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PROBLEM 13.1 A 1300-kg small hybrid car is traveling at 108 knn/h. Determine (a) the kinetic energy of the vehicle, () the speed required for 2 9000-kg truck to have the same kinetic energy as the car. SOLUTION v= 108 km/h =30 mis @ pm? 501300930)? = 58510" Tog 7585 ® Track = Man Yack veg = Aine, — 2X585x10°) a Vas =11-40 mls Yeas =410 kin PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, tue. All fights reserved. No part of this Mama may be dlsplsed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any mess, withow the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, ar used beyond the inte distribution te teachers aad edcators permitted by MeGran-Hillfor ther india conse preparation Ion are'a student owing this Manna, Dou are using i widio permission 0 PROBLEM 13.2 ‘An 870-Ib satellite is placed in a circular orbit 3973 mi above the surface of the earth. At this elevation, the acceleration of gravily is 8.03 f¥/s". Determine the kinetic energy of the satellite, knowing that its orbital speed is 12,500 mifh SOLUTION ‘y= (12,500 mi/h)(h/3600 s)(5280 fli) 8,333 fs ‘Mass of satellite = (870 Iby(32.2 fs?) m=27.019 bP P27 019908,383)° T=4,5405 x10" ft-Ib 4S4x10" Beeld Note: Acceleration of gravity has no effect on the mass of the satellite. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, (2 2009 The MeGrw6-Hill Companies, Ine Al rights reserve. No part ofthis Mameal may Be displayed. ‘epraduced on disibted in ey form or by any means without the prior writen permussion of the publisher, or used beyond the Lied “ikiributon to teachers and edecrs permite by MeGravel for ter dividual couse reparation. 17 ou aro staden sing tis Manual “yon are sing thou! permission ass PROBLEM 13.3 ‘A 2-lb stone is dropped from a height / and strikes the ground with a velocity of 50 A. (a) Find the kinetic energy of the stone as it strikes the ground and the height / from which it was dropped, (b) Solve Part a assuming that the same stone is dropped on the moon. (Acceleration of gravity on the moon = 5.31 {Vs”.) SOLUTION 21 32.2 is? 062112 Ib-s?/ft For the stone, @ sm? =4(0,062112)50") = 77.64 ‘On the earth. 2.2 fils’, W = 2.00 Ib TAU 2h or OFWh=T, E7164 Se =3881 ae ha 388 On the moon, 31 fs? W = mg = (0.062112)(5.31) = 0.32981 Ib oO 7 ajm =$0. .062112)(50)* 2. 1164 Ww * 03208 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL Fights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, Feprodaced or dsribted tn any form or by en means. wtih the prior writen permisron ofthe publisher, ov nsed beyond the linited dstribeton to teachers and educators permite by McGrath for tet ndvidual couse preparation Ifyou area stent asin His Monel Low are wing It thon permiscion ass PROBLEM 13.4 [A dckg stone is dropped from a height / and strikes the ground with a velocity of 25 m‘s. (a) Find she kinetic enetgy of the stone as it strikes the ground and the height 1 fiom which it was dropped. (6) Solve Part a, assuming that the same stone is dropped on the moon. (Acceleration of gravity on the moon = 1.62 ms’,) SOLUTION (2) Onthe earth r=12505 4 TAU 2=% G0 Uy =Wh 1 =F 50N-P) 231.855 sim € WwW G9.240N) (6) Onthe moon. Massis unchanged, m =4 kg. ‘Thus T'is unchanged. T=12501 4 Weight on the moon is W,, =e, =(4 ke) 62 mis?) W,, =648N hy = t-~ CAN DY _192.91m bh, =192.9m € "W, 648N) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AML hts reserved. Mo part of this Manual may be displayed, Isprodiced av dstibuied im any form by a9) Means. without te prior eriten permission ofthe pubis, or used Beyond the fied (isributon to teachers end ccs pent by MeCranTil for their ndividal couse preparation Ifyou areastden sing this Manual, om are neg without permission. a6 PROBLEM 13.5 Determine the maximum theoretical speed that may be achieved over a distance of 360 N by a car starting from rest, assuming there is no slipping, The cocfficient of static friction between the tres and pavement is 0.75, and 60 percent of the weight of the car is distributed over its front wheels and 40 percent over its rear wheels. Assume (a) front-wheel drive, (3) rear-wheel drive. SOLUTION Let W/ be the weight and m the mass. (@) Front whe 0.4517 (360) =162 Wilb Principle of work and energy: Fn =h orienw=l lve 2303 v9 = (2)(32.2)(162) = 10.4328%10" 17/3? vy 2102.14 148 ¥)=69.6 mith (®) Rear wheel drive, N= 0.4017 1.20.75 Maximum fiction force without slipping: Faun Fa =(0.3017)(360) 108 W fi Tb 301 22 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL,‘ 2009 The MeGraw-ill Companies Ie. Allright reserved. No purt of this Manual may’ be daplaed ‘reproduced or disttbted in any form or by any means, withou the prior rien permiscton ofthe publisher. 0° ned beyond the limited My ME Xa T,=4nwt and 2 Assume that no energy is lost at the corner B. fami ++ mg d(sin30° ~ 1, c0830°)~ 44, xp Dividing by mand solving for d, Ty U gan Uy se =Te Lanett 2 [i228 + autre vie (sin30°— jz, c0830°) sin 30°— 0.25 cos30° d=67im 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Is, All rights reserved, Ho part of this Maal may be diplayed ‘reproduced or dstibuted in any form or by eny means, thou the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, cr ned beyond the lied dstribmion to teachers and educators permite by MeGraw Ml jr thelial cone preparation Ifyou ar aston asin his Me, os are sing i withon permission, 7 PROBLEM 13.14 1B, <§% Packages are thrown down an incline at 4 with a velocity “of | ms, The packages slide along the surface ABC to a & conveyor belt which moves with a velocity of 2 mls Knowing that d=7.5m and 44, =0.25. between the packages and all surfaces, determine (a) the speed of the package at C, (B) the distance a package will slide on the eonveyor belt before it comes to rest relative to the belt. SOLUTION (a) Onineline AB: 1g cos 30" HN gy =0.25mng. cos 30” ng d sin WP— Fay = mg din 30°~ 44, 608 30°) < On level surface BC: Nye = meg ge = Tm Fac =m ce oe, Ata, je and v,=1 nis . Be ALC, Te pnt and ¥ Noe Assume that no energy is lost at the corner B. Work and energy. Trt U gn Un se =Te yom mg d(sin 30° ~ 1, c080")— jt, tye = bmg Solving forv2., V5 4 2ga (sin 30°, 20830) — 2/148 1)? + (2Y9.81)(7.5)(sin 30° — 0.25e0830") —(2}(0.25)9.81(7) =83811m%s? (6) Box on belt: Let tye, be the distance moved by a package as it slides on the belt. thee =a, Vm HN = 0 N= mg At the end of siding, Y= May 2 0s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MoGrave-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be diplayed reproduced or distributed in any form or By any means, wallow the prior written permission ofthe publi, or used beyond the limited disrivatonto teachers end ececatorsperited by Meal fr thet invidal course preparation yon anestrus this Manual, Spo are wing at permsion. 498 Prineiple of work and energy. PROBLEM 13.14 (Continued) liga 1 iy? IME MyM No = 5 MM wow 2H 83811-@2)° (2)(0.2599.81) Nigy = 0.83 m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘> 2009 The MeGrow-Hill Companies, c: All rights reserved. No part of thie Manual may be diplayed ‘reproduced or csiibted in any form or by any means, wien the pri writen permission ofthe publher, or wed beyond the ite oe fy im? + wh—L mv? {bem 2 ‘| £.l(Qjoano? scrsnewysa0-Lmoe0'] =7A4126x10°N F=7AlkN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeCirw-thill Companies, Ine. All ighls reserved. No part of this Maral may be displayed, ‘produced or diated in ey fre oF By any means, thon the por writin permission ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the finite Udsritaaion to teachers an educators permite by MeCran-HIl for thes india couse preparaion. Ifyou area stuerd ws this Mau, on are nig isn permission soz PROBLEM 13.17 (Continued) (®) Coupling force F, Use the trailer alone as a five body, Braking force: = (0.70)7.4126%10") 5.1888% 10" N 400 kg, W = mg = (5400)9.81) 52.974 10° N Work and energy TU. =h div? +wh— Fa + Red =Lned 2 2 =a uno casreen-!} uy] -3.706810°N F,=3,71 KN (compression) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ighs reserved. No part of tis Manual may be displayed ‘produced or dst auted in any form oF by amy means, witout the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. or nsed beyond the lined dsiributon wo teachers and educators permit by McGraw fr thetrandvidual course preparation Ifyou area student asing hs Manual ou are axing feito ssn PROBLEM 13.18 Wb A tiler truck enters a 2 percent uphill grade traveling at 72 kv and reaches a speed of 108 kv in 300 m, The cab has a mass of 1800 kg and the trailer 5400 kg, Determine (a) the average force at the wheels of the cab, (b) the average force in the coupling between the cab and the trailer. ‘SOLUTION Initial speed: y= 72 kinlh = 20 m/s Final speed vy =108 kmv/h = 30 mis Vertical rise: f= (0.02300) = 6.00 m Distance traveled: d=300m (a) Traction force. Use cab and triler asa free body. m= 1800+ 5400 200 ke, W = mg = (7209.81) 10,632 10" N Work and energy’ TU, Ler 7 mf Wh Fd z Yl 2 —| Sony + Wh — my; a nmi] ipa 2 510° Y6.00)— Sa 47200120) + (70.632 10° ¥6.00) = 7.4126X10° N TALKN Use the Uailer alone as a free body. 5400 ke mg 5400}9.81) 2.974 x10" N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrw-Hill Companies, Ine. All igs reserved. No part of this Mana may’ be displayed reprdlaced or dried bv ay form or by any means, wile te por writin permission ofthe publisher. or used beyond the liited donb to feachors ash educators pormiled by Merc. Hl for their individual course preparation If you area student sing his Manuel, Som ane sing i wid permission 504 PROBLEM 13.18 (Continued) Assume that the tangential force at the trailer wheels is zero. Work and energy: T+ = mv fear Jim? Whe hd = 2 ae 2 ‘The plus sign before F means that we have assumed that the coupling mi| iB (5400)(30)"+ (52.974x10°)(6.00) — J (s4a0}0207 | in tension. ies “300 = 5,5595x10'N 5.56KN (tension) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AI rights reserved. No prt of this Manval may be diaplyed, ‘repraduced ov distribued in any form or By any means, without the pri writen pormision af the publse, or nsed beyond te ted distribution to teachers and educators permed by McGraw Hil fr theo india conse preparation Wyn areastndent sing his Marva, sow are using i without permission sos PROBLEM 13.19 ‘Two identical blocks are released from test. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the effect of ftiction, determine (a) the velocity of Block B afier it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable, SOLUTION (a) vp =2¥4 Aand B. Assume B moves down. =n g2(c0830° (x4) + mp g(C0830")x, xyo2m xj=tm Ug = QV98D)} 2-169) Since work is positive, black B does move down. RtUaah Vp =3.69 mis 60? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine, AIL ights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or disrvted by any form or By any means, how the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the Tinted Uisibuion fo teachers and ductors permite by McCraw Il or thei mebvidulcorse preparation. ifyencareastucent wsing his Mana, ‘yo are sing i withon permission PROBLEM 13.19 (Continued) (6) Balone. y=0 eee Oa 4.21.69) =13.59) @v = (mp x {C0830°Y(xq )~ (TH %) 7 joe m) TAU, .