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EUROPAISCHE NORM EN ISO 8612 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPEENNE April 2001 les 11,040.70 Deutsche Fassung Ophthalmische Instrumente - Tonometer (ISO 8612:2001) (Ophthalmic instruments - Tonometors ('SO 8612:2001) Instruments ophtalmiques - Tonométres (SO 86122001) Diese Europtische Norm wurde vom CEN am 15.April 2001 angenommen ie CEN- Mtge, sind gehalton, de CEN/CENELEC-Geschattsordnung zu ere, in der cle Becingungen fosigeltsind, unter denen ‘leser Europaischen Norm ohne jede Anderung der Status einer nationaion Norm 2u geben let. Auf dam letzen Stand befindiche Listen «loser natonalen Normen mit ihren bibiographischen Angaben sind beim Management-Zentrum oder bo adem CEN-Mighed aut Anfrage eration, Diese Europtische Norm bestnt in dtl ofzieion Fassungen (Deutsch, Englisch, FranzBsisch). Eine Fassung in elner anderen Sprache, dle von einem CEN-Migied in eiganer Verartwortung durch Ubersetzung in sine Landessprache gemacht und dem Management. Zentrum mitgetelt wordon it, hat den geichen Status wie dle offzielien Fassungen. ‘CEN -igieder sind cle natonalen Normungsinsttute von Bolgion, Danemark, Deutschland, Finland, Frankreich, Giechenland, land, 'siand, alien, Luxemburg, Nedelande, Norwegen, Osterreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Sparen, der Tachechischen Republik urd dom Vereingion Kénigrech “a, BUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION Management-Zentrum: rue de Stassart, 368-1050 Brisee! (©2001 CEN Alle Rechte der Verwertung, gleich in welcher Form und in welchom Ft. Nr EN ISO 8612:2001 Verfahren, sind weltweit den nationalen Mitgiedern von CEN vorbehaten, Seite 2 ENISO 8612:2001 Vorwort Der Text der Intermationalen Norm ISO 8612:2001 wurde vom Technischen Komitee ISO/TC. 172 "Optics and optical instruments" in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 170 "Augenoptik" erarbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom DIN gehalten wird. Diese Europdische Norm muB den Status einer nationalen Norm erhalten; entweder durch \Verdffentlichung eines identischen Textes oder durch Anerkennung bis Oktober 2001, und etwaige entgegenstehende nationale Normen miissen bis Oktober 2001 zuriickgezogen werden. Die Anhange A und B sind normativer Bestandteil von EN ISO 8612. Entsprechend der CEN/CENELEC-Geschaftsordnung sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute der folgenden Lander gehalten, diese Europaische Norm zu Ubernehmen: Belgien, Danemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Osterreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, die Tschechische Republik und das Vereinigte Kénigreich. Anerkennungsnotiz Der Text der Internationalen Norm ISO 8612:2001 wurde von CEN als Europaische Norm ohne irgendeine Abénderung genehmigt. ANMERKUNG: Die normativen Verweisungen auf Internationale Normen sind im Anhang ZA (normativ) aufgeftihrt, Seite 3 EN ISO 8612:2001 1 Anwendungsbereich Diese Internationale Norm legt zusammen mit ISO 15004 Mindestanforderungen und die Typpriifung (Prafung zur Einhaltung der Bauart) fur Tonometer fest, die zum routinemaigen praktischen Gebrauch bei der Bestimmung des intraokularen Druckes (10D) dienen sollen. Wenn Unterschiede vorliegen, hat diese Internationale Norm Vorrang vor ISO 15004. ‘ANMERKUNG 1: Der wahre intraokulare Druck wird selten direkt gemessen, da dies invasiv erfolgen misste. Da der wahre intraokulare Druck nicht bekannt sein kann, werden statt dessen das Instrument (Anhang A) und das Verfahren (Anhang 8) zur Bestimmung eines Referenz-IOD angegeben. ANMERKUNG: Tonometer far den praktischen Gebrauch kénnen for die indirekte Beurteilung eines {gemessenen intraokularen Druckes verschiedene Parameter oder Korrelationen verwenden. Der Hersteller gibt far ein bestimmtes Tonometer die genauen, der Konstruktion zugrundeliegenden Parameter an, und er ‘zeigt dann anhand des Vertahren nach 4.2, dass die Konstruktion des Tonometers im Vergleich zu dem Roferenztonometer zu annehmbaren Ergebnissen fahrt. Dieses Vorgehen wird als Typprifung bezeichnet. Dariber hinaus zeigt der Herstellar nach den in 4.3 angegebenen Verfahren, dass individuell angefertigte Tonometer (innethalb gewisser Toleranzen) genauso gut arbeiten wie das Testtonometer. Dieses Verfahren wird als Einzelpritung bezeichnet. 2 Normative Verweisungen Die folgenden normativen Dokumente enthalten Festlegungen, die durch Verweisung in diesem Text Bestandteil der vorliegenden Internationalen Norm sind. Bei datierten Verweisungen gelten spatere Anderungen oder Uberarbeitungen dieser Publikationen nicht. Anwender dieser Internationalen Norm werden jedoch gebeten, die Mogichkeit zu prifen, die jewels neuesten Ausgaben der nachfolgend langegebenen normativen Dokument anzuwenden. Bei undatierten Verweisungen git die letzte ‘Ausgabe des in Bezug genommenen normativen Dokuments. Mitglieder von ISO und IEC fahren Verzeichnisse der gitigen Internationalen Normen. 180 18004, Ophthalmic instruments ~ Fundamental requirements and test methods. IEC 60601-1:1988, Medical electrical equipment ~ Part 1: General requirements for safety 3 Begriffe Fir die Anwendung dieser Internationalen Norm gelten die folgenden Begriff: 34 intraokularer Druck lop Druck im Inneren des Auges ANMERKUNG: Er wird in mm Quecksilborsaule (mmHg) angogeben, wobel 1 mmH 32 Referenzdruck Referenz-1OD intraokularer Druck, der mit einem Referenztonometer nach Anhang A nach dem Verfahren nach Anhang B gemessen wird 3.3 gemessener Druck gemessener IOD IOD-Anzeige durch das jewellige Tonometer, wenn es in Ubereinstimmung mit den Anweisungen des Herstellers benutzt wird = 1,833 hPa ist. Seite 8 EN ISO 8612:2001 A2_ Einzelpriifung des Referenztonometers A2.1 Gerd A2.1.1 Optisches Grenznormal bestehend aus einer liken und zwei rechten senkrechten Linien, die durch eine waagerechte Strichtinie getelit sind, zur Prifung des Durchmessers des Applanationskreises (siehe Bild A.1). Der Abstand der rechten Linien voneinander entspricht dem ‘doppetten Wert der Toleranz des Durchmessers des Applanationskreises nach A.1.2. MaBe in Milimeter ct 38 Bild A.1: Optisches Grenznormal zur Priifung des Durchmessers des Applanationskreises von 3,06 mm A2.1.2 Waage mit einer Empfindlchkeit von 0,01 g/Skalentell zur Priffung a) der Messkraft, b) der Umkehrspanne fur die Bewegung des Druckkérpers am Ubergangspunkt in die Gegenrichtung und c) zur Prifung der Position des Messarmes in Bezug auf seine Bewegungstreinelt beim Gleichgewicht der Kraifte, A2.2Verfahren zur Einzelpriifung A221 Allgemeines Das Referenztonometer ist mit dem nachfolgend angegebenen Verfahren oder einem gleichwertigen Verfahren einzelzupren, A222 Durchmesser des Applanationskreises Das zu prifende Auge ist durch das optische Grenznormal (siehe A.2.1.1) zu ersetzen. Die Trennkante der Prismen ist so auszurichten, dass sie mit der Strichlinie zusammenfallt. Die Wirkung der Vercopplungsprismen besteht im Versatz der Linien oberhalb und unterhalb der Trennkante gegensinander um einen gesamten Betrag, der dem Durchmesser des Applanationskreises entspricht, ‘80 dass diese in Ubereinstimmung gebracht werden (siehe Bild A.2). Bei einem Druckkérper ohne ‘Verdopplungsprisma ist der Durchmesser des Applanationskreises mit Hilfe eines linierten Quadrates zu ermitteln, das durch direkten Vergleich mit dem optischen Grenznormal kalibriert wird. Das Tonometer efit die Toleranzforderungen, wenn die verschobene untere Halblinio in dem lateralen Intervall liegt, das durch das obere, rechte Linienpaar begrenzt wird (siehe Bild A.2). na Seite 9 EN ISO 8612:2001 MaBe in Milimeter 03.04 9306 03,08 Bild A.2: Priifung der Toleranzgrenzen fir Durchmesser des Applanationskreises, hier fir die Werte 3,04 mm, 3,06 mm und 3,08 mm 2.2.3. Messkraft, Umkehrspanne und zentrale Position des Tonometerarmes ‘ANMERKUNG: In den folgenden Anwelsungen beziehen sich dle Zahien in Klammem aut Bild A.. Die Messkraft, Umkehrspanne und zentrale Position des Tonometerarmes werden unter Verwendung der Tonometerwaage (siehe Bild A.3) wie folgt einzelgepritt. ‘Das Tonometer ist mit Hite einer geeigneten Haltevorrichtung an der Tonometerwaage zu betestigen. Eines der Kontaktrader (1, 2 oder 3) ist mit Hilfe einer dreidimensionalen Verstelleinrichtung so zum Druckkérper des Tonometers auszurichten, dass das Kontaktrad die Mitte der Applanationsflache des Druckkérpers berirt und diejenige Kraft aut ihn ausibt, die dazu fut, dass der Zeiger der Waage (5) genau auf die Nullmarke zeigt. Dabei muss das Tonometer auf einen Druckwert in der Mitte seines Arbeitsbereiches zwischen dem vorderen und dem hinteren Uberlastanschlag gelangen. Das Waagesystem ist mit einem Prafgewicht von 0,5 g (4) zu belasten, und es ist zu Uberprifen, dass der Zeiger zum unteren Anschlag der Waage ausienkt. AnschlieBend ist das 0,5g Prifgewicht wieder zu entfemen, und es ist in der nachfolgend beschriebenen Weise zu tberpriifen, dass das Waagesystem ordnungsgemaB auf verschiedene Druckeinstellungen des Tonometers reagiert Das Applanationstonometer ist auf einen Wert einzustellen, der einem IOP von 10 mmHg entspricht. Der Druckkérper ist symmetrisch zum Kontaktrad auszurichten, ohne es zu beriihren Der Druckkérper ist dann solange gegen das Kontaktrad zu verfahren, bis die Waage deutlich Uber ihren Nullpunkt ausgelenkt wird. Das Applanationstonometer ist auf einen Wert einzustellen, der einem IOP von 0 mmHg entspricht. Danach sind Gewichte in Stufen von 1 beginnend mit 1 g bis zur Maximallast auf die Waage zu legen. Die Messkraft des Tonometets ist jeweils zu steiger, bis der Zeiger wieder mit der Nulimarke koinzidiert Dann ist der Test beginnend mit der Maximallast und unter sukzessiver Verminderung der Messkraft des Tonometers durchzufulhren, Justierung und Uberpriifung des Applanationstonometers haben unter Verwendung von schwingungsgedampttem Gerat zu erfolgen. Das Tonometer entspricht den Anforderungen nach A.1.4 und A.1.6, wenn die Abweichungen der aut der Skale des Tonometers angezeigten Messkraft vom Nominalwert die Grenzabweichungen nicht iberschreiten und wenn die Differenz der Messkraft, die notwencig ist, um den Druckkérper in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zu bewegen (Umkehrspanne), den Wert nach A.1.4 nicht ibersteigt. Seite 10 EN ISO 8612:2001 q 4 Legende 1,2,3 Kontaktréder und Druckkorper in den verschiedenen Messposiionen 4°” Pratgewicht 5 Zeiger und Nullmarke Bild A.3: Anordnung zur Priitung der Messkraft A224 Breite der Linien auf der Messtrommel Das Tonometer erfilt die Anforderungen nach A.1.5, wenn die gemessene Linienbreite kleiner oder gleich der Breite der Standardlinie ist. A225 Anderung der Skalenablesung der Messkraft zwischen 15°C und 30 Priifung fir jedes Referenztonometer nur einmal durchgefiihrt werden. Im allgemeinen sollte Das auf der Tonometerwaage angebrachte Tonometer wird in eine Kammer gebracht, deren ‘Temperatur verandert werden kann. Die Skalenablesungen sind als Funktion der Temperatur zu Das Tonometer erfilit die Anforderungen nach A.1.6, wenn die Skalenablesungen im gesamten ‘Temperaturbereich sich um nicht mehr als die erlaubten Betrage verandern A.2.3 Priifbescheinigung Die Ergebnisse der in Ubereinstimmung mit der vorliegenden Internationalen Norm durchgefilhrien Verfikationsprifung sind in einer Prifbescheinigung niederzulegen, die vom Hersteller in den Lander, in denen keine behérdiche Prifung méglich ist, zur Verfagung zu stellen ist. in Bild A.4 ist ein Beispiel {Ur eine Prifescheinigung wiedergegeben. Seite 11 EN ISO 8612:2001 TONOMETER-PRUFBESCHEINIGUNG Tonometer Nr.: Datum: __ Einsender: Erster Prifer: _ Hersteller: _ Zweiter Prifer: Durchmesser des Applanationskreises, nominal 3,06 mm oder +£0,02 mm 1a) Druckkérper Nr.1 mm b) Druckkérper Nr. 2 _mm Messkraft: ‘Ausgangsposition: Der Tonometerarm muss bezogen auf die Position zur Einzelprifung symmetrisch im zur Verfagung stehenden freien Bewegungsbereich ausgerichtet werden, Nominalwert/ Anforderung Abweichung Horizontal Vertikal 9,81 0,49 mN eee rh aeeeer 19,61 + 0,49 mN ace) ____mn 29,42 + 0,49 mN _—___mNn ___mn 99,23 + 0,59 mN ___mN ____ mn 49,08 10,74 mN ___mN ___mn 58,84 + 0,88 mN ___mn ___mn 68,65 = 1,03 mN ___mn mN 78,45 + 1,18 mN eeaetrod ___mn Umkehrspanne bei Ubergang/Bewegung des Druckkorpers in die entgegengesetzte Richtung: 0,49 mN maximal rN Position des Messarms relativ zum freien Spiel im Gleichgewichtszustand: Mitte Bemerkungen: Einzelgepratt Nicht einzelgepritt Untersch Bild A.4: Beispiel einer Priifbescheinigung Seite 12 EN ISO 8612:2001 3 Anweisung fiir den Gebrauch des Referenztonometers Wenn das Referenztonometer fir eine Typpriifung nach Anhang B benutzt wird, ist folgender Arbeltsgang einzuhalten: a) Das gewahlte Auge des Probanden ist zu andisthesieren, ) Es ist mit Natriumfluoresceinlésung einzufarben. ANMERKUNG: Schritt a) und b) Konnen Kombiniert werden, wenn ein Andsthetikum benutzt wird, das bereits Natriumfuorescein enthalt ©) Die Tonometertrommel ist aut einen Wert einzustellen, der einem intraokularen Druck von 10 mmHg entspricht Wenn méglich solte das Augenlid nicht mit dem Finger beruht werden, um die Lidéfinung zu vergrdern. Wenn die Lidéfinung nicht gro8 genug ist, um einen Kontakt des Tonometerkonus zu ermégichen, ist der Proband zu bitten, die Augen weiter zu éfinen. d) Der Proband ist anzuweisen, einen entfernten Fixationspunkt anzublicken. Wenn ein entfemter Fixationspunkt nicht angebliokt werden kann, und Nahfixation benutzt wird, ist dies zu notieren, Der intraokulare Druck fdr den Mittelwert der Puisschwankung ist 2u messen und das Tonometer vom Auge zu entfernen, °) f) Die Punkte c), d) und e) sind zu wiedetholen, wenn die Messung aus einem der folgenden Grinde unbrauchbar war: 1) der Proband hat etwas gespirt; 2) das Augenlid wurde berihrt; 8) der Fluoreszein-Ring war zu breit oder zu schmal; 4) es git andere Umstande, de vermuten lassen, dass cle Messung ungenau gewesen sein nnte, Wenn irgendwelche Griinde vorliegen, dass die Anasthesie nicht mehr voll wirksam ist, ist das Anasthetikum erneut zu applizieren, 9) Wenn eine Serie von Mehrfachmessungen vorgesehen ist, sind die Schritte c), d), e) und f) zu wiederholen. Nachdem die erste Messung far einen bestimmten Proband durchgefuhrt wurde, sind alle giitigen nachfolgenden Messungen zu registrieren, sofem eine Serie von Mehrfachmessungen gewiinscht wird. Bel irgendwelchen Unterbrechungen der aufeinanderfolgenden Einzelmessungen, ist das Verfahren von neuem zu beginnen. ) Seite 13, EN ISO 8612:2001 Anhang B (normativ) Typpriifung B.1 Allgemeines Derjenige, der die Priifung durchfihren last, hat einen Prifleiter 2u benennen, der die Gesamtverantwortung fur die Durchfihrung des Vertahrens hat. Der Prifleiter darf kein kommerzielles ‘oder sonst wie begrindetes Interesse an dem Testtonometer oder dem Ausgang der Priffung haben. B.2 Priifer B.2.1 Der Prifleiter erennt mindestens zwei Priifer je Prifzentrum, die far die Bestimmung des intraokularen Druckes sowohl mit dem Referenztonometer als auch mit dem Testtonometer verantworlich sind, B.2.2 Die Personen, die die Typpriifung durchfahren, dirfen kein kommerzielles oder sonst wie begrindetes Interesse an dem Testtonometer oder dem Ausgang der Typpriifung haben. ‘ANMERKUNG: Die Profung kann an mehreren Prifzentren durchgefuhrt werden. B.3. Schulung B.3.1 Der Priffeiter hat sicherzustellen, dass alle Priifer umfassend im Gebrauch sowohl des Referenztonometets als auch des Testtonometers unterwiesen sind. Die Prifer sind darauf hinzuweisen, dass sie genau und immer dem festgelegten Arbeitsablauf und den Instruktionen des Herstellers zu folgen haben. B.3.2 Wahrend des Prifungsablautes diirfen die Prifer weder zusatzlche Instruktionen uber den Gebrauch der Tonometer ethalten, noch dirfen sie etwas aber die Ergebnisse der Messungen erfahren, B.4 Tonometer B.4.1 Die Spezifikationen des (der) Testtonometer(s) sind mit den Verfahren und Geréten nach 4.3 einzelzupraten. B.4.2 Der Pritfleiter hat sicherzustellen, dass die Kalibrierung des Referenztonometers mindestens am Beginn und am Ende der Testreihe uberpritt wird. B.4.3 Das (die) Testtonometer dirfen Kelner nicht-routinemaigen Nachkalibrierung unterzogen werden. B.5 Probanden B.5.1 Probanden miissen unter Anwendung folgender Ausschlusskriterion ausgewahit werden: a) Probanden mit nur einem funktionellen Auge; b) Probanden mit einem Auge, das schlechte oder exzentrische Fixation besitzt; ©) Probanden mit hohem Homhautastigmatismus (d.h. Augen, bei denen ein ovales Kontaktbild mit dem Goldmann-Tonometer entsteht); 4) Probanden mit Hornhautnarben oder solche, bei denen eine Hornhautchirurgie einschlieBlich der Laserbehandlung vorgenommen wurde; e) Mikrophthalmus; Seite 14 EN ISO 8612:2001 4) Buphthalmus; 9) Kontaktinsentrager; h) trockene Augen; i) Probanden, die aie Lider zusammenkneifen (Blepharospasmus); i). Nystagmus; ki) Keratokonus; 1) alle anderen pathologischen oder infektidsen Verhaltnisse an Hom- oder an Bindehaut, B.5.2 Der Prifleter muss weitere Ausschlusskriterion festiegen, die von den Priifern zu beachten sind, aber nur, wenn sonst die Bedingungen, unter denen das Testtonometer arbeiten soll, beeinflusst wiirden. B.5.3 Die Mindestanzahl von Augen bei der Priffung muss 150 betragen. Es missen mindestens die folgenden Anzahlen von Augen in jeder Gruppe mit intraokularen Drucken (festgelegt durch das Referenztonometer) vorhanden sein: 7 mmHg bis 16mmbg 40 Augen ber 16mmHg bis unter 23mmHg 40 Augen ab23mmHg 40 Augen B.5.4 Der Priffleiter muss sicherstellen, dass vor der Durchfihrung der Prifung eine Regel fur den ‘Abbruch der Anwerbung von Probanden aufgestellt und schriflich niedergelegt ist, die nicht abhangig ist von den Ergebnissen der Priffung. ANMERKUNG: Um die Auswahl zu erfeichtor, konnen Probanden aut der Basis ihres schon fruher bekannten Augendruckes oder auf Grund vorlaufiger Druckmessungen zum Test eingeladen werden, B.5.5 Von jedem Probanden dorfen eines oder beide Augen vermessen werden. Wenn der Prifer sich auf ein Auge festlegt, muss dies geschehen, bevor irgendwelche Druckwerte mit dem Testtonometer bestimmt wurden, B..6 Wenn es sich bei einem Probanden als unmdglch erweist, alle erforderlichen Daten entweder mit dem Referenztonometer oder dem Testtonometer zu erlangen, muss dieser Proband vom Test ausgeschlossen werden. Die Priffer und der Hersteller haben die Anzahl der Probanden anzugeben, fr die Messungen mit jedem der Instrumente nicht durchgeftihrt werden konnten, Ferner sind die Griinde anzugeben, warum die Messungen nicht durchgefulhrt werden konnten, B.8.7 Ein Proband dart nur einmal am Verfahren teilnehmen, B.6 Druckmessungen B.6.1 Die Reihenfolge der Tests mit dem Referenztonometer und den Testtonometem ist festzulegen und so zu wahlen, dass der Einfluss einer Messung auf die nachste so klein wie méglich wird. Die Messungen mit dem Testtonometer sind nach den Empfehlungen des Herstellers fur die Routineanwendung vorzunehmen. B62 Der Prifleiter ist dafir verantwortich, ein fall-spezifisches Vertahrensprotokoll zu erstellen, das das cordnungsgemae Zustandekommen aller Ablesungen und Aufzeichnungen wahrend der Messungen sicherstelit und das den Austausch der einander entsprechenden Daten der Messpaare (Test gegen Referenz) vor Abschluss der klinischen Untersuchung ausschiieSt, B.6.3 Alle Messungen fr jedes Auge sind ohne Unterbrechungen innerhalb der kiirzest méglichen Zeit vorzunehmen, das heiBt, die Zeitspanne zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Messungen dart nicht langer sein als ungetahr das Dreifache der Zeit fir einen Prifdurchlauf Seite 15 EN ISO 8612:2001 Die Prifung sollte so angelegt sein, dass sich der Proband so wenig wie moglich bewegen muss. 8.6.4 Wenn es wahrend der Prifungen eine Unterbrechung gibt, ist der gesamte Ablauf fir diesen Probanden neu zu beginnen, oder die Ergebnisse sind nicht zu verwenden. B.7_ Rlickzug von der Priifung B.7.1 Der Prifleiter hat sicherzustellen, dass die Griinde fUr den Riickzug jedes Prifers, Tonometers ‘oder Probanden schriftich festgehalten werden. B.7.2 Wenn ein Prifer den Test nicht beenden kann, hat der Prifleiter Ersatz zu beschaffen. Die Ergebnisse, die durch den urspriinglichen Prifer gewonnen wurden sind nicht zu verwerfen. B.7.3 Der Prfleter hat sicherzustellen, dass kein Prifer aus Griinden, die mit der Genauigkeit seiner Ergebnisse mit dem Testtonomter zusammenhangen, vom Test ausgeschlossen wird B.7.4 Der Auftraggeber muss in der Lage sein, Testtonometer auszutauschen, die 2uféllig beschadigt wurden, oder die einen groBeren Fehler aufweisen, der sie unbrauchbar macht. B.7.5 Wenn festgestelit wird, dass die Kalibrierung des Referenztonometers unkorrekt ist, sind alle Ergebnisse, die nach der letzten Einzelprifung gewonnen wurden, zu verwerten. B.8 Aufzeichnen der Daten und Beendigung des Tests B.8.1 Der Priffelter hat sicherzustellen, dass wahrend des Tests genaue und volistandige Aufzeichnungen vorgenommen werden. B.8.2 Der Prifleiter hat geeignete Hilsmittel zur Aufzeichnung der Daten wahrend des Tests 7u erstellen. B.8.3 Der Prifleter ist verantwortlch far die Beendigung des Tests. B.8.4 Der Prifleiter kann den Test beenden, wenn es offensichtlich wird, dass die Toleranzen nicht eingehalten werden. B.9 Auswertung der Daten B.9.1 Far die Auswertung der Testdaten ist der Priffleiter verantwortich. B.9.2 Wenn mit dem Referenztonometer Mehrfachmessungen durchgefuhrt wurden, ist der Mittelwert der MeBergebnisse bei der Auswertung zu verwenden. Wenn Mehrlachmessungen mit dem Referenztonometer zulassig sind, gibt es die Moglichkeit, dass zwischen Ihnen Differenzen auftreten. Wenn eine solche Differenz grofer ist als 5 mmHg, sind alle Messungen an dem jewelligen Auge auszuschlieBen. B.9.3 Fur jedes gopritte Auge ist eine Differenz durch Subtraktion des gemittelten Messergebnis mit dem Referenztonometer von dem (gemittelten) Messergebnis mit dem Testtonometer zu berechnen. Diese Diterenz ist mit der Toleranz nach Tabelle 1 fur den jeweiligen Druckbereich zu vergleichen. Der anzuwendende Druckbereich wird Ober das (gomittelte) Messergebnis far den Druck mit dem Referenztonometer bestimmt. Wenn die Differenz auBerhalb der Toleranz liegt, ist das Auge in dle Untergruppe, auBerhalb der Toleranz einzuordnen. Seite 16 EN ISO 8612:2001 Anhang ZA (normativ) Normative Verweisungen auf internationale Publikationen mit ihren entsprechenden europaischen Publikationen Diese Europaische Norm enthait durch datierte oder undatierte Verweisungen Festlegungen aus anderen Publikationen. Diese normativen Verweisungen sind an den jeweiligen Stellen im Text zitiert, und die Publikationen sind nachstehend aufgeftihrt. Bei datierten Verweisungen gehéren spatere Anderungen oder Uberarbeitungen dieser Publikationen nur zu dieser Europaischen Norm, falls sie durch Anderung oder Uberarbeitung eingearbeitet sind. Bei undatierten Verweisungen gitt die letzte Ausgabe der in Bezug genommenen Publikation (einschlieBlich Anderungen). ANMERKUNG Ist eine internationale Publikation durch gemeinsame Abweichungen modifiziert worden, gekennzeichnet durch (mod.), dann gilt die entsprechende EN/HD. Publikation Jahr Titel EN Jahr ISO 150041997 Ophthalmic instruments - Fundamental requirements EN ISO 150041997 and test methods NORME EUROPEENNE EN ISO 8612 EUROPAISCHE NORM EUROPEAN STANDARD ‘aw 2001 Ics 11,040.70 Version Francaise Instruments ophtalmiques - Tonométres (ISO 8612:2001) ‘Ophthainische inetrumente -Tonometer (ISO 8612:2001) (Ophinalmic instrumons - Tonomoters (ISO 8612:2001) Laprésente Nore européenne a été adoptée parle CEN le 16 avill 2001, Les membres du CEN sont tenus de se soumtre au Rgloment Intérleur du CENICENELEC, qu définit es conditions dans lesquele doit tre attibué, sans modfcatio, le sttut de norme nationale & la Norme européenne. Les istes mises & out et les ferences. biblographiques relatives & ces normes nationales peuvent tre oblenues auprés du Centre de Gestion ou auprés des membres du CEN. La présente Norme européenne existe en trois versions officielle (allemand, anglais, angais). Une version dans une autre langue fate ‘ar traduction sous la responsabilté dun membre du CEN dans aa langue natonae et rotfiée au Centre de Gostio, ale méme slut quo [oe versione oficiales, Les membres du CEN sont les organismes nationaux de normalisation des peys suivants: Alemagno, Aurich, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Finiande, France, Gréce,inande, Isianda, abe, Luxembourg, Norvoge, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Répubique Tehéque, Royaume-Uni, Subd ot Suisse. a COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG [BUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION Centre de Gestion: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Bruxelles (©2001 CEN Tous droits cexplltation sous quelque forme et de quelque maniare que él. n® EN ISO 8612-2001 F 9 sot réservés dans le monde entior aux membres nationaux du CEN, Page 2 EN ISO 8612:2001 Avant-propos Le texte de la norme internationale ISO 8612:2001 a été élaboré par le Comité Technique ISO/TC 172 *Optique et instruments d'optique” en collaboration avec le Comité Technique CEN/TC 170 “Ophtalmique optique” dont le secrétariat est tenu par le DIN. Cette norme européenne devra recevoir le statut de norme nationale, soit par publication d'un texte identique, soit par entérinement, au plus tard en octobre 2001, et toutes les normes nationales en contradiction devront étre retirées au plus tard en octobre 2001. Selon le Réglement Intérieur du CEN/CENELEC, les instituts de normalisation nationaux des ays suivants sont tenus de mettre cette norme européenne en application: Allemagné Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Gréce, Irlande, Islande, Itai Luxembourg, Norvége, Pays-Bas, Portugal, République Tchéque, Royaume-Uni, Suede et Suisse. Notice d'entérinement Le texte de la norme internationale ISO 8612:2001 a été approuvé par le CEN comme norme européenne sans aucune modification. NOTE: Les références normatives aux normes internationales sont mentionnées en annexe ZA (normative). Page 3 EN ISO 8612:2001 ‘Annexe ZA (normative) Références normatives aux publications internationales avec leurs publications européennes correspondantes Cette norme européenne comporte par référence datée ou non datée des dispositions issues dautres publications. Ces références normatives sont citées aux endroits appropriés dans le texte et les publications sont énumérées ci-aprés. Pour les références datées les amendements ou révisions ultérieurs de l'une quelconque de ces publications ne s'appliquent cette norme européenne que sils y ont été incorporés par amendement ou révision. Pour les références non datées, la demiére édition de la publication a laquelle il est fait référence stapplique (y compris les amendements). NOTE Dans le cas oi! une publication internationale est modifiée par des modifications communes, indiqué par (mod.), EN/le HD correspondant(e) s'applique. Publication Année Tit EN Année ISO 15004 1997 _ Instruments ophtalmiques - Exigences EN ISO 15004 1997 fondamentales et méthodes d'essai EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8612 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM April 2001 ICS 11,040.70 English version Ophthalmic instruments - Tonometers (ISO 8612:2001) Inatruments ophtaimiques - Tonométres('SO 8612:2001) ‘Ophihalmische Inttumente- Tonometer (1S 86122001) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 Apri 2001 (CEN members are bound o comply wit the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conltions forgiving this European Standard the status ofa national standard without any alteration, Upo-cate sts and biographical elerenoee concerning such natlonal standards may be obtained on application to the Management Cente ort any CEN member. “This Europoan Standard exss in three official versions (English, French, German). version in any oer language made by translation onsbilty of a CEN member inf its own language and noted to the Management Centre has the same stalus asthe oficial CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austia, Belgium, Czech Reputlic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, land, Htaly, Luxembourg, Netheriands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzeriand and United Kingdom. ama! [BUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITER FOR NORMUNG Management Centre: tue de Stassart, 96 B-1050 Brussel ©2001 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 861222001 E ‘wordide for CEN national Members, Page 2 EN ISO 8612:2001 Foreword The text of the International Standard ISO 8612:2001 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 172 "Optics and optical instruments" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 170 "Ophthalmic optics", the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2001, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by October 2001 According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Endorsement notice The text of the International Standard ISO 8612:2001 was approved by CEN as a European Standard without any modification. NOTE: Normative references to International Standards are listed in annex ZA (normative). Page 3 EN ISO 8612:2001 ‘Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with thelr relevant European publications This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereatter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). NOTE Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod.), the relevant EN/HD applies. Publication Year Title EN Year 1SO 15004 1997 Ophthalmic instruments - Fundamental EN ISO 15004 1997 requirements and test methods EUROPAISCHE NORM EN ISO 8611-1 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPEENNE Februar 2004 Ics 55.180.20 Deutsche Fassung Paletten fiir den Gitertransport - Flachpaletten - Teil 1: Priifverfahren (ISO 8611-1:2004) Palettes pour la manutention - Palettes plates - Pale f Pallets fr materials hencing - Flat pallets - Part 1: Test ‘Mathodes dessal (180 8641-1:2004) methods (ISO 861 -1:2004) Diese Europtische Norm wurde vor CEN am 9,Februar 2004 angenommen. Die CEN-Migieer sind genalton, oie CEN/CENELEC-Geschattsordnung zu ere, in der aie Bedingungen fesigelet sind, unter denen cesar Europalschen Norm ohne jede Anderung der Status einer nationalen Norm 2u gabon ist. Aut dam ltzan Stand betinlcho Liston ‘laser ratonalen Normen mit Iron biblagraphischen Angaben sind beim Management-Zentrum oder bo adem CEN-Miigled auf Antrage cemalticn, Diese Europsische Norm bestentin drt ofzilon Fassungen (Deutsch, Englisch, Franzdsich). Eine Fassung in einer anderen Sprache, de von einem CEN-Migled in eiganar Verantworung duren Udereetzung in eine Landessprache gemacnt und dem Management Zenirum mitgetet worden it, hat den gieicen Status wie die ofziolon Fassungen. CCEN-Mitgledor sing do natonalen Normungsinsttute von Bolion, Danemark, Deutschiang, Estland, Finland, Frankreich, Griecheniand, Mand, lta, talon, Lettand, Ltauen, Luxemburg, Maa, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Osterech, Polen, Portugal, Schweden, der ‘Schweiz, der Siowake, Slowenlon, Spanien, dor Tschechlechen Republik, Ungar, dem Vereinigen Kénigtoich und Zyper, aa! BUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FUR NORMUNG [EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION ManagementZentrum: rue de Stassart, 36. 