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Betsy Trainer

Evidence of Student Learning Rationale

The Evidence of Student Learning (ESL) project is the design and implementation of a
five lesson unit plan. The unit taught the Common Core Math 8 class was a unit on simplifying
and evaluating algebraic expressions and applying algebraic expressions in real world situations.
The unit aligned with Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards (MCCRS). The lesson
was taught over the course of five full class periods and one shortened class periods. The lessons
included various different formative and summative assessments that guided the instruction.
Specifically the unit was opened with a pre-test and the last day culminated with a summative
assessment. Throughout the lessons the goal was to teach the MCCRS objectives while keeping
the students engaged. Each lesson had a clear tie to the objective and had elements of the lesson
that kept the students motivated. Learner differences were taken into account on a daily basis
and the accommodations stated in the IEPs and 504 were addressed. Through completion of the
ESL, I demonstrated mastery in the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) professional
standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
CEC Standard 1 addresses the knowing learner development and individual learning
differences. The variety of instruction in the lessons within unit demonstrated my mastery of this
CEC. On a daily basis we addressed the needs of the students with disabilities in our planning
and implementation of the lesson. The lessons are designed using a universal design for learning
approach through multiple means of representation, action and expression and engagement. The
content was presented different ways and was also reinforced using a variety of different
approaches. Knowing the students and their exceptionalities helps to plan for and implement a
successful unit plan.
The learning environment is the focus of the CEC Standard 2. The success of the ESL is

Betsy Trainer
partially due to the learning environment and this demonstrates a mastery of this standard. From
day one we have created a safe, inclusive environment to learn. It is evident to our students that
we care about their progress both academically and their overall well being. We celebrate their
successes both inside and outside the classroom while still holding them accountable for their
sometimes poor decisions. Our school community and my individual classes have a very diverse
population, ethnically, culturally and economically. It is important to reach the students to keep
this in mind. In our classroom we foster an environment for self-motivation and self-advocacy
for students with exceptionalities.
The ESL project also demonstrates the mastery of CEC Standard 3. This standard
emphasizes the knowledge of curricular content. The unit aligns with MCCRS 7.EE.A.1 Apply
properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor and expand expressions with
rational coefficients, MCCRS 7.EE.A.2 Understand that rewriting an expression in different
forms in a problem can shed light on the problem of how the quantities in it are related and
MCCRS 7.EE.B Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic
expressions and equations. The ESL is a larger Unit 3 Expression and Equations in Common
Core 8. Specifically, proficiency in the standards covered in the ESL is a requirement for
8.EE.C.7b Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including whose solutions
require expanding expression using the distributive property and collecting like terms. While
the goal instruction in Common Core math is depth of knowledge over breadth of knowledge, in
order for the students to be successful with the 8th grade standard I pretested the class on the prerequisite 7th grade standards. Unfortunately, the results showed the pre-requisite material needed
to be re-taught for all of the students. The material was re-taught over the five lessons using a
UDL approach with the activities having a clear tie to the objectives and the Standards. The

Betsy Trainer
success of the unit, as shown in the strong results of the post assessment, demonstrates my
knowledge of the content and my ability to use an effective way for the students to attain the
CEC Standard 4 addresses the use of assessment to guide instruction. The ESL unit used
a variety of assessment techniques throughout the unit that demonstrated mastery of this
standard. The unit opened with a pre-test and ended the unit with a post-test. Each day some
type of formative assessment was used to monitor student understanding and gage the success of
the lesson. The various different formative assessments ranged from a debriefing class
discussion at the end of class one day to a more formal exit ticket at the end of another day.
Homework was also used a few of the days to also gage student understanding. A group project
surrounding a real world application was used another day to assess understanding. Fortunately
the class is small, with only 16 students, making it easier to quickly assess student understanding
in a less formal way. The formative assessments were successfully used to pinpoint areas or
specific students that needed additional instruction.
CEC Standard 5 addresses the need for instructional planning and strategies to give all
students access to the curriculum. This standard was demonstrated through the applying the
principles of Universal Design for Learning throughout the unit. When planning out the lessons
the individual students strengths and difficulties were considered and strategies were developed
to address them. The strengths of the students were taken into consideration when having the
students work in groups. Presenting the material through different means was also done to take
into consideration the learner differences in the classroom. The use of manipulatives was done
in anticipation of the need for concrete examples. Real world applications and humor were both
used to increase student engagement throughout the lesson. These strategies are used to help

Betsy Trainer
students access and master the curriculum demonstrating CEC Standard 5.
CEC Standard 6 addresses the professional learning and ethical practices and on a daily
basis this I address standard in different ways. As an educator and a special educator I
understand the principles that guide special education. This includes the IDEA requirements and
the importance of the adherence of a students IEP. It is also important to understand the rights
and the role of the parents in the educational process. Also as mentioned before the diversity of
the classroom and whole school community must be understood for effective instruction and
relationships with the students and their families. Lastly, the importance of life long learning is
necessary as I gain more experience in special education and as best practices evolve and
advance the profession.
The last standard CEC Standard 7 that focuses on collaboration was also demonstrated by
completing ESL project. Collaboration occurs with two different groups with my Common Core
8 lessons. Both long term and weekly planning is done with the Math Instruction Support
Teacher and the other 8th grade Common Core 8 teacher. In addition specific lesson planning
and modifications are then done when possible with the special educators. Another aspect of
collaboration is done with the special educator that is also my mentor. Fortunately we have
planning or lunch after the two classes we teach together. This allows us a few minutes to reflect
on the success of the lesson after each class. We discuss what we need to spend additional time
on the following day and in general what went well and what did not go well. We try to
determine if the approach was a good one that should be tweaked or if it was one that just did not
work. After the 1st period at times we are able to make adjustments that we can implement prior
to the other two common core 8 classes. This collaboration across content and special education
has proven to be invaluable all year.

Betsy Trainer
The thorough documentation of ESL project proved to be an informative tool and has had
a positive impact on student learning. While I have been teaching for eleven year and I still do
daily lessons plans, the attention to all the details of an effective unit plan proved to ensure a
more successful outcome for the students. The daily reflections and data analysis quickly
brought to light areas that needed more emphasis before moving on. The formative assessments
used also effectively drove the instruction. The daily emphasis on the lesson plans for the
students with exceptionalities is critical. A constant reminder to whenever possible use the
principles of universal design for learning makes for better lessons. Overall continuing the
attention to all components of the lesson planning, implementation and reflection that were
included in the ESL project improves my daily teaching.

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