=%, 0+3398-27 = 13,59 21 = 33.98 ~ 13,59 = 20.39 smyvh ita le sorosime( 3.08277 T=10.19N € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Compass, Ine. All igh ressved. No part of diy Menual moy be cisplave ‘regvoduecd or diiibuted im any form or by any means. wathout the prio writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond He ited tisoibution to teachers and educators permite by McGraw Hl for thle ndividvo coveseprepanain Ifyou area student asi Ms ota, YU are sing it wit permiceion, 307 PROBLEM 13.20 ‘Two identical blocks are released from rest, Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and knowing that the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are 11, ~0.30 and }4,=0.20, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2m, (b) the tension in the cable SOLUTION Check at © to see if blocks move. With motion impending at B downward, determine required friction force at 4 for equilibrium Block B: PEF = Ny ~(inyeXsin30°) =0 Ne -eo(3) SEF =P ~(mpgXoos30") + (Fy), =0 (Fe) = Ny = (030K 8) 7=e¢(v5)-(030¢ 7 =(J3 -0.30)(8) o KEP AN, ~(mggysin30)=0 =(2g)(4)= Ny -00(4) & PEF = 2T ~(mggXcos30) -(F,), (Fp 27 ~2x)( 2) ® Substituting 7 from ® into @ (Fy = 2) v3 -0.30)(@)-VBz Requirement for equilibrium (4), =(Y3-0.60)¢ =1-132¢ ‘Maximum ftietion that can be developed at A= 4, , =03¢ Since 0.3¢<1.132g, blocks move. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-ill Companies, Inc.All rights reserved, No port of this Manual may be dxpleyed teprodiced or ditibuted in any form or By any mens, whan the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the Timted (asorton to eachers and eceors pert by MeCra-Il for thelr indivial conrve preparation. Ifyou arecastdent wing his Manual, ow a ning iho permision 508 PROBLEM 13.20 (Continue (a) AandB. (Ep) =MNp =020)8 Fp = HN, = OI) Kinemati xy =2%y 2vy 1 mv +a mgy) 7" Yi Uy g =m gG(COS30°}(x,,) + m1g4(C0830") xy (Ep) pea) Fply 9) Xy=2m, x,=1m Ua =reno( Sa m)+(2 t9{ Jam ~(0.20X(1 m)— (0.20)(2 m)][9.81 m/s} Ui, =10.732)~ O.6)[9.81}=11.105 3 RU a=h 0411,105=1.25:3 vy 8.88 Vp = 2.98 m/s “60° (6) Balone. y=0 F=0 ¥ = 2.98 mis (from (a) (Jee ose 5 = 8.88) Ny =mygesin30°=9 N Usa = myR{cos30"V2)~(1V2)~(F) 2) 2 kg)(9.81 m/s?)} <= |(2m)—27 - (0.2)(9 NY2 m) aig 27 -06g T+U,.=7, 0+23g-27-0.42 =8.88 27 = (23 ~ 0AN(g)~8.88 = 21.179 0.59N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All righ reserved. No part of dis Maal may be dspleyed, ‘reproduced or dished in any form or by any mans, without prior rit permission ofthe publisher, o” tae beyond the ited Atstribution to teachers and educators ported by McGrw Hil for thi individual cours preperation Ifyou ance staden ws ts Mama, ow are sig it with permission si PROBLEM 13.21 ‘The system shown is at rest when a constant 150-N force is applicd to collar B. (a) If the force acts through the entire motion, determine the speed of collar B as it strikes the support at C. (0) After what distance d should the 150-N force be removed if the collar isto reach support C with zero velocity? SOLUTION Kinematics my=3ke Wy =myg=G ke) (9.81 mvs") W,=29.43N (@ _1SO-N forec acts through entire 0.6 m motion of B. (150 NY(0.6 m) ~ (29.43 NY.2 m) = 54.68 J malo + Smal h 1 2" = Low [20y 2] +406 box)! =100098 Ts 0454.68 =100)3 (vp), = 2.338 ms < (6) Initial and final velocities are zero, bf T=0 Remove 150-N foree after B moves distance d. U- =(150 N)d ~(29.43 NY(1.2 m) =150d ~35.3161 T.+U,,=T: 0+150d~31.316=0 20.2354 m d=235 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ighs reserved. No part of this Mamal may be dsplayer reproduced or ditiuted in ay for or by any means, without the prior sites permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Limited dstibuton fo teachers aed educators periltod by MeCiren- Hil fortes indviea course preparation {yt areastdent sing this Manu, ‘po ane sing it thou permission. 510 PROBLEM 13.22 Blocks 4 and B have masses of 11 kg and 5 kg, respectively, and they are both at a height = 2 m above the ground when the system is released from rest. Just before hitting the ground, Block A is moving at 4 speed of 3 mis. Determine (a) the amount of energy dissipated in frietion by the pulley, (6) the tension in each portion of the cord during T the motion. SOLUTION Energy dissipated. @ on m/s=vy T= ylmyt my vy (4 Jom? =71 U2 =mye@)~mg¢(2)-E, Us =(6kg)9.81 mis'(2m)~E,, an) gta Uj, =NIL2-£, Tru. 0+1IT2~E, Ey £,=45.75 4 © Block 4: X =(Pss}omsr=a954 11 ke)9.81m/s?)~7) 112 m1] T, 04215.82-27, =49.5 Block &: 1 3 2 T=0 hak mat (Sus}omsy =25) Uy = ~Wlyg (2) + Ty (2) = 45 kg 9.81 mv/s*)(2 m) +27), Ty =60.3N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 0 2009 The MeGra-Hill Companies, le. Allright reserved, No part of this Mannal may be displayed, reproduced or dsribued in any form or by any means, withou the pier ren permission ofthe puller, or used beyond the finite tistibution to teachers and educators permite by cna Hil for thei individual conve preparation Ifyou nese wing thts Mana, 20 are using witout permission su PROBLEM 13.23 ‘The system shown, consisting of a 40-tb collar 4 and a 20-Ib counterweight B, is at rest when a constant 100-Ib force is applied to collar 4. (a) Determine the speed of A just before it hits the support at C. (b) Solve Part a assuming that the counterweight B is replaced by a 20-Ib downward force. Ignore friction and the ‘mass of the pulleys. “| SOLUTION Kinematics: (a) Blocl and B. gyi +d ame (20 f/32.2 fs? (2v,)? + deo 132.2 fs? }(v,)? 60 os 1=( Seo Ug = C00) 4) + (HO) pe) Uj. = (LOO Mj(2 A) + (40 16)(2 fh) — (20 Tha NY Uy. = 200-4 8080 = 200 Ib ft ov aan (4 TAja= 32.2 vj =107.33 10.36 fist << PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights ceserved. No port of tie Manat may Be displayed ‘reproduced or diibted in cy form or By amy mec, thon the prior writin pormisson ofthe publisher, o” ated beyond theft! isributon fo teachers ed edicutors petite by MoGra-Hl for thsi individual conrse preparation. If you areca studen sing his Aamo bo a ing i wit! permission 512 PROBLEM 13.23 (Continued) () Since the 20-Ib weight at B is replaced by a 20-Ib force, the kinetic energy at @ is vyalT94 tisd PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights teseved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dtributed in any form or by any means, wthou the prior writen permission of the publisher, or nse Beyond the lined distribution to teachers and educators permite by McGravs-10l for thet indvidual course preparaten. omar aston ust this Man, poware wang witout permission. 313 PROBLEM 13.24 Four packages, each weighing 6 Ib, ate held in place by friction on a conveyor, which is disengaged from its drive motor. When the system is released from rest, Package 1 eaves the belt at A just as Package 4 comes onto the inclined portion of the bell at B. Determine (a) the speed of Package 2 as it leaves the bolt at 4, (6) the velocity of Package 3 as it leaves the belt at 4. Neglect the mass of the belt and rollers, SOLUTION fee oR AaB6 o A (a) Package | falls off the belt and 2, 3, 4 move down, Slope angle sin B= 7, =3{—S® \a 232.208)? 0.279505 BIOL) = BNE IbYe2 AH 36 lb-ft T 0.2795¥3 ve ve =1288 (b) Package 2 falls off the belt and ifs energy is lostto the system, and 3 and 4 move down 2 ft r=0[4n| fs 23.6% oe ch PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc. All igh reserved. No part of this Mannal may te dilayed, reproduced or dotribted in ey form oF by any means, whut the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linted rsriteaion to teachers an educators permite by McGrane forte individeo couse preparation. yom are a student wing this Maal, Son are nsing ition pormsion st PROBLEM 13.24 (Continued) 2)(HF 2) = (26 Ib)(2 1) v= 16.05 81s 7 23.6° 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘0 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies ne. A rigs reserved. No purd of this Manual may be digplayed, reprodiced or dsibted i» ay form or by any means, thou the prior writen permirsion ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the limited dtisibution to teachers an educators pormited by Miraw-Bill for the individual couse preparation. Ifyou ar astlen asin dis Maa, ow are axing webu permission. sis PROBLEM 13.25 ‘Two blocks 4 and B of mass 4 kg and 5 kg, respectively, are connected bby a cord which passes over pulleys as shown. A 3-kg collar C is placed ‘on block A and the system is released from rest. After the blocks have ‘moved 0.9 m, collar Cis removed and blocks 4 and B continue to move. Determine the speed of block 4 just before it strikes the ground. SOLUTION Position ® to Position @. =o ‘ At @ before Cis removed from the system o | 1 2 (m+ me ~ mp) (0.9 m) (443~5X2)(0.9m) = (2 kgX9.81 m/s? )(0.9 m) (12 kg? = 62 U,=17658 1 TtUaah 0.417.658 = 6r} vy =2.943 At Position ®, collar Cis removed from the system Position to Posi (nm, +m “3 sa }.04 3.244} Cong tims PROPRIETARY MATERIAL” © 2008 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, tne. All rights reserve. No put of this Mamtal may be displayed reproduced or ditibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior swvitien permsson ofthe publisher, oF wed beyond the hited ‘isrbution to ears and educators pert by MeGraw-Hill forth india corse preparation If ew are a student sing this Manual. Deu are sing i without permission 516 PROBLEM 13.25 (Continued) Uy. = (m4 Mmy KOT mi) = (1 kg)(9.81 m/s?\(0.7 m) Uy, =~6.867) B+Uz3=% 13.244-6.867 =4.502 v= 1ai7 v4 =) =1.190 mvs v, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Al rights resrvel, No part ofthe Manea! may be display ‘duced or disribured in ean form or by ay means, withow the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or zed Beso the hited stitution to teachers andl educators permite by MeGraw-Fillfor tly individual couse preparaiion.Ufvou ae astdont sing his Maal ou are us i wei permis, PROBLEM 13.26 A 104b block is attached {0 an unstretched spring of constant & = 12 Ib/in, The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the block and the plane are 0.60 and 0.40, k= 12h respectively. If force F is slowly applied to the block until ct the tension in the spring reaches 20 Ib and then suddenly i removed, determine (a) the speed of the block as it returns to its initial position, (6) the maximum speed achieved by the block. SOLUTION ore yh Yew PasiTio L—4,—> (a) Find initial position xy of the block at Q. 44 Ib 2% 20 Tb = (144 Itt) rg (laste)? = ff ondes ems > kes l44x(F,), =4N a] +E (tp) (Fy = 0.410) =4 Ib 72 Tb)(0.1389 £1)? + (4 Ib}C-0.1389 8) 8335 Ib- ft 5367 2.32 Ws At original position, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 "The McGraw-Hill Comptes Ie. All righ reserve, No part of this Mama mary be dypleyed reproduced or diiibted ina for or by any mens, withow the prior writen permission of the prbsher, oF sed beyond the ited dsibaton to teachers a educators permite by McGraw-Hill fr thei indlunal course preparation. If yon area student asin hs Manual, eae ane asin i ein permission sis PROBLEM 13.26 (Continued) o mex o the right of the orignal position @. af H=0 1-4” |e, 0.155303 i=0 % {%) 2) has [Bde [ede 5 = 0.1389 144s? | y, [ seem (Eye 4tb TtU yy =Ty O+(72 Me/fO.138 1 +(4 Ib)(x 0.1389) = 0.155393. vy Max v, when a “144s 4420 Max v, when x= 0.027778 m 0,1553v},, = (72)|(0.1389)* — (0.02778)*] + (4)(0.02778 —0,1389) 0.1553v2,, =1.3336-0.4445 = 0.8891 Vy =3.725 Ving = 2.39 fs PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 ve MeGray-1ill Companies, e- AIL rights wseeved. No part of tiv Mana may be daplayed, ‘reproduced or dsribued in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, oF sed besind the Tied distribution to wachers and educiors permite by MeGrave Hil for thet individual course preparation Ifyou arecastdent using this Mandl "pow are ung i without permission. si PROBLEM 13.27 A 10-tb block is attached to an unstretched spring of constant k=12 Ibn, The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the block and the plane are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. If a forve F is applied to the block until the tension in the spring reaches 20 Ib and then suddenly removed, determine (a) how far the block will move to the left before coming to a stop, (b) whether the block will then move back to the right, k= 121i SOLUTION ows fe ~= te Jowrenat position, Na tolb, (a) is initial posi Block has a velocity to the left as it reaches its original position (see Problem 13.26) A=12 Ibfin.