8-1050 Bri (©2004 CEN Alle Rechte der Verwertung, gleich in welcher Form und in welchom Ft. Nr. EN ISO 8611-12004 Vertatren, sind wetwalt den natonalen Mitgladern von CEN vorbehalten, EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Inhalt Vorwort Einleitung ‘Anwendungsbereich Normative Verweisungen Begriffe.. Messungen Genauigkeit der Prifungen und der Priifvorrichtungen Prat Auflistung der Prifungen. Statische Prafungen .. Priffung Nr. 4 ~ Biegeprifungen. Priifung Nr. 2 - Biegepriifungen von Riicksprungpaletten mA Prifung Nr. 4 ~ Priifung dos Hebons mit Gabein von Flurférd. 4 Prijfung Nr. § - Kompressionspriifungen der Kistze oder Trager Priffung Nr. 6 - Priifung der Stapel Prifung Nr. 7 - Tragfahigkeitsprifung Priifung Nr. 8 ~ Biegeprlfungen der Bodenbrettor Priifung Nr. 9 ~ Statische Scherpriifung.. 9 _Dynamische Belastungspriifunger 9.4 Priffung Nr. 10 - Eckfallpriifung 9.2 Aufpraliprifungen mit schiefer Ebene. 10 Reibungspriifungs 10.1 Priifung Nr. 14 ~ Statischor Kooffiziont dor Reibungspriifung. 10.2 Priifung Nr. 15 ~ Priifung des Gleitwinkels 11 Priifbericht.... 14.4. Allgemeine Angaben — alle Werkstoffe. 14.2 Angaben fiir Paletten aus Holz und Holzworkstoffen.. 11.3 Angaben bei Kunststoffpaletten 11.4 Angaben bei Paletten aus sonstigen Werkstoffen ... Literaturhinweise... ‘Anhang ZA (normativ) Normative Verwelsungen auf internationale Publikati ‘entsprechenden europaischon Publikationon EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Vorwort Dieses Dokument EN ISO 8611-1:2004 wurde vom Technischen Komitee ISO/TC 51 Pallets for unit load ‘method of materials handling" in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 261 ,Verpackung" erarbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom AFNOR gehalten wird, Diese Europaische Norm muss den Status einer nationalen Norm erhalten, entweder durch Veréffentichung eines identischen Textes oder durch Anerkennung bis Monat Jahr (DOP), und etwaige entgegenstehende rationale Normen missen bis Monat Jahr (DOW) zuriickgezogen werden. Entsprechend der CEN/CENELEC-Geschéaftsordnung sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute der folgenden Lander gehalten, diese Europaische Norm zu bernehmen: Belgien, Danemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande. Norwegen, Osterreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn und Vereinigtes Konigreich Anerkennungsnotiz Der Text von ISO 8611-1:2004 wurde vom CEN als EN ISO 8611-1:2004 ohne igendeine Abéinderung genehmigt, ANMERKUNG Die normativen Verweisungen auf Internationale Normen sind im Anhang ZA (normativ) aufgefunrt. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Einleitung Die ISO 8611, Ausgabe 1991, beschrieb ein System von aufeinander folgenden Prifungen, das sich darauf stitzte, dass eine Palette jede Prafung in einer Reihenfolge besteht. Das bedeutete, dass bei einer bbestimmten Prifung eine Palette beinahe ausfalien und sich eine weitere Palette als weit aberdimensioniert herausstellen konnte. Bei Anwendung der (frdheren) Kriterien fur die Durchbiegung steliten sich beide Paletten hinsichtich des Sicherheitsfaktors als gleichwertig dar. Ein gutes Beispiel dafur war die Palette mit Trageraussparung, die typischerweise sehr steif war, jedoch nach der (alten) Biegeprfung haufig in der Nahe des Bruchpunktes lag. Die neue dreitelige Fassung der ISO 8611 bereinigt dies, indem jedes Prifstick lurchfalt, ‘um einen eindeutigen Sicherheitsfektor festzulegen. Die Stetigkeit wird in Form einer eigenstandigen Reine von Messungen wahrend der Prifungen ermitet Die Durchfuhrung der Profungen erfordert Erfahrungen beim Prifen (einschlieSlich Beanspruchungs- prufungen) sowie Sachkenntnis Uber die zu prifenden Werkstoffe. Dieser Teil der ISO 8611 in Verbindung mit ISO/TS 6611-2 und ISO/TS 8611-3 wurde ausdrucklich far sémtiche Palettenwerkstoffe ausgelegt, ungeachtet dessen, ob sie als Einzel- oder Verbundwerkstoffe eingesetzt werden. Eine weitere Anderung gegentioer ISO 8611:1991 besteht darin, dass nun séimtliche Paletten far den Giterverkehr behandelt werden Und nicht nur hochwertige Paletten far den Durchgangs-, Tausch- oder Poolverkehr. Dieser Teil der ISO 8611 kann nicht for die Bewertung einer Palette nach normativen 1SO-Anforderungen ohne zusatzliche Anwendung von ISO/TS 8611-2 und ISO/TS 8611-3 verwendet werden. Dieser Teil der ISO 8611 wurde erarbeitet, um mit ISO/TR 10232:1989 ,Allzweckflachpaletien fur den durehgehenden Guterverkehr— Nennlast und maximal zulassige Tragfahigkeit' und |SO/TR 10233:1989 Allzweckfiachpaletten fir den durchgehenden Guterverkehr — Leistungsanforderungen" eine Einhelt zu iden, Die Anderung des Titels und des Anwendungsbereiches der ISO 6780 von .Allzweckflachpaletten fiir den durchgehenden Gaterverkehr— Hauptabmessungen und Toleranzen’ hin zu einem brelteren ‘Anwendungsbereich von ,Flachpaletten far den interkontinentalen Gillerverkehr — Hauptabmessungen und Toleranzen’ macht eine Anderung der ISO 8611:1891 sowie der Technischen Berichte ISO/TR 10232 und ISO/TR 10233 erforderlich. Die Profverfahren, Leistungsanforderungen sowie Bemessungsleistung und maximale Tragfahigkeit sollten nunmehr nicht nur ,allgemein verwendbare Paletten’, sondem auch sonstige Paletten fur den Giterverkehr einschlieRen. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 4 Anwendungsbereich Dieser Teil der ISO 8611 legt Verfahren fest, die bei der Prifung von bereits existierenden sowie bei neu entwickelten Arten von Flachpaletten fur den Gotertransport (far alle Verwendungen) Anwendung finden, ANMERKUNG _ Speziische Profungen zur Bestimmung der Tragfahigkelt ersetzen nicht den Wert von zusatzlchen Prafungen vor Ort an spezielien Pelettenarten 2 Normative Verweisungen Die folgenden zitierten Dokumente sind fur die Anwendung dieses Dokuments erforderlich. Bei datierten Verweisungen gilt nur die in Bezug genommene Ausgabe. Bei undatierten Verweisungen gilt die letzte ‘Ausgabe des in Bezug genommenen Dokuments (einschlie@iich aller Anderungen), ISO 446, Pallets for materials handling — Vocabulary. 180 2244, Packaging — Complete, filed transport packages and unit loads — Horizontal impact tests. ISO/TS 8611-2:"), Pallets for materials handling — Flat pallets — Part 2: Performance requirements and selection of ests, ISO 12777-1, Methods of test for pallet joints — Part 1: Determination of bending resistance of pallet nails, other dowel-type fasteners and staples. EN 13183-2, Fouchtegehalt eines Stuckes Schnittholz — Teil 2: Schatzung durch das elektrische Widerstands-Messverfahren. 3 Begriffe Far die Anwendung dieses Dokuments gelten die Begrffe nach ISO 445 (von denen einige im Welteren zum besseren Verstandnis wiederholt werden) und die folgenden Begriff. 3. Priiflast besteht aus den Lasttragern, der Lastaufnahmeplatte oder dem Lastaufnahmebehaiter und der aufgebrachten Lest 32 Bruchlast Last, bei der die Stauchung, Verschiebung oder Durchbiegung nicht langer zurlickgehalten wird und zur Zerstorung des Prifstacks oder zum Bruch eines Palettenteils fuhrt, oder die Last, bel der die Verschiebung, Verformung oder Durchbiegung dbermatige Ausmae annimmt ANMERKUNG — Siehe Tabelle 1 der ISO 8611-2. 3.3 Stoifigkoit relative Verformung einer Palette oder eines Palettenteiles unter Belastung ANMERKUNG Hohe Steifigkeit weist auf geringe Verschiebung, Durchbiegung oder Verformung bei einer gegebenen Last hin 4) Wird verétfentlcht EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 34 Hochlagern Einstellen beladener Paletten in das Fach eines Palettenregals mit Langs- oder Quertragern 38 Stapein Ubereinandersetzen von Paletten mit Ladeeinheiten ohne Verwendung von Zwischenlagen oder Regalen 36 Auflast Last, die von der verwendeten Palette getragen wird 4 Messungen 4.4 Zur Priifung ausgewahlte Paletten mossen daraufhin untersucht werden, ob sie mit allen Angaben der Zugehorigen schrifichen Spezifikation for Werkstoff, Zusammenbau und Mae Ubereinstimmen, 4.2 Die Masse und der Werkstoff jeder Palette mussen zum Zeltpunkt der Profung ermittelt und fesigehalten werden, 43. Der Feuchtigkeitsgehait von Holzpaletten muss zum Zeitpunkt der Priftung entsprechend EN 13183-2 gemessen und aufgezeichnet werden. ANMERKUNG — Abschnitt 11 gibt genauer dardber Aufschluss, was zur Zeit der Prifung festgehalten und spater im ‘schiftichen Bericht angegeben werden sollte 5 Genauigkeit der Priifungen und der Priifvorrichtungen 5.1 Die Prifvorrichtungen milssen die folgenden Voraussetzungen ellen a) beim Entwurf der Priifvorrichtung dirfen die Toleranzen bei samtlichen MaSen + 2 % nicht Gberschreiten; b) die Genauigkeit der Messvorrichtung fr die Prifungen muss + 0,5 mm betragen; ©) die Genauigkeit der Positionierung aller Komponenten, auGer der Praflast, muss +2 mm betragen; fur Messlehren gelten Toleranzen von + 4 mm; d) die Genauigkeit der mittigen Positionierung der Priflast (wenn verwendet) muss + 10 mm betragen; e) die Gesamtmasse der aufgebrachten Priflast darf den vorgeschriebenen Wert um nicht mehr als +3 % ber- oder unterschreiten, 6.2. Kein Bestandteil der Prifvorrichtung darf sich unter Maximalbelastung mehr als 3mm verformen. Die Verformung der Priifvorrichtung muss bei der Messung von Durchbiegungen der Palette berucksichtigt werden, ANMERKUNG Durch Verwendung von hochbelastharen Stahigehauseteilen beim Bau der Befestigungen in den Profungen 1 und 2 (siehe Tabelle 1) werden ablicnerweise mittige Verwindungen innerhalb der vorgegebenen 3 mm erreicht. 5.3 Die Vorrichtung far die Prifungen auf schiefer Ebene muss nach ISO 2244 aufgebaut sein und muss die Verstellung der Strecke paralle! zur schiefen Ebene zwischen 250 mm und 1250 mm in Intervallen von 250 mm zulassen. Jedes Intervall muss auf = § mm genau sein. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 6 Prilflast Ein allgemeiner Wert far die Proflast ist nicht festgelegt. Die Priflast ist fur jede Prafung in ISO/TS 8611-2 angegeben. Die Priflast muss durch hydraulischen Druck, Luftdruck oder Gewichte aufgebracht werden und muss gleichmaBig oder in Stufen entweder bis zum Versagen der Palette (bei Ermittiung der Bruchlast) oder bis zu einem festgelegten Wert (fur Qualfikationsprafungen) erhoht werden. 7 Auflistung der Priifungen Alle auf dieses Dokument anwendbaren Prifungen sind in Tabelle 1 aufgefuhrt, Fur die Prifungen Nummer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 und 8 sind zwei Prifungen (a und b) erforderlich, die an einem Prafstack (zuerst b und dann a) oder an zwei getrennten PrifstOcken durchgefahrt werden kénnen. Die Prafungen Nummer 1, 2, 3, 4,5 und 8 mdssen stets an ungepraften Paletten durchgefuhrt werden. Tabelle 1 — Auflistung der Priifungen Priifung Priifung Handhabung oder Zweck | Abschnitt Nr Messung oe der Prifung Nr. Statische Belastungsprifungen a 1 [Biegeprifungen nes aa ge, Breite der 7a | Biegofestiokett Lange, Hochlagem 8134 1b _[Biegesteiigkeit 8132 2 [Biegeprifungen far a Ricksprungpaletten i i ge, Breite der 2a_[Biegefestigheit Palette Sean @234 2 _ [Biegesteiigheit 8232 3___ | Biegepriifungen mit Luftkissen| 33 Lange, Breite der 3a_ [Biegefestigeit Large, Hochlager 2334 3b__ [Biegesteiigheit 8332 ig _[Prifungen des Hebens mit 3a Gabolstaplorn rt mr M : pene Heben mit Gabelstaplern und a | Biegetestigkeit Hubwagen 3434 4 _[Biegesteifigkeit 8432 5 |Kompressionspriifungen dor ae Klotze oder Trager Hohe der Kietze, | Jede Matnahme, de Ketze 5a_| Festgkeit der Kiotze oder Trager| Trager oder Trager komprimiert [85.3.4 5b _ | Steiigkeit der Klotze oder Trager| 3532 Deck- und 6 |Stapelpriifung Bodenplatte Stapeln 86 Lange, Brete d 7 Pale Hochlagern 87 | Biegeprifungen der ae Bodenplatte — ; .gern/Stapeln/ Ba_ | Biegefestigkeit eee Hochtordern 8834 8b _ | Biegesteiigkeit 3832 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Tabelle 1 (fortgesetzt) Priifung Priifung Handhabung oder Zweck | Abschnitt Nr. Messung Listed der Priifung Nr. Deckenpaten, 9 |statsche scnerpratung | eckenpiater. | Verdehungsbestncgket | 8.9 Dynamischo Belastungeprifungen ° 10 |Eckfallpriifung Diagonalstabilitat Aufpralibestindigkeit 94 11 [anstossenerpraning [DEBIAN KOE] Vrepungebestindghot | 922 ‘StoBpriifung an der Bestandigkeit gegen die 12 | Deckplattenkante ante Gabeln von Férderzeugen ) a a Bestandigkeit gegen 13. |stosprofung an die Blscke | Eckkotz, Tage tercigket ge 924 ibungsprifungen ‘ : Untersete der Ermittlung des statischen Gleitwiderstand auf Gabeln 14 ing Deckplatte/Gabeln 10.1 Relbungshoetizienten” —_|D2ckPateICaben es cercugen , bere Gletwiderstand von 18 |Ermittung des ciotwintota [ODE a aaa 102 8 Statische Prifungen 8.1. Priifung Nr. 1 ~ Biegepriifungen 84.4 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Prifungen besteht in der Bestimmung der Biegefestigkelt (Prifung 1a) und der Biegesteifigkeit (Priifung 1b) der Palette in Situationen eines Hochlagers. 8.1.2 Verfahren 8.1.24 Zur Bestimmung des Auflagemafes mit dem kleinsten Tragevermogen ist eine Palette quer zur Lange der Palette und dann eine zweite Palette quer zur Breite der Palette 2u prifen. Es gibt keine Anforderung fur weitere Prifungen der starkeren Seite, wenn das Ergebnis innerhalb von 15% der ‘schwescheren Seite lag, Nach dieser Bestimmung wird eine neue Palette quer zur schwacheren Seite, mit der Deckplatte nach oben, auf Palettentragern angeordnet, deren Mittellinien von den AuRenkanten der Palette einen ‘Abstand von 75 mm haben. Bei der Messung entsprechend der Darstellung mUssen die Lasttrager bei 0,25 L ‘oder Ly angeordnet werden, dabei ist £; oder L der Abstand zwischen den Mittellinien der Palettentrager {siehe Bild 1). 81.23 __Lasttriger und Palettentrager mussen bundig mit der Palette abschlieXen oder durfen dber die Palettenrander hinausragen. Kanten massen mit Radien von (2:+1)mm abgerundet werden. Soferm Lasttrager mit den Zwischenrdumen zwischen den Deckbrettern ubereinstimmen, missen Stucke mit etwa der gleichen Dicke wie die Deckbretter zwischengeleat werden, die beidseitig einen Spiclraum von 3mm bis mm haben. Auf die Palette sind die Lasttrager und die Lastaufbringungsplatte anzuordnen, Dann ist der Rest der Proflast aufzubringen EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) MaBe in Milimeter + 1 A 6 y 75 | 0,25L; (ky) vy 0,254; (dy) | 75 Gh) Legends 1 Priflast 2 Lastaufnahmeplatte 3 Lasttrager 4 Palettentrager 5 Sicherheitskente 6 —Rucksprung Bild 1 — Biegepriifung 8.4.3 Messungen Priffung Nr. 1a - Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit ‘Auf die Lastaufnahmepiatte ist eine Last aufzubringen und weiter zu erhohen, bis einer der Palettenteile bricht ‘oder bis eine Ubermaige Durchbiegung oder Verformung eintritt. Die Bruchlast ist aufzuzeichnen. _ Prifung Nr. 1 b- Bestimmung der Biegesteifigkeit In Abhangigkeit von der Auflagerichtung muss die Durchbiegung, y, an den Punkten A [Hochstwert von y bei Ay (By) und A, (B,)] gemessen werden: a) ander unbeladenen Palette; b) nach Anordnung der Lastirager und der Lastaufnahmeplatte; EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) ©) _unmittelbar nach Aufbringung der volien Prifiast; d) am Ende der Prafzeit mit der vollen Praflast; e) nach der Entspannungszeit. 8.2. Priifung Nr. 2— Biegepriifungen von Ricksprungpaletten 8.21 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Profungen besteht in der Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit (Profung 2a) und der Biegesteifigkeit (Prafung 2b) von RUcksprungpaletten wahrend des Hebens mit Seilen. 8.2.2 Verfahren Die Racksprungpalette wird mit der Deckplatte nach oben auf vier Pfosten mit einem Querschnitt von ‘50 mm x 50 mm gestellt, welche mit den Enden der Palette bandig abschlie&en und 15 mm von der Seite des Klotzes oder Tragers enifert sind. Die Palettentrager missen in einer Hohe befestigt sein, dass ein Abstand von mindestens 50mm zwischen der Unterkante der Bodenplatte und dem Boden oder dem Prifrahmen vorhanden ist. Die Lasttrager missen so angeordnet werden, dass der Abstand von der Innenkante der Pfosten zu den Mittellinien der Lasttrager 0,25 /.., wie in Bild 2 gezeigt, betragt. Die Lastaufnahmeplatte ist ‘auf die Lasttrager 2u legen und dann ist der Rest der Praflast aufzubringen \r N Mage in Mitimeter 0.254 (dd 9,254) (i) Lh) Legende 1 Prafiast Lastaufnahmeplatte Sicherheitskante Lasttrager Pfosten Bild 2 — Biegepriifung von Riicksprungpaletten 10 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 823 Messungen Profung Nr. 2a - Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit Auf die Lastaufnahmeplatte ist eine Last aufzubringen und weiter zu erhohen, bis ein Teil der Palette bricht ‘oder extrem verbogen oder verformt wurde. Die Bruchlast ist aufzuzeichnen. Priifung Nr. 2b - Bestimmung der Biegesteifigkeit In Abhangigkeit von der Auflagerichtung muss die Durchbiegung, y, an den Punkten A [Durchschnitt von y bei ‘Ay (By) und Ap (Ba)] gemessen werden: a) ander unbeladenen Palette; b) nach Anordnung der Lasttrager und der Lastaufnahmeplatte; ©) _unmittelbar nach Aufbringung der vollen Proflast; d) am Ende der Pritfzeit mit der vollen Priflast; ) nach der Entspannungszeit 83 Prifung Nr. 3 Biegepriifungen mit Luftkissen 8.3.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Art der Biegeprafung besteht darin, gewisse Beladungszustande, die im taglichen Gebrauch oft anzutreffen sind, so nahe wie praktisch mdglich nachzustellen. Der for diese Biegeprifung verwendete Lasttrdger entspricht den in vielerlei Hinsicht gleichformigen flexiblen Ladungen, die oft auf Paletten transportiert werden, wie Guter in Scken oder in Gro®packungen. Diese gleichformige flexible Ladung wird analog verwendet, wenn unter bestimmten Umstanden die primaren Lasttrager, wie in 8.1.2 beschrieben, nicht verwendet werden kénnen, oder wenn das Auforingen der simulierten gleichformigen Ladungen den Palettenkonstrukteur bei der Auswahl der far einen gegebenen Einsatzzweck am besten geeigneten Palette unterstdtzt 83.2. Verfahren Zum Bestimmen der schwachsten Palettenaufnahmerichtung wird eine Palette quer zur Palettenlange und eine zweite Palette quer zur Palettenbreite geprii. Es besteht keine Anforderung an weitere Prifungen der starkeren Seite, wenn das Ergebnis innerhalb von 15 % der schwacheren Seite liegt Der Lasttrager muss aus einem Mittel- oder Niederdruck-Luftkissen bestehen, das dblicherweise als ,Hub-" oder ,Stapelkissen" bezeichnet wird und schematisch in Bild 3 dargestell ist. Luftkissen dieser Art werden nach GréBe (Lange und Breite), Druckbelastbarkeit (maximaler Arbeitsdruck) und Hub (maximale unbegrenzte Hohenausdehnung) spezifizier. 83.2.3 Ein Luftkissen im aufgeblasenen Zustand muss so groB sein, dass es mit der gesamten Deckenplatte der Palette Kontakt hat. Dies ist haufig méglich, wenn die Luftkissen ungefahr 150 mm langer Und breiter als die Deckplatte der zu prifenden Palette sind 83.2.4 — Wenn die Seiten des Luftkissens die Palette um mehr als 75mm an einer Kante oder einem Ende dberragen, ist ein Luftkissen-Stutzbalken erforderlich, um wahrend der Profung den Luftkissen- Uberhang auf derselben Hthe wie die obere Palettenplatte zu halten. "1 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Wenn die auf die Palette aufgebrachte Belastung Ober der Palette wéhrend der Prifung gemessen wird, dirfen die auf Bild 3 a) (4 in der Legende) dargesteliten Stotzen nicht verwendet werden und das Luftkissen sollte entsprechend auf die Palette passen. Die Druckbelastbarkeit baw. der Arbeitsdruck des Luftkissens mussen ausreichen, um alle zu prifenden Paletten baulich zum Versagen zu fahren. Bisherige Erfahrungswerte zeigen, dass der Arbeitsdruck mindestens 0,07 Nimm? bis 0,08 N/mm? betragen muss. 83.2.6 Der Hub oder die Hohenausdehnung des Luftkissens wird durch Gestaltung der Prafungsapparatur bestimmt. Sofern die Hohenausdehnung entlang der Mitte oder der Aufenkanten des LLuftkissens unterschiedlich ist, muss der Bereich mit der geringsten Ausdehnung die Auswahl des Luftkissens bestimmen. Um den Einfluss der Steifigkeit des Luftkissens auf die Priifergebnisse auszuschlieSen, muss die Hohenausdehnung mindestens das Doppette des zum Ausfall der Palette nétigen Maes betragen. Die in Bild 1 beschriebenen Palettentrager mdssen mit ihren Mitellinien in einem Abstand von 75mm von den Auenkanten der Palette angeordnet werden. Die Belastungs- oder Prafraten massen durch entsprechendes Aufflllen des eingespannten Luftkissens, welches wiederum auf die Deckplatte der Palette driickt, kontolliert werden, Mate in miimeter 8, a lB, 1 8, 2 3 y ¢ LIT vv % tal 5 Legende 1 patiast 2 Lasteuinahmeplatte 3 Luftkissen 4 ~~ Luftkissen-Statzbalken 5 Aufoger a) Prifung mit Auflast 2 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Mage in Milimeter TTT 5 1 ; \| >I] ae = 4 vy’ % 4a) 5 Legende Prafrahmen Lastauflageplatte Luftkissen Auflager Lastaufbringung Lastauforingung mites Lutdruck b) Priifung mit einem Prifrahmen Bild 3 — Biegepriifungen mit Luftkissen 8.3.3. Messung Prifung Nr. 3a - Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit Der Druck des Luftkissens wird stetig erhoht, bis ein Teil der Palette bricht oder extrem verbogen oder verformt ist. Die Bruchlast wird notiert. Prifung Nr. 3b - Bestimmung der Biegestetfigkelt In Abhaingigkeit von der Auflagerichtung muss die Durchbiegung, y, an den Punkten A (Maximalwert von y bei ‘Ay, Az, Ag) oder B (Maximalwert von y bei By, B,, Bs) gemessen werden: a) b) °) 9) e) an der unbeladenen Paiette; nach Anordnen des Luftkissens; nmittelbar nach Aufbringung der volien Profiast; am Ende der Prifzeit mit der vollen Profiast; nach der Entspannungszeit. 8 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 8.4 Priifung Nr. 4~ Priifung des Hebens mit Gabeln von Flurférderzeugen 8.4.1 Zweck Der begrenzende Faktor far den Einsatz von Paletten mit Einfach- oder Doppeldeckplatte, die nicht fur Hochlagerung oder Stapelung vorgesehen sind, ist die Verbiegung der Palette, wahrend deren Deckplatte auf den Gabeln eines Flurforderzeugs aufiegt 84,2 Verfahren Die Prifung des Hebens mit Gabeln von Flurférderzeugen ist in Bild4 schematisch dargestell, Das Prifverfahren erlaubt eine flexible Lastverteilung in Langs- und Quertichtung der Palette, wobei zur Bestimmung der Bruchiast die in Bild4 gezeigte symmetrische Anordnung gewahrt sein muss, Die Palettentrager missen den Angaben in Bild 1 entsprechen, wobel deren Tragerplatten jedoch die doppelte Breite haben massen. Der Abstande der Trager konnen entweder 570 mm oder 690 mm betragen. Far die Prifung ist der kirzere der beiden Abstande aus dem Einsatz der Palette zu verwenden, ANMERKUNG — Anstatt der in Bild 4 gezsigten Auflagebedingung mit Lasttragern kann auch der Luftkissen-Lasttrager nach Bild 3 angewendet werden. Mate in Milimeter Wlve blair 50 50 «50 Legende Praflast Lasttrager Lastaufnahmeplatte Lastkiotze Palettentrager 570 mm oder 690 mm Bild 4 — Prifung des Hebens mit den Gabeln von Flurférderzeugen 84,3. Messung Profung Nr, 4a - Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit Es wird eine Priflast auf die Palette aufgebracht, bis ein Teil der Palette bricht oder bis es zu einer ‘bermaBigen Durchbiegung oder Verformung gekommen ist. Die Bruchlast wird notiert. 4 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Prifung Nr. 4b - Bestimmung der Biagesteifigkeit In Abhangigkeit von der Auflagerichtung muss die Durchbiegung, y, gleichzeitig in der Mitte der Palette, an den Mittelpunkten der beiden Enden und Seiten und an den Ecken (Héchstwert von y an den Punkten A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, !) gemessen werden: a) an der unbeladenen Palette; b) nach Anordnung der Lasttrager; ©) _unmittelbar nach Auforingung der vollen Priflast; 4d) am Ende der Prifzeit mit der vollen Priflast; e) nach der Entspannungszeit. 8.5 Priifung Nr. 5- Kompressionspriifungen der Kldtze oder Trager 8.5.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht darin, die Kompressionssteifigkeit und -festigkeit der Klotze oder Trager der Palette zu bestimmen. Zu prufen sind die Ki6tze oder Trager von Palettenaufbauten oder Rungen bei Beladung mit schweren festen Ladungen. 85.2. Verfahren Die Palette ist in Ublicher Lage auf einen flachen, harten, festen und horizontalen Boden zu legen. Ober einen Kiotz oder ein Tragertell (wie in Bild 5 gezelgt) ist ein fester Lastirager mit den Maen 300 mm x 300 mm x (25) mm anzuordnen. Die Praflast wird mittig auf den Lasttrager, wie mit den Pfeilen in den Bildem 5 a), 5b) und 5c) gezeiat, aufgebracht. Wenn verschiedene Arten von Kiétzen oder Tragem in der Palette verwendet wurden, missen alle Arten gepruft werden Alternativ kann die Profung an mehreren gleichen Ecken, Klotzen oder Trager ausgefuhrt werden. 15 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Mage in Milimeter 5 10 ©) Legende 1 Lasttrager a Proflast Bild 5 — Komprossionspriifung der Ecken 8.5.3 Messung Profung Nr. Sa - Bestimmung der Festigkeit von Kiotzen oder Tragern Es wird eine Last aufgebracht, bis es in einem der Kidtze oder Trager der Palette zu einem Bruch oder zu einer Ubermaisigen Durchbiegung oder Verformung kommt. Die Bruchlast wird notiert. Prifung Nr. Sb - Bestimmung der Stefigket von Klotzen oder Trgern Die Durchbiegung, y, muss gemessen werden a) an der unbeladenen Palette; nach Anorénung des Lastragers; ) _unmitelbar nach Aufringung der vollen Priflast; d) am Ende der Profzeit mit der vollen Priflast; ) nach der Entspannungszeit. 16 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 8.6 Priifung Nr. 6 Priifung der Stapelfahigkeit 8.6.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht darin, die Fahigkeit der oberen und unteren Deckplatten der Palette zu ermitteln, den Orllichen Auswirkungen unterschiediichster Aufasten auf die Zwischenstitzweiten zwischen Kiotzen oder Traiger beim Blockstapeln zu widerstehen. 86.2 Verfahren Wie in Bild 6 gezeigt, wird die untere Palette auf eine feste Flache gelegt und darauf wird eine Beladung angeordnet, die der tatsdchlichen Beladung entspricht, die die Palette tragen wird. Hierbei kann es sich um Kidtze, Sacke oder flexible GroSpackungen (FIBC) handeln. Eine zweite Palette wird daraufhin oben auf die aktuelle Ladung gelegt. Die Priflast wird durch eine ruhende Last oder durch Auflageplatten einer Universalprifmaschine auf der oberen Palette aufgebracht \Wamung: Die Ergebnisse dieser Prifung werden von den Merkmalen der verwendeten tatsachlichen Ladung abhangig sein Logende 1 Priflast oder Auflast 2 Feste oder normgerechte Aufiast 3. Feste Auflageflache Bild 6 — Priifung der Stapelfahigkeit 8.6.3 Messung Die Gesamtstabiiat, x, und x2, sowie die maximalen lokalen Durchbiegungen in der Bodenplatte, », und y», und in der oberen Deckplatte, 3 und y4, werden gemessen: @) vor Auforingung der Prafiast ; b) _unmittelbar nach dem Aufbringen der vollen Priflast; ©) am Ende der Prafzeit mit der vollen Priflast; d) nach der Entspannungszeit 7 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 8.7 Priifung Nr. 7 - Tragfahigkeitsprifung 87.41 Zweck Diese Prifung dient der Bestimmung der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Beladungen, wie z. B. mittig angeordneter Ladungen (Ladung Typ B), miteinander verbundener und nicht verbundener Blocke (Ladung TypA) und unterschiedlicher Lagemuster von Sacken (Ladung TypC) usw. Es handelt sich um ein praktisches Verfahren zur Durehfuhrung von Langzeit-Kriechmessungen. 87.2 Verfahren Die Palette wird mit der Deckplatte nach oben, wie in Bild 7 gezeigt, auf Palettentrager nach Bild 1 gestellt, deren Mitellinien einen Abstand von 75mm von den AuSenkanten der Palette haben. Die Proflast auf der Deckplatte muss dabei der Endverwendung entsprechen. Die Spalte bei nicht Brucken bildenden Ladungen missen, wie in Bild 7 gezeigt, gro® genug sein, so dass sich die Ladungsmassen nicht berihren, wenn sich die Paletten wahrend der Prufung durchbiegen. Mate in Mitimeter 4 (4) ls Legende 1 aufgebrachte Ladung Typ A 2 aufgebrachte Ladung Typ B 3 aufgebrachte Ladung Typ C 4 Spait bei nicht Bricken bildender Ladung Bild 7 — Tragfahigkoitsprifung 18 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 87.3 Mi ung Die Durchbiegung, », muss an den Punkten A (Hochstwert von y bel Ay, Az und Ag) oder B (Hochstwert von y bei By, By und Bs) gemessen werden: a) an der unbeladenen Palette: b)_unmittelbar nach Auforingung der volien Praflast; ©) am Ende der Prafzeit mit der vollen Praflast; d) nach der Entspannungszeit 8.8 Priifung Nr. 8 - Biegepriifungen der Bodenbretter 8.8.1 Zwock Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht in der Bestimmung der Festigkeit und Steifigkeit des Bodenbrettes zwischen Klotzen oder Tragern bei der Regallagerung oder beim Umschlag auf Ketten- und Gleitrollen- Forderern 88.2 Verfahren Die Deckplatte wird nach unten, wie in Bild 8 gezeigt, auf eine flache, harte, feste und horizontale Flache gelegt. Zwei umgekehrte Lasttrager werden, wie in 8.1.2 und Bild 1 beschrieben, quer zu den Bodenbrettern so angeordnet, dass die Mittellinien der Lasttrager in der Mitte zwischen den Kistzen oder Tragern sind (z. B. bei 0,5 L; oder 0,5 J). Die Lasttrager mussen Uber den Palettenrand hinausragen oder bindig mit der Kante der Bodenplatte abschliefBen und missen symmetrisch zur Mittelinie der Palette angeordnet werden Es sind der Prifaufbau und anschlieBend der Rest der Priflast aufzubringen. Wenn for die Priflast eine tuhende Last verwendet wird, muss diese wahrend der Beladung symmetrisch aufgebaut werden. Wenn die Palette Bodenbretter in beiden Richtungen hat, muss die Prifung sowohl im Langs- als auch im Quermats ausgefuhrt werden. 19 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 8B By AP A As O54; th) 3 8 | tea 4th) 054s (del | 0.545 (de) Legende Priflast Lastaufnahmeplatte Sicherheitsanschlag Aufiager Lasttrager Bild 8 — Biegepriifung der Bodenplatte 8.8.3 Messung Profung Nr. 8a — Bestimmung der Biegefestigkeit Es wird eine Last auf die Lastaufnahmeplatte aufgebracht, bis es bei einem der Bodenbretter zum Bruch oder Zu einer Ubermaigen Durchbiegung oder Verformung kommt. Die Bruchlast wird notiert. Prifung Nr. 8b ~ Bestimmung der Biegesteifigkeit In Abhangigkeit von der Auflagerichtung der Lasttriger muss die Durchbiegung, », an den Punkten A (Hochstwerte von y bei As, Ap, Ag, Ay) oder an den Punkten B (Hochstwerte von y bei B;, Bz, By, By) gemessen werden 8) ander unbeladenen Palette; b) nach Anordnung der Lasttrager und der Lastaufnahmeplatte; ©) unmittelbar nach Aufbringung der vollen Priflast 4) am Ende der Profzeit mit der vollen Profast; ) nach der Entspannungszeit 20 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 8.9 Priffung Nr. 9- Statische Scherpriifung 8.9.