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Learning Plan

Intern Name: Kacie Sanders

Subject/Grade: Social Studies
Type of Coteaching: Teach/Support

Mentor Teacher Name: Sara Radtke

Date Taught: 10-14-14

iThis lesson is modified for John. He has trouble focusing and is not performing academically on grade level. He does the best when
he has extra supports and is involved in class discussions.

Lesson Plan
S.S. 1.4.A When given a worksheet on cardinal directions and maps, the
students will be able to identify objects on a map based on the directions 3
out of 4 times.



John: 2 out of 4 times

Geography. 4A. The student understands the relative location of places. The
student is expected to locate places using the four cardinal directions
Background Information:
The students have already been introduced to cardinal directions and
Cardinal directions worksheet
assessment worksheet
smart board
Classroom Management/Environment:
The students will be sitting on the carpet facing the smart board with quiet

Review with John before class if


Mrs. Radtke will review

with the class the day
before so it is fresh on their

mouths, crossed legs, and their hands in their lap.

They may write on their worksheet when asked to.
Good afternoon, class! Today I want to talk to you more about cardinal
directions and maps. What do we use maps for? [they help us find our place
and tell us where to go]
Raise your hand and tell me one of the cardinal directions. [north, south,
east, west] <write it on the smart board as a visual>
<repeat for all 4 cardinal directions and write on the smart board as a
big compass rose>
Someone tell me about a time they used the cardinal directions this week.
Great job first graders! We use maps to help us find our way so we dont get
Today we are going to use what we already know to help the Geo-rangers
find their way!
During this time, you will be sitting on the carpet with your legs crossed,
eyes on me, and quiet mouths. You will raise your hand if you have
something to share with us.
1. First graders, pick up your clip boards and pencils and put your name
at the top of your paper.
2. Look at the directions. Read them to me, <call on student>.
3. Right, so we are going to draw what the geo-rangers will find in each
direction that they go. They need help figuring out what is around
them, and since we are so smart with our directions we get to help
them out!
4. If they go west what will they find? [flowers]
5. If they go north they will find. [trees]
6. What if they went south, what would they find? [a river]
7. Finally, if the georangers walk east, what will they see? [camp site,
fire, tents]
8. Great job! Way to help the geo-rangers find out what is around them!

Call on John for specific

questions to make sure he is
paying attention.

Call on John for specific

questions to make sure he is
paying attention.

Mrs. Radtke will sit with

the students and monitor

Mrs. Radtke will sit with

the students and monitor
She will also add
Simplify the directions and make comments as needed.
them very explicit, especially
with the assesment.
Specific positive praise

9. Now you are going to practice on your own! At your desk is a

worksheet with an incomplete map on it. Your job is going to be to
cut out the pictures at the bottom and paste them in the direction that I
tell you to. I will give you instructions on where to put the picture,
but it is your job to glue it onto your paper. I want to know what your
brain knows on this worksheet, it is an independent activity.
10. Release students to desks and begin assessment.
The students will make their own map with directions and symbols. They
will also explain where each of their symbols are using cardinal directions.
They need to have at least 5 different symbols.
The students will complete a similar activity. They will actually be the georangers and will draw what is in the classroom with each direction that they
First graders, you did such a great job helping the geo-rangers find their way
on the map! They did not get lost.
Someone remind me of the four cardinal directions [responses]
What do we use them for? [to help us find our way on a map]
First graders, kiss your brains. They are getting so big!
Since you guys are experts at this, tomorrow we are going to use BIGGER
The student will be given a worksheet similar to the practice one. The teacher
gives instruction on what to do and the students respond on their own paper.

Give John a little more one on

one & individualized help with
the activities.

Give John specific positive


Mrs. Radtke will give

specific positive praise as
needed, too.

John will be given extra help on

the assessment.

Mrs. Radtke will monitor

the class while I help John
if needed.

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