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Chloe Babb
English 2010
Final Paper
Those who can, do. Those who cant, teach. This is a famous clich almost everyone has
heard at least once in their lifetime, especially teachers. Most people hear that clich and they
laugh, but they never really think about what it means. They also do not realize the type of social
stigma they are supporting. When most teachers hear this clich they might chuckle a little as
they change the subject. They do this because they know exactly what this clich means. They
know exactly the type of social prejudices it brings with it. It is the social stigma and prejudice
that belittles teaching. It is the reason teachers are not seen as professionals. However, this is
only the beginning to a very large problem. Teachers are constantly belittled because of student
failure and something as meaningless as their income. However, what people fail to realize is
that it is not always the teachers fault for student failure. That teachers cannot simply change
their income. This is why, improving government funding in schools would increase student
success and teacher professionalism because there would be more tools and resources to help
students succeed and teachers teach. It would also help increase the amount of respect people
have for teachers, and would help people to see teaching as a profession not just a trade.
John and Mercedes Tichenor dive further into the social stigma people have on teachers.
They did this to better understand the reasons why teaching is not seen as a profession. They
have confirmed the social stigma and prejudices that people have for teachers. That is,
American society does not generally view teachers in the same way as they view other

professionals; the belief that anyone can teach is not found in other professions (Tichenor 89).
This type of social stigma is the reason why teachers are seen so poorly and why they are blamed
for student failure. However, many people fail to see behind the curtain. They fail to see the
bureaucracy in teaching and schools. They fail to see that many teachers do not have the
resources to teach their students the material. That most teachers end up paying out-of-pocket for
their classroom supplies. No doctor would ever have to pay for his own scalpel. This shows how
little funding schools get. The government refuses to fund schools and then pushes society to
point fingers at the teachers and school board. This makes schools rely on income taxes and
property taxes which makes society even more angered with the teachers and schools because
they do not want to pay the teachers salary. However, a lot of that money goes to just basic
maintenance in the school itself. Improving government funding would help teachers have more
resources to teach their students. This would in turn help student success, especially in low
income cities. This would also help society to view teachers better because they would not be
blamed for student failure. However, this is not the only reason why teaching isnt seen as a
Teacher professionalism is a socially constructed term that is constantly being defined
and redefined through educational theory, policy and practice (Hilferty 53). Fiona Hilferty
educates through this quote by explaining the complex history of teacher professionalism. She
helps to educate by explaining that teacher professionalism is constantly changing. It is not a
term that is set in stone, and it can rarely be clearly defined because it is constantly changing.
Professionalism is a term that society constructed to determine status. If you are in a profession
such as medicine or law, you are seen as someone who makes a lot of money and in a higher
social status. If you are in a trade, which is what most people consider teaching, then you are

seen as a failure. That you were not able to complete a degree and you took the easy way out.
They see people in trades as making very little money. Most people see people in trades as the
help, such as plumbers or electricians. However, teachers do much more than help. Teachers
shape their students. Teachers make a difference in their students lives and help them succeed
and develop important life skills. That is much more than a normal trade does. Improving
government funding would allow teachers to get paid more for the difference they make in our
society. By doing so, it would help society see teachers as more than just a trade. It would help
society see teaching as a meaningful profession.
Unfortunately, society also doesnt believe that teaching is a profession because of the
lack of autonomy. Doctors are free to practice medicine without someone hovering over their
shoulder. Lawyers can choose cases and decline cases without someone penalizing them for it.
However, teachers are not allowed to choose their curriculum. They are not allowed to do what
they want in their own classroom. Teachers are constantly answering to others such as the
principal, the district, and the board of education. Teachers are not allowed much of a say in what
they teach. That lack of autonomy is the reason why people do not see teaching as a profession.
However, Carolyn Pearson and William Moomaw conducted a research studying the effect that
autonomy has on teachers. Some teachers thrive on autonomy, while others perceive it as a
means for principals to avoid their duties (Pearson and Moomaw 41). They mediate between the
two sides and confirm that autonomy is not the only thing that makes up a profession. They
explain that some teachers are happy without autonomy. This confirms that autonomy is not
something people should judge teachers for. Autonomy is irrelevant, and it is more of a
preference. It is not a guideline in judging whether a profession is a profession or not. By
improving government funding and giving teachers more resources to teach and increase

students success, society would spend less time blaming the teachers lack of autonomy and the
school board for their students failure.
However, as I have repeatedly mentioned, parents are blaming teachers for their students
failure. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Some students lack the motivation and do not
try in school. Teachers can only push them so much. Some students never go to school. A teacher
cannot teach a student if the student is not there. Some students are moved around so often with
their family that they fall behind in the curriculum and teachers cannot get them back up to
speed. These reasons for student failure are not the teachers fault. Most teachers have at least 30
students in each class. Teachers who teach high-school or middle-school have seven-times that
amount. They do not have time to babysit each student individually, especially if the student is
not willing to cooperate.
A study was conducted to see the relationship between parents and teachers and how the
idea of teacher professionalism gets mixed up in it. The contribution of our study is to identify
the gaps that are crucial to promoting harmonious communication and relationships between the
two parties (parents and teachers) and, moreover, to reach consensus in recognition of
professionalism (Tzou et al. 125). This study champions better communication between parents
and teachers. To do so, teachers need to be able to have more one-on-one time with the parents
and be able to communicate with them outside of those times. However, schools do not have the
money to support this type of on-going communication. That is why most schools only have two
parent-teacher conferences per school year. However, that is not enough communication between
them. Improving government funding would help schools achieve a better communication with
parents and teachers. This would in turn help student success by getting the parents more