=144 lb/ft Fy = lds (=m (F) =O.4Kt0) (Fy =40 T=0 T,=0 fords fujneae HE erm) I¢e =) et) TAU 22%, 0-72(x— xy xt my) ArH) =O ~TAx-x)-4=0 AO, 0 woagee 1389 r=0.0833 1 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘2 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All fights reserved. No part of dls Manat may be displayed, reproduced or dixributed in any form or by any means, ston the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the tied Atsribaion to teachers andl educators perma by MGrow- Hil ford divi course preparation Ifyou area stent ning his ow aren if withont pormision sma PROBLEM 13.27 (Continued) Total distance moved to the left =x) + x 22 Xp +x =0.1389-+0,0833 apex (®) If F, at @ is larger than the maximum po ition foree, then block will move fo the right. ‘From (a) with x= 0.0833 (ae tolb F, = (144\(0.0833) 2) 12 1b BO) CF) = MN ni Fe (0.60)(10) th =61b = 10 16. Since F, > (F))es block moves to the right, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL rights reserved. Na part of this Manual may be diplayed, ‘reproduced oF dtributed tn ny form oF by any means, wilhont the prior writen permission of the publisher or owed Beyond the lind fh #31763 k-R et) 7,=0 Uy. = USKYS N)+(27 KM -5) sarees TTanaTan( REE =90 427d 135 Dd 45 k-th TUys=% 317.53 =21d—45 d=34an Assumption that d<14 ft is ok. (b) Maximum deceleration occurs when F is largest. For d= 13.438, = 27k. Thus, F 2250 Ib 27,00 16) ={ 22500 Vea, sass » (eae Jen PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In. All ights reserved Na part of dic Manual may Ie displayed, reproduced or dsesbted In any form or bya mens, wiht the prior srtten persion of fe publisher, or ase Devond the lined ‘tsb wo tewchors ad edacators permed by Metra Hl for tet vidual conse preparation Wfyouarec sete wsn Hs Meo, ow are using 1 thon pormision sn PROBLEM 13.33 ‘A piston of mass m and cross-sectional area A. is equilibrium under the pressure p at the center of a cylinder closed at both ends, Assuming that the piston is moved to the left @ distance a/2 and released, and knowing that the pressure on each side of the piston varies inversely with the volume, determine the velocity of the piston as it again reaches the center of the eylinder. Neglect frietion between the piston and the cylinder and express your answer in tems of m, ap, and d, SOLUTION Pressures vary inversely asthe volume @ @ Te fee ST Initially at ©, Ae, U,2 = padfin x+ In (2a~x)Iq tormfueseefs} 3) Uns pod nt wi] ar w(4) 4 0+ paan( 4 ais (3) T+u, v=0.759,}24 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL «© 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright reserved. No part of this Momuat may be displayed, reproduced or darted any form or By eny means, witht the prior write permission ofthe publisher, or ned beyond the liste? ‘Aetibuton to foaehors and educators parmitd by let Hil for thi nda eoneve preparation Ifyon are aston wii his Mera Dow ave ung without pernission PROBLEM 13.34 Express the acceleration of gravity g, at an altitude fr above the surface of the arth in terms of the acceleration of gravity gy, at the surface of the earth, the altitude / and the radius R of the earth, Determine the percent error if the weight that an object has on the surface of earth is used as its weight at an altitude of (@)1 km, (8) 1000 kim, SOLUTION Avearth’s surface, (= 0) ‘Thus, R=6370 km Attitude h, “true” weight F=mg, =", Assume weight Hy = mee Bror=E = @ km: 314% (&) = 1000 ken P=25.3% 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rghts reserved. No par of this Manual may be displayed, spruce ctribated in any form o By any means, withont the prior writen permission of the publisher, or sed Beyond the lied sirlbutlon to teachers and educators permite by Mera il for thin individual eourse preparation. yomare astuden! wg this Mana, ow are wing it without permision. PROBLEM 13.35 A rocket is fired vertically from the surface of the moon with a speed yp. Derive a formula for the ratio Ay/y of heights reached with a speed v, if Newton's law of gravitation is used to calculate , and a uniform gravitational field is used to calculate /,, Express your answer in terms of the acceleration of gravity g,, on the surface of the moon, the radius ,, of the moon, and the speeds vand vj). SOLUTION Newton's law of gravitation @z i Tort [aO) 1 le mg +m a Uniform gravitational field : athe Dividing (1) by (2) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGray-Hill Companies, ne. AIL ight served. No part of thie Manna may be displ ‘reproduced ar dsribaed in any form or by any means, without the peter writen persion of the publisher, or nsed Beyond the Tinted distribution to teachers ad eduecors permite by Mera il for thetr nbvidual cove preparation. f ona stent sing this Mam, ow are sing ic withont permission. sn on trajectory ' j / s Ea Se 50a PROBLEM 13.36 ‘A golf ball struck on the earth rises to a maximum height of 200 feet and hits the ground 250 yards away. How far will the same golf ball travel on the moon if the magnitude and direction of its velocity are the same as they were on the earth immediately after the ball was hit? Assume that the ball is hit and lands at the same clevation in both cases and that the effect of the atmosphere on the earth is neglected, so that the trajectory in both cases is @ parabola. ‘The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 0.165 times that on earth, SOLUTION Solve for My At maxim ssame in both cas . Earth Moon Subtracting, height, the total velocity is the horizontal component of the velocity, which is constant and the mth mg, Barth ~mg,lty Moon Lave 3H =12128 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©2008) The MoCro-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No par of thie Maal nay be diplaved reproduced or dlstributed in any form oy any ana, with sited by Meri fr their indvivo core preparation If onan sine sing this Mal, tribution to eachers end ecatrs pe Do are ning without permission ‘he prion writen permission of te publisher, or weed beyond the Tinned sa PROBLEM 13.36 (Continued) Alx=0, y =0: 515 yd ait jes ¥ a PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrav-Hill Companies, ine. All Fghts served. No part of this Manual may be displ repreduced or dtaued in any form or yay means, thot the prior written permission ofthe publisher, ar ase beyond the Fits! distribution te teachers and eucoios permite by McGraw Hil forthe individoal ene preparcton. Ifyou a astuent ug this Mana, ‘oir are sng it widow purmission. 3 PROBLEM 13.37 A 300-2 brass (nonmagnetic) block 4 and a 200-g steel magnet B are in equilibrium in a brass tube under the magnetic repelling force of another steel magnet C located at a distance x=4mm from B. The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between B and C. If block 4 is suddenly removed, determine (a) the maximum velocity of B, (b) the maximum acceleration of B. Assume that air resistance and friction are negligible. SOLUTION (@) Caleulating K. LE =(m + mpg —HEAx10 my 4x10? mY OS kgXg avs?) 10% Nem y=0 5=0 T= mye? =0.02 N-m 2 1= Pome tae ff (2 £029} : 4 ; vf (es ong} veo wv d(’) ade 9 ae] F— + Khan mn oa For maximum ¥, o S10" s org =0 ‘Thus, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Aill Companies, he. All rights reserved No part of this Moat ay he displayed ‘epradiced or esibued in dn form or By any means, withou the prior wen permission ofthe publisher, or sed Beyond the Cmte isanaton to teachers end exhcutns permite by McGran-#1 fr thet India conraeprearation. 7you arecastdent using his Manu, pow are using Iwo persion. sM PROBLEM 13.37 (Continued) AL Ving 0.00632 m + foes 026} en : om 0 2 ean-o20anil O.n2,, = 0.1628 m/s yp =162.8 mos (6) Maximum acceleration at x = 0,004 m where EF is maximum, EF = hh? Wy = mya (8x10 9.81) 40.004)" (0.2)9.81) =| Zhe, a, =14.72 mis} 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2099 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight reserved. No part of this Manual may be displeyed, reproduced or diated in any form ar by any meds, wihow the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, ov used beyond the lanted sation to teachers an educators permited by MeGrav-HAl for thot individual conrsepesparaion If are stadt sng his Bhan Yon ane ig thou permission, 58 PROBLEM 13.40 ‘The sphere at 4 is given 2 downward velocity vo of magnitude 5 m/s and swings in a vertical plane at the tend of a rope of length = 2 m attached to a support at O. Determine the angle @ at which the rope will break, knowing that it ean withstand a maximum tension equal to twive the weight of the sphere. SOLUTION zm 0 oe ase v | Uy 2 =me(2)sind T4U,4=Ty 125m 2mgsin 254 4gsind a Newton's law at @ poamg SS image ae os _ 472mg mg sin = m er — ™ V ade —2esind @ Substituting for? from Bg. 2) into Eg (1) 2J-+4gsind = 4g -2gsind MOS) 25 9 2419 0-14.00 4 O81) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MoGrw-Hill Companies, he, All rights wserved. No per ofthis Manual muy be displayed ‘reproduced or dirbuted in any form o By any means, wihon the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the Limited dsibuion to teachers end exbctors permite by McCraw for ther ndvial course preparation. fox area student sing this Manvel Dom are using toa! permission si PROBLEM 13.41 A section of track for a roller coaster consists of ‘ovo circular ates AB and CD joined by a straight portion BC. The radius of 4B is 90 1 and the radius of CD is 240 ft. The car and its occupants, of total ‘weight $60 Ib, reach Point 4 with practically no velocity and then drop fieely along the track. Determine the normal force exerted by the track on the car as the car reaches Point B. Ignore air resistance and rolling resistance. “Jaoti-cos 40) 560 Ib) (90 1) (0.234) L791 ft-lb TytUyg=Ty — 0411,791= 2892 g y (11,791 f-IbY 32.2 fs?) = (280 Ib) vp = 1356 fs? Newton's lav at B a A 8 Gott] aot ele 0 Tnrdn= We s¢0lb ES vp = 1386 15? YAN = cos40® (560 Ib)(1356 Ns?) (32.2 fils” )(90 ft) N =429~262 = 167.0Ib N=167.01b N = (560 Iby( cos 40°) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeLiraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved. No part of his Manual may be dspayec ‘eproced or disibted tn any farm or by any meas, wilt the prior written permission ofthe pubis, or nau beyun the lated dsteitetion to teachers and educators permite by Mera for ther dividual vase preparation I'm areca staden¢ ese tis Manta, Sou are using Witham pormsson. a PROBLEM 13.42 Jf A seetion of track for a roller coaster consists of two circular ares AB and CD joined by a straight portion BC. The radius of AB is 90 ft and the radius of CD is 240 ft. The car and its occupants, of total weight 560 Ib, reach Point 4 with practically no velocity and then drop fieely along, the track. Determine the maximum and minimum values of the normal force exerted by the track on the car as the car travels from A to D. Ignore a resistance and rolling resistance. ra20n SOLUTION ‘Normal force at B. See solution to Problem 13.41, Np =167.01b. Newton's law From B to. moves in a straight line), 6 a +N; -W c0s40=0 we j Nj, = (560)c0s 40° Ne 9 Nj =4291b 7 c At_C and D (car in the curve at C). wageotb : as cou eg Ferme nf wesvon snags mA z tg wees! # Ne =560) cosa" ak ALD: Hv. gR a cof 1422] ar) sin vp>ve and