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The Constitution of Jonastan

Article I Rights of The Citizens

Amendment I
Under no circumstances whatsoever, should slavery and human trade ever be legal
or practiced anywhere in the country of Jonastan. The minimum penalty for such a
crime is 40 years in jail. This amendment is unchangeable.
Amendment II
Anyone can say or write whatever they may please. But if a person is a citizen and
writes or speaks anything seriously discrimatory about the country, said person will
be fined a minimum of 800 pennets on behalf of disrespecting their home country.
This amendment is unchangeable.
Amendment III
No random searches or seizes can be done by any form of law enforcement without
consult of the owner of said property and a just cause.
Amendment IV
If a citizen were to pass on, anything they own would be distributed like a
monarchy and go to person closest to him or her.
Amendment V
Any citizen is allowed to believe in and practice whatever religion they may
please. Or, no religion if they choose not to practice anything at all. This
amendment is unchangeable.

Article II Government
Amendment I

To run for president, said person must be 20 years of age or older, have graduated
high school, have an average or above understanding of politics, and must get 50
signatures. Presidential elections are every 3 months. Presidents can only have 5
terms. This amendment is unchangeable.
Amendment II
There is one branch of government. The president is the highest power in the
government. He or she creates and approves laws. The president can not approve
or create laws that violate the constitution. To make sure laws are not
unconstitutional, the president has to first present the law proposed to a group of 5
people called the nshiee. The nshiee can veto or approve a law depending on if the
law is unconstitutional. If the law is vetoed, the president can edit the law and try
again or scrap the law all together. And to make sure the nshiee is doing their job
of checking new laws, the vice president must step in to check on the nshiee.
Amendment III
Nshiee are elected through the same procedures as president except for a few
differences. To be a nshiee, said person must be 30 or older, have graduated
collage, be good at decision making, and have no major criminal records (a
speeding ticket or two is fine). Nshiee elections are every 2 years. Nshiees can only
have 1 term. This amendment is unchangeable.
Amendment IV
To vote, a person must be 13 years of age or older and at least have somewhat of
an understanding of politics.

Article III Other

Amendment I
This constitution is changeable unless an amendment says otherwise. To change
the constitution, 3 out of 5 nshiee and the president must agree to the change. Only
one amendment can be changed at one time unless the change affects other

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