involved with their students academic careers. This would also help society gain a better respect
for teachers because it allows society members personalized time with the teachers themselves.
I believe that teachers need more respect form society because teaching is more than just
a trade. I strongly believe that teachers make a difference in their students lives which makes
teaching more than just a profession. In my senior year of high school, I was ready to get out. I
was so ready I graduated a semester early. However, graduating early was not that easy.
Throughout my high-school career I struggled with English. I struggled so much I failed two
terms of English. So when my senior year rolled around I had to complete a year of senior
English and make up the two terms of English. It was like my worst nightmare had come true.
But still I wanted to graduate early so I did it.
I was enrolled in two English classes. One of my English classes was a core English
class, which was the average level of English. However, my other English class was AP senior
English. In other words, advanced placement English, which was a college credit. My first day at
school I was assigned one book for each class. So I had to read two books simultaneously and
complete two different assignments throughout the reading. Now, my past years of English
whenever I got assigned a book I didnt read it, which is why I failed two terms of English. That
being said, going into these English classes I knew I had to read the books. The books I got
assigned were Lord of the Flies and Crime and Punishment. Those books truly felt like a
Thankfully, I had a great teacher. My teacher taught both of my English classes and I
think if it wasnt for her I would never have passed those classes or graduated early. She was
understanding that I had a pretty heavy load with both classes, but she didnt go easy on me. She
pushed me to go further and to keep trying. She believed that I could do it, and that was

something none of my other English teachers ever did. Not only did she get me to read the books
front to back, but she got me to annotate and really understand what these books were trying to
say. Both books had similar themes but they both had completely opposite themes and learning
about the different characteristics and how the author portrayed those themes without ever saying
them really changed my mind on English and reading. She helped me realize all of the important
lessons great works have to offer. Yes, they can be boring. However, they offer so much to learn
from that it is obvious why they are taught in schools today.
However, reading wasnt my only struggle with English. My next biggest struggle with
English was writing papers. It didnt matter whether the paper was research or a book report I
hated it. For some reason it never clicked for me on how to write what I was thinking in an
educated way. So for the first few months I sat in the classes dreading getting assigned an essay. I
knew it was bound to happen but still I waited in fear. Sure enough I had to write an essay.
However, rather than the conventional getting assigned a paper and having a certain amount of
time to complete it, she made the essays our tests. Of course, I panicked when I realized what my
test was. However, what made me calm down was realizing that because it was a test it didnt
have to be perfect. I didnt have to worry about exact spelling and correct punctuation. All I had
to worry about was constructing a well thought out essay on the books we had read. On every
paper I got back, I got a B or higher. Through writing this way I learned that it is more important
to get your ideas down and then go back and clean it up. Which is what we did in class with our
papers. It gave me a new perspective on writing. I have my English teacher to thank for that.
I knew that going into college I was going to be required to write paper after paper and I
dreaded it. I thought that writing papers was going to make me not pass any classes in college
because I was so bad at it. This teacher helped change my mind about writing. She also, changed

my mind about college. She helped to give me the confidence I needed when I wrote. No, I
wasnt the best writer. However, I wasnt the worst either. All I needed was someone to push me
to get me to see that writing wasnt so terrible. I needed someone to get me to see where I was a
good writer and where I needed to improve.
This teacher did more for me than just change my mind about reading and writing. She
changed the type of student I was. She got me to realize that I was not going to get by school by
just doing the bare minimum. That if I have a goal I have to work as a hard as I possibly can to
achieve it, and to never give up on it. That by doing my very best, I get the very best reward in
return. She taught me that school isnt just about getting As that it is about applying yourself and
pushing yourself to learn and pushing yourself to do more than you ever thought was possible.
She taught me that these seemingly meaningless assignments really meant something. This
teacher helped me get the confidence to participate in class. She taught me that if I know the
answer there is no shame in raising my hand. This teacher made a huge impact on my life and I
dont believe that I would be doing as well in college as I am if it wasnt for her. This is why
improving government funding in schools is so important. Improving funding would allow for
teachers like this to continue teaching. It would allow for them to have the supplies and resources
they need to get their students to succeed. This would also help society see teachers in a better
light because there would be more student success, like me.
However, I am not the only person whose teachers have made a huge impact on their life.
Oprah Winfrey said one of the defining moments of my life came in fourth gradethe year I
was a student in Mrs. Duncan's class at Wharton Elementary School in Nashville. For the first
time, I wasn't afraid to be smart, and she often stayed after school to work with me" (Winfrey as
quoted by Antoniades 1). Oprahs story of her teacher helping her is powerful. Oprah was among