c088<1, Np >Ne PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 9 2009 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All righisweservel. No part of this Manual men be displayed toprodaced or dsrihted in any form or By any mane, withon the tor writin permission ofthe publisher, erased beyond the Tinted (dseibtion ta teachers ad ecucatore permite by MeCraw- Hil fr Heino course prewaraton. If youarecastudent using ds Manca Sou ane ning thon permission sao PROBLEM 13.42 (Continued) Work and energy from A 10D. Te 4 Uy g =Ty 0+84,001 * 300 @ % 300 ripe ti{ esc e22) 0m { 3) 240 N, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ° 2009 Tye McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may: be displayed, reproduced or ested in any form or Ey any means, shou de por writs permission ofthe publisher on nse beyond the limited sdsetation to teachers end educators permited by MeGrentRl for ther india conrse prpavation. Im anc student sing this Manne, Yoware using i thou! permision PROBLEM 13.43 A small sphere B of mass m is released fiom rest in the position shown and swings freely in a vertical plane, first about O and then about the peg A after the cord comes in contact with the peg, Determine the tension in the cord (a) just before the sphere comes in contact with the peg, (b) just after it comes in contact withthe peg. SOLUTION Velocity of the sphere as the cord contacts A T= bm Us.c = (mg X04) TytU pe Te Newton's law (@ Cord rotates about PointO(R = L) AA r= mg (cos60") =m“ T= ma(eos60?) + MODE. mg PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of tis Maal may Be displayed, ‘reproduced or ditibuted in any form or By any mins, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used bevond the tinted isorbton to teachers end eccars ported by Mera Hill for thei individual conve preparation Ifyou rea student sing this Manval, om are iting Ht without person sa PROBLEM 13.43 (Continued) (cto t02) T=25meg € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 9 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of thir Manoa! may be displayed ‘reprodiced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the pric writen permiscion ofthe publisher, cr nd beyond the Tite! dstributon to teachers and educators permite by MeGrav-tl forthe indvidua course preparation Ifyou recs stdet using his Merc, ‘vow are uing i without permision Ne PROBLEM 13.44 A small block slides at a speed v=8 fs on a horizontal surface at a height =3 above the ground, Determine (a) the angle @ at which it will leave the eylindrical surface BCD, (b) the distance x at which it will hit the ground. Neglect frietion and air resistance, SOLUTION & herr nh Lee Nysncose aia Block leaves sur Work-energy principle. (a) Ty + 32m + mgt Using Ea. (1) cos eee PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 he MeGras-Hil! Compan reprodtaced or dsrbted bv any for ar By any me xX “ a, See gE Neo eat C when the normal force N =0. 4/mg cos = ma, 2 gos =—— 7” y= gheos0= gy ” at Ty=spom? = m9)? =32m Te jm Upc Upc =mgh(—cosd) Ty 4 Upc =Te 2 mv+ meh — dime rm? tah eos 8) = 5mm 2gh(| cos) +18.79 2(9.81 mis*)(2.5 m)(1 cos 40°) + 18.79 7315 y= 2.70 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Will Companies Ine. Allright reserved, No part of this Monat nay be displayed, Ieprced or disited in any form or by any meas, hou the prlor writin permission of the publisher, or usd bxyona the fied Uisribution no eochers an educators ported by McGaw Al for thelr individ eo preparation Ifyou are a-shuken using hi Manat yom ave ring itvthou pormision 546 PROBLEM 13.46 ahs mts (@) A 120-6 woman rides a 15-Ib aa “ bicycle up a 3-percent slope at a constant speed of S fs. How much power must be developed by the woman? () A 180-Ib man on an 18-Ib bicycle starts down the same cost slope and maintains a constant we speed of 20 fs by braking, How w w niuch power is dissipated by the brakes? Ignore air resistance and rolling resistance SOLUTION =a tan 8-5 @=1718° mi @ WW, +My =154120 W=1351b | By =Wev =H sin V0) | By =(138)(6in 1.718965) (@ By, =20.26 tvs Py =202 tbs lo WoW, +W,=18+180 W=198 Ib pate the power generated by the bike and the man going down the slope at 20 fs. 2, = Wev = (W'sine)(v) ar P, =(198)(in 1.718)(20) PMT Rebs (b) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved, No part of this Manual ma be caved, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any mens, witout the prior writin pormisson ofthe publisher, or red beyond te lied Aistribtion to teachers ned educators permited by MeGrw- Hl forthe individual course preparation Ifyou ave student wing his Mantel Je are using i without permission ss PROBLEM 13.47 A power specification formula is to be derived for electric motors: which drive conveyor belts moving solid material at different rates to different heights and distances. Denoting the efficiency of the motors by 77 and neglecting the power needed t0 drive the belt itself, derive a formula (a) in the SI system of units for the power Pin kW, in terms of the mass flow rate m in kg/h, the height & and horizontal distance / in meters, and (6) in US. customary units, for the power in hp, in terms of the material flow rate 17 in tons/h, and the height 6 and horizontal distance /in feet. SOLUTION (a) Material is lifted to a height b ata rate, (a ky/h)(g m/s?) = [mg(N/)] Thus, AU _ Lag NMH)]E Cn) -( righ y a At (3600 s/h) 3600, 1000 N-mis = 1 kw Thus, including motor efficieney, 7, Pee) =m) (00 Nm cacan( PN" ny Ow) = 02 Te 10° Eh < ae AU__ {W/wons/h)(2000 toon) ]15(R) a 3600 s/h 2 Albis; Thp=550 ft-lbs 1 with fittys) | he mc leat a [| 0101078 wp 7 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 ‘the McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. No purt of this: Manual may be asplayed, Tepreduced or diributed in cvs form or by vy means, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, or used beyond the linited disritaion to teachers and edcwors pent by Merve fr dtr individual course preparation. If yu are a student using this Maal Sow are angi wetion! permission ste PROBLEM 13.48 A chair-lift is designed to transport 900 skiers per hour from the base A ‘oweh the summit B. The average weight of a skier is 160 Ib and the | _ average speed of the lifts 250 f¥min. Determine (a) the average power required, (6) the required capacity of the motor if the mechanical efficiency is 85 percent and if a 300 percent overload is to be allowed. SOLUTION Note: Solution is independent of speed. (a) Average power = AY. 000)(160 16)(1000 ®) _ 4,999 tb 3600 5 $ thp =ss0 1b. Average power = 429% 79.7 hp 4 s 550 (6) Maximum power required with 300% overload 100300 ESO (72.7 hp) =290.1 by Too 72-7 ho) Pp Requited motor capacity (85% efficient) 290.1 hp Motor capacity = = 342 bp 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL (2 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright reserved. No purt of dis Manual way be displayed, reproduced or ditibuted in any form o” by any means, without the por rite permission ofthe publisher, oF wed beyond the Ted dstribrtion to teachers and educators permited by MeGrenHHl for their anvil course preparation. iyo ae a student wing this Mana, on are using i thon: permission 549 PROBLEM 13.49 In an automobile drag race, the rear (drive) wheels of a 1000-kg car skid for the first 20 m and roll with sliding impending during the remaining 380 m. The front wheels of the ear are just off the ground for the first 20 m and for the remainder of the race, 80 percent of the weight is on the rear wheels. Knowing that the coefficients of friction are 1, =0.90 and 44, = 0.68, determine the power developed by the car at the drive ‘wheels (a) at the end of the 20-m portion of the race, (b)at the end of the race. Give your answer in kW and in hp. Ignore the effect of air resistance and rolling fiction SOLUTION (a) First20.m, (Calculating velocity at 20 m.) Force generated by rear wheels = ji, since car skids Thus, F, =(0.68)(1000)(2) 66708. N (0.68)(1000 kg)(9.81 ns” nv, = 500V%5 Work and energy. T+Ua=h Up = QO m\(F,) = (20m)(6670.8 N) Uj. =133,420) 04133420= 507%, Vay =16.335 m/s Power = (F,}(%y9) = (6670.8 N}(16.335 m/s) Power = 108,970 Jis=108.97 kis Tki/s=1kW T hp = 0.7457 kW. Power =109.0kis=109.0kW Power = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL ighs reserved No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or dried tv en form or by any means, wihow Hs plan srtien permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the fisted (distant teachers an eacators permite by McGrew HU fv dei individu conse preparation Ifyou area sede using hs ua, dow are using thon permision sso PROBLEM 13.49 (Continued) () Endofrace. (Calculating velocity at 400 m.) For remaining 380 m, with 80% of weight on rear wheels, the force generated at impending sliding is (1, )(0.80)(mg) F, = (0.90)(0.80)(1000 kg)(9.81 m/s?) Fy =7063.2N Work and energy, from 20 m @ to 28m @), vy, =16.335 mls [fiom Part (a)] e000 g)(16.335 mis)? 1 =133,4203 n Jim = 500025 Uy. =(F;)(880 m) = (7063.2 N)(380 m) Uy. = 2,684,000 5 Ft, 5=T, (133,420 J) + (2,684,000 J) = 500, y= 75.066 mis Power = (F;}(¥q) = (7063.2 N) (75.066 nus) = 530,200 3 kW Power =530,2001=530kW ON aithy hp Power = 530K (0.7457 kWip) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Will Companies, Ine All ights reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed reproduced or dsribated in any form or by any means, withow the prior writin permission af the pblisher, or used beyond the Died distribution to eachers and edvetors pert by MeGravtlfr tel individual course preperation. vou area student using this Manual, bow are nsing wie pormision 5st PROBLEM 13.50 It takes 15 s to raise a 1200 kg car and the supporting 300-kg hydraulic car-ift platform to a height of 2.8 m, Determine (@) the average output power delivered by the hydraulic pump to Jif the system, (6) the average electric power required, knowing that the overall conversion efficiency from electric to mechanical ‘power for the system is 82 percent. SOLUTION @ (Prag = (EV) = OMe + MRMY A) s/t = (2.8 m) (15 s) = 0.18667 mis (Pp) 4 =[(1200 kg) + (300 kg)}(9.81 m/s? )(0.18667 m/s)’ (Pp)4 = 274.7 kis (Pog 22.75 kW () (Pe) = Pp Vi = (2.75 kW (0.82) (Pp)q = 3.35 KW PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeCawIill Compenies, Ie. AIL eights reserved. No par ofthis Manvel may be displayed, reproduced or distrituted in any form or by any means, without the prior wren pernission of the publisher, or used beyond the fined (isrbaion to teachers end edcsios permite by MeGreset for ther inital couse preparation Ifyou area stdent wing ths Manual, Sow are ing ihn permission ss PROBLEM 13.51 ‘The velocity of the lif of Problem 13.50 increases uniformly from zero to its maximum value at mid-height in 7.5 8 and then decreases uniformly to zero in 7.5 s. Knowing that the peak power output of the hydraulic Pump is 6 kW when the velocity is maximum, determine the maximum lift force provided by the pump. SOLUTION Newton's law b5¢04 Pisco, Mg =(M, + M,)g =(1200 + 300)g. i a Mg =1500g +f ze = F-1500¢ =15000 o nce motion is uniformly accelerated, a= constant, ‘Thus, from (1), Fis constant and peak power occurs when the velocity is a maximum at 7.5 s, ‘Q.consTanT: nas, ) Mr ass aa Thus, = (GO00)7.5F) Q Substituting (2) into (1) F ~1500g = (1500)(6000)/(7.5)(F) (1.500 kg) (6000 N- mvs) a 1 mis F? ~(1500 kg)(9.81 mis") a F-14715 1.2108 =0 F=14,800N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Compsnis, Ine, Allright reserved. No prt of this Manu maybe dplaee ‘eproduced or diiributed in ny form or By any means, withou the prior writen permission of the uber, wr ted Devon the