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Priifung besteht im Simulieren der ungefahren Krafte, die durch seitiche Scherbean- sspruchung der Deckplatte Gbertragen werden. 8.9.2 Verfahren Die Palette wird vertixal mit der Deckplatte zum Prafrahmen gewandt, aut ein vertikal angebrachtes Brett gestelt, welches die gleiche Dicke besitzt wie die Deckbretter. Die Lange des Brettes muss mindestens der Lange bzw. der Breite der gepriften Palette entsprechen. Siehe Bild 9. Der Lasttrager berdhrt bei C die gesamte Palettenlange (ader -breite) entlang der Bodenplatte. Ein alternatives Prifverfahren besteht darin, die gleiche Linienlast mit einer Druckprifeinrichtung am PunktC aufzubringen, jedoch muss bei Einsatz dieses Verfahrens die Auflageplatte auf eine Bewegung in vertikaler Ebene im Beladungspunkt C mit einem Lastarm-Radius L, von > 150 mm beschrankt werden. 8.9.3. Messung Die durch die Masse W/ bei C aufgebrachte Priflast, F, ruft eine vertkale Verformung der Palette hervor, die, sofern die Palette ein durchgehendes Bodenbrett besitzt, am Punkt A oder am Punkt B zu messen ist. Die Verformung (Anderung in y) muss nach dem Freigeben der Priflast und nach einer Entspannungszeit gemessen werden. pew 12 fy er oe 2 4 2 Legende 1 Auflager 2 Lasttrager 3° Beladung 1 Bild 9 — Statische Scherpriifung 24 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 9 Dynamische Belastungspriifungen 9.1 Priifung Nr. 10 - Eckfallpriifung 9.4.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht in der Bestimmung der diagonalen Festigkeit der Deckplatte der Palette sowie der Widerstandsfahigkeit der Palette beim Aufprall 9.4.2 Verfahren Auf der Deckplatte sind die beiden Messpunkte A und B, wie in Bild 10 gezelgt, zu markieren, die einen Abstand von ungefahr 50 mm von den Ecken der Palette haben. Nach dem Aufhangen der Palette, wie in Bild 10 gezeigt, ist die Palette auf ihre obere Eckkante aus einer Hohe h frei auf einen harten horizontalen ‘Aufpralllboden fallen zu lassen. Die Diagonale der Palette muss wahrend des Falls vertikal ausgerichtet sein Wenn maglich, ist die Eckfallorafung dreimal, immer auf die gleiche Ecke und aus dergleichen Hohe auszufahren, 9.1.3. Messung Die Lange der Diagonalen y muss vor dem ersten Fall und nach dem dritten Fall gemessen werden, Beschadigungen sind aufzuzeichnen. Legende 1 Palettenecke 2 Messpunkt Bild 10 — Eckfallprifung 22 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 9.2 Aufprallpriifungen mit schiefer Ebene 9.2.1 Allgemeines Die Praflast besteht aus der ruhenden Last, einer Lastvertellungspiatte und einem Lastbehalter mit den Maen 600 mm x (800+ 50) mm, Die Ladung wird in den Behalter gelegt, der in Abhangigkeit von den einzeinen Prifanforderungen in 9.2.2 bis 9.2.4 in eine entsprechende Position zu bringen ist Die abnehmbaren Haltekanten mUssen mindestens so lang sein, wie die zu prifende Palettendeckplatte. Die Profiast darf die Masse des Ablaufwagens nicht einschliefen, Bei jeder der Profungen auf der schiefen Ebene wird der Ablaufwagen vor dem Freigeben auf eine Strecke / vor Aufprallpunkt entlang der Schrage hochgezogen Prufungen auf der schiefen Ebene sind hinsichtlich der schnellen Bewegung groter Massen_potenziell gefahrlich. Bel der Gestaltung derartiger Prifvorrichtungen mUssen spezielle Sicherheitsmerkmale einbezogen werden, die die Gefahren sowohl far die Prafer als auch fur die Beobachter verringern. 9.2.2 Priifung Nr. 11 - AnstoB-Scherpriifung 9.224 Zeck Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht darin, den Widerstand des Zusammenbaus zwischen Deckplatte, Klotzen, ‘Tragern, Tragerbrettern und der Bodenplatte gegen seitliche waagerechte Stoe zu bestimmen. Verfahren Ein Praliklotz aus Stahl oder Hartholz mit hoher Dichte, mit einem Nennquerschnitt von 90 mm x (90 10) mm und einer Mindestlange, die der langeren Seite der Palette entspricht, wird auf der Flache des Gegenhalters befestigt. Die obere Kante des Prallkiotzes muss 15 mm hdher als die Unterkante der Bodenplatie der Palette (Oberflache des Ablaufwagens) sein, wenn sich der Ablaufwagen in seiner tiefsten Position befindet (siehe Bild 11) Die Palette wird so auf dem Ablaufwagen der Prifmaschine mit schiefer Ebene angeordnet, dass beim Anliegen der Vorderkante der Palette an den Prallklotz ein Abstand von (10 + 5) mm zwischen Prallklotz und Ablaufwagen frei bleibt. 9222.3 Die Priflast wird mit Hife einer Lastverteliungsplatte aber die Oberfiéche der Deckplatte der Palette, mit Ausnahme des unteren Randes mit einer Breite von 100 mm (der links dargestelt ist), vertelt. Die Lastverteilungsplatte kann praktischerweise aus einer festen Spertholzplatte mit 18 mm x 25 mm bestehen, die so zugeschnitten wird, dass sie die gesamte Palette mit Ausnahme des freizulassenden Streifens abdeckt, wie in Bild 11 gezeigt ANMERKUNG _ Die Lastvertellungsplatte besteht haufig aus einer Spertholzplatte, die die Last so verteit, dass Ausfallo. ‘am Aufpralipunkt auftreten, Diese Platte ist allgemein fur die Prafung von Papierpaletten erfordetich. 9.22.24 Der Lastbehailter wird mittig auf der Palette mit dem Rest der Prifast angebracht, wobei zu beachten ist, dass die Beladung mittig zur Bewegungsrichtung, aber leicht zum héheren Ende der Palette geneigt erfolat. 9.22.25 _ Der Ablaufwagen und die beladene Palette werden in die vorbestimmte Position auf der Schrage im Abstand L vom Aufpralipunkt hochgezogen und ausgeklinkt. Wie gefordert, wird dies wiederholt. Eine ahnliche Aufpralifolge wird an der zweiten horizontalen Achse der Palette ausgefihr. 23 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 9.2.23 Messung Die Verformung in der x- und y-Ebene und Beschadigungen sind aufzuzeichnen. Die Veranderungen mussen bei einer Anzahl von Positionen entlang der angestoBenen Fliche aufgezeichnet werden. Mage in Millimeter Legende Lastbehaiter Prifiast Gegenhalter Aufpralinie abnehmbare Halterung fur den Lastbehalter Lastvertellungsplatte Ablaufwagen Draufsicht Bild 11 — Ansto8-Scherpriifung 9.2.3 Prilfung Nr. 12 ~ StoBpriifung an der Deckplattenkante 923.4 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Prifung besteht in der Bestimmung des Widerstandes der Kante der Deckplatte gegen seitliche horizontale StéRe durch die Gabeln eines Gabelstaplers, 24 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 9.23.2 Verfahren Die in 9.2.1 beschriebene Prijfvortichtung mit schiefer Ebene wird mit den in den Bildern 12 und 13 gezeigten Aufprallanschlégen verwendet. Die Palette, die Lastverteilungsplatte und der Lastbehaiter, beladen mit der Priflast, werden auf dem Ablaufwagen so angeordnet, dass, wenn die auBere Kante der Palette an den Aufprallanschiagen anliegt, der Ablaufwagen (25 +5) mm davon entfemt bleibt, Die Ladung muss mitig zur Bewegungsrichtung angeordnet werden Die Aufprallanschlage sind mit den Einfahroffnungen der Palette fur die Gabeln in einer Hohe auszurichten, die erlaubt, dass die Unterkante des Randbretts die Anschlagflache des Gabelblattes in einem Punkt zwischen 100 mm und 250 mm, gemessen vom vertikalen Teil der Aufprallanschlage, berdhrt (siche Bild 12). Die Aufpralipunkte mUssen bei jedem Aufprall in diesem Bereich liegen, Die Aufprallanschlage rmiissen mittig zwischen den Klotzen oder Trager angeordnet werden. Der Ablaufwagen mit der Palette wird hochgezogen, bis die Palette einen Abstand /, von der vertikalen Seite des Aufprallanschlags (siehe Bild 12) hat, und losgelassen. Dieser Ablauf ist wie gefordert 20 wiederholen. 9.2,3.2.8 Eine Ahnliche Aufpralifolge wird an der zweiten horizontalen Achse der Palette ausgefbirt 9.23.3 Messung Die Verformung in der 2- und »-Ebene ist aufzuzeichnen, Die Eindringtiefe und allgemeine Beschadigungen an den Aufpralipunkten massen ebenfalls aufgezeichnet werden, 25 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 92.4.3 Messung Verschiebungen mdssen zusammen mit der Eindringtiefe nach jedem Aufprall aufgezeichnet werden. Alle anderen Schaden massen vermerkt werden, Mage in Milimeter 30 Legende Lastbehaiter Profast Auprallanschlag abnehmbare Haltevorrichtung fur Lastbehalter Gegenhalter Aufprallpunkte Ab Lastvertellungsplatie Drautsicht OONDHRENH Bild 14— Klotzstofipriifung auf schiefer Ebene 28 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 10 Reibungspriifungen 10.1 Priifung Nr. 14 — Statischer Koeffizient der Reibungspriifung 10.4.1 Zweck Der Zeck dieser Prifung besteht in der Bestimmung des statischen Reibungskoeffizienten zwischen der Unterseite der Deckplatte und den Gabeln von Gabelstaplern ANMERKUNG _ Die Prufung wird mit einer unbeladenen Palette auegefutit, well dieses Ergebnis zur Vorhersage des Gleitens groter Massen angewendet werden kann. 10.1.2 Verfahren Die unbeladene Palette wird gewogen und anschlieSend auf fettfrele, trockene, horizontal angeordnete Stahigabein mit einer Neigung von + 1° gelegt, wie in Bild 15 gezeigt, Die Breite der Gabelarme muss 100 mm. betragen. Die Prifung muss an den Einfahroffnungen parallel zur Lange und parallel zur Breite der unbeladenen Palette ausgefUhrt werden. Sofern Elastomere oder reibungserhohende Auflagen in die Unterseite der Deckplatte eingebracht sind, ist anzugeben, ob diese wahrend der Prifung auf den Stahlgabeln angreifen. 10.1.3 Messung Die Kraft wird schrittweise erhoht, bis die Bewegung einsetzt und dieser Maximalwert, F, wird notiert wae W, Dabei ist IMs der statische Reibungskoeffizient, F, die erforderliche Kraft zum Einsetzen der Bewegung; 1, die Masse der Palette. Fe Bild 15 — Statischer Koeffiziont der Reibungsprifung inkels 10.2 Priifung Nr. 18 — Priifung des GI 10.2.1 Zweck Der Zweck dieser Priifung besteht darin, den Winkel zu bestimmen, bei dem der Prifbehalter zu gleiten beginnt, und anschiieRend die Ergebnisse der Grenzflache von Palette und Ladung fur verschiedene Paletten und Oberfiichenwerkstoffe zu vergleichen, 29 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) 10.2.2 Verfahren Ein Behalter mit 400 mm x 600 mm und einer Bodenkontaktfiache aus fettfreiem, trockenem Stahl wird mit 30 kg Priflast gefallt und die Palette wird mit (45° + 10 %)/min, wie in Bild 16 gezeigt, aus der Horizontalen ~angewinkelt. Die Prifung wird in Langs- und Querrichtung der Palette wiederholt, Gleitwinkelprifungen sind hinsichtlich der sich schnell bewegenden Massen potenziell gefahrlich. Der Bau derartiger Prafvorrichtungen muss spezielle Sicherheitsvorkehrungen einbeziehen, um die Gefahren sowoh! fir die Profer als auch die Beobachter zu verringem und um die Wiederholbarkeit sicherzustellen. 10.2.3 Messung Der Winkel, f, in dem die Ladung von der Deckplatte zu gleiten beginnt, wird notiert. ANMERKUNG Stahl wurde als Profoberfiache aus Grunden der Wiederholbarkeit gewahit. Bel der Anwendung der Profergebnisse auf den Gleitwiderstand anderer Verpackungsmaterialien solte mit Vorsicht vorgegangen werden. Es kann erforderich sein, jedes aktuell voriegende Verpackungsmaterial durch Verwendung als Relomaterial dieser Prifung zu unterziehen, um dessen Gleitwiderstand zu bestatigen. Legende 1 Behalter 400 mm x 600 mm. 2 Reibmaterial Bild 16 — Prafung des Gleitwinkels 41 Prilfbericht 14.1 Allgemeine Angaben - alle Werkstoffe a) Verweisung auf dieses Dokument, d. h, ISO 8611-1; b) Datum der Prafung: ©) Unterschrift des Prafers; 30 4) e) EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) ‘Art und Mae der Palette (Norm oder Beschreibung); Werkstoff der Palette; verwendete Prifvorrichtung; sowelt mglich, Angabe der Genauigkeit der aufgebrachten Last; Ort der Pratung; Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur des Laboratoriums zum Zeitpunkt der Prafung; ‘Anzahl der durchgefuhrten Profungswiederholungen; Prifrummer und Prifergebnisse for jede durchgefuhrte Prafung, 11.2 Angaben fiir Paletten aus Holz und Holzwerkstoffen a) ») °) 4) °) o) ® h) Holzarten, wenn méglich, und die Dichte der Bauteile; Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Holzteile beim Zusammenbau unter Verwendung des elektrischen Widerstand- verfahrens; Feuchtigkeitsgehalt zum Zeitpunkt der Prafung; Einstufung und Qualitat der Bauteile; Zeit zwischen Zusammenbau des Prufkbrpers und der Prafung, sofern bekannt; verwendete Befestigungselemente mit Maen und Schafiprofl; gemessene Biegetestigkeit der Befestigungselemente nach ISO 1277-1; ‘Angabe, wenn Befestigungselemente wahrend der Prifung ausgezogen werden 11.3 Angaben bei Kunststoffpaletten a) b) Kunststoffart, sofern bekannt, aus der die Palette besteht; ‘Angabe von Referenznummer, Seriennummer, Produkt-Kode usw. 11.4 Angaben bei Paletten aus sonstigen Werkstoffen a) b) Angabe des Befestigungsverfahrens; Merkmale des Werkstoffs, sofem bekannt, die das Verhalten der Palette bei diesen Prafungen beeinflussen konnten, 34 EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) ft) i) BI) 32 Literaturhinweise 180 509, Pallet trucks — Principal dimensions. 180 3130, Wood — Determination of moisture content for physical and mechanical tests, 1SO 8611-3, Pallets for materials handling — Flat pallets — Part 3: Maximum working load. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (D) Anhang ZA (normativ) Normative Verweisungen auf internationale Publikationen mit ihren entsprechenden europaischen Publikationen Diese Europaische Norm enthait durch datierte oder undatierle Verweisungen Festlegungen aus anderen Publikationen. Diese normativen Verweisungen sind an den jewelligen Stellen im Text zitier, und die Publikationen sind nachstehend aufgefuhrt. Bei datierten Verwelsungen geh6ren spatere Anderungen oder Oberarbeitungen dieser Publikationen nur zu dieser Europdischen Norm, falls sie durch Anderung oder Oberarbeitung eingearbeltet sind. Bei undatierten Verweisungen gilt die letzte Ausgabe der in Bezug genommenen Publikation (einschlieslich Anderungen), ANMERKUNG Ist eine internationale Publikation durch gemeinsame Abweichungen modifziert worden, gekennzeichnet durch (mod.), dann git die entsprechende EN/HD. Publikation Jahr Titel ENIHO Jahr 180.445 1996 Pallets for materials handling — Vocabulary. EN ISO 445 1998 10 2244 2000 Packaging — Complete, filed transport packages EN ISO 2244 2002 ‘and unit loads — Horizontal impact test. 180 1277-1 1894 Methods of test for pallet joints — Part 1: ENISO 1277-4 1996 Determination of bending resistance of pallet nails, other dowel-type fasteners and steples. 33 NORME EUROPEENNE EN ISO 8611-1 EUROPAISCHE NORM EUROPEAN STANDARD Février 2004 les 55,180.20 Version Frangaise Palettes pour la manutention - Palettes plates - Partie 1: Méthodes d'essai (ISO 8611-1:2004) Pletion tr den Gotertranspont- Flachpaletten- Tel Palos for materials handing - Flat pallets - Part : Test Pratvertahzen ($0 861 1-1:2008) ‘methods (SO 861 -1:2004) Laprésonte Norme européenne a été adopée pa lo CEN le 9 févior 2004, Les membros du CEN sont tenus de se soumetie au Rglement Inirleurdu CENICENELEC, qui défirit es conditions dans lesquales doit tre attibua, sans modticatio, la salut de norme nationale & la Norme européenne. Les istes mises & jour et es réléences bbographiques relatives & ces normes nationales peuvent Are oblenues aupres du Cerire de Gestion ou auprés des membres du CEN. La présente Norme européenne existe en tos versions officilles (allemand, anglais, francais). Une version dans une autre langue faite pat traduction sous la responsabllts dun mambre du CEN dans sa langue nationale et notfige au Centre de Gestion, le méme stat que fes versions ofcioi, Les membres du CEN sont les organismes nationaux de normalisation des pays suvants: Alemagne, Autiche, Belgique, Chypre, Danamatk, Espagne, Estonia, Finlande, France, Gréce, Hongie, land, Island, ial, Luxembourg, Lettie, Livanie, Nite, Nore Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Teneque, Royaume-U>ni, Slovaque, Slovénie, Subde ot Suisse. aa! COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION BUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION Centre de Gestion: rue de Stassart, 96 B-1050 Bruel ©2004 CEN Tous droits exploitation sous quelque forme ot de quelque mani que tn EN 180 8611-1:2008 F ce sot réservés dane le mend anti aux membres nationaux du CEN. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (F) Avant-propos Le présent document (EN ISO 861 1-1:2004) a été élaboré par le Comité Technique ISO/TC 51 "Plateaux de chargement pour transport et manutention directe de charges unitaires" en collaboration avec le Comité Technique CEN/TC 261 “Emballage" dont le secrétariat est tonu par VAFNOR, Cette Norme européenne devra recevoir le statut de norme nationale, soit par publication dun texte identique, soit par entérinement, au plus tard en adut 2004, et toutes les normes nationales ‘en contradiction devront étre retirées au plus tard en adut 2004. Selon le Réglement intérieur du CEN/CENELEC, les instituts de normalisation nationaux des pays suivants sont tenus de mettre cette Norme européenne en application: Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Chypre, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gréce, Hongre,Irlande, Island, tlie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Lituanie, Malte, Norvége, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Teh&que, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suede et Suisse. Notice d'entérinement Le texte de ISO 8611-1:2004 a été approuvé par le CEN comme EN ISO 8611-1:2004 sans aucune modification. NOTE Les références normatives aux Normes internationales sont mentionées en Annexe ZA (normative). EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (F) Annexe ZA (normative) Références normatives aux publications internationales avec leurs publications européennes correspondantes Cette norme européenne comporte par référence datée ou non datée des dispositions issues dlautres publications. Ces références normatives sont citées aux endroits appropriés dans le texte et les publications sont énumérées ci-aprés. Pour les références datées les amendements ou révisions. Ultérieurs de une quelconque de ces publications ne s'appliquent & cette nome européenne que sils y ont été incorporés par amendement ou révision. Pour les références non datées, la derniére dition de la publication & laquelle il est fait référence s'applique (y compris les amendements). NOTE Dans le cas ot! une publication internationale est modifiée par des modifications communes, indiqué par (mod), EN/le HD correspondant(e) s'applique. lication Année Titre EN Année Iso 445, 1996 Palettes pour la manutention et le EN ISO 445 1998 transport de marchandises = Vocabulaire 1S0 1277-1 1994 Méthodes dessai des assemblages ENISO 12777-11996 de palettes - Partie 1: Détermination de la résistance @ la flexion des clous et autres éléments de fixation de type chevill, et des cious cavaliers EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8611-1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM rena ae ICS 55.180.20 English version Pallets for materials handling - Flat pallets - Part 1: Test methods (ISO 8611-1:2004) Palatis pour la manuterion- Paletes plates - Parte 1 Paloten fbr den Gutervanspor-Flachpaleten- Toll Méthodes cessal (180 8641-1:2008) PrUtvertaren (ISO 8611-12004) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 9 February 2008 (CEN members aro bound to comply wth the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for ging tis European ‘Standard the status ofa national standard without any alteration. Up-o-dae sts and balographical references concerning such national ‘standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or fo any CEN member. ‘This European Standard exists in three official version (English, French, German) Aversion in any other language made by translation Under the responsaity of a CEN member int its own language and noted to the Management Centre has the same status as the oficial CCEN members are the national standards bodies of Ausra, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Gormany, Greoce, Hungary Iceland, ireland, aly, Latvia, Lihuania, Luxembourg, Mata, Ntheriands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, ‘Slovenia, Spain, Swoden, Switzerand and United Kingdom. aA! EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels (©2004 CEN Alleights of explotation n any form and by any means reserved Pol. No. EN ISO 0611-1:2004 E ‘worldwide for CEN national Members. EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (E) Foreword This document (EN ISO 8611-1:2004) a été élaboré par le Comité Technique ISO/TC 51 “Plateaux de chargement pour transport et manutention directe de charges unitaires" en. collaboration avec le Comité Technique CEN/TC 261 "Emballage" dont le secrétariat est tenu par 'AFNOR ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, atthe latest by August 2004, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 2004 According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austra, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, tal, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Nonway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzeriand and United Kingdom. Endorsement notice The text of ISO 8611-1:2004 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 8611-1:2004 without any modifications, NOTE Normative references to International Standards are listed in Annex ZA (normative). EN ISO 8611-1:2004 (E) Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their relevant European publications This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). NOTE Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod.), the relevant EN/HD applies, Publication Year ‘Title EN Year 's0 445, 1996 Pallets for materials handling - EN Iso 445 1998 Vocabulary [SO 1277-1 1994 Methods of test for pallet joints- ENISO 12777-11996 Part 1: Determination of bending resistance of pallet nails, other dowel'type fasteners and staples EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8597 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM February 1996 1s 1101070 Descriptors: Optics, opsical equipment, tests, visual acuity tests, optotypes. English version Optics and optical instruments — Visual acuity testing — Method of correlating optotypes (ISO 8597 : 1994, including Technical Corrigendum 1 : 1995) Optique et instruments d’optique — Méthode Optik und optische Instrumente — dessai de I'acuité visuelle — Méthode de ‘Sehscharfeprifung — Verfahren zum Anschlu8 corrélation entre les optotypes von Sehzeichen (ISO 8597 : 1994, Rectificatif Technique 1 : 1995 (SO 8597 : 1994, einschlieBlich Technische inclus) Korrektur 1: 1995) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1996-02-16. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, ‘Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee fir Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 96, B-1050 Brussels © 1996 Copyright reserved to CEN members, Ref, No. EN ISO 8597: 1996 E Page 2 EN ISO 8597: 1996 Foreword ‘The text of the International Standard from ISO/TC 172, Optics and optical instruments, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been taken over as a European Standard by the ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 170, Ophthalmic optics, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, atthe latest by August 1996, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 1996. ‘According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, ‘the national standards organizations of the following ‘countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Iretand, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, ‘Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. © RSI 1906 3 Page 3 EN ISO 8597 : 1996 Optics and optical instruments — Visual acuity testing — Method of correlating optotypes 1 Scope This International Standard specifies a method of cor- relation between a given set of optotypes and the standard optotype Landolt ring) specified by ISO 8596. 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publ cation, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent edition of the standard indicated below. Mem- bers of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 8596:1994, Ophthalmic optics — Visual acuity testing — Standard optotype and its presentation, 3 Gene requirements for optotypes For all optotypes, the requirements and method of Use given in ISO 8596 shall appply, unless otherwise specified in this International Standard. Each size of a set of optotypes shall be specified in terms of the size of some ciitical dimension common to that set of optotypes. In the case of the standard Landolt ring, the critical detail is the gap size. In the case of a set of optotypes where there is no dimen- sion common to the different members of the set (e.g. optotypes for iterates), the members of a given acuity grade shall have the same relative dimensions as corresponding members of other acuity grades. The size shall be identified by a specified dimension of one member of the set. NOTE 1 If letters o figures are used for visual acuity ‘measurement, then it should be acknowledged that these normally show large differences in respect of recognizabiity, even if their size and thickness of stroke are identical. The disadvantages of their use can be reduced by choosing letters or figures which are comparable with each other 4 Correlation of optotypes 4.1. Standard optotypes The optotype sizes (grades) specified in ISO 8596 shall be used. Sufficient grades or steps shall be used to establish a frequency of seeing curve for the stan- dard optotype and the optotype being investigated. 42 Test area The test area shall be circular with a diameter of a 0,A". The surrounding field shall have a diameter of 46° 1,8° and shall be illuminated homogeneously 0 that it does not influence the measurement. The luminance of the surrounding field shall not be greater than that of the test area. 43. Presentation of the optotypes In making @ measurement of visual acuity with the eight-position Landolt ring, 120 presentations shall be made one ring at a time with the ring positions for successive presentations arranged in random order. In the case of the optotypes to be correlated, these shall also be presented one at a time in random order Until a series of 120 presentations hes been com- pleted. In the 120 presentations, the different ‘optotypes in each set shall be represented approxi- mately the same number of times. Page 4 EN ISO 8597: 1996 NOTE 2 The number 120 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 60. Hence, with sets of optotypes hhaving any of these numbers of different optotypes, it is Possible for each optotype to be represented the same ‘number of times in 120 presentations. ‘The comparison shall start with a grade of optotypes large enough to yield a frequency of seeing of 100%. Measurements shall be made with both eight-position Landolt rings and the optotypes of the same size being correlated. When this has been completed, the procedure shall be repeated with smaller and smaller sizes until the failure rate corre- sponds to the level of guessing of 0,125. Each optotype shall be exposed for 3s with an interval of 4's between exposures. NOTE 3 _ If possible, the comparison of optotypes should be made by means of binocular measurement. 4.4 Corrective lenses The observers shall be fully corrected to a visual acuity of 1,0 or better, if necessary. 45 Test distance The test shall be performed at a distance of 5 m + 0,05 m between the subject and the optotype. NOTE 4 This test distance is for correlation purposes: ‘only. For visual acuity testing, the minimum viewing dis- tance is 4 m (ISO 8596), 4.6 Luminance The luminance of, the test area shall be 200 cdjm* + 60 ed/m? and shall be the same for the LLandbott ring as for the optotypes to be correlated. The difference between the luminances of both test areas shall not exceed 10%. The luminance of the ‘optotypes themselves shall not exceed 10 % of the luminance of the test area, 5 Assignment of an acuity score If, before the end of the test, the observer mekes a point of no longer being able to recognize the test types, the subject shall be requested t> make a ‘guess. The subject shall not be informed before the end of the test whether or not any mistakes were made. The number of errors per optotype size shall be recorded. From the raw data, an allowance for ‘guessing shall be made and the frequency of seeing shal be assessed for each optotype size. NOTE 5 The allowance for guessing is performed by the following equation: E,_R-Np NNT =p) where E _ is the number of right answers corrected for guessing; Nis the number of presentations; is the number of right answers; pis the probability of guessing (p is equal to the reciprocal of the number of different optotypes ‘or directions in the set For the various grades, the frequency of seeing shall be plotted against the logarithm of the size of the critical details. The points on the graph for each type ‘of optotype shall be fitted with an ogive curve rep- resented by the integral of the probability curve. NOTE 6 Any of the usual methods of fitting the ogive curve may be used, From the curves, the optotype sizes at which the fre- quency of seeing is 50% shall be estimated, rep- resenting the thresholds for the Landolt ring optotype and the optotype being correlated. From these thresholds the acuity scores shall be derived. 6 Assessing the equivalence of two kinds of optotypes ‘The measurements described in clause 5 shall be re~ peated with ten or more observers with normal vision (visual acuity of 1,0 or better) or the observers shall be fully corrected to a visual acuity of 1,0 or better, if necessary. The threshold values for each kind of optotype shall be averaged. NOTE 7 _ If the two averages differ by more than 0,05 log Units, the two sets of optotypes cannot be said to be ‘equivalent. They can be made equivalent by enlarging or ‘contracting the size of the non-standard optotypes by @ factor equal to the ratio of the visual acuity for the non- standard optotypes to the visual acuity for the standard optotypes. 