the minority as a child. She was an African American woman. With various social stigmas it was
hard for her to feel confident enough to be smart and apply herself in school. Luckily, she had a
teacher who was brave enough to help her understand that it is okay to be smart. Her teacher
influenced her to be herself and pursue her dreams. Most teachers want to see their students
succeed and are willing to do what they are capable of doing to see them succeed. Like Oprahs
teacher who stayed after school with her, many teachers today are more than willing to go the
extra mile to help their students succeed. This is why it is so important that the government funds
schools more to keep teachers like this in the profession. Improving government funding would
help society see the differences teachers make in their students and allow for them to see teachers
with more respect. The improved funds could help fund after-school programs that would help
students like Oprah. The funds would provide more resources for student success which would
help society see the differences teachers are making.
Oprah isnt the only celebrity who has been influenced so heavily by their teachers. Bill
Gates, the founder of Microsoft, said "there was a math teacher, Fred Wright, who asked me to
push a little bit harder. And Ann Stephens taught English and also dramaand I got to be the star
of the play. There's no way there'd be a Microsoft without them doing what they did" (Gates as
quoted by Antoniades 4). Bill Gates today is seen as the mastermind behind Microsoft. Many
people fail to see where his brains came from. Bill Gates started at the bottom like everyone else
in high-school. His teachers helped form him into the brilliant adult he is today. They helped
make a difference in his life and as he credited them, there wouldnt be a Microsoft without
them. This is so important because teachers are constantly making these differences in their
students lives and they are not getting the respect for it. The social stigma that everyone can
teach doesnt account for the differences these teachers are making. It doesnt account for the

way teachers shape our society by teaching and informing their students. Teachers prepare their
students for the real world. They help to shape them into members of our society. Society needs
to see how big of a role teachers play in shaping the next generations. Improved funding would
allow for this to happen because there would be more student success and more success stories
like Bill Gates.
Taylor Mali is a teacher and a slam poet. He writes in his poems he writes about the
difference teachers make. He writes that teachers make more than just a paycheck because they
make a difference. He brings an inspiring and new perspective on teaching that others fail to see.
Many people see dollar signs in a profession, but teachers do not. Teachers are there to help their
students succeed not just to earn a paycheck. One of his most powerful quotes from his poem
How Much Do Teachers Make is you want to know what teachers make? Teachers make a
difference, now what about you (Mali). Taylor Mali is a strong voice for all teachers. He
believes that teachers make a difference and makes sure his audience knows what those
differences are. He is a voice for teachers because not all teachers get the credit they deserve for
the changes they are making. This is why improving government funding in schools would help
teachers been seen in a better light. More funding in schools will allow for more Bill Gates to
reach their full potential with help from dedicated and passionate teachers like Taylor Mali. This
funding would help people see what a huge role teachers play in society. It would help society to
see teaching as the meaningful profession that it is.
It is clear to see how much improving government funding would help schools and
teachers. I have provided many examples through my personal experience, societal icons such as
Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates, teachers themselves, and various research conducted on teacher
professionalism. The possibilities with more funding are endless. More funding will promote


student success by giving teachers more funds to get better resources to teach. Improving student
success will improve societies view on teachers because they will not be blamed as much for
student failure. It will help teachers and parents have more one-on-one time to plan for the
students academic careers and make the changes needed for the individual student. Each student
has personal needs and without the proper help and funding these students are more likely to fail.
It will help society see teachers better because it will improve student success and help people
see the little differences teacher make in their students lives. It will help society see the huge
role teachers play in shaping our society. More funding would allow teachers to get paid more,
which would make less people think of teaching as a trade. It would promote student and teacher
success, so teachers are not as belittled for their lack of autonomy. It would also help society to
understand that teaching is a hard profession and that teachers do more than just teach. They
make a difference in their students lives.


Works Cited
Antoniades, Andri. Celebrities Remember Their Favorite Teachers of All Time. Take Part, 15
October 2013. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
Hilferty, Fiona. "Teacher Professionalism And Cultural Diversity: Skills, Knowledge And
Values For A Changing Australia." Australian Educational Researcher (Australian
Association For Research In Education) 35.3 (2008): 53-70. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
Mali, Taylor. What Do Teachers Make? Teaching Channel. YouTube, 12 May 2011. Web. 16
Apr. 2016.
Pearson, L. Carolyn, and William Moomaw. "The Relationship Between Teacher Autonomy
And Stress, Work Satisfaction, Empowerment, And Professionalism." Educational
Research Quarterly 29.1 (2005): 37-53. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
Pei-Wen, Tzuo, et al. "Teachers' Versus Parents' Perceptions Of Professionalism Of Early
Childhood Teachers: A Mixed-Methods Study." Australasian Journal Of Early
Childhood 40.2 (2015): 117-126. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
Tichenor, Mercedes S., and John M. Tichenor. "Understanding Teachers' Perspectives On
Professionalism." Professional Educator 27.1/2 (2004): 89-95. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.


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