led dstrituton to teachers and edeators permite by MetraHlil for Mer individual ouse preperation. Ion ara sudenteaoy this Mana, Yu ave using i thou! permission. PROBLEM 13.52 ‘A 100-ton train traveling on a horizontal track requires 400 hp to maintain a constant speed to 50 mith, Determine (a) the total force needed fo overcome axle friction, rolling resistance, and air resistance, (b) the additional horsepower required ifthe train is to maintain the same speed going up a I-percent grade SOLUTION ftlb @ P= 400 hip=( 550" np }(400 hp) = 220,000 f-Ib/s s 0 mish = 73.33 Us P= iy Fg = Phy = (220,000 ft Ibvs)/(73.33 fs) =30001b € o W = (100 tons) (2000 tbiton) wie W = 200,000 Ib e Ua S Fe AP=Wsin6-y AP = (200,000 Ib) (sin 0.573°)(73.33 fs) = thi 0.573" AP =146,667 f-tb/s AP=267hp PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights esered. No part of his Monaal may be displayed, epraduced or dwibuted in any form or by any means, withone the pri writen permission ofthe publisher, or used Devore te limited Cdston te teachers en ecard by eG for ir invidal eonre preparation you area student sing his Manu, Severe using who permission 84 PROBLEM 13.53 ‘The frictional resistance of a ship is known to vary direetly as the 1.75 power of the speed v of the ship. A. single tugboat at full power can tow the ship at a constant speed of 4.5 knv/h by exerting a constant force of 300 KN, Determine (a) the power developed by the tugboat, (6) the maximum speed at which two tugboats, capable of delivering the same power, ean tow the ship. SOLUTION (a) Power developed by tugboat at 4.5 knv/h. y= 4.5 kv = 1.25 mis Fy = 300 KN P= Fyyy = BOO KNY(1.25 mis) P=31skw 4 (6) imum speed. Power required to tow ship at speed v: fe) ral mel \ Since we have two tugboats, the available power is twice maximum power Fiyy developed by one tugboat Recalling that vy = 4.5 kmh 5.79 km/h (4.5 kmnfh) (1.2867) = $,7902 kav PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGeaw-Hill Companies Ie. Allright reserved. No part of this Manual muy be displayed, repredaced or distributed in any form oF by any means, witha the prior verter permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the tne La CaL yh (Alay 1, = 2100s win. 7, =9803 vn 0 Ty=0 Al =0.200 m—0.080 m =0.120.m A FeCa) ! (400x108 Nim)(0.120 m)? y, =28804 Ty+V,=Ty+V¥_ — 0.25¥4 +980= 042880 > _ (2880-980) oO v3 = 7600 m/s? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, In. All ight reserved. No part of thie Manual may be displayed reproduced o7 distributed in any frm or by any means without the prior wviten pormtsion of the pblicher or nved Beyond the linited dstribwton to tachore and educators permed by MeGraw il fo hiv inlividual care preparation Ifyou are aston! asi his Mara, pr ae ating i withon permision 568 PROBLEM 13.61 (Continued) (6) Velocity at C. Since slope at B is positive, the component of the spring force , parallel to the rod, eauses the block to move back toward A. 1, =0, Vy =2880 [from Part (a)] 1 ya = OS KBD 2 0.2542 eee. Adie =0.100 m1 ~ 0,080 m = 0.020 m Ye = Thaler HAO 10 Ninx0.020 my? =80.0) Ty +¥y=Te Vo 0+ 2880= 0.250 +80.0 ¥E=11,.200 m/s? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies Ine. Allright reserve. No pat of this Manual may be displayed. reproduced or dsvbuted in any form or by any means, wiht the rior writen permission ofthe publisher or used bevont the lined vy =0 Ty= prom e Vy =(0.3 kg)(9.81 m/s? (0.7072 m) Nasiiret Seft-cors) V, =2.0815 Gi =oiotzm I5ve 1, 4V¢=To Ve 04 2081=0.15,2 +0 f= 13.873 ms? (@) Normal force just before C. Pellets inthe curve (a, = 2) nut elt mae N=(0.3 ke)| 9.81 ms? 2 ret) (0.3Y9.8141734) N=SISN 13.873 mes? ) N (®) Normal force just after © mq Pellet is on the straight section of the surface (a, ) Nw af2F=N—mg=0 ane N=03g N=294N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (0 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine, Allright reterved. No port of this Manual may be display reproduced or dstribted in any form or by any means, without the prior vite permission ofthe publisher, oF wsed besond the linited Astributo to teachers and educators permed by MeCran-Thil fo thr inhalers prparatin. Ifyou are asiekent sing this Maal, Sou are msg ie without permission 585, PROBLEM 13.72 A 1.241 collar ean slide without frietion along the semicircular rod BCD. The spring is of constant 1.8 Ibvin, and its undeformed length is 8 in. Knowing that the collar is released from rest at B, determine (a) the speed of the collar as it passes through C, (4) the force exerted by the rod on the collar at C. SOLUTION (@) Speedatc. AUB Digg = NIP 468 +3? $13,748 in, Lye = N12? +3? =12.369 in, 8 Ibfin,~21.6 bite vy=0 1,0 Va=Wndet Onde AL yp = 13.748 in.~8 in Al gy = 5.748 in.= 0.479 ft W)e= EMAL) pe = 421.6 w/tx0.479 1? (4). = 2478 tb Wy), Wee (12 ($2)-0 £600 Ib ft (4)= Cpe + Up )y = 2478 +0.600 = 3.078 tof on 121b ye © 232.2 tus? J ° 0186342 K(BL ye)? 2.369 in, 4,369 in, =0.364 ft PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, % 2009 The Meirw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight reserved. No part of thir Memual may be displayed, Iprediced or dstuted in any form or by any mens, witout the pier written rermissen ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the fonted isrbton to feachers ea eshcors permite by McGrail fr ther indica cone preparation. Ifyou ara tudent sig this Manvel, Seo ar ng without permision sk PROBLEM 13.72 (Continued) 1.4316 Ib-ft (edo 21.6 Wity0.3647 Wede =0 Ho) = Vode + Hedy = 143164 0-= 1.4316 Ib ft Ty ty To Ve 043078 =0.018634\2 +1.4316 _B.078-1.4316) © (0.018634) (b) Force of rod on collar at C. 0 {a0 friction) : ey me > Kae = ethno tant = 14.00 SF. x R oN F, = AL jc )eos0 i+ sind k) F, = (21.6)(0.364Xe0s 14.04" i+ sin 14.04° k) F, = 7.628 1+1.9069 k (1b) ER = (F, +7.628)1 + (F, -1.2))+1.906 k om jemak 2452 2 thy {1-2 HOY 88.36 £75") F,+7.628b=0 F, 2.2 tus? \(0. F, =-1.628 Ib F,=7.78lb PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies Ie. A ights reserved. No put of this Mannal may be displayed, reproduced or datributed in any form or by any means, whiboa the ror veriten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the lined distribution to teachers anal educaors permite by MeGrav for thetr nd ida course preparation Ifyou are asiaen sing his Mn, ow are asing it wathon! permission se PROBLEM 13.73 ‘A 1-b collar is attached to a spring and slides without friction along a circular rod in a vertical plane. The spring has an undeformed length of 5 in, and a constant k=10 Tit. Knowing that the collar is released from being held at A, determine the speed of the collar and the normal force between the collar and the rod as the collar passes through B. SOLUTION For the collar, For the spring, Ata AUB: Velocity of the collar at B. na 031056 Ib-s?/8 e322 k=10 tb b= (274545217 in fy lg = 12 ina ty = 042) +5? =13 in 2 fy =18 in plo =1Bin= Fit Use the principle of conservation of energy. where Ty AV, = Ty Vy mv =0 Fie toP +O) Fao +o=5n » L(o031056)y3 =0.015528%5 A(Ey = Ey) + Wh eof) 04-8 = 1.80556 ft- Ib. 0.4 5=0.015528¥} = 1.80556 vp = 205.1 Wis yp =14.34 ts PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Ine All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘spredueed wr diibuted in any form or by any meas, without the prior writion permission of he publisher, or used beyond the United soriburion to teachers end educators permit by Merve il for finda course preparation. Ion area student sing this Maral, boa are sing i without! permission se PROBLEM 13.73 (Continued) Forces at B. F=Klby Lo) =ao/ w siner tne, 5 =Sin= Ot ie freee bes wey ma, = Pp (0.031056}(205.72) S112 = 15.3332 Ib 4} EF, =ma,: sin -W+N=ma, N=ma,+W~F, sin B wssnas1-cssen( 5) N=13.769 Ib Neath PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or dstibued fn any form or by any means, without the pre vrtten permission ofthe publisher, or aed Beyond the lied IS ng(2.5 m0) | Te=4m2 Vo 2 HM =Tot Ke Ieee vp 40= Lang + 2.5mg sig + 0= mv + 2.5mg =[63.77- 6.09.81) v1.72 mis by tegen ME (02 keL4.72 mis « eae o ce (05m) Hyd Package on tube, No =589N-— PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘© 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighis served. No port of tix Manaal may be dsplverd eprnduesd or died in ay form or by any mens, withow the prior written permstan ofthe publisher, or ued beyond he linited ‘sibution Yo eachers cud educators permite by Meinl tei indivi course prewvation If yan area stdent thn hs Manvel, Swear uring tht permission 300 PROBLEM 13.74 (Continued) (2) (@) The velocity at B can be nearly equal to zero since the weight of the package is supported by the tube. ‘Thus, vy =0, Ty =0 Vg =mg2.5 m-+0.5 m) Vp =3mg T,=4mp ¥,=0 Ty t¥y = Ty 4V, O--3mg = Lg +0 Wyneg vy = 7.67 mis © Tobie Ve =me@2.5 m) : fen ie TyaVy=Toste Lima 400 Lng +25ne 6g ~S¢=9.81 mis? mv = noe area ¥ ’ mg a Ne = (0.2 kg)(9.81 mis? (0.5 m) Package on tube, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MoCiae Hi Companies, Ie. Al cghts reserved, No port ofthis Manual may be diployed "reproduced or distributed in any form oF By any means, wilhont the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the ited dribuion to eachers and cvcaors permite by MeGraBUl for ther india conrve preparation. Ifyou are astaden sing his Mamta, $row are nein without permission PROBLEM 13.75 If the package of Problem 13.74 is not to hit the horizontal surface at C with a speed greater than 3.5 mms, (a) show that this. requirement can be satisfied only by the second loop, (4) determine the largest allowable initial velocity vo when the second loop is used. SOLUTION (2) Loop (1). The smallest allowable velo package is zero vj = gr =(9.81 mis’ )(0.5 m)=4.905 m*/s* =2.215 mis ‘The velocity at B cannot be less than 2.215 mV/s if the package is to maintain contact with the tube. For ve to be as small as possible, vy must be as small as possible; that is, vy = 2.215 m/s, | ALB: my 453m =mg(2.5-+0.5)=3mg Ite ALG: To= some Vo = 25mg Ty +Py =Tet Ve 2.453 m-+3mg dmg +2.5mg v2 =2{2.45340.5(9.81 mv/s*)} vi =14.72 mis? 836 m/s > 3.5 mis < Thus, Loop (1) ot meet the requirement. