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Josh Gee
Mrs. Henry
Service Learning
26 April 2016
Statement of future plans
When a person applies for a job or college, there is one personality trait which sticks out
the most-ambition. Following my high school graduationl, I plan on attending Solano
Community College as a Music Vocal major to acquire my AA degree. Once I graduate Solano, I
plan on either attending William Jessup University or Sac State and continuing my study as a
Music Vocal major. I would like to use my degree in Music Vocal to become a music teacher at
either the junior high or high school level. When I do get a job as a music teacher, I'm hoping to
move myself and my girlfriend out of state to start our lives over completely. Throughout the
course of my career, I plan on teaching private music lessons on the side to my main career. This
additional money will be used to invest into my goal of becoming a famous local musical icon.
Throughout my High school career, Buckingham Charter Magnet High School I was
prepared and developed a passion in music my sophomore year. I led worship for my old church
for the last semester of my Sophomore year. Since then, my life has revolved mostly around my
music; my choices are influenced by the music I listen to, I think with music, and my ideas I give
people are often music-based. During my junior year, my guitar skills improve drastically thanks
to joining the Jazz Class and playing in the Jazz band. This past school year, I joined Mrs.
Gorees Vocal Ensemble Class to take steps to improving my voice. Even though there was a
time I didnt want to attend college, I feel as if Im well-prepared to attend college as a music
vocal major thanks to my music classes and the awesome, down-to-earth teachers. These

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teachers helped me build my confidence. They taught me to believe in myself and now, I have
the confidence to tap on all gears to pursue my passion.
I made myself the promise at the start of my senior year. The promise was that I would
fight through anything to go after a career in music and would not let anybody or anything stop
me from pursuing my dream. Buckinghams teachers and my fellow Knights, who are mostly all
alumni, have prepared mentally prepared me for what is to come in the foreseeable future. When
I attend Solano Community College, I will knock out my General Education and also plan on
acquiring my AA degree. After I finish in my ideal two years, I am planning to transfer to either
Sac State or William Jessup. However, my plans to transfer to a four-year could be altered
because I want to go out of state to attend a four-year university. I will visit more colleges during
my time at Solano so I can have a better feel for what kind of college I would like to transfer to.
my ultimate goal is to serve others through my music. I want to graduate with a degree in
music vocal so I can become a vocal ensemble teacher; muchlike Mrs. Goree. I personally enjoy
the environment she created in that class and plan to emulate that environment if and when I
become a teacher. I specifically chose this career path because it incorporates my two favorite
things to do- give back to others through the utilization of my musical skills and have an impact
on the next generation of potential musicians. Also, I would like to either start a non-profit on the
side or serve at non profits during my free time and travel the world with my girlfriend. In
addition to serving the community through my music, I plan on serving the community through
volunteer work. I'm not too sure what kind of work, nor do I care, because I will hopefully be
moved out of state. I think it would be cool to team up with the military, police, and fire
departments who do local volunteer work for the community by organizing events; it will also
allow me to become well-connected with people of those careers.

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Wherever my life takes me, I know that music, my faith, and my family and friends will
come first. I look at success like this: faith, passions, and people first, career and money second. I
will always try to put others before myself because the money is always there; people won't be.
We all live a short life and I steadfastly refuse to get caught up in the money and push people
away or cause people to be pushed away because of it. In all, I feel as if Buckingham has
prepared me for life in the near and distant future. I am very grateful for everybody whom I have
met and still know or associate with. I eagerly look forward to the future and hope to live a long
life which impacts many lives around me.

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