7 Significance of the difference between the two averages ‘The meaningfulness of the difference between the two averages can be studied by a) comparing the overlap of the frequency distri butions of the two sets of scores; Se b a using standard statistical procedures to evaluate the significance of the difference between the averages plotting a frequency distribution of the differences between the scores on the separate tests to Page 5 EN ISO 8597: 1996 ‘evaluate the tendency to be high or low on both tests; 4) using the method of linear regression. Page 6 EN ISO 8597 : 1996 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications ‘This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European ‘Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. Publication Year Tide EN Year 180 8506 1994 Ophthalmic optics — Visual acuity testing— EN ISO 8506 1096 ‘Standard optotype and its presentation © BSI 1996 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8596 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM February 1996 Ics 1.04070 Desens: Opies, optical equipment, tess, visual culy test, opokypes, standard measures English version Ophthalmic optics — Visual acuity testing — Standard optotype and its presentation (ISO 8596: 1994) Optique ophtalmique — Mesure de lacuité Augenoptik — Sehschiirfeprafung — Das visuelle — Optotype normalisé et, sa présentation Normsehzeichen und seine Darbietung (ISO 8596 : 1994) ESO 8596 : 1994) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1996-02-16, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration, Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. ‘This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, ‘Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee fur Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels © 1996 Copyright reserved to CEN members. Ref. No. EN ISO 8596: 1996 E Page 2 EN ISO 8596 : 1996 Foreword ‘The text of the International Standard from ISO/TC 172, Optics and optical instruments, of the Intemational Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been taken over as a European Standard by the ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 170, Ophthalmic optics, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. ‘This European Standard shall be given the stamus of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 1996, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 1996, According to the CEN/CENELEC Intemal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, ‘Switzerland, and the United Kingdom © BSI 196, Ophthalmic optics — Visual acuity testing — Standard optotype and its presentation 1 Scope This International Standard specifies a range of Landolt ring optotypes and describes a method tor measuring distance visual acuity under daylight con- ditions for the purposes of certification or licensing. It is neither intended as a standard for clinical measurements nor for the certification of blindness or partial sight NOTE 1. For the purposes of measuring visual acuity, the ‘standard optotype, or other optotypes which have been Correlated with the standard optotype (as described in |'SO 8597), should be used. For clinical use, see the recommendation prepared by the Visual Functions Committee of the International Council of Ophthalmology (see clause 2) 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Intemational Standard. At the time of publi: cation, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid international Standards. 1S 3:1973, Preferred numbers — Series of preferred numbers. 180 8597:—", Optics and optical instruments — Vis- Ul acuity testing — Method of correlating optotypes. 1), To be published. m Ophthalmologicum Universale — Visual Functions Committee, Visual Acuity Measurement Standard. Ital. J. Ophthalmol. 1/1 (1988), pp. 5-19. 3 Standard optotype The standard optotype shall be the Landolt ring as detailed in table 1 and as shown in figure 1 The visual acuity grade 1 shall be represented by a Landolt ring whose outer diameter, d, subtends an angle of 5 and whose width, as well as the gap in its continuity, sudtends an angle of 1’ at the designated viewing distance, The Landolt ring shall be capable of being presented in eight different positions (see 6.2) 4. Visual acuity grades and standard optotype grades The visual acuity grades shall be as given in table 1 and shall be expressed as the reciprocal of the gap width measured in minutes of arc. ‘The acuity values for the size of the optotype shall be graduated logarithmically. The quotient of the size of a test type and that of the next smaller one shall be: "Yio = 1,2589 (series of preferred numbers R10 from ISO 3) Optotypes of acuity grades 0,08, 0,08, 0,08 and 2,0 may be omitted if necessary. Addition of further acuity grades is permitted. Page 4 EN ISO 8596 : 1996 Table 1 — Visual acuity grades Optotype size Minimum number of ‘Acuity grade?! Angle for gap and ring width ee Log gap size Permissible deviation Minutes of arc () * 0.05, +13 20 0,063 0,06) +12 16 2 0.08 +1 128 on + 10 0,128 +09 8 0.16 +08 63 3 02 +0,7 5 £5 0.25 +08 4 0.32 10.3) +05 32 04 +04 28 05: +03 2 0.83 10.8) +02 16 5 08 +01 1,25 190 ° 1 125 08 08 18 -02 063 20 -03 05 £10 5 1) The values in parentheses shall be used only for the purpose of identifying the acuity grade. Figure 1 — Landolt ring Page 5 EN ISO 8596 : 1996 ‘Table 2 — Spacing between standard optotypes (border to border) ‘Acuity grades Minimum spacing between standard less than 0,08 2 x width of gap in Landolt ring 0,06 to 0,128 diameter of Landolt ring 0,16 to 0,32, 1,5 x diameter of Landolt ring 04 to 1.0 2 x diameter of Landolt ring ‘greater than 1,0 3 x diameter of Landolt ring 5 Test area and spacing between standard optotypes The field shall extend at least 0,6 in all directions from the contour of the optotypes to the border of the test field. if more than one standard optotype is used in the same test area, the spacings given in table2 shall apply. If more than one acuity grade is used on the test area, the spacing for the largest optotype shall apply. Table 2 applies to both horizontal and vertical spacing, The background to the optotypes shall appear uni- formly bright and without any variation of colour or texture which could indicate the orientation of the symbols. if the different orientations are achieved by rotation of the optotypes, this rotary movement shall not be observed by the subject. 6 Presentation of the standard optotype 6.1 Quality of presentation The standard optotype as presented shall appear with sharply defined contours to an observer with a visual acuity of at least 1,0 at an observation distance of 1/8 of the distance at which the test types are de- signed to be used. Test types presented in instru- ments shall be observed with a magnification of 3, The optotypes in a series shall not differ noticeably in contrast and contour. 6.2 Positions of the optotype The optotype shall be presented in at least the num- ber of different positions per acuity grade as shown in table 1, In 50 % of these positions, the gap shall be either vertical or horizontal but, in the case when there are an odd number of presentations, this value shall be rounded to the next larger integer. The se- quence of presentations shal be as diversified as Possible and shall be randomly ordered. If the stan- dard optotype is presented singly, this fact shall be specifically mentioned in the test report. NOTE2 In general, it correleted optotypes (se 'SO 8597) are used, at least five presentations should be made for each size. As the number varies, the choice of ‘optotypes should be as diversified as possible and should be randomly ordered, 6.3 Viewing distance for distance visual acuity testing ‘The test shall be performed with a minimum viewing distance of 4m between the entrance pupil of the subject and the optotype. 6.4 Criteria for determination and assignment of visual acuity grade When testing for visual acuity, the performance level ‘at which the presentation of optotypes shall be ter- inated is dependent upon the number of optotypes used for each size. For a “Pass” assessment: at least three shall be called correctly if the total number of optotypes used is five; at least four shall be called correctly if the total number of optotypes used is six or seven; at least five shall be called correctly if the total number of optotypes used is eight or nine; and at least six shall be called correctly if the total number of optotypes used is ten, NOTE 3 _ Preferred numbers of presentation are five, eight fF ten. In each case, the minimum called correctly rep- resents approximately 60 % of the total ‘The test shall be terminated at the first grade at which the number called correctly falls below the "Pass" level. The visual acuity shall be assigned, by reference Page 6 EN ISO 8596 : 1996 Table 3 — Luminance a General surrounding luminance axa fraction of the luminance ofthe test calm? field < 10° | field > 10" not less then 0,1 | not fess than 0,011) 1) Not brighter than 10° field. to table 1, as one grade lower than the grade at which ‘Test report test is terminated. 7 Luminance The luminance of the test area shall be given in table and shall apply to all methods of presentation. The luminance of the standard optotype shall be not more than 15 % of that of the test area taking into account the room illumination, The surrounding field {test room) shall be darker than the test area. How- ever, within an area of 10° diameter the luminance of the surrounding field shall be not less than 1/10 nor ‘more than 1/4 of the luminance of the test area. There shall be no direct or indirect glare source (0.9. light source, reflected image of a light source, glossy or very bright matt surface) within the field of view. White light within a colour temperature range of 2.500 K to 7 000 K shall be used. NOTE 4 In measuring the visual acuity, the luminance {and contrast conditions should be such that consistent re ‘sults can be expected for a normal eye. The test report shall include the following information: a) reference to this International Standard (ISO 8596); b) identification of the acuity grades of the optotypes used in the test (see table 1); ©) the instrument used, if any; d) the number of different positions for each acuity grade (see 6.2); e) the viewing distance used (see 6.3); 4) the assigned visual acuity grade (see 6.4); 4) the date of the test. Page 7 EN ISO 8596 : 1996 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications ‘This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These nonnative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies Publication Year Title BN Year 180 8597 1994 Optics and optical instruments — Viswal acuity EN ISO 8597 1996 testing — Method of correlating optotypes blank EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8580 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM February 1995 ies za.010.70 Descriptors: Rubber hoses, plastic hoses, hoses, radlation resistance, ultraviolet radiation tests English version Rubber and plastics hoses — Determination of ultra-violet resistance under static conditions ISO 8580 : 1987) ‘Tuyaux en caoutchouc et en plastique — Gummi- und Kunststoffschlauche — Bestimmung ‘Détermination de la résistance aux ultraviolets der UV-Bestandigkeit unter statischen dans des conditions statiques Bedingungen (ISO 8580 : 1987) SO 8580 ; 1987) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1995-02-06. CEN members are ound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards ‘may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. ‘This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, ‘Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization ‘Comité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee fur Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels © 1995 Copyright reserved to all CEN members Ref. No. EN 180 8580 : 1995 E Foreword ‘This European Standard has been taken over by the ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 218, Rubber and plastics ‘hoses and hose assemblies, from the work of ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 1995, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 1996, In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal ‘Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. 0. Introduction The test method described in this International Standard pro- Vides @ means of assessing the resistance of hoses to the deleterious effects of ultra-violet light under static conditions. 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies three methods for deter- ‘mining the resistance of the outer cover of hoses to ultra-violet light Method 1 : for bore sizes up to and including 25 mm, the test boing carried out on the hose itso; Method 2: for bore sizes greater than 25 mm, the test boeing carried out on a test piece from the hose wall; Method 3: for bore sizes greater than 25 mm, the test ‘being carried out on a test piece from the hose cover. Method 1 or 2 should normally be used. Method 3 should be sed only i itis not possible to carry out the test in accordance with Method 2. 'S0 291, Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing. 180471, Rubber — Standard temperatures, humidities and times for the conditioning and testing of test pieces. 180 4892, Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light 3° Apparatus 3.1 Test cabinet containing an array of fluorescent tube lamps as described in ISO 4892, annex D, to cover the test piece and the test pioce holder. The cabinet shal be fitted with, ‘temperature and humidity controls to maintain a constant en- vironment of between 50 and 80 °C to an accuracy of + 3 °C and 35 % to 90 % relative humidity to an accuracy of + 5 %. BS 5173 : Section 106.4: 1989 NOTE — Most ut-volt iridiation sources have a limited He after ‘Which the intensity ofthe raiation decreases, Care shouldbe token to tenure that the feof operation ofthe fkorescant mp is recorded and that the unt 8 rotetod in accordance with ISO 4892, annex 0, subelause D.3.1, and is replaced after the useful ie hes expe. All apparatus placed inthe test cabinet shall be fabricated from ‘materials which do not absorb or react to ultra-violet light. 3.2. Test piece holder, as shown in figure 1, for Method 1 3,3. Test piece holder, as shown in figure 2, for Method 2, 3.4 Test piece holder, as shown in figure 3, for Method 3. 4 Test pieces 4.1 Type of test piece 4.1.1, Method 1 ‘The test piace shall consist of a sample of hose. The length shall be calculated from the equation bea(S sere where Ls the length of the test piec Dis the diameter of the mandrel (see figure 1) necessary 10 produce the required elongation of the test piece (see clause 6), the elongation being measured over 3 minimum length of 10 d; d_ is the outside diameter of the hose under test 4.1.2. Method 2 ‘The test piece shall consist ofa strip cut longitudinally from the ‘hose. The strip shall be 160 mm long and 25 mm wie. 4.13 Method 3 The test piece shall consist of a strip of the hose cover, re- moved longitudinally from the hose. The strip shall be 100 mm long and 25 mm wide. BS 5173 : Section 106.4 : 1989 Prior to testing, condition the test pieces, mounted as described in clause 7, at the applicable standard condition as specified in 1S0 471 oF ISO 231 as appropriate, in darkness or subdued light. 6 Test conditions Unless other conditions are specified in the relevant hose specification, expose the test piece under test to ultra-violet light with a wavelength of 290 to 400 nm at an irradiance level of 50 Wim? + 5 %, at a temperature of 70 + 3 °C and a telative humidity of 50 % to 65 % for 500 + 4h. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant hose specification, the elongation of the test piece shall be 20% + 10%." 7 Procedure 7.1 Method 1 7.1.1 Mount the test piece as shown in figure 1. 7.1.2. Adjust the atmosphere within the test cabinet 10 70 3 °C and 60 % t0 55 % relative humidity, 7.1.3. Place the assembly in the test cabinet and expose it the effects of the iradiation source for 500 + 4h, 7.1.4 Remove the mandrel and test piece from the test cabinet. Remove the test piece from the test mandrel and straighten the hose into its natural position. Replace the test Piece on the test mandrel and examine the surface of the test piece under X 2 magnification, Record the nature and position of any cracking or change in colour or appearance observed. *See national foreword for detil of textual 7.2, Method 2 7.2.1 Mount the test piece in atest piace holder as shown in figure 2, place the assembly inthe test cabinet and expose it to the effects of the iradiation source for 600 + 4h, 7.2.2 Remove the test piece holder and test piece from the test cabinet. Remove the test piece from the test piece holder ‘and straighten the test piace into its natural position. Replace the test piece in the test piece holder and examine the surface Of the test piace under X 2 magnification. Record the nature ‘and position of any cracking or change in colour or appearance observed. 7.3, Method 3 7.3.1 Mount the test pioce in the test piece holder (seo figure 3) in the test cabinet, apply the appropriate elongation and expose it to the effects of the irradiation source for 500 + 4h. 7.3.2 Remove the test piece holder and the test piece from the test cabinet. Remove the test piace from the test piece holder and allow the test piece to return to its natural length for, ‘1 min, Replace the test piece in the test piece holder, apply the ‘appropriate elongation and examine the surface of the test, piece under X 2 magnification. Record the nature and position, of any cracking or change in colour or appearance observed. 8 Test report The test report shal include the following information : sted; 2), full description ofthe hose 1b) a reference to this Interstional Standard; €} the tost method used (1,2 oF 3; the dotais of the test conditions; €}_ extent and position of cracking; {change in colour and appearance; 9) date of test S Figure 1 Re End-to-end length of test stip = 180 mm BS 5173 : Section 106.4 : 1989 Mondeo Retaining amp iS) = Arrangement for mounting hose on mandrel for Method 1 Measurement distance Outside surface of hose Hose reinforcement ost svip o Holder made of wood or aluminium | NZ 7 Figure 2 — Test piece holder for Method 2 BS 5173 : Section 106.4 : 1989 Holder made of wood or aluminium Clamp Retaining bot “est place ‘Marking for extension measurement Figure 3 — Test piece holder for Method 3 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8565 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM January 1995 es 77.080 Deseriptors: Metals, alloys, corrosion, tests, corrsion vests, atmospheric corrosion tests, Meld corrosion test, test specimens, testing conditions English version Metals and alloys — Atmospheric corrosion testing — General requirements for field tests (ISO 8565 : 1992) ‘Métaux et alliages — Essais de corrosion Metalle und Legierungen — atmosphérique — Korrosionsversuche in der Atmosphare — Prescriptions générales de I'essai in situ Allgemeine Anforderungen an (ISO 8565 : 1992) Freibewitterungsversuche (ISO 8565 : 1992) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-10-03. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration, Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom, CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europiisches Komitee fir Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels © 1995 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref. No. EN ISO 8565 : 1995 E Page 2 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 Foreword ‘This European Standard has been taken over by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 262, Protection of metallic materials against corrosion, from the work of ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This document was submitted to the formal vote and was adopted by CEN as a European Standard. ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 1995, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 1995, In accordance with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. “STI Page 3 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 Introduction Corrosion testing under atmospheric exposure conditions is carried out in order to: — obtain data on the corrosion resistance of metals, alloys” and other inorganic metallic coatings” in atmospheric environments; — evaluate the relationship between the results under given laboratory conditions and in an atmospheric environment; — evaluate the type of corrosion of particular metals. IU Involves exposure of the specimens to the action of atmospheric vironments at the test sites and periodic checking of the test specimens. It does not cover service corrosion testing. The corrosion rate of the specified metal depends on the environment of the atmospheric corrosion test site. The relationship between cor- rosion rates for metals and atmospheric variables Is complex. Therefore the results of field tests cannot be used to predict service performance xxactly, but do provide an approximate guidance to service perform- ance. 1) Hereinafter referred to as “metals” Page 4 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 Metals and alloys — Atmospheric corrosion testing — General requirements for field tests 4 Scope This International Standard establishes general re- quirements for stationary corrosion testing of metals. and metallic coatings under atmospheric conditions, carried out in the open air or under shelters. it may also be applied for indoor testing. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard, At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan- dards’ are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap- plying the most recent editions of the standards in- dicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards, 10 4221:1980, Air quality — Determination of mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air — Thorin spectrophotometric method. 180 4226:1980, Air quality — General aspects — Units ‘of measurement. 180 4540:1980, Metallic coatings ~ Coatings cathodic to the substrate — Rating of electroplated test specimens subjected to corrosion tests. 180 4543:1981, Metallic and other non-organic coatings — General rules for corrosion tests appli- cable for storage conditions. 180 6879:1983, Air quality — Performance character- istics and related concepts for air quality measuring methods. 2), To be published. 180 8409:1991, Metallic coatings — Coatings anodic to the substrate — Rating of test specimens sub- Jected to corrosion tests. 180 8407:1991, Corrosion of metals and alloys — moval of corrosion products from corrosion test ‘specimens, 1SO 9225", Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Measurement of pol- lution. 180 9226", Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Determination of cor- rosion rate of standard specimens for the evaluation of corrosivity. 3 Requirements for test specimens. 3.1 Types of specimen 3.14. Flat sheet specimens Rectangular specimens in the form of flat sheets are the preferred type as they can be readily weighed and measured and their simple shape facilitates at- tachment to lest frames, A convenient specimen size is 150 mm x 100 mm. Specimens may be larger Provided that they can be accurately evaluated. The specimen thickness shall be adequate to ensure that the specimens will survive the intended test period. ‘The specimen thickness shall also take into account the possibility of mechanical effects and of inter- Qranular corrosion in some materials. The most convenient thickness is 1mm to 3 mm. For specimens with metallic coatings the surface area of the test specimens should be as large as possible, in any case not less than 50cm? (Scm x 10cm). If the coated articles used are smaller than 50 cm? in area, specimens of the same kind may be combined to total the required mini mum surface area, However, the results obtained will not necessarily be comparable with those ob- tained on specially prepared test specimens of the specified minimum area 3.4.2. Irregularly shaped specimens Other specimen shapes such as bolts, tubes, rods, angles and even assemblies may be tested if necessary. The ends of tube specimens shail be sealed if cor- rosion of the outside surface only is of interest Complex specimens, such as assemblies, may con- tain crevices, water traps, weldments and dissimular metals. It is therefore important to take account of the effects of these on the corrosion re- sistance of the assembly. Care should also be taken to position the assembly to simulate its intended use. 3.1.3 Specimens with weldments Atmospheric corrosion tests on weldments are in- tended to reveal any tendency for preferential cor- rosion in the weldment zone arising from metallurgical or compositional differences between the weld metal and the parent material. The joints shall preferably be placed in the centre of the test specimen, parallel to its long side; or perpendicular, if required by technical specifications, 3.2. Specimen preparation Because atmospheric corrosion tests may extend ‘over many years, it is important to ensure that specimens are clearly identified and records of data are carefully kept. It is normally necessary to cut specimens from larger pieces of the metal to be tested and to carry out deburring. These operations involve the risk of surface damage to the specimens and, some metals, may lead to significant changes in metallurgical condition (for example workchardening of sheared or cut edges). Surface damage can be avoided with care, whilst work hardened edges should be removed by machining, unless the effects of this condition are being specifically evaluated. Similar damage may be caused by other operations such as flame-cutting, sawing and grinding. When the results of the test are to be compared with service performance, it is rec- ommended that specimens be exposed with sur- faces identical or similar to those which would apply in service. For all other purposes, a well-defined surface preparation is needed Surface preparation may involve a combination of a degreasing stage using organic solvents or alkaline degreasing fuids and a mechanical or chemical de- scaling treatment for surfaces bearing mill scale, heat-treatment scale or rust. Suitable descaling Page 5 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 treatments for a wide range of metals are given in 180 8407-1991, tables 1 and 2 For metallic and inorganic coatings, it is absolutely necessary to avoid cleaning methods which may at- tack the surface of test specimens. 3.3 Handling After final surface cleaning before exposure, it is important thal limited handling occurs. In general, it Is necessary to use clean gloves in the final hand- ling operations, 3.4 Marking of specimens Mark the test specimens in such a way that no con- fusion during the exposure is possible. Marking shall be legible and durable over the whole period of exposure and shall be made on those areas of the test specimens that are not subjected to visual as- sessment and have no functional purpose, The test specimens may be marked with appropriate numbers by stamping. For metals, notched speci- mens or drilled holes can be used. Other marking procedures can be used, provided that the require- ments of legibility and durability are met Methods suggested for marking are different. For metallic coatings the preferred method is positional notch coding before the protective coating is ap- plied The area affected by marking shall be minimized. The establishment of a reliable map of specimen Identity, exposure data and location on the exposure frame is recommended. 3.5 Number of specimens The number of test specimens of each type used in a given evaluation shall not be less than three for each exposure time interval. Three specimens should suffice for simple com- parative test programmes. However, for more com- plex programmes, more specimens will be needed, according to the statistical requirements. 3.6 Control and reference specimens It is desirable that extra specimens be included in the test programme, in order to fulfil various re- quirements of control and reference, 3.6.1 Control specimens These are replicates of exposed test specimens which are stored under non-corrosive conditions (see 3.7). They may be used to determine changes Page 6 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 in physical and mechanical properties as a result of exposure of the specimens. 3.8.2 Reference specimens When testing new or modified materials, samples of the original (known) material are used for compari- son purposes and exposed together with the test samples 3.7 Storage During storage of the test specimens before ex- posure, and during storage of contro! specimens, care shall be taken to avoid mechanical damage and contact with other specimens. A room with a controlled temperature and a retative humidity of 55 % or less shall be used for storage purposes. Particularly sensitive specimens shall be stored in jesiccator or sealed in plastic bags with desiccant. (See ISO 4543.) 3.8 Specimen data records For each series of test specimens, record the data which are needed for the assessment of the cor- rosion effects (see clause 8). These records shall include the following: 4) in the case of uncoated metal samples — chemical composition, — mass, — shape and size, — surface finish characteristics, — heat treatment, — basic physical properties (mechanical, elec- trical or physico-chemical) and surface roughness, — initial state of specimen surface before te: ing (for metals which may change their structure during long-term exposure under ‘atmospheric conditions), = method of preparation of the test panels, — test method for the metal surface treatment, — specification of the metal according to rel- evant standards or trade marks, — specification of the test methods by which the individual properties were evaluated, — specification of the intermediate product from which the test panels were produced; b) in the case of metallic coatings — specification of the basis metal (substrate), — method of preparing the surface before co: ing, — specification of the coating application and coating materials, — coating thickness, — basic properties of the coating, including the fest methods by which its properties were evaluated (e.9. porosity, hardness, ductility, etc); ¢) in the case of manufactured articles or their parts — basic technical data on the properties to be tested, with test methods by which they are evaluated (e.g. thickness, porosity, hardness, ductility, etc.) and the initial values before starting the test. Visual and, if necessary, photographic records of the specimen condition before testing shall be made and carefully retained. 