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Towson University

College of Education
Department of Special Education
IEP Case Study
The IEP Case Study required that I demonstrated an understanding of the individualized
decision-making process through the initiation of the IEP process and collaborative planning. I
worked with a student with an exceptionality, their family, and other professional colleagues in
order to develop this IEP document appropriately and accurately.
This artifact demonstrates the mastery of the InTASC and CEC standards. The IEP Case
Study is an artifact that required me to work with a student, family and other professionals in my
school in order to develop an IEP for that student. As I began the IEP case study process, I knew
it was important to have a great deal of information on the whole child. I had to retrieve pertinent
background information from my mentor teacher, the students family, and information that was
on file at school. In doing this research, I was able to determine the students personal and family
history as well as her educational background.(CEC7, InTASC 9,10.) In addition, for this
assignment I conducted several informal observations in a variety of her learning environments
(CEC2, InTASC3.) All of this information gathered allowed me to have a great picture of the
students learning development and differences. Fortunately, as her current kindergarten teacher, I
had a great deal of information on her present level of performance, as I collect data on a regular
basis in the classroom. After determining the childs present level of performance I created goals
and objectives that aligned with the current curricular content. I used my prior knowledge of the
kindergarten curriculum, as well as the posted common core standards and objectives in order to
create these goals (CEC3, InTASC4,5.) I made sure these goals were appropriate and obtainable
for the students learning development and differences. (CEC1,InTASC1,2.)

Through the completion of an IEP case study, I have a better understanding and
appreciation of the IEP process. As a general education teacher, I have not been quite as involved
in the creation of the IEP, so this gave me the opportunity to get a better understanding of all the
process entails. I thoroughly enjoyed attending the IEP meetings with a new perspective. In the
past, I have attended and participated solely by presenting classroom data and teacher
observations. As a special educator, I paid close attention to the process, start to finish. Having
an understanding of the IDEA and the legal side of the meetings, I was able to follow the process
at my school. Having gone through the complete IEP process, I felt as if I was well prepared for
the meeting in the event parents or other colleagues asked for information about the childs
history, present level of performance, and educational goals. Because I participated in the data
collection and creation of the goals, when I return to the classroom with this student, I have an
understanding of exactly what the child needs and how to reach those goals. I also know the
rationale behind all decisions made so I can support other teachers and staff members that work
with this child. The completion this IEP Case Study has not only given me the tools I need to
successfully participate in the IEP process as a general educator, but in the future, should I
become a special educator, it has given me sufficient exposure that will help me be successful.

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