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E3 Manager Manual

E3 OS need update to 1.3 version to run E3 Manager .

HOW to install E3 Manager

Download E3 Manager, extract and copy following 3 files into
the root directory of your game harddisk .

Run E3 LOGOT TOOL on PC, and press any key to exit after
ending of run .

HOW to run game with E3 Manager

Connect the game harddisk on USB STICK of E3 ODE PRO,
you will discover the E3 manager and game on the GAME
list .
You will see a video after choosing game, user can exit with
press X, and run game again on the GAME list .

User can also run E3 Manager and game from Video list .

HOW to switch game

User can select PRESS O to select new game from E3 OS, and
then enter the E3 Manager to play the target game .

How to customize the E3 Manager icon and

There are 2 photos in the e3ode_manager folder, the ICON0
and PIC1 . Users can use a custom image replacement. Please
note the custom image properties and name must be same as
original image.

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