4 Atmospheric corrosion test sites 44° Category of location I is recommended that the atmospheric corrosion test sites provide facilities for both a) open-air exposure, i.e. direct exposure to all at- mospheric conditions and atmospheric contami- nants, or b) sheltered exposure, i.e. exposure with protection from atmospheric precipitation and solar radi- ation either under a cover or in a partly closed space, such as shutter sheds, where the test specimens are also protected by shuttered side walls, Due to the possibility of carrying out sheltered ex- posure in different ways, it is essential that compre- hensive details of the shelter and the manner of exposing specimens are given. The results obtained under different shelters cannot be readily compared. “s+ INUTMM| 42. Test site requirements Test sites shall be selected so that the testing area will normally be exposed to the full effects of the weather. The presence of buildings, structures, trees and certain geographical features, rivers, lakes, hills ‘or hollows may cause unintended shelter or ex- posure to wind, sources of pollution or sunlight. Untess the effects from man-made or natural fe: tures are to be an intended part of the programme, such features in the vicinity of the test site should be avoided; otherwise their presence shall be re- ported. Similarly, the presence of low-growing shrubs and other plants may affect the temperature and humidity distribution over @ given test site and therefore these should be absent or controlled to 2 ‘maximum height of 0,2 m or by placing test frames ‘on well-drained ground or on gravel, concrete oF paved foundation If chemicals are used to control plant growth in the vicinity of the specimen racks, care shall be exer- cised to keep such chemicals from coming into contact with any of the specimens and safety pre- cautions shall be taken. If atmospheric corrosion tests are to be conducted under sheltered conditions, appropriate provisions for this shall be made whilst avoiding any unwanted effects on neighbouring specimens that are intended to be fully exposed to the weather. 4.3 Test site locations Test sites shall be located to represent the environ ments where the materials are likely to be used. Two kinds of test sites can be distinguished: a) permanent test sites which are located in areas, broadly classified as industrial, rural, urban and ‘marine, taking into account the representative areas of climatic conditions of the region: b) temporary test sites, located for a predetermined period of time only. in places of specific cor- rosion interest. The location of the test site shall permit periodic observations of the test specimens and recording of evaluation of the environmental factors specified in clause 6. It is advantageous to locate almos- pheric exposure test stations near to or al a Meteorological station. The location of the test site should be selected mainly from the point of view of the environment as well as ease of examination. Page 7 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 4.4 Site security Atmospheric corrosion test sites shall be designed to provide adequate security against the, damage or other forms of interference. Care should be taken that security fencing does not affect the testing, for example by causing some specimens to be in shadow more than others or buried by snow drifts. 4.4.1 Exposure frames The function of the exposure frames is to maintain test specimens securely in position without under- going significant deterioration or influencing the corrosion of the test specimens attached to them. The frames may be designed to provide full or par tial exposure to the weather. Metal sections or wood may be used, provided thal they have adequate strength and durability. I necessary, additional protection can be provided by paint coalings over suitably prepared and primed metal surfaces. Frames may also be constructed from sultably protected and maintained wood. The practical realization of the following design re- quirements will depend upon the locally available resources and materials. Frames shall be designed to expose as large an area as possible of both the upper and undersides of the specimens. The purpose of this is to enable differences in skyward or groundward exposures to be evaluated if this is a test requirement. In addition, the structural components of the frame shail nol shelter the specimens. The method of attaching specimens to the test frame shall prevent neighbouring specimens from touch- ing, sheltering or influencing one another and shai also provide complete electrical insulation between the specimens and the test frame. Grooved porcelain electrical insulators with fixing holes, or similar devices in inert and durable plastics ma- terials, are suitable. Alternatively, bolls or screws, fitted with electrically insulating sleeves and wash- ers, may be used. The area of contact between the test specimens and their holders shall be as small as possible. The test frames shall also be designed to enable specimens to be exposed at an angle of 45° from horizontal (30° are permissible) skyward-facing, or in other orientations required by the test pro- gramme. The design of the frame shall be such that test specimens are not affected by water which runs off the test frame or other specimens, or by splash wa- ter from the ground. The installation of test frame on a site may also cause localized drifting of snow Page 8 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 and therefore a minimum specimen exposure height above ground level may be necessary. This mini- mum height shall be chosen to prevent both splashing by rain water and burial in snow drifts and should be not less than 0,75 m. ‘The load-bearing capacity of the frames shall allow for the maximum static loading from full specimen city and from imposed wind and snow loadings. Frames shall be firmly anchored to the ground and specimens shall not move or become detached in high winds. convenient for practical purposes to standardize the specimen dimensions or to arrange id range of standard sizes. This simplifies both the design of the test frames and the method of specimen attachment. To allow accumulation of atmospheric corrosion products and pollutants and to prevent their removal by rain, it may be necessary to perform tests under sheltered exposure. The extent of exposure to at- mospheric agents will determine the detailed design of the sheltered exposure racks. 44.2. Covers for sheltered exposure When testing specimens under covers, such as shielding under umbrella roofs, the test specimens should also be placed on racks or frames. Normal roofing materials may be used for con- structing umbrella roofs. The roof shall be inclined toenable water to drain and should normally ensure protection against rain, water dripping from the roof and water splashing from the ground. The roof shall also provide some degree of shielding of the speci- mens against solar radiation. The maximum height Of the roof above the ground and its extension be- yond the specimen rack edges shall be not more than 3 m, ‘Sheds for enciosed exposure ‘The design of the shutter sheds shall be the same as the design of standard meteorological sheds, which should ensure protection against almospheric precipitation, solar radiation and wind, but should allow the air flow from outside to be maintained. The exterior surfaces of the shed walls and doors shall be painted white. The shutters shall be of the Venetian blind type, fixed and stable, so that air exchange is possible between the inside of the shed and the outside at- ‘mosphere and so that rain or snow can only rarely penetrate to the interior of the shed. The floor of the ‘shed shall be at least 0,5 m above ground level. The internal dimensions of the shutter shed shall be chosen to suit the number of test specimens to be placed on racks or shelves inside the shed. The de- sign of the racks and shelves and the positioning of specimens shall ensure free air circulation between the test specimens and prevent the formation of specific microclimatic conditions at particular re- mote spaces in the shed, The shutter shed shall be placed on an open space In the test station. If more than one shed is placed at the same test site, the distance between them shall be such that the presence of one shed does not affect the climatic conditions inside another shed. It is recommended that the minimal distance between sheds be equal to twice the height of the shed. 5 Test site characterization In order to further evaluate the results of the cor- rosion measurements, it is necessary to character- ize the atmospheric conditions at the test sites. This characterization should be done by direct measure- ments of the corrosion rate of standard specimens according to ISO $226 and, in the case of the per- ‘manent test sites, by measurement or collection of atmospheric data from other sources. I other sources of atmospheric data are used, both the source and its approximate distance from the test site shall be stated, The environmental data required for the character- Ization of the atmosphere are — air temperature, in degrees Celsius; — relative atmospheric humidity, as a percentage; — amount of precipitation, in millimetres per day; — intensity and duration of solar radiation; = sulfur dioxide deposition rate according to 1S0 9225, in milligrams per square metre per day, or concentration in milligrams per cubic metre; — chloride deposition rate according to ISO 9225, in milligrams per square metre per day, usually only for marine test sites. The recommended frequency of monitoring these factors is given in annex A. Other factors such as duration of precipitation, ac- tual time of wetness. direction and speed of winds, PH value of rain, amount of gases and particulate contaminants, can be collected or measured d Pending on the specific requirements of the test The corrosion rate of standard specimens shall be measured. after removal of the corrosion product, according 10 ISO 8407. 1S The characterization of the test site atmosphere shall be performed according to ISO 4226 and 180 6879, Concentration measurements shall be performed, preferably according to ISO 4221 and deposition measurements according to ISO 9225 6 Operating conditions The test specimens shall be placed in such a way that — contact does not occur between individual test specimens and any material that could affect their corrosion under the test conditions; = corrosion products and rain water containing corrosion products do not drip from the surface of one test specimen onto ancther; — there is easy access to the surfaces of the test ‘specimens; — the test specimens are easy to remove; — the test specimens are protected from falling (lor example by the action of wind), accidental con- tamination or destruction; — ail the test specimens are exposed to the same conditions with uniform access of alr from all di- rections; — for open-air exposure, the surface of test speci- ‘mens, in general, faces south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemi- sphere but the direction of other corrodant sources (such as the ocean) can be taken into consideration; the preferred inclination of the test, specimens is normally 45° (or 30°, as permiss- ible) to the horizontal, unless otherwise specified or agreed; — for sheltered exposure the test specimens are exposed at the preferred inclinations of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° or 90° to the horizontal, unless otherwise specified or agreed; — the specimens are randomly placed over the en- tire range of racks available for exposure. 7 Test procedure 7.1 Duration of tests ‘The total period and the season of exposure depend ‘on the type of test specimen and the purpose of the test. Due to the relatively slow rate of the atmos- pheric corrosion process, it is recommended that test exposures be on a schedule such as 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years, depending on the corrosion resistance of the metal or coating be- Ing tested. in some cases, a total exposure of less than 2 years may be suitabl Mt should be noted that, especially for short-term testing, the results may depend on the season when exposure is initiated. Therefore, it is recommended that exposures are commenced in the period of highest corrosivity (usually autumn or spring). 7.2 Perlodic visual examinations ‘Specimens shall be examined periodically to see whether or not they are to be removed, and notes ‘or photographic records shall be made of any sig- nificant changes in appearance or development of unusual features. Observations shall be made on ‘the condition of both the front and reverse sides of the specimens in order to observe any In corrosion effect. Records shall include notes on the colour, texture and uniformity of any corrosion products and whether these are adherent or display a tendency to flake off the surface as the specimen ages. Periodic examinations may also permit an earlier decision on the need to modify the metallurgical or chemical properties of a metal or alloy and thereby maintain the pace of a material development pro- gramme. Specimens should be ch to confirm that identity markings are still legible (see 3.4). Per- odic examination Is also of benefit in relation to site security, instrument service and regular attention to site faci 7.3 Evaluation of results The evaluation is carried out by visual examination, metallographic examination, estimation of mass foss, change in mechanical properties or perform- ance characteristics of materials (e.g. reflectivity) The use of colour photography to record the ap- pearance of the specimens is recommended. Corrosion effects shall be evaluated at the time tervals established in the test programme as de- scribed in 7.1, and by comparison with the control specimens when appropriate. The evaluation of the test specimens shall be carried out within 3 months ‘of completion of the exposure period. During this time the test specimens shall be stored according to the requirements of 3.7. For metallic coatings, exposure test specimens shall be rated according to the methods given in ISO 4540 (metallic coatings cathodic to the substrate) or in (SO 8403 (metallic coatings anodic to the substrate), unless specified otherwise. Metallic test specimens shall be cleaned prior to mass loss evaluation according to the method: specified in (SO 8407. Page 10 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 8 Tost report The test report shall contain the following infor- mation: a) data on the test specimens, including the incli- nation and direction of the specimens’ exposure; b) a description of the test site (see clause 5); ©) the number of reference specimens and test specimens; 4d) the dates of exposure, removal and assessment; €) the original properties and preparation of the test specimens (see 3.8); a separate qualitative description of changes in surface appearance for each evaluation, if poss ible with photographs of the test specimens be- fore, during and after testing the quantitative results of assessment of cor- rosion by means of mass loss, metallographic observations, changes in physical properties, depths, density and distribution of pits or other methods of evaluation. 9 The methods of assessment and the results ob- tained shall be clearly described and presented in some agreed tabular or graphical form. ‘The test report shall also discuss any problems that may have influenced the test results. The test report may conclude with a summary of the main results, Annex A (normative) Environmental factors characterizing atmospheric exposure conditions Environmental tector voit pipe ene newer ot Expression of reste Ale temperature *¢ | Continuous or at teast | Average per month and per year three times per day Relative humidity % Continuous or at feast | Average per month and per year three times per day Calculated time of wetness with b - Hours per month and per year temperature > 0 °C and RH > 80 % Precipitations mjd | Monthly ‘Amount per month and per year ‘ie conten ‘concentration of SO, mg|m? Continuous — monthly ‘Average per month and per year 0, deposition rate mg/(m*d) | Continuous — monthly | Average per month and per year Cioride deposition ate ‘mg/(rm'd) | Continuous — monthly | Average per month and par year Page 11 EN ISO 8565 : 1995 ‘Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications publications ‘This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications, These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments) EN Year h their relevant European Publication Yer Tide 10 4221 1980 Air quatity — Determination of mass ‘concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air — Thorin spectrophotometric method 180 4226 1980 Air quality — General aspects — Units of ‘measurement 180 4540 1980 Metallic coatings — Coatings cathodic to the ‘substrate — Rating of electroplated test specimens subjected to corrosion tests ISO 4543 1981 Metallic and other non-organic coatings — General rules for corrosion tests applicable for storage conditions EN ISO 4543 1994 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8561:1995/A1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM December 1997 Ics 97,040.30 Descriptors: see ISO document English version Household frost-free refrigerating appliances - Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers cooled by internal forced air circulation - Characteristics and test methods - Amendment 1: Special compartments for the preservation of highly perishable foodstuffs (ISO 8561:1995/AM1:1997) Appareils de rétigdration ménagers a al pulsé ~ tigerateue, eingerateure-congelateurs, coneervateurs «Ge cenrées congelées et congélateus & alr puss intéieur- CCaracterstiques et metnodes «essai - Amencement 1 ‘Compartments spéciaux desines & entreposage des enrées autement penssables (ISO 8561:1995/AM1:1997) ‘This amendment A1 modifies the European Standard EN ISO 8861-1996; It was approved by CEN on 13 December 1997. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENICENELEC Intomal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for ineusion of this ‘amendment into the relevant national standard without any ateraton, Up-to-date lets and bibliographical reterences concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Cental Secretarato: to any CEN member. ‘This amendment exists in three offcial versions (English, French, Geman). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibilty of a CEN member ino its own language and notifed tothe Central Secretarial has the same status as the oficial versions CCEN members aro the national standards bodies of Aust, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark Finland, France, Germany, Greece, leelans, Ireland, aly, Luxembourg, Netherfands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzedand and United Kingdom, ama EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG Central Secretarlat: rue de Stassart, 368-1050 Brussela (©1997 CEN All rights of explotation in any form and by any means reserved Pet, No. EN ISO 8561:1995/41:1997 E \wordwide for CEN national Members Page 2 EN ISO 8561:1995/A1:1997 Foreword The text of the Amendment ISO 8561:1995/AM1:1997 to the EN ISO 8561:1995 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 86 "Refrigeration" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 44 "Household refrigerating appliances and commercial refrigerated cabinets", the secretariat of which is held by UNI. ‘This Amendment to the European Standard EN ISO 8561:1995 shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 1998, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 1998, According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy. Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Endorsement notice ‘The text of the International Standard ISO 8561:1995/AM1:1997 has been approved by CEN as a European Standard without any modifications. °s+ TMI EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 8561 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM November 1995 es 97.4030 Descriptors. Household appliances, refrigerators, household refrigerator, freezers, household frozen food cabinets, classification, specifications, characteristics, manufacturing requirements, tests, type testing (tests), mechanical tests, performance test, ‘dimensional measurements, designation, marking, technical datasheets, instructions for use. English version Household frost-free refrigerating appliances — Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers cooled by intemal forced air circulation — Characteristics and test methods (ISO 8561 : 1995) Appareils de réfrigération ménagers a air Haushalts-Frost-Free-Kuhlgeriite — pulsé — Réfrigérateurs, Kihlschranke, Kiihl-Gefriergerite, Gefriergerdte réfrigérateurs-congélateurs, conservateurs de _und Tiefuihlgeriite gekuhlt durch denrées congelées et congélateurs a air pulsé _Zwangsumluft — Eigenschaften und intérieur — Caractéristiques et méthodes d’essai _Priifverfahren ASO 8561 : 1995) (ASO 8561 : 1995) ‘This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1995-07-02. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Intemal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. ‘This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German), A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee fir Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels © 1995 All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all countries to CEN and its members Ref, No. EN ISO 8561 : 1995 E Page 2 Issue 2, January 1997 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 yeameny Foreword ‘The text of the International Standard ISO 8561 : 1996 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 86, Refrigeration, in collaboration with the Technical Committee CEN/TC 44, Household refrigerating appliances and commercial refrigerated cabinets, the secretariat of which is held by UNI national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 1996, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by May 1996. | According to CEN/CENELEC Intemal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following ‘countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. | | NOTE. Normative references to international publications are listed in annex ZA (normative). © BSI 1997 Page 3 IN ISO 8561 : 1995 Household frost-free refrigerating appliances — Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers cooled by internal forced air circulation — Characteristics and test methods 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the essential characteristics for household frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers cooled by internal forced air circulation and for household refrigerators with or without cellar, ice-making or frozen food storage compartments, and of refrigerator-freezers with or without cellar compartment and with at least the food freezer and or frozen food storage compartment{s) cooied by internal forced air circulation, which are wholly factory assembled, and lays down the meth- ods of test for the checking of these characteristics. Appliances with one refrigerating system in which there are compartments, some cooled by forced air Circulation and others by natural convection, shall be tested in accordance with this International Standerd. Compartments cooled by natural convection but hav- ing a separate independent refrigerating system shall be tested in accordance with the applicable refer- enced standard. However, all compartments are automatically de- frosted with automatic disposal of the defrost water. This International Standard does not apply to house- hold refrigerators (which are covered in ISO 7371), refrigerator-freezers (which are covered in ISO 8187), of frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers (which are covered in ISO 5155) not cooled by internal forced air circulation. The tests described in this international Standard are type tests. When it is necessary to verify the per- formance of a refrigerating appliance of a given type in relation to this International Standard, all the tests described should in principle be applied to one and the same unit. These tests can also be made individually for the study of a particular characteristic. ‘Where no test method is specified, the particular re- quirement concerned is to be considered as a rec- commendation, The electrical and mechanical safety requirements applicable to household refrigerating appliances are specified in IEC 335-2-24. This International Standard does not apply to household frostfree refrigerating appliances operating on energy sources other than electricity. Additional safety requirements applicable to the re- frigerating systems of household refrigerating appli- ances are given in ISO §149, 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publica- tion, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Intemational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated below, Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur rently valid International Standards. ISO 534:1988, Paper and board — Determination of thickness and apparent bulk density or apparent sheet density. Page 4 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 1S0 817:—", Refrigerants — Number designation. 180 §149:1993, Mechanical refrigerating systems used for cooling and heating — Safety requirements. IEC 335-2-24:1992, Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Part 2: Particular requirements for refrigerators, food freezers and ice-makers. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 household frost-free appliance: Insulated cabi- ‘et of suitable volume and equipment for household use, cooled by one or more energy-consuming ‘means, in which all compartments are automatically defrosted with automatic disposal of the defrost wa- ‘er, and at least one compartment is cooled by a ostfree system (see 3.1.5), 3.1.1 household frost-free refrigerator (hereinafter referred to as “refrigerator’|: Frost-free appliance having one or more compartments intended for the preservation of food, one at least of which is suitable for the storage of fresh food, 3.12 household frost-free _refrigerator-freeze! (hereinafter referred to as “refrigerator-freezer” Frost-free appliance having two or more compart ments. At least one compartment (the fresh food storage compartment) is suitable for the storage of fresh food, and at least one compartment (the food freezer com- partment) is suitable for freezing fresh food and for the storage of frozen food under “three star” storage conditions (see}. household refrigerator-freezer type |: A refrigerator-freezer having a single temperature con- ‘trol device for regulating the temperatures of the fresh food storage and food freezer compartments.” household refrigerator-freezer type Il: A refrigerator-freezer having the means for separate regulation of the temperatures of the fresh food stor- ‘age and food freezer compartments. 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 817:1974) 3.1.3 household frost-free frozen food storage cabinet (hereinafter referred to as “frozen food stor- ‘age cabinet"): Frostree appliance having one or more compartments which is (are) suitable for the storage of frozen food under “three star” storage conditions (see 9 3.1.4 household frost-free food freezer (herein- after referred to as “food freezer"): Frost-ree appli- ance having one or more compartments suitable for freezing, from + 25 °C to ~ 18 °C for class SN, N and ST appliances, + 32°C to — 18°C for class T appli- ances (see clause 4), a quantity of at least 4,5 kg of test packages per 100! of its storage volume in 24h, and in no case less than 2kg, under the test conditions specified in clause 17, and which is also Suitable for the storage of frozen food under “three star” storage conditions (see NOTE 1 From the point of view of installation, there are various types of household refrigerating appliances freestanding, wall mounted, builtin, ete 3.1.5 frost-free system: System in which cooling is provided by forced air circulation and the evaporatoris) is (are) defrosted by an automatic defrost system. Characteristics of the “frost-free” system are: a) the system is automatically operated to prevent the permenent formation of frost on all refriger- ated surfaces; 5) no accumulation of ice or frost forms on the stored food; ©) storage temperatures in the fresh food compart: ment, the frozen food storage andjor freezer compartment and the cellar compartment (if any) are maintained within the limits specified in this International Standard; d) the water from defrosting is disposed of auto- matically, 3.2 Compartments and sections 3.2.1 fresh food storage compartment: Compart- ‘Ment intended for the storage of unfrozen food, which may be itself divided into sub-compart ments, and in Which the temperatures can be maintained in accord- ance with 6.2.1 2) In the case of a cellar compartment there can be an additional means for regulating the temperature of that compartment 3). In certain instances, “two star” 5 "ions andjor compartments are permitted within the appliance (see 7.2.6) 3.2.2. collar compartment: Compartment intended for the storage of particular foods or beverages at 2 temperature warmer than that of the fresh food stor- ‘age compartment, and in which the temperatures can be maintained in accordance with 6.2.1 3.23 low-temperature compartment: Compart- ment which may be either — an ice-making compartment; or — a frozen food storage compartment, 3.2.4 ice-making compartment: Compartment in- tended specifically for the freezing and storage of water ice-cubes, 3.2.5 frozen food storage compartments: Com- partments intended specifically for the storage of fro- zen food. They are classified according to their temperature, as follows. “one star” compartment: Compartment in which the storage temperature (see, meas- ured as described in clause 13, is not warmer than -6°C “two star” compartment: Compartment in which the storage temperature (see, meas ured as described in clause 13, is not warmer then 12°C, “two star” section: Part of a food freezer compartment (or cabinet) or of 2 “three star” com- partment (or cabinet) which is not self-contained (i.e. which does not have its own individual access door or lid), in which the storage temperature (see, measured as described in clause 13, is not warmer than ~ 12 °C (see 7.2.6) “three star” compartment: Compartment in which the storage temperature (see measured as described in clause 13, is not warmer than — 18 °C.4 3.2.6 food freezer compartment: Compartment suitable for freezing from + 25 °C to ~ 18 °C for class. SN, N and ST appliances, and from +32°C to = 18 °C for class T appliances (see clause 4), a quan- tity of at least 4,5 kg of test packages per 100 | of its storage volume in 24h, and in no case less than 2kg, under the test conditions specified in clause 17, and which is also suitable for the storage Page 5 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 of frozen food under “three star” storage conditions (see" 3.3. General definitions 3.3.1 top-opening type: Appliance in which the compartmentis) is (are) accessible from the top. 3.3.2 upright type: Appliance in which the Ccompartmentis) is (ere) accessible from the front. 