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Advantages geologists have the ability to speak English well

Advantages geologists have the ability to speak English well is to facilitate them to
learn the science of geology, this is because the terms in geology generally using the English
language and will sound odd when translated into Indonesian. Reference book on the geology
of the world is generally in English, when we learn to use the book translate (from Englishspeaking guide) is often translated with the wrong meaning or the meaning is difficult to
understand, it can lead us astray in their understanding.
Additionally because the geology is the science of global studied throughout the
world and therefore the geologically to have the ability to speak English well will facilitate
geological communicate with geological in other countries, while the English language itself
is an international language that is commonly used as a language of communication between
nations ,
And then, the companies 'in Indonesia related to geology is dominated by foreign
companies, of course, the English language used in communicating the company. In the era
of globalization, where the workforce is growing and progressing in expanding its scope to
cross-country, the role of English is increasingly needed. So do not be surprised if the world
of work provide high value to someone who can speak English. It is true that the world of
work requires someone with special expertise in areas of the profession, but specialized skills
will be very remarkable if supported by English language skills. In short, the world of work
requires special skills to act, and the English language to communicate as well as support for
its actions.

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