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Strengths-Based Leadership Report

(with your personalized Strengths Insights)


Strengths-Based Leadership Report


Leader: Michelle Duesberry-Woody

Gallup found that it serves a team well to have a representation of strengths in each of the four
domains of leadership strength: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking.
Instead of one dominant leader who tries to do everything or individuals who all have similar
strengths, contributions from all four domains lead to a strong and cohesive team. This doesn't mean
that each person on a team must have strengths exclusively in a single category. In most cases, each
team member will possess some strength in multiple domains.
According to our latest research, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder themes naturally cluster into these
four domains of leadership strength. See below for how your top five themes sort into the four
domains. As you think about how you can contribute to a team and who you need to surround yourself
with, this may be a good starting point.

Your Top Five Clifton StrengthsFinder Themes



Relationship Building




Strategic Thinking


Your Personalized Strengths Insights

Its very likely that you love to talk with others, especially when you are in a group exchanging
information, ideas, opinions, stories, or jokes. You can spontaneously share your thoughts and
feelings with people. Instinctively, you are comfortable telling others stories about your personal
habits, qualities, experiences, or background. Your forthcoming nature probably enables others to
share their thoughts and feelings with you. Chances are good that you probably derive far less

804942772 (Michelle Duesberry-Woody)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

satisfaction from your work or studies when you are separated from your friends. Partnering with them
usually motivates you to work very hard to complete tasks and reach goals. Driven by your talents,
you like to amuse people with your stories. Your stories probably provide people with pleasant
distractions from their daily routines, worries, and obligations. Because of your strengths, you
demonstrate an ease with language. You effortlessly verbalize your thoughts. You relish the
opportunity to share your insights. You derive pleasure from actively participating in conversations
when group members propose ideas, seek solutions, or debate issues.

Instinctively, you set very high expectations for yourself. Typically you push yourself until you reach
your goals. You are not content unless you deliver the best performance or produce the most
outstanding results. Its very likely that you typically check and double check your work. You need to
ensure everything is in order. You likely adopt a serious-minded approach when evaluating the
accuracy of reports, research results, evidence, data, or facts. Chances are good that you naturally
resist being held back, restrained, or controlled by people or events. You much prefer to be in charge
of situations, materials, schedules, budgets, human resources, processes, or decisions. Waiting for
someone else to issue orders or level judgments certainly is not your forte that is, strength. By
nature, you ordinarily describe yourself as practical and realistic. You labor earnestly to find
specialists who can help you figure out the right responses to questions. Why reinvent the wheel?
you ask when they already know what to do. Because of your strengths, you probably set goals
regarding the amount of recognition you give your coworkers. You aim to lavish them with
compliments. Why? You want each person to feel valued and appreciated. Recipients of your
abundant praise usually are eager to please you again. They often are willing to help whenever you

Its very likely that you place more importance on the purpose and value of what you do than on the
monetary rewards that accompany success. Chances are good that you support the people around
you by acknowledging their outstanding accomplishments and stellar performances. Driven by your
talents, you are devoted to helping others. You keep serving, even to the point of your own detriment.
You toil tirelessly for the benefit of people. You expect nothing in return. Exhausted as you are, you
usually derive satisfaction from working on worthy causes with your friends. By nature, you capture
others attention with your open and talkative style. You support and inspire people. You boost their
confidence and support their resolve to respond to change, overcome obstacles, acquire new skills,
gain knowledge, or reach lofty goals. Because of your strengths, you regularly look for opportunities to
give people special attention. You celebrate their accomplishments. You tell them why you appreciate
their knowledge, skills, and talents. You acknowledge their opinions and solicit their suggestions.

Instinctively, you often argue that people should be held to the highest moral standards. You insist
that those who break the law be required to accept the consequences of their deeds. You have little
sympathy for people who are caught in the act of taking things that do not belong to them. Its very
likely that you may point out issues, problems, or obstacles before others see them. Some people
label you a pessimist. Perhaps you reply, Im just being realistic. I sometimes choose to fix things

804942772 (Michelle Duesberry-Woody)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

before they wear out, break down, or become obsolete. By nature, you frequently engage in
laborious tasks. You yearn to dedicate yourself to worthy causes or noble purposes. Fortifying the
bonds between yourself, the people you know, or even those you will never meet gives your life
special meaning. Driven by your talents, you are naturally inclined to make sacrifices that benefit
someone else. You enjoy being generous with your time, knowledge, skills, experiences, resources,
or possessions. Because of your strengths, you choose to live your life in a way that benefits
individuals and society as a whole. You are highly motivated to make the world a better place than
you found it. Your ideals and core values influence how you spend your time and use your talents.
You have a deep and abiding concern for others.

By nature, you periodically derive satisfaction from pulling newcomers or outsiders into discussions or
friendly chitchat. Over time, you may have become more aware of your abilities or more accountable
for your words and deeds. Maybe you claim to be more grown up than some of your coworkers,
teammates, family members, classmates, or friends. Driven by your talents, you place a premium on
doing everything correctly. Whatever you are involved in or associated with must typify that is,
symbolize accuracy and precision. Your high standards demand exactness. Chances are good that
you have a strong sense of commitment. It motivates you to make sure that things are carried through
to completion even when difficulties arise. Instinctively, you are occasionally willing to be vulnerable.
Perhaps you claim your talents or admit your weaknesses. Your openness may help some people
know you better as a person. Your straightforward style may convince others you are honest,
dependable, and reliable. Its very likely that you are determined to be victorious. As much as you
yearn to be number one, you know cheating is unacceptable. You probably experience remorse
when you unintentionally take unfair advantage of anyone. You likely think finishing first counts only
when you have followed all the rules just like everyone else.

804942772 (Michelle Duesberry-Woody)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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