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The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent in a

point equidistant from the vertices of the triangle which is the center of the
circumscribed circle and called the circumcenter of the triangle. 1.32. The bise
ctors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent in a point equidistant from the
sides of the triangle which is the center of the inscribed circle and called th
e incenter of the triangle. COROLLARY 1. The bisector of any interior angle and
the external bisectors of the other, two exterior angles are concurrent in a poi
nt outside the triangle which is equidistant from the sides (or produced) of the
triangle and called an excenter of the triangle. COROLLARY 2. There are four po
ints equidistant from the three sides of a triangle: one inside the triangle, wh
ich is the incenter, and three outside it, which are the excenters. 1.33. The al
titudes of a triangle are concurrent in a point called the orthocenter of the tr
iangle. 1.34. The medians of a triangle are concurrent in a point I the distance
from each vertex to the mid point of the opposite side. This point is called th
e centroid of the triangle.
Solved Problems
1.1. ABC is a triangle having BC = 2 AB. Bisect BC in D and BD in E. Prove that
AD bisects LCAE. CONSTRUCTION: Draw DF 11 AC to meet AB in F (Fig. 1.)
Proof: '.' D is the mid-point of BC and DF 11 AC, .'. F is the midpoint of AB (T
h. 1.26). Also, AB = BD = ,ABC. .'. BF = BE. As ABE and DBF are congruent..'. LE
AF = LEDF, but /BAD = /BDA (since BA = BD, Th. 1.12)..'. Subtraction gives LEAD=
/FDA. But /FDA = /DAC (since, DF 11 AC). LEAD = LDAC. 1.2. ABC is a triangle. D
and E are any two points on AB and AC. The bisectors of the angles ABE and ACD
meet in F. Show that LBDC + /BEC = 2 /BFC. CONSTRUCTION: Join AF and produce it
to meet BC in G (Fig. 2).
Proof: LBDC is exterior to AADC..'. /BDC = LA + /ACD (Th. 1.8). Also, /BEC is ex
terior to AAEB. LBEC = LA + /ABE; hence /BDC + /BEC = 2 /A + LA CD + LABE (1). S
imilarly, /s BFG, CFG are exterior to As AFB, AFC. .'. /BFG + /CFG = /BFC = LA +
} LABE + 4 LACD (2). Therefore, from (1) and (2), /BDC + /BEC = 2 /BFC. 1.3. AB
C is a right-angled triangle at A and AB > AC. Bisect BC in D draw DE perpendicu
lar to the hypotenuse BC to meet the bisector of the right angle A in E. Prove t
hat (i) AD = DE; (ii) /DAE (LC - /B). CONSTRUCTION: Draw AF,LBC (Fig. 3).

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