3.3.3 overall dimensions {doors or lids closed): Measurements of the rectangular parallelepiped, whose base is horizontal, within which the appliance is inscribed to include the complete appliance except for the handle, the protrusion of which, if any, is to be specified separately. 3.3.4 overall space required in use (doors or lids open): Overall dimensions including the handle, in- creased by the space necessary for free circulation of the cooling air when the appliance is in service, plus the space necessary to allow opening of the means of access to that minimum angle permitting removal of all removable parts such as containers and shelves (see figure 1). Figure 1 — Overall space required in use (upright type) 3.3.5 Volumes gross volume: The volume within the inside walls of the appliance, or of a compartment with ex- ternal door, without internal fittings, doors or lids be- ing closed. 4)_ In certain instances, “two star” sections andjor compartments are permitted within the compartment (or cabinet) (see 7.26) Page 6 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 The gross volume is calculated by subtracting from the total volume the volume occupied by eir ducts, evaporator, fan and other associated accessories, rated gross volume: Gross volume stated by the manufacturer. total gross volume: Sum of the gross vol umes of the fresh food storage compartment{s), low temperature compartmentis), food —_ freezer compartment [including any "two star” section(s), andjor compart ment(s) contained therein], and cellar compartment(s}, as applicable, even if their doors or lids are independent. tated total gross volume: Total gross vol ume stated by the manufacturer. storage volume: That part of the gross vol- ume of any compartment which remains after de- duction of the volume of components and spaces recognized as unusable for the storage of food, de- termined by the method given in 7.2. rated storage volume stated by the manufacturer. Storage volume 3.35.7 total storage volume: Sum of the storage volumes of the appliance, comprising the storage volumes of the fresh food storage compartment) low-temperature compartmentls), food freezer com- partment [including any “two star” section(s) andjor Compartmentis) contained therein} and collar compartments), as applicable. 3.35.8 rated total storage volume: Total storage volume stated by the manufacturer. 3.3.6 Storage surface shelf: For the purpose of this International Standard, @ shelf is any horizontal surface (shelves, Partitions, etc.) on which food can be placed. It may be formed by one component or by compo- nents fitted side by side, which may be fixed or re- movable, storage shelf area: Sum of the horizontal projections of the storage surtaces within the storage Volume including door shelves and the bottom of each compartment, determined in accordance with 7.3. rated storage shelf area: stated by the manufacturer. Storage shelf area 3.3.7 load limit(s): Surface enveloping the frozen food storage volume(s). 3.3.8 load limit line(s): Permanent mark{s) indicat- ing the limits of “three star” frozen food storage volume(s) 3.4 Definitions relating to some performance characteristics 3.4.1 energy consumption: Consumption of an ap: pliance over @ period of 24 h, running under stable ‘operating conditions at an ambient temperature of + 25 °C (in the case of class SN, class N and class ST appliances) or +32 °C (in the case of class T appli- ances (see clause 4) and measured under the con- ditions specified in clause 15. NOTE 2 In some countries a different method for the ‘measurement of energy consumption is required by low (see annex A, 3.42 rated energy consumption: Energy con- sumption stated by the manufacturer. 3.4.3 Storage temperatures 3.43.1 fresh food storage temperature, /,; Arith- metical average of the instantaneous temperatures 1h, & aNd f, measured in “M” packages (see 3.4.6) and placed at given points in the fresh food storage com- partment as specified in 8.5 ‘rma iS the maximum value Of fp 3.43.2 frozen food storage temperature, :** 1**,1* (28 appropriatel: Maximum temperature of the warmest “M” package of a load placed in storage as specified in 8.6. 3.43.3 cellar compartment temperature, Arithmetical average of the instantaneous tern tures fey, fz and fy (88 appropriate) measured in " packages (see 3.4.6) and placed at given points in the cellar compartment as specified in 8.5, formes iS the maximum value Of fp 3.44 freezing capacity: Mass of test packages whose temperature (taken as the instantaneous arithmetical mean temperature of all the “M" pack- ‘ages) can be lowered from the loading temperature of +25 °C or +32 °C (see 3.1.4 or 3.26) to - 18°C in 24h under the test conditions specified in clause 17. The freezing capacity is expressed in kilo- grams. rated freezing capacity: Freezing capacity stated by the manufacturer. ~s* TNT 45.1 automatically defrosted: An evaporator is automatically defrosted where no action is necessary by the user to intiate the removal of frost accumu- lation nor to restore normal operation, and where the disposal of the defrost water is automatic 3.45.2. automatic disposal of defrost water: Dis- posal of defrost water is automatic where the removal and the evaporation of the defrost water does not re- quire any action by the user. 3.4.6 “M™ package: A test package in accordance with 8.2, of dimensions 60 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm, fitted with a temperature sensor at its geo- metric centre. 3.47 Cycles operating cycle: That period which com- ‘mences at the initiation of a defrosting cycle and ter- minates at the moment of initiation of the next defrosting cycle. defrosting cycle: The period between the moment when the means of defrosting the evaporator(s) is switched on and the moment when, the refrigeration process is re-established. 3.4.8 stable operating conditions: Stable operating conditions exist when the appliance has been left cunning for a minimum time according to the manu- facturer's instruction without any adjustment of tem- perature control setting(s) during this time, and when there is no marked trend away from the storage ‘temperatures (see table 2) after this time. 3.4.9 percentage running time, R’ (apparatus with ‘onjoff control for the refrigerating source): Under given conditions of ambient temperature and of internal storage temperature, the ratio ox R= Z «100 where dis the duration of the refrigerating system ‘operation during an operating cycle (see; D’ is the total duration of the operating cycle minus the duration of the defrosting cycle (see, even if defrosting occurs by a hot-gas system (see also figure 2) ‘When calculating the percentage running time for an appliance in accordance with this International Stan- Page 7 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 dard, the duration of the defrosting cycle must be taken into account, R’ has been introduced in order to have a clear distinction between this and the per- centage running time R of conventional appliances. For appliances with a hot-gas defrosting system, the time required for hot-gas defrosting shall not be in- cluded in the running time of the refrigerating unit, 3.4.10 ice-making capacity: Quantity of ice the ap- pliance is capable of producing within 24 h, or the time necessary for the freezing of the water in the ice tray(s) supplied with the appliance. 3.4.11 ambient temperature: Temperature in the space surrounding the appliance under test. It is the arithmetical average of the mean value of tempera- tures fy and fy, measured at two points located 360 mm from the vertical centreiine of the side walls of the appliance at 1m above the floor line. 3.4.12 temperature rise time: Period between the moment when, under specified test conditions, the temperature of the warmest ”M" package in the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) or in any “three star” compartment (or cabinet) reaches — 18 °C to the moment when any of the "M” packages (excluding any “two star” sections) first reaches a temperature of ~ 9 °C when the operation of the refrigerating sys tem is interrupted. 3.5 Definitions relating to the refrigerating sys- tem 3.5.1 refrigerant: Fluid used for heat transfer in 2 refrigerating system, which absorbs heat at a low temperature and 2 low pressure of the fluid and re- jects heat at a higher temperature and a higher pressure of the fluid, usually involving changes of state of the fluid 3.5.2. cooling device: Device containing the evaporator or in thermal contact with the evaporator: it may be a device with fins or may be suitably shaped for the storage of frozen food or water ice-cubes. 3.6 Definitions relating to compression-type ap- pliances 3.6.1 compression-type appliance: Appliance in which refrigeration is effected by the vaporization at low pressure in a heat exchanger (evaporator) of a liquid refrigerant, the vapour thus formed being re- stored to the liquid state by mechanical compression to a higher pressure and subsequent cooling in an- other heat exchanger (condenser, Page 8 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 3.6.2 hermetically seated motor-driven refriger- ating compressor: Motor-compressor in which the compressor and the electric motor (or its moving parts at least) are enclosed in a shell rendered gastight by ‘welding, brazing or other means such that dismanting is not normally possible after assembly. It does not include moving parts outside the shell 3.63 hermetically sealed compressor refrigerat- ing system: Complete system, essentially comprising a hermetically sealed motor-driven compressor, a condenser, a pressure-reducing device, an evaporator, and all other parts containing refrigerant permanently interconnected by the manufacturer by welding, braz- ing or other means. 3.6.4 refrigerant compressor: Mechanically oper- ated component which withdraws refrigerant vapour from the evaporator and discharges it at a higher pressure to the condenser. 3.65 expansion device: Device in which the pressure of the refrigerant is reduced from that of the condensed liquid to that of the evaporator. 3.6.6 condenser: Heat exchanger in which, after compression, vaporized refrigerant is liquefied by re- jecting heat to an external cooling medium. 3.6.7. evaporator: Heat exchanger in which, after expansion, the liquid refrigerant is vaporized by ab- sorbing heat from the medium to be refrigerated 3.68 thermostat: Device which automatically regu: lates the operation of a refrigerating system according to the temperature of an evaporator or of a compart- ment (or cabinet). 3.69 fan: Device which provides cooling by means of a forced air stream to a condenser and/or to one or more compartments of the appliance. 3.6.10 defrost timer: Device which controls the ini- tiation, duration and time lapse between defrost cy- dles. 11 demand defrost: System of defrost control in which the initiation of the defrost cycle is controlled by the rate of accumulation of frost on the evaporator surfaces. 3.6.12 defrost heater: Device which provides heat to the frost formed on the evaporator in order to fa Gilitate the melting and removal of the ice. 4 Classification With respect to the ability of appliances to operate in extreme ambient temperatures, this International Standard relates to the four climate classes given in table 1 Table 1 — Climate classes Values in degrees Celsius Range of ambient ‘temperatures in which the appliances are intended to be used, ome Symbol and for which the Tequired storage ‘temperatures shall be fulfilled (see 6.2.1) Extended nee sn +1010 +92 Temperate N +16 10492 Subtropical st +1810 4-98 Tropical T +18 t0 +43 5 Materials, design and manufacture 5.1 Ger Appliances shall be constructed in such @ manner as to ensure adequate performance and durability in use. Their performance in use is checked by applying a series of relevant tests, This clause defines some characteristics which are not tested but to which the attention of the manu- facturer is drawn. 5.2. Materials and finishes Materials used inside appliances shall not transmit odours or taste to food. When testing in accordance with clause 19, the mean value of the individual re- sults during each evaluation for odour and taste shall not exceed mark 1 Materials used inside appliances shall not contam- inate food placed in contact with them nor transmit Poisonous substances to food. They shall be resistant to the action of moisture and food acids. All surface finishes shall, for the purpose intended, be resistant to impact, sufficiently hard, colour-fast, ‘smooth, easily washable, and resistant to damage by moisture and by food acids, 5.3 Thermal insulation and airtightness The thermal insulation of the appliance should be ef- ficient and permanently maintained. In particular, the insulating material shall not be subject to shrinkage and shall not allow, under normal working conditions, an excessive accumulation of moisture. No running water shall appear externally when the appliance is subjected to the water vapour condensation test specified in clause 14. When the door or lid is closed, there shall be no ab- normal ingress of air into the interior. A strip of paper shall not slide freely when door or lid seals are subjected to the airtightness test specified in clause 9. 5.4 Doors, lids and fittings Hinges and handles shall be strong and resistant to corrosion. External doors and lids of fresh food storage com- partments and cellar compartments shall withstand 400 000 openings and closings without deterioration, which may be prejudicial to the airtightness of the appliance when subjected to the durability test of clause 11. In the case of frozen food storage cebinets, food freezers and applisnces with the food freezer com- partment and the frozen food storage compartment, if any, having a separate access door or lid, the hinges and handles of the door or lid of that compartment (or cabinet) shall withstand 10000 openings and closings. The fastening system shall be such as to enable the door oF lid to be easily closed and opened. It shall be efficient and capable of maintaining its proper func- tion. For appliances having any compartment or section with a volume equal to or greater than 60, it shall be possible to open the door or lid of that compartment from the inside with 8 force not exceeding 70 N when subjected to the test specified in clause 10. The vok ume of any compartment (or cabinet) or section shall be determined when all shelves, parttions and other internal components removable without the aid of a tool have been removed. However, if the door or lid is provided with @ mechanical latch which can be locked by a removable key, and the door or lid cannot be closed with the key turned to the locked position, this requirement applies only when the latch is un- locked, provided that the appliance is accompanied Page 9 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 by an instruction stating that the key shall be kept out of the reach of children and not kept in the vicinity of the appliance. 5.5 Shelves and containers Shelves, containers and similar components shall have adequate mechanical strength. Those used for storing food shall withstand the loading test specified in clause 12 without showing such distortion that they could no longer fulfil their intended function. In particular, sliding or revolving components shall be capable of their full movernent when loaded, Shelves, containers and similar components which are intended to be removable should be easily re- moveble. 5.6 Disposal of defrost water ‘A means shall be provided for completely collecting the defrost water in an external receptacle wherein the defrost water is evaporated. ‘The defrost water receptacle should have adequate volume and should have adequate evaporating means. Any drainage system shall be designed to ensure its proper function. It shall be easily accessible for the clearing of any blockage, and shall be designed so as to prevent any undue ingress of air into the food storage compartments) (or cabinets} 5.7 Refrigerating system 5.7.1 The mechanical operation of the appliance should not give rise to undue noise or vibration. 5.7.2 The design of the condenser should be such a to reduce to @ minimum the accumulation of dust. 5.7.3 The evaporator shall be so designed or pro- tected so that it will not suffer any damage during the normal use of the appliance. The heat exchange surfaces shall be made of corrosion-resistant material, or shall be finished with 2 corrosion-proof non-poisonous coating resistant to temperature changes and alternating frosting and de- frosting 5.7.4 The means of adjustment of temperature con- trol devices, if intended to be adjusted by the user, should be readily accessible, and their function shall be such as to enable the appliance to meet the re- quirements of the performance tests. Page 10 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 5.7.5 Pipes and connections to moving or resiliently ‘mounted parts should be arranged so as not to gen- erate noise, not to touch nor to transmit vibrations to other parts, and should be so designed as to prevent. failure due to fatigue. All other pipes and connections should be securely anchored. Where necessary, pipes ‘and valves should be properly insulated. 5.7.6 Suitable means should be provided to prevent water condensed on cold parts from affecting the operation of the unit or its controls, or from causing ‘any other damage to the appliance and its sur roundings. 6 Required characteristics 6.1 Volumes and areas 6.1.1, Rated gross volume ‘The measured gross volume shall not be less than the rated gross volume by more than 3.% of the latter or 1 litre, whichever is the greater value. 6.1.2 Rated storage volume ‘The measured storage volume shall not be less than the rated storage volume by more than 3% of the latter or 1 litre, whichever is the greater value. 6.1.3 Rated cellar compartment storage volume The rated storage volume of any cellar compartment shall not be greater than the rated storage volume of the fresh food storage compartment. Where the vol- umes of the cellar compartment and fresh food stor- age compartment are adjustable relative to one another by the user, this requirement shall apply when the cellar compartment is adjusted to its mini- mum volume. 6.1.4 Rated storage shelf area ‘The measured storage shelf area, including that of any cellar compartment, shall not be less than the rated storage shelf area by more than 3 % of the latter. 6.2 Performance characteris 6.2.1. Storage temperatures Under the conditions specified in clause 13, the ap- Pliance shall be capable of maintaining, simu- taneously, the required storage temperatures in the different compartments as shown in table2 for the appropriate climate class, Appliances having additional frozen food storage Compartments shall comply simultaneously with the Conditions specified in table 2 for the appropriate cli- Table 2 — Storage temperatures for all climate classes (see clause 4) Values in dogrees Celsius Frozen food worage or ood Fresh ood storage compartment (so | fressarcomparimant cabinet | Colas compartment seo prea ior sections appebi sce be Seay end a8) fea Soman fe r Somme v[ Seomermm | ocuuaceto | cas le-wle-z]<-0| secumerie Permited wpe 1 | rwedorasonrite | ocnmecsi0 | ea7 [enw ]e-2] e-8| secumesu tot eee) NOTES ‘ot be greater than 4 h or 20 % of the duration of the operat 2 In the case of 1***, the duration of the deviation shall be temperature exceeds ~ 16 °C to that moment when the last colder ‘moment when tq returns permanently to + 5 °C or colder. ‘4 These two deviations need not occur simultaneously (see 1 The duration of the temperature deviation above the storage temperature (ine I” 2 In the case of t», the duration of the deviation shall be measur J as a result of a defrost cycle shall ing cycle, whichever is the shorter. 'e measured from the moment when the first "M" packdye "M™ package tempereture returns permanently to ~ 18 "C ot red from the moment when fq exceeds +5 °C to that figure? for example) 0.2x°x" nmax. Temperature, °C Page 11 EN ISO 8561 : 1995, | cenmencenent ot me retrigrating recess 02x °x" nmax. hm Last “M” package AOA. tec rte) Detrostingcycte ‘Operating cycle "Xn Time. Means of detrosting switched on Figure 2 — Example of an operating cycle of a frost-fr mate class and with the relevant classification tem- perature specified in 3.2.5 6.2.2 Freezing capacity (if applicable) The freezing capacity measured in accordance with clause 17 on the first appliance tested shall not be less than the rated freezing capacity by more than 15 % of the latter. If the result of the test carried out on the first appli- ‘ance is less than the declared value minus 15 %, the ‘test shall be carried out on a further three appliances. ‘The arithmetical mean of the freezing capacity values of these three appliances shall be equal to or greater than the declared value minus 10 %. refrigerator-freezer ‘The minimum freezing capacity in accordance with 3.1.4 oF 3.2.6 and the requirement of, as ap- propriate, shall be respected. 6.2.3 Energy consumption If the energy consumption is stated by the manufac- turer, the value measured in the energy-consumption test on the first appliance tested shall not be greater than the rated energy consumption by more than 15 % of the latter. Hf the result of the test cartied out on the first appli- ance is greater than the declared value plus 15 %, the test shall be carried out on a further three appliances. The arithmetical mean of the energy-consumption values of these three appliances shall be equal to or less than the declared value plus 10 %. Page 12 EN ISO 8561 6.2.4 Ice making (if applicable) Hf the ice-making capacity is stated by the manufac- turer, the value measured in accordence with clause. 18 shall not be less than the declared value by more than 15 % of the latter. If the ice-making capacity obtained from the first test is less than the declared value minus 15 %, the test shall be carried out on a further three appliances, The arithmetical mean of the ice-making capacity val- ves of these three appliances shall be equal to or greater than the declared value minus 10 %. 625 Temperature rise time (if applicable) If the temperature rise time is stated by the manu- facturer, the value measured in accordance with clause 16 on the first appliance tested shall not be shorter than the declared value by more than 15%, of the latter. If the result of the test on the first appliance is less than the declared value minus 15 %, the test shall be carried out on a further three appliances, The arith- metical mean of the periods of temperature rise of these three appliances shall be equal to or greater than the declared value minus 10 %. 7 Determination of linear dimensions, volumes and areas The measurements are carried out on the appliance as delivered and not operating. If there is a cellar ‘compartment, the volume of which is adjustable, the ‘measurements shall be made with this compartment, adjusted to both its minimum and maximum volumes (see 6.1.3) 7.1. Determination of linear dimensions Linear dimensions shall be measured to the nearest, millimetre. 7.2 Determination of volumes Volumes shall be expressed in a whole number of cubic decimetres or of litres. 7.2.1 Determination of gross volume The gross volume shall be calculated by dividing the total volume into convenient units of volumes of geometric shapes which can essilv be measured. When the gross volume is determined, internal fit- tings such as shelves, removable partitions, contain- ers, evaporators, thermostats and interior light housings shall be considered as not being in place. However, the gross volume shall take into account the exact shapes of the walls if they contain de- pressions or projections. ‘Any volume which is inaccessible because of air duets, fans, evaporator and other associated access- ries shall also be deducted [for examples see figures 18 a) to 18 dl} 7.22 Determination of the total storage volume The total storage volume of the appliance shall be the ‘sum of the storage volumes of the fresh food storage compartments), cellar compartments), ice-making ‘compartmentis), frozen food storage compartments), and food freezer compartment{s), as applicable. For the determination of storage volumes, the total volume of devices and of spaces considered unusable for the storage of food shall be deducted from the gross volume calculated in accordance with 7.2.1 [see 7.2.3 for fresh food storage compartments and cellar compartments, and 7.2.4 and 7.2.5 for low- temperature compartments (or cabinets) and food freezer compartment(s) (or cabinets), if applicable} 7.2.3 Storage volume of fresh food storage and cellar compartments (if applicable) The storage volume of the fresh food storage and cellar compartments shall be the gross volume of the compartment minus — the volume of the evaporator space, as defined in 7.23.1, if applicable; — the volume of any housings (such as those for in- terior lights, thermostats and other devices); — the volume of shelves, partitions, retainers and other accessories, whose wall thickness is greater than 13 mm, as defined in 7.2.7; — the space between the inner door protrusion (dykes) and the inner liner of the fresh food stor- ‘age compartment and cellar compartment. Where the volumes of the cellar compartment and fresh food storage compartment are adjustable rela- tive to one another by the user, the storage volumes of these compartments shall be determined with the cellar compartment adjusted to its minimum and maximum volumes, Volume of the evaporator space (if applicable) The volume of the evaporator space shall be the product of the depth, width and height, defined as follows. Depth ‘The depth of the evaporator space shall be the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear sur- faces of the enclosed space of the cabinet, measured at the level of the evaporator, unless there is a space provided in front of the evaporator for food storage. Where a storage space is located in front of the evaporator, the depth of the evaporator space shall be taken as the mean horizontal distance from the inner surface of the rear of the enclosed space of the cabinet to the foremost part of the evaporator, or of the evaporator door if fitted. Width ‘The width of the evaporator space shall be the overall horizontal width of the evaporator itself (neglecting suction headers near the top of the evaporator) or, if side ribs are used, the overall width including the ribs. If there is less than 70 mm horizontal distance be- tween the evaporator or the ribs and an inside wall of the enclosed space of the cabinet, such space shall be computed as part of the evaporator space. 7.23.13 Height ‘The height of the evaporator space shall be the mean vertical distance between the lower limit of the evaporator and the upper partition of the food storage compartment, If the free space between the upper surface or top of the evaporator and the upper partition of the food storage compartment exceeds 40 mm, it shall be added to the storage volume of the fresh food storage compartment. The evaporator height shall include any intemal drip tray andjor drip collector. 7.2.4 Storage volume of ice-making compartments The storage volume of the ice-making compartments, shall be the sum of the volumes of all the compart- Ments of this type in the appliance. Page 13 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 The volumes of these compartments shall be deter- mined in a similar manner to that specified in 7.2.2 and 7.2.3, as appropriate. 7.25 Storage volume of food freezer compartments (or cabinets) and frozen food storage compartments (or cabinets) For the determination of the storage volume of these compartments (or cabinets), the total volume which is unsuitable for storage shall be determined and then deducted from the gross volume determined as indi- cated in 7.2.1 The total volume to be deducted shall comprise (for examples, see figure 19): a) the volume of spaces situated outside any load limit (natural or marked by the manufacturer); b) the volume of spaces provided specifically for making and storing ice, except in the case of ap- pliances fitted with automatic icemakers, when the volume occupied by a removable storage bucket shall be included in the storage volume unless it is specified in the instructions for use that this volume is suitable for the storage of ice only; c) the volume of spaces between the front stack(s) of the test package load (see and the inner vertical surface of the door or any projection from the door where the horizontal distance be- ‘tween the front face of the stack(s) and the inner door surface or projection exceeds 15 mm; 4) the volume of all fixed components within the load limits; e) the volume of spaces which are to be kept free for the good performance of the refrigerating system; f) the volume of all removable parts which are stated by the manufacturer as necessary for the proper functioning of the appliance, except shelves and partitions whose thickness is not greater than 13 mm (see; @) the volume rendered unusable by the use of re- movable parts (for example, baskets, shelves) necessary for obtaining satisfactory thermal and mechanical characteristics (see also 8.3.4); h) any volume where the vertical clearance is less than 62 mm; Page 14 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 i) any volume where it is impossible to place an “M" package of nominal dimensions, NOTE 3 There is no equivalence between the value of the storage volume determined in accordance with the principles mentioned above and the volume of the packages loaded into the appliance for the storage and freezing tests. The free spaces specified in the test methods could be uti- lized in normal use and their volume should not be deducted from the gioss volume when calculating the storage vol- 71.26 “Two star” sections and/or compartments in food freezer compartments (or cabinets) and in “three star” compartments (or cabinets) ‘A “two star” section or compartment is permitted both in the door and in the remaining storage volume when all the following conditions are met: a) the “two star” section(s) or compartmentis) is (are) marked with the appropriate identification symbol; bo) the “two star” section(s) and/or compartments) is (are) separated from the “three star” volume by a partition, container, or similar construction; C) the rated total “two star” storage volume does not exceed 20 % of the “three star” storage vol ume of the compartment (or cabinet), or 30 | whichever is the smaller value; 4) the instructions for use give clear guidance re- garding the “two star’ section(s) and/or ‘compartmentis); ©) the storage volume of the “two star” section(s) andjor compartmentts) is stated separately and is, Not included in the “three star” volume. 