have comprehensive aspects. Exam questions will be
multiple-choice format relating to lecture/reading material as well as short case studies.
The small group (6-8 students/group; self-assigned) exercise will relate to one of the
lecture topics focusing on a specific disease state (e.g. hypertension). Each group
should collectively select the topic that is of highest interest to them. For the
assignment, you can chose between two formats: (1) Find and present a patient case
study related to that disease, or (2) Summarize one new drug (released in 2014/2015)
or an investigational drug not yet approved designed to treat that disease. In either
case, the presentation should be in PowerPoint format and should be completed in 10
or fewer slides. Completed presentations should be emailed to me by 12/03/15 (last
week of class) and clearly indicate the name and UNM ID# of each group member.
A note on cheating: dont do it! Cheating will result in a failing course grade and will be
reported to the appropriate channels within the university administration.
Special needs:
If there is any student in this class with a disability, please inform me of your needs as
soon as possible to ensure that they are met.
Important Dates:
Fall break:
Finals week:

October 8-9th
November 26-27th
December 7-12th



BLOCK #1: Core concepts in Drug Design and Activity

August 18th
Lecture 1: Course overview.
Concepts in medicinal chemistry and drug design
August 20th
Lecture 2: Principles in pharmacology

Ch3: 41-50

August 25th

Lecture 3: Principles of pharmacology

Ch3: 50-70

August 27th

Lecture 4: Principles of pharmacokinetics (ADME)


September 1st

Lecture 5: Principles of toxicology


September 3rd

Lecture 6: Case studies and/or exam review

September 8


Exam #1

BLOCK #2: Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

September 10th
Lecture 8: Overview of the cardiovascular system
September 15th
Lecture 9: Antihypertensive agents (I)

Lecture 10: Antihypertensive agents (II)

Ch12: 310-319
Ch25: 677-696
Ch26: 730-739
Ch27: 755-760
and 765-785
See above

September 22


Lecture 11: Treatment of congestive heart failure


September 24


Lecture12: Antiarrhythmic agents


September 29


Lecture 13: Treatment of dyslipidemia


September 17th


Lecture 14: Case studies and/or exam review


Exam #2

October 1
October 6


October 8

Fall break no class

BLOCK #3: Central Nervous System Pharmacology and Therapeutics

October 13th
Lecture 16: Overview of the nervous system
October 15th
Lecture 17: NMJ agents: Paralytics

Ch8, Ch14

October 20th

Lecture 18: Treatment of depression and anxiety


October 22nd

Lecture 19: Antipsychotics and bipolar disorder


October 27th

Lecture 20: Hypnotics and sedatives


October 29th

Lecture 21: Treatment of seizure disorders


November 3rd

Lecture 22: Pain management: Opioids and other analgesics


November 5th

Lecture 23: Case studies and/or exam review


November 10

Exam #3

BLOCK #4: Cancer chemotherapy and Antibiotic drugs

November 12th
Lecture 25: Cancer cell biology
November 17th
Lecture 26: Cancer chemotherapy: Cytotoxic agents


November 19th

Lecture 27: Cancer chemotherapy: Targeted therapies


November 24th

Lecture 28: Cancer chemotherapy: Hormonal therapies


November 26th

Thanksgiving no class PROJECTS DUE by email Nov 30th

December 1


Lecture 29: Antibiotics: Cell wall inhibitors


December 3


Lecture 30: Antibiotics: Protein synthesis inhibitors


December 8


FINAL EXAM 10am-12noon

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