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Comp All ights served. No par of this Manual muy be displayed, ‘repradaced or dried in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited ‘seibation to teachers and educators permit by MeGraw-Hil fer thei individual course preparation. fy ava student ing hs Mano, ‘on are sing witha permission, son PROBLEM 13.75 (Continued) 5 mls = Ip 1 To=1m@, ant 125 m Sg 1 Ty tea To Ve 4 Lin? 5 Sig +0 = 6.125 m+ 2.5mg : m+ 2.5mg 2 = 2(6.125 +2.5g) = 61.3 m/s y= 7.83 mis Note: A larget velocity at A would result in a velocity at C greater than 3.5 mvs ‘PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le, All rights reserved. No pur ofthis Mandl may be displayed. ‘reproduced or distributed in cy form or by amy means, witout the prior writien permission ofthe uber, or sed Devoted the Timed isibuton to teachers ad educators permined by McGras-1 for tet nla course preparation fon are. student using hs Mano, ove are sing it witho permission. PROBLEM 13.76 ©The 2-Ib ball at A is st horizontal velocity of 16 fs. If /=2 Nand x ball will enter the basket. pended by an inextensible cord and given an initial , determine yy 80 that the SOLUTION Let Position I be at 4. Let Position 2 be the point descrited by the angle where the path of the ball changes fom circular to parabolic. At Position 2, the tension Q in the cord is zero Relationship between v, and @ is based on Q=0. Draw the free body diagram. ma, 5h = : . mg cy mi 1 etsin “ Relationship among vy, ¥, and @ is based on conservation of energy. {BF =0: O+mesin with Q Wsglsind or y Tay atey, nj —mgl = $ m2 +mglsind vp v9 = 2mgl (1 sind) 2) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 00 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, nc. All igh reseved. No part of this Manval may be displayed roprticed or atribued in any form or By any means, seth th price written permission ofthe publisher, or nse beyond he aie dutrbuton 0 tachorsemd educoior parotid hy MeCrve il farther individ eos preparation. Ifyoncaeaalent wing tne Mara, ‘you are ting I withou permission 06 PROBLEM 13.76 (Continued) Eliminating v, from gs. (1) and (2), v mel sin @ = 2mgl(L+sin 0) 3sing= 22 = CO” 1.97516 gl G22X2) eal From Eq. (1), vj = (32.2)(2)sin 41.177? = 42.4 fs? vy, =6.5115 fs and y coordinates at Position 2 0536 31677 fh x) =1e0s@ = 2c0s41,177 ALIT7 y =1sin Let 2 be the time when the ball is at Position 2. Motion on the parabolic path. The horizontal motion is vy sin @ = ~6.5115 sin 41.177° 4.28709 fs 1287091 =f) At Point B, 0=1,50536-4.28709(/,~1,) ty = 0.351148 ‘The vertical motion is 1 : Yaya ty, C080) —S 8th) ‘AtPoint 8 Ya= In 4%, C05, -h)-hells ~4F by =1.31677 (6.5115 cos 41.177°)(035114) ~F022)(0351149 =1.0526 ft yp = 1.053 fh PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 ‘he McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie, All rights reserved. No put ofthis Mensa! may be displayed ‘raproduced or disuted in cy form or by any means, iho the prior writen permission ofthe publiher, or sed Devon the tte? dlsribution to teachers and educators pormited by Metron for thelr nlividna cnnseprepavaton Ifyou area student ang Hs ental, [on are sing iwithot permission. 595, }-*0—| PROBLEM 13.77* 3, © te 2A tat asi suspended by a inexesible cord and given a ni ° t horizontal velocity of vo. If (=2 ft, x9 =0.3 ftand ye =0.4 fy determine the initial velocity vy so that the ball will enter the basket. ——e SOLUTION Let Position 1 be at A. Let Position 2 be the point described by the angle where the path of the ball changes from citeular to parabolic. At Position 2, the tension @ in the cord is zero. Relationship between vp and 6 is based on Q= 0. Draw the tree body di ma, W a With O=0, oO Relationship among yj, v;, and @ is based on conservation of energy. TAVah +, ie ie : ding —mge=+ mv} +mgtsin invs — mee = > mms + mg! vj =v} 4 2g¢(1+sinay @ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 he McGraw-Hill Compavies, Ie. All rights reserved, Ne part of this Marval may be displayed reproduced vr diuribued in any form ar by any means, withow the prior vriuen permission ofthe publisher. or sed beyond the ined ‘sributon to teachers na educators permited by MeGraw-HIl fr el individual corse preparation Tfyowarecastent using his Manu, vow are wing 1 without permusion 596 PROBLEM 13.77* (Continued) and y coordinates at Position 2, @ ® Let be the time when the ball isin Position 2. Motion on the parabolic path, ‘The horizontal motion is sind =m ~(v,sinO\e~ 6) At Point B, 1=t,. From Eq. (5), © Vertical motion: ALPoint B, 1 Ya = bin O+ 0 208ly 1) ~ 5 0lly o Data €=2R, xy -038, yy 04H, g=322K0s? With the numerical data, Bq. (1) becomes vy = 64d ay 2 Bq. (6) becomes ete eles o vpsind Bg, (1) becomes Jp =28in 4 (4, COSO}ly —f,)~16.1ty =f)" oy Method of solution. From a trial value of @, calculate va trom Bq, (1)', fy ~f, fiom Eq. (6), and yp from Bq. (7), Repeat until yy = 0.4 fas required. 64ASIN 30" = 5.6745 1s ‘Try @=30° % ty fy = 2803 _ 9 sass 5.6745 sin 30° Yq = 2sin 30° + (5.6745 cos30°}(0.50473) — (16,1)(0.50473)" = 0.021168 ‘PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MCtaw-All Companies. Ie. All rights reserve, No part ofthis Manual may be asplayed ‘reproduced or diributed tn any form or by any means. without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, o7 usd Beyond the inited dso to teachers and educaors pera by MeGravrlillfor Bir ndividoa curse preparalion If von arca student asing this Manual, eo are sing i iho permision PROBLEM 13.77* (Continued) Try O= 48%, vy = Va ASINAS? = 6.7482 2eos45°-0. *6.74828in 45° Jp = 2sin 45° + (6.7482.cos45°K0.23351) ~(16.1)(0.2335 1.65060 ft J644sin37 5° = 6.2613 1s 2 bank = 0.233518 Try O=37.8°. Vy = 2sin37.5° + (6.261300837.5°)(0.33757) ~ (16.1)(0.33757)" = 1.05972 Let u=0-30%, The following sets of data points, (1, yg) = (0°, -0.62114 N), (7.5%, 1.05972 1, (15°, 1.65060 fy “The quadratic curve fit of tis data gives Yyp = 0.62114 + 0.29678 11 —0,009688711 17 Selting yp =0.4 1 gives the quadratic equation 0.096887] 11? 0.296784 1,02114=0 15° and 26,68" Rejecting the second value gives 9 =30° +1 =33.95°, VEAASINTS.OS ~ 5.997 fis 208 33.95% 0.3 “5.9971 sin 33.95" sin 33.95° + (5.997 eos 33.95") (0.40578) —(16.1)(0.40578)° = 0.48462 8 Solving for w, ue Try 6-33.95", » 40578 s ‘The new quadratic curve fit is based on the data points (0°, 0.62114 1), 3.98°, 0.48462 Rt), (7.52, 1.05972 ft). Hye ‘The quadratic curve fit of this data is Vp = 0.62114 + 0.342053907 u ~0,015725232 u Setting yy = 04 ft gives 0015725232 0? +0.342053907 v~1,02114= 0. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All igh reserved. No part of this Momval muy be dapleyed, reproduced or disibued in any form or by any means, witht the prior written pormision ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the linited Ahsribaion to teachers and educiors permed by MeGraw Hil for thei individual course preparation Ifyonare ascent using this Mana ew re ws it withow persion, 598 PROBLEM 13.77" (Continued) Solving for x, W=3572° B= 30°+3,572° =33.572" sm. vy = f64ASIN3S 372° = 5.9676 fs 2.c0s33.572°~0.3 $0676 snaagTae ~ 41406 Vg = 28in33.572° + (5,9676c0833.572°}(0.41406) — (16.1)(0.41406)* = 0.40445 fi Try 0 ah which is elose enough £0 0.4 ft. Substituting 6 =33.572° and v, = 5.9676 fils into Eq. (2) along with other data gives VG = (5.9676)" + (2)(32.2)(2)(1 + sin 33,572°) = 235.64 £2 /s? vy =1535 10> PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1) 2009) Vhe MoCaw-Hill Companies, Ie. All sights reserved, No port ofthis Maal may be displayed repraduced or distributed in ay form oF by any moans, wilhont the pri writen perisson of the publisher, or wsed beyond the line =GMn _ gh’ 1,860 mi =62.621x10°R 32.2 s*)(20.909%10°)8 (62.621x10°) 224.8x10 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, # 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved. No part of this Manval may be dspayed. reprodced or etibued in any form or By any mans, witht the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lite ‘Gseribuion te ouchers ud eaucons permite by McGraw Hl for their nual comer preparation Iyer stent ws his Sanaa poo are uring i without permission ou PROBLEM 13.87 (Continued) 1 $0 42Ty HV y 438.8710" m —400.3x10%m Samp = 224.8%10%m vj = 21438.87 10% — 400.3%10° + 224,810) vj =526.75x10° 82/5? Vg = 22.951 10" fils = 15.6510? mish 5.65x10%mish PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. Al rights reserved, Vo part of this Mannal may be displayed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior weten permision of te publisher, ow rwed bosond the lined 3 ey Conservation of energy 1 2 1 zt t¥y=Ty +¥q: M23 +6.75~h02ye 1 + 3! ‘) 3K vi a) (@) Forsmallest v, forwhich cord stays taut, d= 600 mm =0.6 m Fa. Q) rw (0.9 m)=mvy(0.6m) vy =1.5vy Substituting yp =1.5y, into Eq. (1) 1 o2yi+6.15=4 vA) POW; + 6.15 =7.(0.2).544) 6.75 2a S12 =0.105v4 vq = 7.348 mls ¥,=735 mis € =11.02 mls < (6) Corresponding maximum speed PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 Tho MeCkaw Hil Companies, Ine All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced or disibuted in any form or by any moans, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the Canited distribution to teachers ad dcotorepertod by Mera forthe adiviual connseprepanaton If ow area student wsing xs Manel, yom are sing i withou! permission as PROBLEM 13.95 Collar B weighs 10 tb and is attached to a spring of constant 50 Ib/ft and of undeformed length equal to 18 in. ‘The system is set in motion with r= 12 in,, vo= 16 fs, and v, = 0. Neglecting the mass of the rod and the effect of friction, determine the radial and transverse components of the velocity of the collar when r= 21 in, SOLUTION alin, y=16 1s, ry =21 in Conservation of angular momentu rmm =r mv) (12 inn (16 £8) =(21 in.ym (%p) er) 1.2560 ae ip 7,109) +03] Ay =18-9=9 in. =0.75 kat =fis0 bitty0.75 fh? (28.125) 1.2560 _110¢ Tth=ht+hy Weakness nal (9.14)? +o] +508 125) (0.107 + = 256-28 125 (93 = 82.0 OD PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 Tho MoCraw-Hill Companies, ie. All rights reserved. No pant ofthis Manual may be dsployed ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the finited dstributon to reachers and educeirspermited by MeGravtill forthe individual course preparation If yon areca studenwsing his Manvel, pow are wing wont permission. os PROBLEM 13.96 For the motion described in Problem 13.95, determine (a) the maximum distance between the origin and the collar, (8) the corresponding speed. (Hint: Solve by trial and error the equation obtained for r.) PROBLEM 13.95 Collar 8 weighs 10 tb and is attached to a spring of constant 50 ib/ft and of undeformed length equal to 18 in, ‘The system is set in motion with r= 12 in., v= 16 fs, and v, = 0. Neglecting the mass of the rod and the effect of friction, determine the radial and transverse components of the velocity of the collar when r= 21 in, SOLUTION Conservation of angular momentum, Conservation of energy. Spring: Spring: 8 in. ~ (30 in. — Fax) ng 12 in, Praag 1 Lied 2 7, =4 4a} =1(50 t/q, —1)? FAA} =1 (50 f/f ray —1) TAK =T +l 12560 1109 1 EEO LO, Fm —D Fog ag tz OMan —D? @) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All ight served. No part of thir Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or dtribted in any for or by any means, without the prior riers prmusion ofthe publisher. oF wsed bevond the lined tisribuion to teachers and educators permite by MeGrow Hl for thei individual course preparation ifn area sudo wing is Seal ow are using it without permission as PROBLEM 13.96 (Continued) (@ Substituting for vy from (1) into (2) g= 32.2 fs? Solving by tral: Fogg, = 211 (6) Substituting into (1) vy = lO fs 2 = 0.628% —D? Jing 7253 in. vy =TSRR PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGrail Companies, Ie. All rights reserved, Mo prt of this Manual may be displayed, ‘epraduced or cstibuted in any form or By any means, withon the prio writen peemussin ofthe publisher, or nsed bexond the fed “sribetion to teachers and educators permed hy feGrow- Hl fo thelr dividual corse preparation If ew ae student asin his Maral, von ave sing it without permission 06 PROBLEM 13.97 Solve Sample Problem 13.8, assuming that the elast (80/7) N directed toward O. SOLUTION (@) The force exerted on the sphere passes through 0. Angular momentum about 0 is conse Minimum velocit is at B, where the distance from Q is maximum, Maximum velocity is at C, where distance from O is minimum, rym, Sin 60 =r, rv, (0.5 m)(0.6 kg)(20 mis)sin 60 = 7, (0.6 ky)», 8.66 miservation of energy, AtPoint A, 20 At Point 8, {and Point Cy 120-160 =0.93 @ Substitute (1) into (2) ~0-03(88] 2 rd -2r, + 0.5625=0 =0.339m and 7, =1.661m Tyg =1.661 m in 0339 m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2009 The McGraw ill Companies, ne. All igh reserved. Bo part of hit Manuel may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any farm or by any means, sethou the prior written permission of the publisher, or aaed beyond the lite Aistibution to teachers and educators pormited by cra forthe livia course preparation Ifyou are astet using this Mana, Yow are using i without persion on PROBLEM 13.97 (Continued) (0) Substitute 7, and >, from results of Part (a) into (1) to get corresponding maximum snd minimum values of the speed. » _ 8.66 25.6 mis y, 25.6 ms 0.339 Voy = 5.21 nis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McCraw mmpanies Inc, Al sights reserved, No port ofthis Mana! may be cplayed. reproduced or disrauted in amy form or by any means, withon the por written permission ofthe publishes, o” sed Deyond the Tinted arbution ta teachers and cduceiors permed by McGhee fo ther inva cone preperasion. you area student sig ths Mana Dwar use whut pormasion os PROBLEM 13.98 A L8kg collar A and a 0.7-kg collar B can slide without friction on a frame, consisting of the horizontal rod OF and the vertical rod CD, which is free to rotate about CD. The two collars are connected by a cord running over a pulley that is attached to the frame at O. At the instant shown, the velocity vy, of collat 4 has a magnitude of 2.1 mvs and a stop prevents collar B from moving. If the stop is suddenly removed, determine (a) the velocity of collar A when it is 0.2 m from O, (2) the velocity of collar A when collar B comes to rest (Assume that collar B does not hit O, that collar 4 does not ‘come off rod OE, and that the mass of the frame is negligible.) SOLUTION (@) Conservation of angular momentum about D, C. OL myn, o4)= 0.2 mM Dy Wy, -($3)ea m/s) =1.05 ms Conservation of energy Dv,=21ms 7 3 8 kg)(2.1 mis)? =3.969.) Choose datum for 8 at its initial position and note that the potential energy of A does not change. Thus, wwe take ¥, =0. @ (jp =1.050 ms (Wy = (Kinematics) mg) 4 +e jh mah)? €.8 ka .050 mi’)? +0] +L0.7 hen Ty =0.9923+1.25(04,)2 mp3 (0.1 m) = (0.7 kgy(9.81 nvs?)