7.2.7 Volumes of shelves and partitions (for examples, see figure 20) Thickness The thickness of a shelf or partition shall be the mean distance between its outer surfaces. Where the surface of a shelf or partition is corrugated or fitted with external pipe grids, the surface shall be the plane joining the outer apices of the corrugations. or pipes, unless the distance between adjacent corrugations or pines is greater than 100 mm. Full shelves and partitions ‘The volume of a full shelf or partition shall be the Product of its thickness and its depth, width or height, whichever two of these are applicable. The depth, width and height shall be those dimensions of the enclosed space of the cabinet which apply in the plane of the shelf or partition Fractional shelves and partitions (if applicable) The volume of a fractional shelf or partition shall be the product of its thickness and its depth, width or height, whichever two of these are applicable. ‘The depth, width or height shall be the distances from the adjacent surfaces of the enclosed space of the cabinet, and normal to those surfaces, to the further edges of the shelf or partition, or to the evaporator in cases where the fractional shelf or partition touches it if applicable. A horizontal shelf or partition, the edges of which are more than 70 mm from the surfaces of the enclosed space of the cabinet, shall be regarded as a fractional shelf or partition. A vertical partition, the edges of Which are more than 100 mm from the surfaces of the enclosed space of the cabinet, shall be regarded as a fractional partition. 7.3 Determination of storage shelf area ‘The area shall be expressed in square decimetres. 7.3.1 Determination of the area of shetve Full shelves composed of a single part In the case of a full shelf composed of a single part, the area shall be the product of the width and depth These two dimensions shall be determined as fol lows. — Width: mean distance measured parallel to the surface of the shelf between the inner surfaces of the side walls of the enclosed space of the cabinet, where this dimension does not exceed the actual width of the shelf by more than 20 mm [see figure 14 al. — Depth: mean distance measured parallel to the surface of the shelf (or of the bottom of the appli- ance) between the inner surfaces of the front and rear walls of the enclosed space of the cabinet, where this dimension does not exceed the actual depth of the shelf by more than 20 mm [see fig- ure 14 bi]. When the door of an upright-type ap- pliance is provided with shelves, this distance shall be determined by analogy [see figures 14 c) and 14d) Fractional shelves For the purpose of calculating the area of fractional shelves, the width and depth shall be measured par- allel to the surface of the shelves in a similar way to that for full shelves (see, but taking into ec- count figure 14 e). Cut-away shelves ‘When a shelf is cut away, the area of the portion cut out shall be deducted. Juxtaposed shelves In the case of juxtaposed shelves, the depth shall be determined in accordance with figure 14 d). Door shelves The area shall be the product of the width and depth. ‘These two dimensions shall be determined by ani ogy with, as follows. — Width: mean distance between the inner surfaces of the side walls of the door compartment or be- tween the side edges of the retainer bar. — Depth: mean distance between the surface of the door wall and the vertical plane tangential to the inner front surface of the shelf or retainer bar [see figure 14 o)} 6 Baskets and contair ‘The area shall be the product of the two mean hori- zontal dimensions (see figure 15 a}. Particular cases General The bottom of the enclosed space of the cabinet shall be considered as a shelf When an inner wall is not vertical, the dimension of the shelf shall be measured at the mid-height be- tween the shelf under consideration and the shelf or horizontal surface immediately above. Fresh food storage compartment and cellar compartment, if any Any part of full shelves, baskets or of the bottom of ‘2 compartment having less than 100mm vertical clearance above, when all the shelves and baskets are in position, shall be excluded when calculating the Page 15 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 storage area. However, it is admissible that for one full shelf or basket the vertical clearance may be re- duced to not less than 80 mm [see figure 15 bl} Food freezer compartments (or cabinets) and low-temperature compartments (or cabinets) Any part of full shelves, baskets or of the bottom of 2 food freezer compartment (or cabinet) or frozen food, storage compartment (or cabinet) having less than 52 mm vertical clearance above, when all the sheives and baskets are in position, shall be excluded when calculating the storage area [see figure 15 b)) In the case of an ice-making compartment, the mini- mum vertical clearance shall not be less than 40 mm. 7.3.2. Drip tray The drip tray shall not be considered as a food shelf area. 7.3.3. Suspended cont Fresh food storage compartment and cellar compartment, if any The area of the interior surface of the bottom of a suspended container and the area of the shelf im- ‘mediately below shall not both be counted unless the vertical clearance between this shelf and the exterior surface of the bottom of the container is at least 100 mm, Nevertheless, in the case of one container (and one only), this minimum clearance may be reduced to 80 mm to the extent where this possibility has not, been applied for the shelves. If the minimum vertical clearance within a suspended container, as measured between the interior surface of the bottom and the cover, or to the shelf immedi- ately above, is less than 40 mm, the bottom area of the container shall not be added. Food freezer compartments (or cabinets) and low-temperature compartments (or cabinets) For a food freezer compartment (or cabinet) or frozen food storage compartment (or cabinet, the dimension of the minimum vertical clearances specified in is 62 mm in all cases. For an ice-making compartment, the minimum vertical clearance dimension is 40 mm in all cases. Page 16 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 8 General test conditions ‘The order of carrying out the tests need not necess- arily follow the sequence of the clauses given in this International Standard, The results of the tests shall appear in a test report. ‘When necessary, particular information to be noted in this report is mentioned as a special item of the sub- clause concerning the test. The manufacturer's storage plans shall be used, pro- vided that they are in accordance with this Inter national Standard (see 13.1.2). 8.1 Test room ‘The appiance shall be set up in a test room as spect fied in 8.1.3. 8.1.1, Ambient temperature Tests*shall be carried out under the following con- ditions of ambient temperature: 8) for checking the storage temperatures of refriger- ators and refrigerator-treezers: +10 °C and + 32 °C for class SN appliances + 16°C and +32 °C for class N appliances +18 °C and + 38 °C for class ST appliances + 18 °C and + 43 °C for class T appliances b) for checking the storage temperatures of frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers:* 4+ 82°C for class SN and N appliances +38 °C for class ST appliances + 43°C for class T appliances ©) for checking the energy consumption®, tempera- ture rise time and food freezing capacity of all ap- pliances, as applicable: 5) See annex A for particular conditions, +25 °°C for class SN, class N and class ST ap- +32 °C for class T appliances d)_ for all other tests, at the temperature stated in the test specifications. The temperature at each measurement point (see 3.4.11) shall be kept constant within + 0,5 K of the nominal ambient temperature both during the periods required for obtaining stable operating conditions and during the tests. The vertical ambient temperature gradient from the platform specified in 8.1.3 to a height of 2 m shall not exceed 2 Kim. 8.1.2, Humidity Unless otherwise specified, relative humidity shall be kept between 45 % and 75 %. 8.1.3 Installation of appliances Each appliance shall be placed on a wooden solid-top Platform, painted dull black, open for free air circu- lation under the platform. The top of the platform shall be 0,3 m above the test room floor and shall extend at least 0,3 m, but not more than 0,6 m, beyond all sides of the appliance, except at the rear where it shall extend to the vertical partition. Circulation of air about the appliance shall be re- stricted by surrounding the appliance by three vertical partitions, painted dull black, arranged as follows: a) one of the partitions shall be placed parallel to the reat of the appliance, against the stops or at the distance specified by the manufacturer in con: nection with the required overall space; b) the two other partitions shall be parallel to the sides of the cabinet, and shall be fixed on the platform 0,3 m from the sides of the cabinet; they shall be 0,3 m wide. 6) In some countries (see annex A) energy measurement tests for all climate classes are made at +32 °C. “SHIT The whole partition structure shall have the form and dimensions shown in figure 3. Dimensions in metres 03 e+ + Figure 3 — Partitions to restrict (plan view) The vertical partitions shall present no discontinuity. They shall be of such a height that they extend at least 0,3 m above the top of the appliance. The appliance shall be so placed or shielded as to prevent direct radiation to or from the space cooling fr heating equipment in the test room, and shall be placed far enough away from all other objects in the test room to eliminate any possibility of any point in the space in which it is situated being at a tempera- ture other than ambient. Ar circulation in the test room shall be such that the specified ambient temperstures are obtained within the limits of the specified tolerances. The appliance Under test shall be shielded from any air currents of velocity above 0,25 mjs. ‘The air circulation in the test room shall not interfere with the normal air circulation created by the appii- ance. If the surface temperature of the floor of the test room, measured by thermocouples at points vertically below the ambient temperature measuring points, is within 1,5 K of the specified ambient temperature, the appliance may be placed directly on the floor. ‘Appliances intended to be builtin shall be built in ac- cording to the manufacturer's instructions. Built-in appliances intended to be combined with ap- pliances other than refrigerating appliances shall be subjected to the tests while they are combined, but with the other appliance not functioning. Page 17 IN ISO 8561 : 1995 8.2 Test packages When tests are carried out with a loaded appliance, test packages in the form of right parallelepipeds shall be used. 8.2.1 Dimensions and tolerances ‘Their size, prior to freezing, and their mass, packaging included, shall be as specified in table. Table 3 — Dimensions and mass of test packages Dimensions Mass mm 9 25 x 60x 100 125 50 x 100 x 100 500 50 x 100 x 200 1.000 Tolerances shall be as follows: a) on linear dimensions: + 1,5 mm for dimensions 25 mm and 60 mm £3,0mm for dimensions 100mm and 200 mm b) on mass: + 2%. 82.2 Composition The packages shall consist of the following, @) A suitable filling material containing, per 1 000 g: 230 g of oxyethylmethyicellulose 764,2 g of water” 5 g of sodium chloride 0,8 g of 6-chloro-mcresol. 7). The addition of about 4 % of water is recommended in order to compensate for evaporation during the preparation of the filing material Page 18 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 The freezing point of this material is - 1 °C (its thermal characteristics correspond to those of lean beet) The following alternative composition of test packages with a freezing point near — 5 °C may be used: 232 g oxyethylmethyicellulose 725 g of water 43 g of sodium chloride 0.8 g of 6-chioro-m-cresol In case of dispute, the first test package compo- sition shall be used as reference test package. b)_ Awrapper, consisting of a sheet of plastic® or any other suitable material of such @ nature that ex- change of moisture with the ambient medium is negligible. After filing, the wrapping sheet shall be sealed, 823 “M" packages Some of the 500g packages (50 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm) are equipped for temperature measure- ‘ment, being fitted with thermocouples® which are in- serted in the geometrical centre of the packages in direct contact with the filling material. All precautions shall be taken to minimize extraneous conduction of heat. These packages are called "M" packages. 8.3 Operating requirements for the appliance 8.3.1 Thermostat setting The thermostat setting requirements are specified for each test. ‘When the appliance is fitted with @ thermostat which is not designed for adjustment by the user, the appi- ance shall be tested in the condition as delivered. 8.3.2 Anti-condensation heaters {If an appliance is fitted with an anti-condensation heater which can be switched on and off by the user, this shall be switched on except for the energy- consumption test, when it shall be switched on only if it is needed to withstand the water vapour condensation test. If adjustable, it shall be set at ‘maximum heating, 8.3.3 Electric power supply” The appliance shall be tested at the reted voltage and frequency, or at the mean of the rated voltage range 21%, 8.3.4 General conditions for the use of baskets, containers, and shelves and trays All shelves, and only those baskets, containers and trays which have been taken into consideration when determining the storage volume, shall be in position, 8.4 Measuring instruments Temperatures shall be measured with temperature probes, the sensors of which are inserted either in “M'" packages for measuring the internal tempera- tures (for all performance tests) or, for measuring the ambient temperature, in the centre of tin-covered solid copper or brass cylinders having a mass of 25 g and of minimum external area (diameter = height = about 15,2 mm). The temperatures shall be recorded, ‘Temperature-measuring instruments shall be accurate to within + 0,3 K. ‘The relative humidity shall be measured and recorded ‘at a point which is representative. The accuracy of the ‘measuring instruments shall be such that the result, ‘expressed as the dew point, is accurate to within £03 K, ‘Watt-hour meters shall be readable to 0,01 kWh and be accurate to within + 1 %. The measuring accuracy shall be stated in the test report 85 Measurement of the temperature of the fresh food storage compartment and cell compartment (if applicable) The temperatures f, f, f (See and fs. tex fa (see shall be measured in "M" packages, as specified in the particular test procedure, suspended with the largest surface horizontal, the temperature- sensing points 7,, T,, Ts and Tey, Tea Teg being located at the pleces shown in figures 10 and 11 halfway be- 8) itis advisable to use a laminated sheet, consisting of @ layer of high-pressure polyethylene, easily sealable, 120 ym thick, together with an external sheet of polyterephthalate approximately 12,5 um thick, the two layers being bonded together. 9) Or any other temperature-measuring device giving equivalent precision, 10) See annex A for particular conditions, s+ TMI tween the rear internal wall of the appliance and the internal wall of the closed door. The storage tem- PEFALUTES fn max 20 fer mox Shall then be calculated as specified in and The conditions given in table? shall be respected. The means of suspension shall have the smallest possible cross-section and the lowest possible ther- mal conductivity, arranged in such a way that they do ‘ot significantly interfere with the normal air circu- lation, If internal components do not allow the temperatures 1, ff 90 fy, eg, fog tO be read at the points speck fied, readings may be taken in positions such that one of the surfaces of the "M” package is no more than 25mm. from the point specified. If the interior ar- rangement of the fresh food storage compartment and cellar compartment does not conform to those shown in figures 10 and 11, the temperatures fy, f 1 and fe, fe. fey Shall be read in positions determined by analogy with the positions indicated. The temperatures shall be recorded. The “M” pack- ages shall be separated from any heat conducting surface by at least 25 mm of air space. Connections from the measuring instruments shall be arranged in such a manner as not to interfere with the air seal of the food storage compartment. 8.6 Measurement of the temperature of food freezer compartments (or cabinets) and frozen food storage compartments (or cabinets) or sections (see also 7.2.6) The temperatures shall be measured in “M" pack ages which are distributed throughout the load of test packages specified in the storage plan (see 13.1.2) ‘The temperature of each compartment (or cabinet) or section is then the maximum temperature of the warmest "M" package in that compartment (or cabi- net) or section (see The conditions given in table2 shall be respected, 8.7 Test period The test period shall start at least 24h after stable operating conditions have been attained, The test pe- riod shall start at the beginning of an operating cycle; shall be of at least 24 h duration and shall comprise 2 whole number of operating cycles. If an operating cycle starts but is not completed during the 24 h pe- riod, the test shall continue until the end of that operating cycle, Page 19 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 I one operating cycle is not completed during a 72 h period, the test period shall be terminated at the end of 72h. 9 Testing the airtightness of door or lid seall(s) ‘The purpose of this test is to ensure that the gasket(s) of the door's) or lid{s) of the appliance adequately preventis) any abnormal ingress of the surrounding air 9.1 Procedure ‘The ambient temperature shall be between + 16 °C and + 32 °C, The appliance shall be switched off and shall be in equilibrium with the ambient temperature before carrying out the test. {A strip of paper 50 mm wide and 0,08 mm thick and of suitable length shall be inserted at any point of the seal, and the door or lid shall be closed normally on it. The verification of the thickness of the paper used shall be in accordance with ISO 534. ‘The seal shall be assessed by checking that the strip of paper does not siide freely. The most unfavourable points may be found by in- ‘specting the area around the seal with the appliance closed and illuminated from the inside. This test shall be carried out both before and after the mechanical durability test (see clause 11) 9.2 Test report The test report shall indicate whether the tightness of the door or lid seals) meets the requirements of the last paragraph of 5.3. 10 Testing the opening force of door(s} or lid(s) The purpose of this test is to check that the door(s) of lid(s) can be opened from the inside. Compliance shall be checked by inspection and by the following test. 10.1. Procedure The ambient temperature shall be between +16 °C and + 32°C, The appliance shall be switched off and be in equilibrium with the ambient temperature. The door or lid shall be closed for a period of 1 h, after Page 20 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 which an “opening” test shall be carried out under the following conditions. The opening force of 70 N shall be considered as be- ing applied to the inside of the door or id of the ap- pliance at the midpoint of the edge furthest from the hinge axis in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the door or ld ‘The method of measurement shall be one of the fol- lowing: 4) by applying the force at a point on the outer sur face of the door or lid corresponding to the internal measuring point (for example, with the aid of a suction pad); ) if the handle of the door or lid is at the midpoint of the edge farthest from the hinge axis, by ap- plying @ force to the handle, the value of the force ‘required to open the door or lid from the inside being determined by proportional calculation from the distances of the handle and of the internal ‘measuring point from the hinge axis. This test shall be carried out both before and after the. mechanical durability test (see clause 11). 10.2 Test report The test report shall indicate whether the opening force of the door's) or lid(s) meets the requirements of the last paragraph of 5.4, 11 Testing the durability of hinges and handles of door(s) and lid(s) ‘The purpose of this test is to check the durability of, the hinges and handles of dooris) and lid(s). Door opening Taut cade Ne Angle of opening ~ 11.1 External door(s) 11.1.1 Procedure ‘The ambient temperature shall be between + 16°C and + 32 °C. The appliance shall be switched off. The inner door/s) shall be loaded as specified in 12.1.2 or, as appropriate, 11.1.1. Opening sequence (see figure 4) ‘The movement of the door shall be controlled from an angle of 0" to an angle of opening between 5° and 16°, followed by a free movement of the door, the controlled movement being approximately sinusoidal. The opening of the door shall take place in the first quarter of the period of the cycle. Closing sequence (see figure 4) The movement of the door shall be controlled from the angle of opening of 45° to an angle between 40° and 38°, followed by the free movement of the door and its closing as in normal use. ‘The number of cycles per minute shall be 20 to 25. 11.2. Lid{s) and internal dooris) Test procedure is under consideration 11.3. Test report The test report shall indicate whether the hinges and handles meet the requirements of 5.4, and whether the seals meet the requirements of the last paragraph 0f 5.3. Doce ctosing Se Slack cable Figure 4 — Example of opening and closing of external door(s) “STINT 12 Testing the mechanical strength of shelves and similar components The purpose of this test is to check the mechanical strength of the components used for storing food (shelves, containers}. 12.1 Procedure The ambient temperature shall be between +16 °C and + 32°C. 12.1.1. Food freezer compartment (or cabinet), frozen food storage cabinet and low-temperature compartments (if eppicable) After the storage temperature test (see clause 13), and with the appliance switched off, the behaviour of all loaded shelves, baskets and containers and their supports shall be examined. All sliding or revolving shelves and containers shall be moved, without modification of their load, to the half- way position, 4/2, of their permissible course (see figure 6), except that if stops are provided which limit, the movement to less than the half-way position the components shall be moved to their stop, They shall be left in this position for 1h and then returned to their initial position. If the manufacturer has stated in the instructions for Use that some shelves or containers slide out for maintenance or transportation, but must remain in a definite position in normal use, they shall be consid- ered as fixed and the checking shall be carried out in the position as for the storage temperature test. Dimensions in millimetres A 20 pay S!] es) ‘A= Permissible course Figure 5 — Test position for sliding components which have no limitit 12.1.2. Fresh food storage and collar compartments (if applicable) The appliance shall be switched off, with the door(s) open. Page 21 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 The components to be tested shall be in tun loaded with 80 mm diameter cylindrical weights of, in gen- eral, 1 000 g, but of only 500 q in the case of com- ponents above which the clear height in normal service cannot exceed 150 mm. Components which ‘are specially designed to hold eggs shall not be loaded, The weights shall be placed with their axes vertical and in such a way thet the maximum possible number is accommodated without one weight being placed over another and without overlapping the edge of the component under test. In the case of sliding or revolving shelves and con- tainers, the test shall be carried out as specified in 12.4.1. In the case of door shelves, the diameter of the weights may be changed, if necessary, to adapt them to the shape of the shelves, provided the load per unit area is the same. The applied loads shall remain in position for 1 h. 122 Test report ‘The test report shall indicate whether the shelves and containers for storing food meet the requirements of 55. 13 Testing the storage temperatures The purpose of this test is to check compliance with the requirements of 6.2.1 at each of the ambient temperatures (see 8.1.1) for the appropriate climate class. 13.1. Procedure 13.1.1, Preparation of the appliance The appliance shall be installed in the test room in accordance with 8.1.3. The evaporator(s) shall be de- frosted, if necessary, and the internal walls and com- Ponents of the appliance dried. The -means of access (doors or lids) shall be kept closed during the tests. The appliance shall be set up as in service in accord ance with the manufacturer's instructions. All internal fittings supplied with the appliance, including ice trays, shall be put in position, except that the ice trays. shall be removed in the case of a food freezer com- partment (or cabinet) or frozen food storage compart- ment (or cabinet) having no specific subdivision to ‘accommodate such trays. if the appliance has thermostat(s) andor other _temperature-control Page 22 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 device(s) which is (are) designed for adjustment by the user, the thermostat(s) andor device(s) shall be set at the manufacturer's recommended position(s) for normal operation at the appropriate ambient tem- perature. When the thermastat(s) andor devicels) is {are} not designed for adjustment by the user, the measurement shall be carried out on the appliance as delivered. The empty appliance shall be operated for at least 24 h to reach equilibrium, The fresh food storage compartment and the cellar compartment, if any, shall be equipped with “M” packages in accordance with 8.4 and 8.5. The food freezer compartment (or cabinet) and any frozen food storage compartments) (or cabinet) shall bbe equipped with test packages and "M” packages in accordance with the following storage plan. 13.1.2 Storage plan The food freezer compartment (or cabinet) and any frozen food storage compartmentis) (or cabinet) shall be filed with as many test packages as they can hold, the test packages having previously been brought to a temperature approximately equal to the classifics- tion temperature of the compartment. The following conditions shall be met. On each horizontal surface intended for ‘storage, the largest possible number of stacks of test, packages having a base of 100 mm x 200 mm shall be made using 1kg packages (50 mmx 100 mm x 200 mm) laid fiat (i.e. with the face having the largest dimensions horizontal). When an "M” package (500g and 50mm x 100 mm x 100 mm) has to be placed in a stack, it shall also be placed flat, side by side with another ‘500 g package, with the exception of door shelves (see The loading may, if necessary, be completed by stacks having @ base of 100 mmx 100 mm made with 600g packages {sid fiat, and then finally by stacks having a base of 50 mmx 100mm with 125 g packages also laid flat. Four 126 g packages may be replaced by one 500 g package placed vertically The height of the stacks shall be such that the vertical clearance between the upper edge of the highest package and the load limit, the shelf or the horizontal surface situated immediately above is not greater than 25 mm, and there is no physical contact between the highest package and that shelf or hori- zontal surface. In the case of a top-opening cabinet without load limit line, a vertical clearance greater than 10 mm but less than 35 mm shall be provided between the upper edge of the highest package and the inner surface of the li. In order to satisfy these requirements, 125 9 pack- ages (25 mm x50 mm x 100 mm), laid flat, may be Used in or immediately above, as appropriate, the middle of any stack The number of packages for each stack shall first be determined in accordance with their nominal thick- ness dimensions, 50 mm and 25 mm. For the actual loading, the packages shall then be chosen in such way that, taking into account their individual thick- nesses, the vertical clearance above each stack is within the above-mentioned limits. Stacks of packages shall be placed in direct, contact with the horizontal loading surfaces and verti- cal surfaces except in the following cases. 