(0.1 m) = 0.6867) y+V, 396940 =0,992341.25(¥4)} +0.6867 (4) = 1.832 m/s"; (ij =1.354 ms PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, rypraduced or dsmibuted in any form or by any mene, won the rian written permission of the publisher. or use beyond te lined stebaion to teachers eid cca pernted by Me Cran for thet indivihal canoe prearatits If ye arcastudert ting his Manu, sou ore using I thon permission oy PROBLEM 13.98 (Continued) MeeVee ODE = [(0.05)? +-(1.354)° |? =1.713 mis o=tan Or. WDn 1 = tan =37.8° 113 mis £378” € (B) When B comes to rest, the distance x moved by 4 and B is unknown. Conservation of angular mon about D, (OL mone, )(04) = OAL m4 x MOM IO Dp Kinematies ‘Thus, v {nan Consertion of exes rece rece cca oF Lok Ways o AL, @L here ¥ ra ee paron 1 2 = 108 ke2.1 < 3! c2)(2.1)" 7, =3.969 5 At@, Wide =O Ling? =09v2 2 V, = mga = (0.7 kgy(9.81 mis?) F, = 6.867 TAvetth, All sights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, aproduced or disribued in any form or by any means, wilout the rior written permision of the publisher, or used beyond the lnited disibution to teachers amd eden ponies hy MeCrane- Hl for thelr lividna course preparation I ou area student ning his Mana, Yo are using i wath permission oo PROBLEM 13.98 (Continued) From conservation of angular momentum, xattl og v4 ‘Thus, 3.969 = 0.9v' + (6.867). 3.969, = 0.9V + 1.442 -0.6867¥4, 4.6857, = 0.9v}, +1.442 S.UTB v4, = vip 41.602 By trial: V,=0316 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All hts teserved. No part of this Mana! my be aplayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any farm oF By any moans, walhon the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the tinted isribution teachers end ecacators permed by Metall forte indvicual conve preeaation If yoeaeastent using this Mende, Dow ave sing i pormicion on PROBLEM 13.99 Using the principles of conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum, solve Part a of Sample Problem 12.9, SOLUTION % km +6370 km fy = 6870 km = 6.87108 m - On Ye 3.6x10°s =10,25x10" m/s A [22 Jones vy, 60a 108m (1880x10" mp Ty 4, =Ty +¥ 53 dav, -2 010° m= mv = 2,604 x10%m vj = vj $393.3 10%(m"s?) @ (@) Speed ata: Substitute vp in (1) into (2) vifl- (0.9298)"]=393.3x10" vi =2.903x10° vg = 1.704x10" mis v4 =1704 mis ©) AtPoint From (1) and result in (a) yp = (0.9298)1704) v9 =1584.0 mis Command module isin circular orbit, ry =1.88%108 m (Bg, 12.44) _ eae 1.88x10° =1613.8 m/s: 613.8-15840 Yq =29.8 mls Relative velocity PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGraw Hil Companies, le. All rights served. No par ofthis Marsal muy be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, withowt the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lite distribution fo teachers an educators permited by McGraw Hil fr thet indivi course preparation Iyouarccastdent wih his Monte. on ave sing ito permission or PROBLEM 13.102 ‘The optimal way of transferring a space vehicle from an inner circular orbit to an outer coplanar circular orbit is to fice its engines as it passes through A to increase its speed and place it in an elliptic transfer orbit, Another increase in speed as it passes through B will place it in the desired circular orbit. For a vehicle in a circalar orbit about the earth at an altitude f= 200 mi, which is to be transferred to a circular orbit atan altitude A, = 500 mi, determine (a) the nequited increases in speed at A and at B, (6) the total energy per unit mass required to execute the transfer. SOLUTION Elliptical orbit between 4 and B. Conservation of angular momentum, 21965" 4 = 3960 mi + 200 mi 21.965x108 8 v4 = 1072p a ry = 3960 mi +500 mi = 4460 mi Fy =23.549108 fh R= (3960)(5280) = 20,909%10° f. Conservation of energy. GM = gR? = (32.2 fs? )(20.909% 10° fy” GM = 14.077 10" is? Point 4 14 = 640.8910 m ee Point B: Tash 26M _ nary) _26M (ory aR ( =) R ® PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ight reserved. No part of thir Manna may be displayed ‘reproduced or dsuibued any fren or by any means, thot the prior vrtten permession ofthe publisher or wsed beyond the lnkted isibntion wo teachers and edcatorspormited by Metra for thes advil course preparation Ifyou areas! nin his Meme dow are using it withont permission. ost PROBLEM 13.112" (Continued) For any circular orbit man evn Newton's second law ti For r=nR, Substituting for vp in (3) _2n= Hsin? 8 sin?@) a=sin8, QED. < Probe will just miss the planet if @ = 90%, word i < if ntl Note n-ne) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne AIL ighis served. No part of dis Manual may be dispar ‘epreduced or ditibued in ey form or by any mins, without the prior vt person ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the Limite isribton fo teachers eed actors parnlited by Ba-Ilfor thi individu ours preparation If yo area student wing is Alana, don arening i dion! permission 68 PROBLEM 13.113 ‘Show that the values v, and vp of the speed of an earth satellite at the apogee A and the perigee P of an elliptic orbit are defined by the relations 22 26M tp 4 EN Uy where M is the mass of the earth, and ry and rp represent, respectively, the maximum and minimum distances of the orbit to the center of the earth, SOLUTION Conservation of angular momentum. wo Conservation of energy. 1 yt Gl sw 3 @ Substituting for v, fiom (1) into @) with Exchanging subscripts P and A 2 26M (: OO tT | QED. < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie, All rights reserve. No part of sis Manual me he dspleed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, wuhou the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the times dstrtution we wachers end educators peroited by MeCratHl for ther tno course preparation. Uf you are student sing this Mav ‘yr are sing i widhou permission. os PROBLEM 13.144 Show that the total energy £ of an earth satellite of mass m describing an elliptic orbit is iMini(ry +p), where M is the mass of the earth, and r, and 7 represent, respectively, the maximum and minimum distances of the orbit to the center Of the earth. (Recall that the gravitational potential energy of a satellite was defined as being zero at an infinite distance from the earth.) ‘SOLUTION ‘See solution to Problem 13.113 (above) for derivation of Equation (3). ‘ vps 20M te 4 o—-- G Cate) te ‘Total energy at Point P is = Ty 4+¥p = bmg Sl ro Af 2GMm r,]_GMim 2 Cnt -ovn| 2] atm) tp ” Goin 4") i oli h) onm 4 rth ‘Nore: Recall that gravitational potential of a satellite is defined as being zero at an infinite distance from the earth. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL ‘© 2009 ‘the McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All righ reserved. No par ofthis Maraual may be dared reproduced ordisiribnted in any form or by any mec, whoa the prior soritien permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the linited sibs to teachers ond educors peated Dy Aiaw-Hil for thes indie course preparation Yfvou area student wing Ds anual, ou are ning it without permission PROBLEM 13.115 A spaceeratt of mass m describes a circular orbit of radius 7, around the earth. (a) Show that the additional energy AE which must be imparted to the spacecraft to transfer it to a circular orbit of larger radius 7 is where is the mass of the earth, (b) Further show that if the transfer from one circular orbit to the other is executed by placing the spacecraft on a transitional semielliptic path 4B, the amounts of energy AE, and AE, which must be imparied st 4 and B are, respectively, proportional tor, and 7 SOLUTION (@ Foracireular orbit of radius Pema,: GMm __ GMs Ain 1 Gin o) , 2 ‘Thus AE tequited to pass from circular orbit of radius »; to circular orbit of radius 7 is 1GMm zn QED. @ (2) Foran elliptic orbit, we recall Equation (3) derived in Problem 13.113 (with yp» =4) 2Gm_r itn) a At Point 4: Initially spaccerait is in a circular orbit of radius > _GM Tg = Ag, =m EM PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Componies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of thir Manual may he diyptayes ‘epreduced or distributed in any form oF by any means, wilon the prior wvtton permission ofthe publisher or wed beyond the Tamed Atisibuton to teachers an educators permite by Metra for irda conse preparation Ifo ance stant wing hs Manel. ‘ote are ing tion person. ot PROBLEM 13.115 (Continued) ‘After the spacecraft engines are fired and it 26M. Gn) 7 21, 2GMr, an =m 2 Gen) placed on a semi-elliptic path AB, we recall and At Point 4, the increase in energy is Cres ae Tees) 2% | GMm(y, ~5) ak, ne | ny | Recalling Equation (2): OEa= 7 ” ae OLD A similar derivation at Point B yields, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw il Companies, In. All ights reserved. No part of this Maal may be displayed repradhced or dtribuied in any form or By ay moans, who the prior writin permission of the publisher, ov ase beyond the Tite! Usteibation to teachers aad educators peed By MeGrave Hl for tbs india course preparation Wfyomareastudent wsog this Manual ot are using it widho permission. 62 PROBLEM 13.116 A missile i fired from the ground with an initial velocity v, forming an angle oy with the vertical. If the missile is to reach a maximum altitude equal took, where R is the radius of the earth, (a) show that the required angle gy is defined by the relation soncorafzt[ tal y where ¥,. is the eseape velocity, (b) determine the range of allowable values of ¥y. SOLUTION @ Conservation of angular momentum, Rosin gy = Fry m= REAR=(1ba)R vy sin sin A , (a) i Conservation of energy. Substituting for vp fiom (1) vali’ 208in( @ 7 R \ita From Equation (12.43). @) J een PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All hts reserved. No part of thi Marea! maybe cliplayed reproduced or doteuted i ny form or by any means. without the prior written permission of te publiche. or sed Boyond the lined , that i, if E> 0 < 2, Parabola if €=1, that ig, i= 0 < 3. Bllipse if <1, thatis, if £<0 < and Note: For citcular orbit € 26 but for circular orbit thus PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGi-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No purt ofthis Manual may De displayed, eprodced ov distributed any form or by any means, without the prior writen pormntion of he publisher, ar used beyond te lined Usteibuton to teachers and edcotespornited by MeCraveHil fr thetrindbvihal course preparation If yoware.astcen! sing this Manual Yow are nein wih persission. 8 PROBLEM 13.119 A 1200-kg automobile is moving at a speed of 90 kin/h when the brakes are fully applied, causing all four wheels to skid. Determine the time required to stop the automobile (a) on dry pavement (4 = 0.75), (b) on an icy road (4 = 0.10). SOLUTION = Fok /h = 25 m/s og a+ OM). Cae aeawe. PPE rt = 14H HW me the (@) Por 4, =0.15 2s 13405 € (0.75)(9.81 m/s?) () For 4, =0.10 25 mis Poe ae 25.58 ¢ (0.10)9.81 mis") PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Conypeniss, Ine. All ightsceserved, No rt of this Manuel may be dplayed ‘reproduced or ditibted in any form ar by any means, without the prior sien permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the lined distribution 1 teachers and educators permited by McCraw or det livia course preparation: Ifearea stent wing ths Mana, Yow are wing i withow permission, os PROBLEM 13.120 ‘A.40,000-ton ocean liner has an initial velocity of 2.5 mi/h, Neglecting the frictional resistance of the water, | determine the time required to bring the liner to rest by using a single tugboat Which exerts a constant force of 35 kips. SOLUTION Wie 26 wile SM? Ey my —e + = (40,000 tons)( 100 Ib/tons) 32.2 fs? (3.667 fis) - 5,000 Ibyi=0 Amin20s € 2603s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ine. All hts reserved, No part of this Manwal maybe displayed ‘reproduced or dicrituted in any form or by any means, wilont the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited isribaton to teachers and dc atns permed by MeGranHil for thet indridal course preparation lf youarccastadent using this Manual Sou are i tout pormiston on PROBLEM 13.121 ‘The initial velocity ofthe block in position A is 30 fs. Knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is {4 =0.30, determine the time it takes for the block to reach B with zero velocity, if (a) 0=0, (B) 0 = 20° SOLUTION @ @=0 we al oa enzo mye Peta yeu atts) ina (32.2 fs (0.30) () — @=20° wut sinzo enter g - weeos 2 _oncm A + Uae wt” Fee’ WU, ITO? Ne=wkeosr0% Impulse-momentum in x direction w 4/4 —v, — 14, Wteos20°— Wisin 20° = & rae Waser (Ut, €0820° + sin 20 3S 1214935 4 (62.2 £5? (0.30c0820° + sin 20°) ” PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-lill Compauies, We. All its reserved. No part ofthis Manvel may be diplayed, reproduced ov dsibued iv any form or by any meons, who the prior vriten permission ofthe publisher or use beyond the lined distribution to teachers and educators permited by MeCiras-Hl forthe svi conse preparation ifs are sun! wing ie Mens), Yon are using ie wihont permission, on PROBLEM 13.122 ‘A 2-kg particle is acted upon by the force, expressed! in newtons, F =(8-6)i+(4~-1))+ (449k. Knowing that the velocity of the particle is v= (150 m/s)i-+ (100 mv/s)j~(250 avis)k at = 0, determine (a) the time at which the velocity of the particle is parallel to the yz plane, (5) the cortesponding velocity of the particle SOLUTION nivy + [Ral = mv a Where fier fe—o01+4—Pyj+4+9K) Jolene Ci + 100} 250K into (1): a 7 L =(81-3)44[ 4r— vie[ a 7 Substituting m=2 kg, (2. kg\(1501 +100) ~250k) + 8" =a ie{ a Wy (a tele yo (sonar Ze Jb{to0sar—Le)ja(-asneare jee 2 6 4 (@) visparallel to yz plane when v,=0, that is, when =0 1142s falas 6) [i020 422-241 «oy | o[-s0sa04nye4e1.0 = (125.5 mls)j (104.5 mis)k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCrus-Hill Corapanies, Ine AI rghts reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be dplayed, reprodseed or donibted in any frm ory any means, sion the pron woten permission of the publisher. or used beyond the Lnited istrbusion to fochers and edo porntd Pry Metra Hl for ety ndlondul couse preparation Afyoncare asta asin Hs Maral, ow are wsing if withond pormision. on PROBLEM 13.123 Skid marks on a drag race track indicate that the rear (@rive) wheels of a car slip for the first 60 ft of the 1320-fi track. (@ Knowing that the coefficient of Kinetic friction is 0.60, determine the shortest possible time for the car to travel the initial 60-ft portion of the track if it starts fiom rest with its front wheels just off the ground, (6) Determine the minimum time for the car to run the whole race if, after skidding for 60 fi, the wheels roll without sliding for the remainder of the race. Assume for the rolling portion of the rave that 660 percent of the weight is on the rear wheels and that the coefficient of static friction is O85. Ignore air resistance and rolling resistance, SOLUTION (a) First 60. ‘Velocity at 60 fi. Rear wheels skid to generate the maximum force resulting in maximum velocity and ‘minimum time since all the weight is on the rear wheel: this force is F Work and ener Ty toc = Tey few eo. (6032.2 B08") 48.15 fs Heats ita PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rights serve, No pat of this Manual may be dpa ‘reproduced or disitted tn cy form or by any mos, without the prior written permission af the publ, oF ted Besone the ted isibution to teachers an edcaors permite by MeCirw-Hil for thi Indiv conse preparation If yon area student tog ths Manuel, one ane singin permision ons PROBLEM 13.123 (Cont (6) For the wh ‘The maximum force on the wheels for the first 60 ft is F = 4H = 0.60%, For remaining 1260 f, the ‘maximum force, ifthere is no sliding and 60% of the weight is on the tear (drive) wheels, is mace F = 1,(0.60) W =(0.85)(0.60)7 = 0.5109" Velocity at 1320 2 ‘Work and energy. Ty + Uy gy +U, T= 0 Uy gq = (0.60 (60 2), Usg-rgo = (0.51097 11260 ft) 120 = Fisxo Viaan = 209.0 fs we Ve wt BE Mis F=u,N=0510" yg = 48.15 AUS Yano = 209 Us | (z js 15) 4051012209), =97988 & 2.248 49+9.80 fois 1-0 Fon-rsa0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAI. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, loc AIL rights served, No part of this Marval may be dspaved, ipraduced ov disibuted in cay form or ly eny mens, withont the prior written pormnsson ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Limited “iho tonto teachers nd eucaons permite By MeCiranw-Hl for their indiondual eourse preparation. yew areastdent using this Manual dow are sing i tou! persion om PROBLEM 13.124 A truck is traveling on a level road at a speed of 90 kin/h when its brakes are applied to slow it down to 30 ki, An antiskid braking system limits the braking force to a value at which the wheels of the truck are just about to slide. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between the road and the wheels is 0.63, determine the shortest time needed for the truck to slow down, SOLUTION 3) =90 km/h = 25 ns poe + = ory, [rreue MO. new (25 mis) —(0.65)n(9.81 mis? je = m(8.33 mis) 25-833 (0659.81) ani PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MoCrav-Aill Companies, Ine, All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be died ‘reproduced or ditributed in any form or By any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. or sed bexond the Tinted dvribuion to teachers ed educators permed by MeGravelil fr thet india course preparation Ifyou areca studen nv hi Marna, Dover using twin permission os, PROBLEM 13.125 A truck is traveling down a road with a 4-percent grade at a speed of 60 mish when its brakes are applied to slow it down to 20 mish, An antiskid braking system limits the braking foree to a value at which the wheels of the truck are just about to slide, Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between the road and the wheels time needed for the truck to slow down, SOLUTION ws tS : Vall Ce [ Me © [Same i 00 O=taw 29° my, +E imp,» = mv, AN my tHe NO~ Fr = me, Qmih=88 1s N=Weos@ W=mg vy = 20 mih=29.33 fs F=4,N = 1, cos (A 188 fs) + GF IB2.2 Ls MaN(sin 2.29°) —(0,60)( (32.2 fs? eos 2.29°\(1} = (yf )(29.33 fils) 88.0~ 29.33 Eee eee =3.26 2I(0.60) c0s2.29°—sin 2.29") aes PROPRIETARY MATERIA, © 2009 The MeGraw-4Iill Companies Ine. All ght reserved. No part of this Manual mey be displayed, Iepreduced ov distributed in an form or By any means, who the prior written permission of the publisher, or ased beyond the Tanited asridaton to eachers an ecucatrs permite by MeCira-Hl fr tel individual course preparation. Ifyou arcastent using hs Mantua, Spo are wang i shout permission, 618 PROBLEM 13.126 Baggage on the floor of the baggage car of a high-speed train is not prevented from moving other than by friction. Determine the smallest allowable value of the coefficient of static friction between a trunk and the Noor of the car if the trunk is not to slide when the train decreases ils speed at a constant rate from 200 kaw/h 10 90 km/h in a time interval of 12. SOLUTION 200 kan/h = 55.56 mis 90 kinvh = 25.0 mis. = hy (55.56 m/s) ~ 4, 9.81 ms? )(12 8) = 25 mis Fy Hh et _ (65.56 ~25.0) ~~ O82) 0.2596 1, =0.260 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No part of this Mana! may be displayed inprodueed or dbsributed in cay form or by any means, ido the prior written permision of the publisher or rsed Beyond the Toned dlisribin t teachers and edveaions permuted by MeGrawHil for ter individual course preparation. Ifyon arc student wi his Manuel, yoware sing ition’ permission on PROBLEM 13.127 Solve Problem 13.126, assuming thatthe tra is going down a 5-percent grade. PROBLEM 13.126 Baggage on the floor of the baggage car of a high-speed train is not prevented from moving other than by friction. Determine the smallest allowable value of the coefficient of static friction between a trunk and the floor of the car if the trunk is not to slide when the train decreases its speed at a constant rate from 200 kivvis to 90 kmh in a time interval of 12s, SOLUTION vy, =90 kmvh = 25.0 mvs Ayal ears Ni =W Shi ty it» 60804 Ae 16088) (55.56 m/s) —14,(9.81 mis? )(12 s)(cos 2.86°) + (9.81 m/s*)(12 s)(sin 2.86%) = 25 mis 55.56~ 25.0 + (9.81)(012\(sin2.86°) 0310 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All righ wserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or distiuted in ay form or by any means, wilwon He prior written permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the Linted dsriuton to teachers ana educators permite by Meranda indviual course preparation. {yon ane student wing his Mane, bo are sing i wn’ permision om PROBLEM 13.128 A sailboat weighing 980 Ib with its occupants is running downwind at 8 mish when its spinnaker is raised to inerease its speed. Determine the net force provided by the spinnaker over the 10-s interval that it takes for the boat to reach a speed of 12 mifh, SOLUTION my +imp,2 =m m(11.73 15) + F, (10 s) = mi(17.60 fs) 980 Ib)17.60 RVS~11.73 fs) F, = CRT Me F,=17.86 1b (02.2 AMMO S) Note: F, is the net force proviced by the sails. The force on the sails is actually greater and includes the force needed fo overcome the water resistance on the hull PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGeaw-Hill Companies, Ine, All ights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed ‘produced or dsribated in any form oF by any men, without the prior writin permission of th publisher, ov used beyond the Limited ‘stuaion teachers edacorspernited hy MeGraw-Hilfor their individual conrse preparation, Ityow ance student wing his Manual ou are wing without prmision ”

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