2) When the vertical surface is the inner surface of door, the stacks shall be loaded as follows: — if there is a marked load limit line, the pack- ‘ages shall be loaded up to that line [see figure 12a)}; — if there is no load limit line but @ natural load limit, the packages shall be loaded up to that limit [see figures 12) and 12g)); — if the manufacturer claims the whole volume ‘of the compartment as storage volume, even if there is a natural load limit, the packages shall be loaded to within 18 mm from the inner vertical surface of the door or any projection from the door; in that case, packages may overhang the front edge of any shelf [see fig- ures 12¢) and 12¢)} b)_ When the intersection of a horizontal loading sur- face and a vertical surface is radiused, the bottom package of any stack shall be placed in direct contact with the horizontal loading surface, and the remainder of the stacks shall project beyond the bottom package so as to be in contact with the vertical surface [see figures 12e), 12f) and 12h}. If a subdivision is provided specifically for making and storing ice and is not removable without, the use of tools, the ice trays shall be filled with wa- tor, the contents frozen and placed in position before the compartment is loaded with test packages; otherwise, the ice trays and the subdivisions shall be removed and the whole compartment loaded with packages. In the case of appliances fitted with automatic icemakers, the ice storage bucket shall be removed ‘and the resulting volume considered as frozen food storage volume, unless it is specified in the in- structions for use that this volume is suiteble for the storage of ice only. The automatic icemaker shall not be in operstion during the test. 13.1.2. Free air spaces of 15 mm minimum (calcu- lated from the nominal dimensions of the test pack- ages), as far as possible equal, shall be left between adjacent stacks of test packages. The use of spacers to maintain free sir spaces be- tween stacks of test packages is permissible provided that the spacers are of the smallest possible cross- section and of the lowest possible thermal conduc- tivity and are placed in such a way that they do not significantly interfere with normal air circulation "M" packages shall be placed where the highest temperatures are expected (for examples see figure 13). These places may be different for the stor- age temperatures, energy-consumotion and tempere- ture rise tests. Door shelves and compartments shall also be loaded with as many packages as possible. Pack- ages shail be placed in such a position that the free air spaces between the packages and the inner sur- face of the door and between the packages and the retainer are equal. In the case of door shelves and compartments, the packages may, if necessary, be placed on end, However, 125 g packages shall only be placed flat and shall not be used as vertical wedges. 13.1.3. Appliances with adjustable cellar compartment If the appliance includes a cellar compartment and the volumes of this compartment and of the fresh food storage compartment can be changed in relation to ‘one snother by the user, the cellar compartment shall be adjusted to its minimum volume for the test in high ambient temperature and to its maximum volume for the test in low ambient temperature (see 8.1.1). Page 23 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 13.1.4 Measurements For the appropriate ambient temperature, the thermostat(s) and other controls, if any, shall be ad- justed, as necessary, to a position which is likely to give storage temperatures (see 8.5 and 8.6) which ‘comply with 6.2.1, after stable operating conditions (see 3.4.8) have been attained. 13.2. Test report The test report shall contain at least the following in- formation for each ambient test temperature (as ap- propriate}: a) the ambient temperature: b)_ the setting{s) of thermostats) and other controls, if any (if designed for adjustment by the user); ©) the value of fresh food storage temperature ‘nme and the maximum and minimum values of yf and by: d) the value Of fnmex 2nd the maximum values of f, and t during the temperature deviation as a re- Sult of the defrost cycle, and the duration of the temperature deviation above +5 °C and the dur- ation of the operating cycle (see table 2); @) the value of the cellar compartment lemma and the maximum values of fy, ep aNd fe, 28 aPPLO- priate, during a complete operating cycle; f) 2 sketch of the loading arrangement in the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) and in any fro- zen food storage compartment (or cabinet), showing the locations of the “M" packages and the location of the “M” package with the highest maximum temperature in each of these compart- ments (or cabinets), and in any “two star” sec- tion, and the location of the "M” packages with the highest maximum temperature during the temperature deviation as a result of the defrost oycle; @) the values of the(se) highest maximum temperaturels) [see f)] arid the duration of the temperature deviation above - 18°C and the duration of the operating cycle (see table 2) 14 Water vapour condensation test The purpose of this test is to determine the extent ‘of condensation of water on the external surface of the cabinet under specified ambient conditions. Page 24 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 14.1, Procedure 14.1.1 Ambient temperature ‘The ambient temperature shall be + 25°C for class SN and N appliances ++ 32°C for class ST and T appliances ‘and shall be controlled within the tolerances specified in 14.1.2 Relative humidity The relative humidity shall be such that the dew point is + 19°C + 0,5 K for class SN and N appliances + 27°C +05 K for class ST and T appliances, 144. Preparation of the appliance ‘The setting(s) of the thermostat{s) and other controls, if any, the installation and the loading of the appliance shall be the same as for the energy-consumption test. Hf anti-condensation heaters are provided which can bbe switched on and off by the user, they shall not be switched on. If, however, the requirement of the second paragraph of 5.3 is not fulfilled, the test shall be repeated with the anti-condensation heaters ‘switched on, 14.1.4 Test period After stable operating conditions have been attained, all external surfaces of the cabinet shall be carefully Wiped dry with @ clean cloth and the test continued for a period of 24 h. The test period shall be selected during the period when condensation is most likely to occur. 14.2 Observations During the test period, external surface areas exhibit- ing fog, droplets or running water shall be outlined and designated with the letters F, D and R, respect- ively (see 14.3). 14.3 Expression of results and test report ‘A.coded sketch shall be made showing the maximum. area and degree of condensation appearing during the 11) See annex A for particular conditions, test on all surfaces; the code shown in figure6 shall be used, The test report shall also indicate the selected test Period and the duration of the period of observation ‘and shall state whether any manual switch provided for anti-condensation heaters was switched on or off F Fog D oropters Figure 6 — Condensation code 15 Energy-consumption test The purpose of this test is to check the energy con- sumption of appliances under specified test con- ditions. NOTE 4 In some countries, a different method of meas- uring energy consumption is required by law (see ‘annex Al, 15.1 Procedure 15.1.1 Ambient temperatur The ambient temperature shall be + 25 °C for class SN, N and ST appliances +32 °C for class T appliances ‘and shall be controlled within the tolerances specitied int 15.1.2. Preparation of the appliance The appliance shall be installed and loaded as for the storage temperature test (see 13.1). If, however, anti-condensation heaters are provided which can be switched on and off by the user but are not necessary to withstand the water vapour condensation test (see clause 14), they shall not be switched on, “s+ TIMI If the appliance includes a cellar compartment and the volumes of this compartment and of the fresh food storage compartment are adjustable in relation to one another by the user, the cellar compartment shall be adjusted to its minimum volume. 15.2 Measurements The energy consumption shall be measured during the test period (see 8.7) The measurement of energy consumption shall be cartied out under storage conditions with all compart= ments simultaneously being in operation. 15.2.1. General temperature conditions The energy consumption is that which is obtained when all the storage temperature conditions (if app cable) in accordance with table2 are met simuk taneously, and which gives the lowest energy consumption. 15.2.2 Guidance for the determination of energy consumption Appliances may have different operating character- istics. Table 4 describes characteristics for some typi- cal appliances. 15.3 Test report ‘The value of the energy consumption shall be calcu- lated from the measured value for a period of exactly, 24h, The energy consumption of electrically operated ap- pliances shall be expressed in kilowatt hours per 24 h (kW-h/24 hh), to two decimal places. Table 4 — Different possible storage temperature condi Page 25 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 The report shall mention whether the declared eneray consumption, if any, meets the requirements of 62.3. 16 Temperature rise test (if applicable) The purpose of this test is to check the time for the temperature rise of test packages in “three star” storage under specified test conditions. 16.1 Procedure 16.1.1 Ambient temperature" The ambient temperature shall be in accordance with 811 16.1.2. Preparation of the appliance ‘The appliance shell be prepared, stabilized and loaded as for the energy-consumption test (see clause 15) 16.1.3 Setting of control devices Thermostats and other controls (flaps, etc.) if any, shall be set as for the energy-consumption test. If the energy consumption was determined by in- terpolation from the results of two tests, the settings shall be those which gave the colder temperatures used for the interpolation. ns for determining energy consumption (see also table 2) Values in degrees Celsius Type I reftigorstorsreazers (soo 15.2.2), with food socmae | tines nd Tyee freezer compartment thermostat atti {as eppicebie) | 'Mrideratortreezers (see 1522) food freezers adjustable not adjustable | (see 152.2) oo Te [=~] <1] <-16] -1 [<1] -18 [<—te[<-ve]< 16] 18 |< -10] " 2-2] -2 [e-2l<-2]<-2| -2 [<-v] -2 [x -n[e-2 =2 tae ets[ess] +6 [ess +5 248 +s [ees] — | — ‘ome 2f<+iafe +a] +12 a+ +12 zl +2] — | — NOTE — If there are ary “two star” or “one star” compartments the temperature conditions for these compartments shall be = 12°C er below, or ~ 6 °C or bolow, as appropriate. Page 26 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 16.2 Test period and measurements At the moment of initiation of a defrosting cycle (see of the refrigerating system of the appliance, or of the system which refrigerates the food freezer compartment and any "three star” compartment, the Power supply to the appliance shall be cut off. The period of time shall be noted from the moment when the temperature of the warmest "M" package in the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) or in any “three star” compartment (or cabinet) reaches = 18°C to the moment when any one of the "M” packages in any of these compartments (or cabinets) (excluding any “two star” sections) first reaches -9°C 16.3 Test report ‘The test report shall contain the following information a) the ambient temperature; b) the time for the temperature rise from — 18 °C to =3°C; ©) whether the declared temperature rise time, if any, meets the requirements of 6.2.5. 17 Freezing test (if applicable) The purpose of this test is to check the freezing ¢a- pacity under specified test conditions. 17.1 Procedure 17.1.1. Ambient temperature” The ambient temperature shall be in accordance with B11 17.1.2. Preparation of the appliance The appliance shall be installed according to 8.1.3. If the appliance includes a cellar compartment the volume of which can be changed by the user in re- lation to the volume of the fresh food storage com- partment, the cellar compartment shall be adjusted to its maximum volume The empty appliance should be set up and operated for at least 24 h to reach equilibrium, as for the prep: aration for the storage temperature test (see 13.1.1) 17.1.3 Loading of the appliance Fresh food storage compartment, if any The fresh food storage compartment shall be loaded with three “M" packages at the sensing points in ac- cordance with 85. 17.1.32. Cellar compartment, if any The cellar compartment shall be loaded with "M’ packages at the sensing points in accordance with 85. Food freezer compartment (or cabinet) — ballast load The food freezer compartmentis) (or cabinet) shall be loaded with test packages and “M" packages to form a ballast load, the mass of packages used being re- lated to the total storage volume of the compartment(s) (or cabinet) [excluding any “two star” section(s) or compartments} in accordance with one of the three cases given in tableS, Table 5 — Mass of test packages volume of food freezer compartment (or cabinet) excluding “two star” section(s), V litres kg/100 | of v Mass of test packages ve 60 ‘As many packages as possible consistent with the storage plan (see 13.1.2), but leaving space to accommodate the light load (see 50100 25 It itis not possible to accommodate the light load in the remaining space, the ballast load shall be reduced a8 necessary to 80%, 60 % or 40 % of the above specified values. If the manufacturer's instructions indicate that there is a separate section for freezing food, this section shall be used for the light load only. In all cases the space left to accommodate the light load shall not exceed the higher value of the two fol lowing possibilities: a) 30% of the total storage volume of the food freezer compartment(s) (or cabinet) and any “three star” compartments); b) 3 Iikg of light load. “M'" packages shall be uniformly distributed through- out the ballast load, their minimum number being de- termined by the higher value of the two following possibilities: @). four points; b)_ one point per 16 kg of load. ‘Additionally, door shelves and door containers, if any, within the compartmentis) (or cabinet) shall be loaded with one or two "M” packages, according to the space available. Any “two star" section or compartment within the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) and any separ- ate “three star” compartmentis) shall be fully loaded with test packages and “M” packages as for the storage test (see 13.1.2) The test packages and the “M" packages shall be Previously brought to @ temperature approximately equal to - 18 °C. The ballast load packages shall be laid flat and dis- tributed uniformly within the food freezer ‘compartment{s) (or cabinet), the space for the intro- duction of the light load (see being left empty. Manufacturer's instructions which are not in conflict with the requirements of this Intemational Standard shall also be taken into account. If the manufacturer has given no instructions, the packages shall be distributed evenly throughout the food freezer compartment(s) (or cabinet) and leaving space for the light load. The conditions for loading described in the storage plan (see 13.1.2) — with the exception of the total quantity of test packages and the space for the light load — shall be fulfilled. Appliances with separate “three st compartment If an appliance has a separate “three star” compart- ‘ment with its own external access door or lid, and the manufacturer recommends that, before freezing, all frozen food already in storage is to be placed in that ‘compartment, leaving the food freezer compartment empty to receive the load for freezing (ie. the “three star” compartment is to be regarded as an extension of the food freezer compartment), a freezing capacity claim based upon this method of use is permissible provided that the following conditions are met: 8) the “three star” compartment is of sufficient vol. ume to accommodate the ballast load calculated on the basis of the combined storage volumes of the food freezer compartment and the "three ster” compartment excluding any “two star” sections or compartments), in accordance with the storage plan (see 13.1.2); b) when tested according to this method of use the claimed freezing capacity is contirmed, and the ‘temperature requirements for the other compart ments [see to f)}, if applicable, are futfled during the freezing test; }_ the claimed freezing capacity is at least equivalent to 4,5 kg/100 | of the combined storage volumes of the food freezer compartment and “three star” compartment. 17.1.4 Operating conditions of the appliance Starting conditions The loaded appliance is left to run until stable oper- ating conditions are reached. The thermostat setting or the setting of other control devices should be ap- proximately the same as for the energy-consumption test (see clause 15) ‘After stable operating conditions have been attained, the temperature shall be in accordance with table 2, as applicable. In some circumstances it may not be necessary to carry out the stabilization specified here before the stabilization specified in 17.1.42 Setting of control devices Instructions given by the manufacturer shall be taken into account; changes of setting of manually operated controls are not permitted after the introduction of the light load to the end of the freezing process. First possibility The food freezer compartment (or cabinet) is controlled by @ separate thermostat designed for ad- justment by the user and, possibly, with a switch for ‘continuous running, After stable operating conditions in accordance with have been attained, the food freezer com- Partment (or cabinet) shall be set in operation on continuous running or, if this is not possible, the Page 28 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 thermostat shall be set for the lowest temperature. ‘The appliance shall be left in operation for 24 h, or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions if a longer period is specified. The procedure described in 17.1.423 shall then be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, Second possibility The food freezer compartment (or cabinet) is, controlled by a separate thermostat and fitted with a timer which sets the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) on continuous running and which reverts to ‘thermostatic operation when the set time has elapsed (the timer may be graduated in terms of mass of food to be frozen instead of in terms of duration), After stable operating conditions in accordance with have been attained, the timer shall be set in operation and then the procedure described in shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Third possibility If the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) does not correspond to either of the above two possibilities, the procedure described in shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's in- structions after the appliance has reached stable operating conditions in accordance with Any devices for temperature regulation (thermostats, flaps, etc.) shall be set in accordance with these in- structions. If there are no special instructions, the procedure de- scribed in shall be carried out after the appli- ‘ance has reached stable operating conditions in accordance with the temperature requirements of 17.1.4. Freezing of the light load After the conditions according to have been attained, the light load shall be introduced at the ‘commencement of a defrosting cycle (see The light load corresponds to the value stated by the manufacturer as that which can be frozen in 24 h and is made up of test packages which have previously been brought to @ temperature of + 25 °C + 1 K for class SN, N and ST appliances and to a temperature of + 32°C 4 1 K for class T appliances The light load packages shall be placed flat, and pos- itioned taking into account the manufacturer's. in- structions and the requirements of the loading plan (see 13.1.2). tno instructions are given, the packages shall be placed in such a way that they will be frozen 28 rapidly as possible. The use of spacers between adjacent stacks of packages is permitted, but other methods are not permitted. The light load shall not be placed in physical contact, with the ballast load. “"M" packages shall be uniformly distributed through- out this light load; their minimum number shall be determined by the higher value of the two following possibilities: a) two points; b) one point per 3 kg of load. ‘The temperatures of the "M” packages in the ballast, load and in the light load shall be recorded, together with those of the "M” packages in the other compartmentis), if any (see 17.1.3), until the arithme- tic mean of the instantaneous temperatures of all the “M" packages in the light load reaches 18 °C, The time necessary for reaching this temperature shall be noted. First possibility If this temperature is reached in a time between 22h and 26 h, the mass which would be frozen in 24 h shall be determined from the actual freezing time by proportional calculation, The test result shall be accepted only if (as applicable according to the type of appliance): 2) the maximum temperature of any of the "M" packages of the ballast load remains equal to or colder than - 15 °C; at the end of the test the maximum temperature of the warmest “M” package of the ballast load shall be equal to or colder than ~ 18 *C; b) the maximum temperature of the warmest "M" Package in any separate compartment which is ‘not used for ballast in accordance with remains equal to or colder than ~ 18 °C; ch the maximum temperature of the warmest "M” package in any “two star” section remains equal t0 or colder than — 12°C, d) the maximum temperature of the warmest “M! package in any “two star” compartment or in any “one star” compartment remains equal to or colder than ~ 12 °C or ~ 6 °C respectively: e) the temperature f, of the fresh food storage compartment during the test does not exceed +7°C, with t,t, f between 0°C and + 10°C: 4) the temperatures &;, ka, ks, 28 appropriate, of the cellar compartment, if any, do not drop below orc "7. 2 Second possibility If the actual freezing time is less than 22 h or more than 26h andjor the conditions of 8) to f) are not fulfilled, further test(s) shall be carried out, if possible with more favourable starting conditions — but still maintaining the temperature limits in accord- ance with — on the assumption that better results can be expected, Otherwise, the test shall be repeated with a different load. Third possibility Hf the actual freezing time is less than 22 h and the conditions of a) to f) are fulfilled, but using a larger light load these conditions cannot be fulfilled, the actual load for which the conditions are met shall be considered (without any proportional calculation) to be the mass which can be frozen in 24 h. 17.2. Test report The test report shall contain the following information: a) the mass, in kilograms, of the ballast load; b) the mass, in kilograms, of the light load; ©). the freezing time, in hours, of the light load: d) the freezing capacity, in kilograms, determined during the light load freezing test; e) the warmest temperature measured in the “M" Packages in the ballast load stored during the light load freezing test together with the warmest temperature measured in the "M" packages in any “three star” compartment, in any “two star” section or compartment and in any “one star” compartment; f) the highest and lowest values of fy 29d fom if ap- plicable; 9) the settings of all temperature control devices, including the timer, if any: Page 29 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 fh) the loading plan for the appliance showing the lo- cation of the “M” packages and the location of the warmest "M" package(s}; | if the food freezer compartment (or cabinet) is fit- ted with a device intended to set it in continuous operation when freezing and then to revert to thermostatic operation automatically, the time which elapsed before the food freezer compart- ment (or cabinet) reverted to thermostatically controlled operation; jl whether the declared freezing capacity meets the requirements of 6.2.2. 18 Ice-making test (if applicable) The purpose of this test is to check the claim, if any, tor the ice-making capability of the appliance. NOTES This test does not apply to automatic ice- makers. 18.1 Procedure 18.1.1. Ambient temperature ‘The ambient temperature shall be +32 °C for class SN and N appliances +38 °C for class ST appliances +43 °C for class T appliances ‘and shall be controlled within the tolerances specified in 8.1.1 18.1.2 Preparation of the appliance The appliance shall be installed in the test room in accordance with 8.1.3 and set up as in service in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The means of access (doors or lids) shall be kept closed during the test ce trays shall be removed and the fresh food storage ‘compartment and cellar compartment, if any, shall be equipped with “M” packages in accordance with 8.5, ‘The food freezer compartment (or cabinet) and any frozen food storage compartment(s) (or cabinet) shall not be equipped with test packages and "M” pack- ages. ‘The thermostat shall be set in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. When no instructions are Page 30 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 given, the thermostat position shall be the same as ‘that for the storage test (clause clause 13). The cellar compartment, if any, shall be as small as Possible (if the volume is adjustable}, with tempera- ture control devices (flaps, etc.) set in the position in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or the same as that for the storage test. 18.1.3 Measurements After stable operating conditions (see 3.4.8) have been attained, the ice tray(s) shall be filled with water up to § mm from the top and placed in the appliance at the position recommended by the manufacturer at the commencement of a defrosting cycle (see 3.47.2) If @ subdivision is provided specifically for making and storing ice, and is not removable without the use of tools, the ice trays shall be placed in that subdivision. ‘The water temperature at the moment of placing the ice tray(s) in the appliance shall be + 20°C + 1 K for class SN, N and ST appliances + 30°C 4 1K for class T appliances. The ice tray(s) shall be examined for complete freez- ing of the water after an interval equal to the ice- ‘making time stated by the manufacturer has elapsed or as estimated from the stated ice-making capabili- ties of the appliance. ‘Throughout the ice-making test, none of the instante- Neous temperatures fy, tty, fers ee OF fe (S00 and shall fall below 0 °C. 18.2. Test report The test report shall contain the following information: a) the quantity, in kilograms, of ice prodiiced in a 24h period or the time, expressed in hours and minutes, necessary to freeze the water in the ice tray(s) supplied with the appliance; b) whether the requirements in accordance with 6.2.4 are met. If the ice-making capability is given by time, a con version shall be made by proportional calculation to determine the ice-making capability in kilograms per 2h 19 Test for absence of odour and taste ‘The purpose of this test is to check that materiale used for the internal components of the fresh fooo storage compartments and cellar compartments, if any, will not impart either taste or odour to food, 19.1, Procedure 19.1.1 Ambient temperature The ambient temperature shall be between +16 C° and + 32 C° 19.1.2 Cleaning The appliance shall be cleaned prior to the test in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions and afterwards with pure water. 19.1.3 Thermostat setting ‘The appliance shall first be operated for 48 h, with the thermostat and other control devices set in a position which will give the following temperatures, a} Fresh food storage compartment: Imma = +5 °C 2K ) Cellar compartment +B °CK hana < +14 °C 19.1.4 Samples The analytical samples and check samples respect- ively for each compartment shall be: @) 100 mI potable water; b) a slice of fresh unsalted butter of dimensions 75 mm x 35 mm x 5 mm, From each of a) and b) above, at least six samples are necessary to serve as analytical samples and at least six to serve as check samples. The analytical samples shall be placed in Petri dishes and the check samples in glass containers, the latter being hermetically sealed, Prior to the test, all Petri dishes and containers which are used for the test shall be cleaned with fuming nitric acid and subsequently washed with distilled water until the complete absence of odour is ob- tained, The analytical samples of water and butter shall be placed uncovered in the fresh food storage and cellar, compartments, The check samples in the hermetically sealed glass containers shall be placed close to the analytical samples. 19.1.5 Test period The enalytical samples and the check samples shel be left in the operating appliance with the doors) closed and at the specified temperature conditions for 48 h. After 48 h, the analytical samples shall be cov- ered. Then the analytical samples and check samples shall, be removed and warmed up to approximately 20 °C by leaving them in the test room, 19.2. Examination of samples 19.2.1 Conditions Examination shall be made about 2 h after removal of the samples from the appliance and shall be carried out by at least three expert assessors familiar with the test method, Each expert assessor shall receive — two analytical samples of water; — two check samples of water; —~ two analytical samples of butter; — two check samples of butter. ‘The identity of the samples shall not be made known to the expert assessors. Examination for odour shall be carried out before examination for taste. The samples of water shall be examined prior to the samples of butter, unless a separate examination by different expert assessors takes places, The examiners shall record their remarks, indepen- dently of each other, in writing, 19.2.2 Evaluation The evaluation of the analytical samples shall be car- ried out with reference to the following scale: Mark 0: No foreign odour or foreign taste Mark 1: Slight foreign odour or foreign taste Page 31 EN ISO 8561 : 1995 Mark 2: Definitely perceptible foreign odour or foreign taste Mark 3: Distinct foreign odour or foreign taste If the requirement in accordance with paragraph 1 of 5.2 is not clearly met, the test shall be repeated. The following provisions shall be made for the second test: a) cleaning of the compartments; by operation of the empty appliance for one week: ©). temperature adjustment in the fresh food storage and cellar compartment for the second test for absence of odour and taste. 19.3. Test report The test report shall indicate the evaluation and Whether the requirements of paragraph 1 of 5.2 are met, 20 Final test report The final test report shall comprise the measurements and test results of the following a) the overall dimensions (see 3.3.3); b)_ the overall space required in use (see 3.3.4) ©) the total gross volume (see and 7.2.1); 4d) the storage volume(s) (see, 7.23, 7.2.4 and 7.2.5); @) the total storage volume (see and 7.2.2); f) the storage shelf area (see and 7.3); 9) airtightness of door(s) or lid(s) (see clause 9); h) opening force test of doorls) or lid(s) (see clause 10); i) durability test (see clause 11); }) mechanical strength test (see clause 12); k)_ storage temperature(s) test (see clause 13); 1) water vapour condensation test (see clause 14; m) energy-consumption test (see clause 15);

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